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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1971)
■ Paj-o 6 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Wednesday, April 28, li)71 Moon soil study being done here A&M’s nuclear reactor is beinfj used by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to ac tivate lunar material used in ex periments with plants. Dr. John D. Randall, director of the Nuclear Science Center, said the facility is radiating' five grams of lunar fines. The material was furnished by Dr. Paul S. Baur Jr. of North Texas State University who serves as an electron microscopist in the Botany Section of the Lunar Receiving Laboratory at NASA’s Manned Spacecraft Cen ter in Houston. Dr. Baur said the material, ob tained on the Apollo 11 flight, will be placed around the roots of lettuce, which will be allowed to grow for two weeks and then be tested for incorporation of any radioactive material in plant tis sues. The NASA visiting scientist said the experiment marks the first time activated moon materi al has been placed on plant sys tems. He said this is the first of five experiments involving three activations. After being activated, the moon material will be allowed to “cool” for approximately 30 days before beginning the lettuce experiment. The plants will be grown at the Nutdear Science Center. Unactivated lunar material has previously been placed on plants, Dr. Baur noted, with the surpris ing result that some of the plants grew taller and greener. He said the current series of experiments is designed to de termine what substance in the lunar material is responsible for the improved growth. For all your insurance needs See U. M. Alexander, Jr. ’40 221 S. Main, Bryan 823-0742 [HE State Farm Insurance Companies - Home Offices Bloomington, 111, We Buy Books Every Day Whether they are used on this campus or not. (They must be the latest edition.) FORMER BOARD MEMBERS Sterling C. Evans (left) of Houston and Wofford Cain (rigrht) of Dallas, both of whom retired in January from the Texas A&M University System Board of Directors, receive plaques of appreciation from Board President Clyde Wells of Granbury and Dallas. Evans and Cain, both Texas A&M graduates, have com bined service and association with their alma mater totaling - more than 100 years. Research taking guesswork out of chemical plant design Fr. Andrew Willemsen, C.M., J.C.L. speaks on NEW APPROACHES TO MORALITY Tonite at St. Mary’s Student Center 8:00 - 4:30 p. m. — Questions and Answers Fi fo Singing Cadets are honored at annual awards banquet Members of the Singing Cadets, including four who have served through the choral group five years or more, have been cited by the organization. Fourteen-semester members Tim Webb of Houston and Jim Cain of Brownsville and Tom Gerald of Amarillo and John Roby of Hous ton, with 10 semesters each, were among 34 Singing Cadets honored at the annual awards banquet. President and Mrs. Jack W. Williams attended the Saturday night event, at which videotape of the Singing Cadets’ perform ance on the Ed Sullivan Show was shown. President Richard Nixon, extend ing thanks for their participation April 18 in the White House re ligious service. Five Honorary Singing Cadets were named and presented plaques at the banquet. Boone noted that honorary memberships are pre sented to individuals who have given outstanding support and service to the organization. Director Robert L. Boone also read a letter to the Cadets from New honorary members are Mrs. Phillip Hamman, “Town Talk" program host on KBTX- TV; Frank K. Nicolas, staff as sistant to the commandant; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tharp of Bryan, whose son Bill is a senior mem ber of the Singing Cadets, and John West, A&M information of fice. They joined 25 honorees named since 1964, including Cong. Olin E. Teague, the late Gen. Earl Rudder, Mrs. Margaret Rudder, Mrs. John Connally and Mrs. Min- nette McFarland. Officers for 11171-72 also were introduced. They are president Bill Peavy of Dallas; vice presi dent James McLeroy, Houston; business manager Fred Jackson, Rockport; publicity manager James Randolph, Monahans; “Fermata” editor Mark Kidd, Harlingen, and librarian Bill Cox, Richardson. Outgoing president Larry Alt man of New Ulm presented gifts to Boone and Mrs. June Biering, pianist-accompanist. Research which is taking some of the guesswork out of the design and operation of chemical plant units is a cooperative effort of the Department of Chemical En gineering and various Texas oil and chemical corporations. Dr. C. 1). Holland, department head, said that the approach in which Aggie graduate students make use of industrial equipment as the pilot plant needed for re search study was innovated to work toward better understand ing among educational institu tions, industrial organizations, and federal supporting agencies. has made several trips to the Humble plant in Baytown to col lect data which he will use to devise a mathematical model to describe multicomponent liquid- liquid extraction. ROBERT HALSELL TRAVEL SERVICE Gregori Pendon does similar sampling and analysis at Mobil's installation at Vanderbilt. His Ph.D. dissertation will deal with the adsorption process. Reasoning that their industrial counterparts are too busy run ning their units to spend much time in studying the theory of the processes going on inside, the Aggie engineers work with com pany personnel at the plant site to conduct research in the interest of both education and practical results. Holland has been principal in vestigator of the research pro- gram in which Hutton and Pen don are flow participating since 1 !)(i7 with support from the Na tional Science Foundation. Sev eral Ph.D. dissertations and numerous journal articles have resulted from the research of students who have now graduated. AIRLINE SCHEDULE INFORMATION FARES AND TICKETS DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL By C Batts Fit Soutl will 1 open the ; vidua Th< golf golfe: Thur; Tei win : with three Meth< Chris each. up th m CALL 822-3737 1016 Texas Avenue — Bryan Adrian Hutton, working on his Ph.D. in chemical engineering. The reults of this research may be used to improve present opera tions and to design new processes. These sophisticated, yet useful models are being furnished to the Texas oil industry as a public service by A&M University. ARE YOU MOVING SOON? Moving furniture and household effects is a tricky] business — Let professionals do it and save! We have the ‘‘know how” and equipment to do the job. BEARD TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. 707 S. Tabor Bryan, Texas 77801 Ph. 713—822-2114 AGENTS FOR United Van Lines ??? V. sy,'-. Over 800 affiliated agents Our “Sanitized Vans" go anywhere with care Bassett Orr ’25 & ’33 Sales Manager ©IBSON’S DISCOUNT CENTER m ma ^ ^ 1402 Texas Ave. College Station, Texas STORE HOURS: MON. thru SAT. — 9 A. M. - 9 P. M. WE HONOR BOTH CARDS— BankAmericard Prices Effective April 29 & 30, May 1 Use Gibson Instant Credit SftHD YOUR MONEY where it does the most good ! ill : MICRIN 18 FI. Oz. Extra Strength : ;?m Our Reg. Now $1.10 Only TAME CREME RINSE 16 Oz. A creme rinse with body by Toni. n ^ Ji p 1 Now ^ ^ 0n, r 1.1 No. 569 ■it... 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