, '8 msssm mt Page 8 College Station, Texas Wednesday, September 1, 1971 THE BATTAUO David Hoot looks to break Aggie interception mark this season By BILL HENRY Assistant Sports Editor David Hoot, who played in the shadow of Dave Elmendorf for two years, will finally get a chance to show sport fans around the country that he is by no means the “understudy” of El mendorf. Hoot has already been tabbed as the Southwest Confer ence’s first team strong safety while Elmendorf spent his college days as free safety. The irony of the Elmendorf- Hoot battle is that both tied for the conference lead in intercep tions with six last season. Work ing together, they were the most prolific defensive backs in the SWC. Hoot, the 6-2, 202 lb. senior, will start his third varsity season with A&M only four interceptions away from Elmendorf’s all-time Aggie record of twelve. Aggie opponents will get a dif ferent feel of Hoot this season with the addition of ten pounds to his frame. The jolt will be more powerful than in past seasons with no loss to velocity. Hoot is one of the select few that have ever been through four Spring Trainings having never been redshirted. This incident oc curred because of his graduation from Houston Reagan at mid term and enrolling that same Jan uary at A&M. “I feel that having gone through this first spring training session before my fresh man football season did more to help my football career than any other one thing I’ve ever done in athletics,” Hoot explained. David went on to take all-SWC freshman honors that next fall on the undefeated Fish squad. college athletics, the decision was a tough one. Three distressing problems came into conflict with football including his small frame. bank on the football route at 150 lbs. In his prep days in Houston, Hoot took all-district and all-zone honors playing fullback and quar terback at 150 lbs. He also let tered four years in baseball and three in basketball. When con templating which route to take in First, his brother Don Young played professional baseball with the Chicago Cubs and many base ball teams around the country wanted David. Second, with his great basketball ability, the schol arship avalanched in and gave him the perfect chance for a col lege education since he could not He met with Coach Shelby Met calf, head basketball coach, dur ing a visit on campus and decided at that time that football was his calling and approached Coach Stallings. one of those starting slots at j meeting. In most instances ail athlete will be coerced intoj other position better suited 1 the college style of play and j need of the team. This confrontation proved re warding to both individuals as Stallings was about to lose his entire defensive backfield to grad uation. Hoot had his mind set on After three years of football, David Hoot will plat the position he ventured to i (strong safety) with only ti games in filling in foraninjc cornerback due to injuries to sp his record as “full-time," t n BABY BEEF T-Bone STEAKS 99 BABY BEEF c lb Rump Roast 83 C lb BABY BEEF Round STEAK Tender ized $|09 PIKES PEAK 53 HOI cy sci considi extend yond 1 Apollo OPEN LABOR DAY ROUND STEAK . 97 Health and Beauty Aids HAIR SPRAY " !!t^49c ASPIRIN “"1 . 10 lw'“1789c LOTION !' / u^89c r'";V'4£8» nib flii Hi jilt . h / j | 4.: “W=fe. 5 V" rtS iir v \ r ' v;:.: Loin Tip Roast Loin Tip Steak Sirloin Steak * Veal Cutlets » $|(H $1l« 99 $13! Dr. planet group Center ferent explor; but he are b gleam U.S.D.A. Grade 'A' DEODORANT 9 L f.:^89c Every Day Low Prices BONNIE BAKER Bread l‘/ 2 Lb. Loaf 29 French’s Salad MUSTARD Bonnie Baker POTATO CHIPS Show Boat PORK & BEANS 9-Oz. Jar 19c lo oz - 39c Twin Pak 4 1 c^»49c American, Whole DILL PICKLES ?ar49c Chicken of The Sea CHUNK TUNA . 6 -£37c Grade ‘A’ Large EGGS 43c PRICES EFFECTIYE SEPT 2-3-4 QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED Farm Fresh Produce | U. S. NO. 1 WASHINGTON — RUSSET I Fryers - 29 POTATOES Fresca - Sprite - Tab COKES 3 $ 6 Btl. Ctns. Plus Deposit Limit 3 With $5.00 Purchase, Excluding Cigarettes & Beer. POUND NAPKINS 10 Dixie 9” White :j:i Vine Ripe | TOMATOES LareeSiM S: California | NECTARINES..... California 1 HONEY DEW MELONS 8 8 :!:• Thompson, Seedless | GRAPES ,.b.39c | Northern 12-Oz. Pkg. Paper Plates 49 1 SARA LEE CAH 79' HOI James alist li nesday ter its from : Shei gion’s that r ciples lead t( nation “W1 of Na may 1 tions he sai The when China and a said, “ ing nr tions poster Con quiete of St? lined norma China Unitet to ret public The addres gionm tradit China they 1 policy Thurs In comm Tennessee MIXED VEGETABLE 20-Oz. Pkgs. $ 1 ' // V4 | sP. -> dow 1 . 'mree ^bbaTsi&ws td seBvt -yfeij serrER 43o9TSXfl6 6^6 3SIIp