‘ > THE BATCMJON rnlW^i Station, Toza* r. A« si. mi EFT ro bu\ >own hall SEASON TICKETS FACULTY - STAFF # • Jl , / , * for $12.00 12 season performances . ' T TOWN HALL S«pt. 10, 1971 — John Denver Helen Reddy Oct. 22, V971 — The Carpenters Nov. 5„1971 — Kris Kristofferson Seal and Crofts 4 March 3,1972 — To Be Announced ~ * * 1 . A April 22, 1972 — To Be Announced 4 H I # I. • » • ' |S'. ' »*f• ,* »•* -v*.! ■ ■ ■ U ■J^-r / / ARTIST SHOWCASE Oct. 20, 1971 — Alma Trio Nov. 10, 1971 —"Robert Guthrie Guitarist Nov. 17, 1971 — U.T. Collegium 'Musicum Jan. 27, 1972 — U.T..Jazz Ensemble Feb. 24, 1972 — John Ogdon Pianist March 9, 1972 — Jeannine Grader Soprano mv *1?* a» t* «t • ' o April 11, 1972 — San Antonio Symphony . 7 ' / i t FOR *4.00-YOUR OWN RESERVED SEAT $8.00 - FOR YOUR DATE OR WIFE ; # • TOWN HALL SERIES Wl-72 ‘ PROMT. .V. - Please Print or Type Full Name ADDRESS r r 4 Number k Street City and State Enclosed is self addressed stamped envelope and $ at $ each. Zip Code for ... Season Reserved Seats SEASON TICKET PRICES MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: TOWN HALL SERIES A*M Student w/Activity Card $4 00 TEXAS A AM UNIVERSITY Sin » te E T ent Ticket Prices* AAM Student D*«* or Spouse n$8.00 j ORDER NO. _ • '| v 1 Telephone No. A AM Faculty or Staff . patron' $12.00 Student Program Office ™ p - 0 Bo* S718 $ 14.0Q College Station, Texas 77840 Ticket orders will be filled in the order received. Please indicate preference: MAIN FLOOR' WEST BALCONY Information Call: 846-4671 or 8464616 THE CARPENTERS Reserved seats — $6.00, $4.60, $4.00, and $3.60 General Admission * AAM Student Date $8.00 AH Others $8.60 (except THE CARPENTERS) Reserved Seats AAM Student A Date $2.26 A $2.60 all others $4.60 A $6.00 General Admission AAM Student Date $2.00 Other Student eo ka All Others ARTIST SHOWCASE Single Concert Ticket Prise** AAM Student Date Faculty, Staff, Patron Other Students DEAN OF STUDENTS James P. Hannigan addresses new students at a general assembly Aug. 26 attended by more than 3,000. The students also heard AAM President Jack K. Williams, Student Senate President John Sharp, and Civilian Student Council President Gordon Pilmar. > . Campus' briefs Karate Club begins classes The Tee Kwon Do Karste Club ie regi*t*rinff students through Wednesday for beginning and ad vanced karate clasaea this fall. Chief instructor David Jordan said interested persons should contact him at 846-0695, meet Tuesday at 5 p.m. in 261 White Coliseum or at the Karate Insti tute, 2011 S. College, st 3 p.m. Wednesday. Demonstrations and registra tion will be conducted at the Tuesday and Wednesday meet ings. The Tae Kwon Do Club ia af filiated with the U. S.' Karate Association, the only nationally- recognised group. Jordan holds the second degree black belt and ia Texas' representative to the U. S. Karate Association. Jordan will be assisted by several in structor aides. ★ ★ ★ Fox appointed to Navy committee ‘ Dr. M. J. Pox, associate profes sor’ of 'indosffial Ai^iKeering st AAM, has been appointed to « three-year term on the National Navy Resolutions Committee of the Reserve Officers Association. Announcement was made by Capt Oliver W. Majors, vice- president of the organisation. The committee has responsibil ity for formulating resolutions to be presented at the national convention. Pox, the only Texan on the committee, holds the rank of com mander and ia vice president of naval affairs for ths Texas as sociation. He will attend the fall service committee conference at Omaha Oct. 2. ★ ★ ★ AAM to sponsor Ihms in lecture tour Orlan L. Ihms has completed summer course preparation at Oak Ridge, Term., for an atomic energy lecture AAM will sponsor in West and Southwest Texas schools during 1971-72. * He will begin the tour Sept. 7 at Brownwood High School. Dims completed an eight-week Pak Ridge Associated l aiver- sities course in six weeks and is making final preparations. The former Llano Junior High School science teacher will bring a panel track carrying "This Atomic World” demonstration lecture equipment to the campus next week. Enroute he will visit a Tennessee Valley Authority nuclear power plant. Young Bros, of Waco awarded Easterwood Airport contract COLLEGE STATION—A $569,- 735.50 contract was awarded Tuesday by the Texas AAM Uni versity System Board of Direc tors to Young Brothers .Inc. of Waco for renovation of Easter wood Airport. Work is expected to begin within a month. The contract includes overlay, leveling and strengthening Run way 16/34, the instrument run way for the community airport which is owned and operated by the university. Other improvements included in the contract are repair of the 16/34 taxhraye, reconstruction and expansion #f the parking apron and site preparation for an instrument landing system. Taxas AAM initiated the reno vation project after receiving a matching grant through the Fed eral Aviation Administration’s Airport Development Program. In addition to the work cov ered in the contract with the Waco firm, the overall project includes acquisition of a clear- sone easement for Runway 16 and relocation of s road near the south end of Runwey 34. The federal Rovernment will pay the entire cost for ILS equip ment installation, university offi cials noted. FOR BEST RESULTS s TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED ALLEN CMdsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE ‘Where satisfaction standard equipment" 2401 Texas Ave. 828-8002 ' OUR SPECIALTY 1/6 Carat Eye Clean Diamond For Senior Rinf^ $40 plus tax C. W. Vaner A Sons Nerth Gate 646-5616 sumes duties Sept 1 as vice pres ident for academic affairs. Cherry is vice president for business af fairs. Chemical Foundation awards AAM $3,000 Allied Chemical Foundation has awarded AAM |3,000 for continu ation of an animal science fellow ship initiated last year. R. E. Jones Jr. and Paul Culp . of Allied Chemical Corp* present ed the funds to AAM President Jack K. Williams Thursday during informal campus ceremonies. Jones, a 1953 AAM graduate, is Allied Chemical’s area manager for liquid feed in Houston, Culp, who received his degree from AAM in 1959, is assistant sales manager for liquid feed in Omaha. Dr. L. S. Pope, associate dean of agriculture, and Dorsey Mc Crary, development director, joined Dr. Williams in accepting the fellowship award. ★ ★ ★ Faculty reception to be held Sept. 7 The annual president’s recep tion for AAM faculty and staff will be held Sept. 7 in the Me- morial Student Center ballroom. New faculty-staff members will be honored guests at the 7-9 p.m. reception, but President Jack K. Williams emphasised that all faculty-staff and their spouses are cordially invited, along with retired personnel and their spous es and widows of former faculty- staff members. President^ and Mrs. Williams will be joined in the receiving line by Dr. end Mrs. John C. Calhoun Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Tom D. Cherry. Dr. Calhoun, currently vice president for programs, ss- New faculty welcomed by Calhoun Aug. 25 Formal welcome was extended • Aug. 25 to 124 new AAM faculty- staff members who attended a special orientation program in the Memorial Student Center. “We are happy to have you join the AAM family and look for ward to a productive year,” noted Dr. John C. Calhoun Jr., who officially welcomed the newcom ers on behslf of President Jack K. Williams who was out of town. Dr. Calhoun, vice president for programs, sssumet duties Sept. 1 ss vice president for academic «ffairs. He succeeds Dr. Horace R. Byers, who presided at the orientation. Military Science Dept, receives new officers Eight new Army officers and non-commissioned officers have been assigned in the Military Sci ence Department at AAM, Col. Thomas R. Parsons announced.. Working with Army ROTC ca dets will be LL Col. Donald E. Smith, executive officer; Maj. Rusaell Pierre Jr. and Maj. Ben jamin R. Schlapak, basic sectioa; M. Sgt. Alfred H. Petty Jr., ad vanced section; Maj. Thomas L. Avant, administrative officer, and S. Sgt. Joe B. Bryant HI, admin istrative section. Colonel Parsons said two others hare future duty dates. LAST DAY TODAY “MeCABLE & MRS. ^ MILLER** With Warrea Beatty STARTS TOMORROW Walt Disney's “SCANDALOUS JOHN** •CAMPUS) T DAY TODAY “THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS .With George C Scott STARTS TOMORROW * “FIVE EASY PIECES** QUEEN \t>NITB - ADULT ART “RIBALD TALES OF ROBIN HOOD* ; Sk v wav Twin WEST SC REIN AT 1:11 P. M. “LOVE STORY" ‘ With Ryan O’Neal At 1446 % a. “TELL ME YOU LOVE ME** bast screen at IiM p. M. “DIRfY OUTLAWS** At 19:19 p. a. “TOO LATR THE LAST HITE AT Itli P “ZEPPUN** i At 19 At * a. “CABLE HOUSE 1 II V