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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1971)
Page 2 College Station, Texas Tuesday, April 27, 1971 Listen up Last-minute pleas pour in Editor: Throughout this campaign, I have chosen to remain uninvolved in relation to individual candi dates. This lack of involvement has stemmed not from a lack of interest, but from a belief that the Student Senate president should be concerned with exercis ing the responsibilities of the of fice, and not with office-seeking on the part of individuals. How ever, certain facts must now be made clear. Roger Miller will work if elect ed as Student Senate president. I know this because I know he is deeply committed to student gov ernment and to making A&M bet ter for students. He has not re ceived much publicity for his ef forts as vice president, because representing student interests in university deliberations is not es pecially glamorous. Writing a proposal for the Board of Directors’ reconsidera tion of housing for coeds takes time, and serving as the student representative on the university committee to recommend the hir ing of a new dean of women is not exactly a news story. The whole point is that if stu dent government is going to get better, we need leadership dedi cated to doing the work necessary, which means more than superfi cial association with publicity oriented, vote-getting efforts. I strongly urge that you elect Roger Miller as President of the Student Senate. He is committed to working for you—ALL of you. Kent Caperton Student Senate President ★ ★ ★ Editor: My name is Sam Drugan and Pm announcing my candidacy for senior senator from the College of Science. I have served as jun ior senator from the College of Science this year and worked to make the Senate a more progres sive and representative student government. I would like to con tinue serving you in that capa city. I have served as the Soapbox Forum moderator in its first year, continually working for its im provement. I defended the pro posed new constitution for a Stu dent Association because I believ ed it was for the benefit of my constituents and the student body as a whole. I don’t think that stu dent government should be afraid to challenge old and antiquated ideas which don’t work for the benefit of students, deeply en trenched though those traditional ideas may be. Call me at 845-1878 or come by and see me in Puryear 7-L to discuss my ideas and opinions. I urge you to vote Wednesday to make sure that next year’s Sen ate is representative of your views —your choice is important. I think you will find me the best choice to represent the Class of ’72 from the College of Science. Sam Drugan Candidate for Senior Senator College of Science, Class of ’72 ★ ★ ★ Editor: Formerly running for the posi tion of junior senator from the College of Architecture and En vironmental Design, we would like to resign in favor of, and sup port of Nick Jiga. As president of this year’s Sophomore Class and its repre sentative on the Student Senate, Nick has done a great deal of innovative thinking and hard work in a progressive direction. Much of his enthusiasm was visible in the results of a “dream” ball and Sophomore Weekend. Upon reviewing his actions on the present Senate, we feel that Nick would do a highly successful job of representing next year’s juniors majoring in environmental design, building construction and landscape architecture. He is our choice as being the best man for the position. The word “action” seems to be a very contemporary call to duty. We ask that each individual in our college, and our school, do his small part and vote tomor row. Thank you. Dudley Anderson David Russell ★ ★ ★ Barrett for this esteemed position. The immaculate tradition of Tex as A&M demands the enthusiastic and responsible leadership that Daryl commands. Having known Daryl for many years, we wish to endorse his tre mendous potential. Due to cir cumstances, Daryl’s name was omitted from the ballot. We there fore respectfully urge your write- in vote for Daryl Barrett, senior yell leader! Steve Sullivan Head Drum Major ’72 Gregory Belin James L. Parker Roger Miller Student Senate V.P. Kirby Brown Issues Chairman ★ ★ ★ Editor: We believe that Bill Hartsfield is the person best qualified to be Student vice president. This year as Student Senate recording sec retary Bill has done an admirable job. Often, he has gone beyond the regular duties of this office in order to serve the best inter ests of the student body. During this past year, he proposed a limited pass fail system that will be in effect next fall and a Stu dent Services Fee “watchdog” Committee that will make recom mendations regarding the alloca tion of these fees. Bill has demonstrated the abil ity required by the office of Stu dent Senate vice president and the dedication to continue to strive for a responsible and re sponsive student government. We encourage you to vote on Wednes day for Bill Hartsfield for Stu dent Senate vice president. Cortlandt P Houchard ’73 Jimmy O’Jibway Student Senate P. R. Chairman C. A. Bedinger Vice President Graduate Student Council Editor: Class of ’72! It is your duty April 28 to elect Texas A&M yell leaders! It is our privilege to endorse the candidacy of Daryl Bingo—Weekdays at 5, BCS*TV/9. Nothing to buy. You need not be present to win. ★ ★ ★ Editor: This is a letter of support for George Zahaczewsky who has shown much interest in the stu dent body and the Student Sen ate. He has attended some of the meetings of the Senate as an interested student and has ex pressed a deep desire for repre senting the students, especially those in Liberal Arts. He is anx ious to become involved in the university and in the student gov ernment, and to stimulate other (See Candidates, page 3) Che Battalion Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax- supported, iion-profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. at Texas A&M, is ly except Saturdi Sunday, Monday, and holiday periods, Septembi May, and once a week during summer school. Saturday, through LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor must be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. They must be signed, although the writer’s name will be withheld by arrangement with the editor. Address correspondence to Listen Up, The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77813. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association The Associated Collegiate Press :ar !es Mail subscriptions are §3.50 per semester; §6 per school ■; $6.50 per full year. All subscriptions subject to 4 a tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Add: Battalion, Room 217, Servii ; $6.c Texas 77843. _ r ; §6 pei year. All subscriptions subject to 4%% hed on requesi ervices Building, College Stal The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the eproduction of all news dispatches credited to it itherwise credited in the paper and local ers < Lindsey, chairman ; F. S. White, Colleg College of Veterin of Agriculture; and Roger of the Student Publicati H. F. Filers, C ‘rin< ations ollege Dr. As , College of Engineering of Veterinary Medicine; Herbert H. le; Miller, student. Board are: Jim of Liberal Arts; i B. Childers, Jr., Brevard, College use for or not al news of spontaneous lublication of all other hts of yed. d at College Station, Texas. Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising dees, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Services Francisco. EDITOR DAVID MIDDLEBROOKE Assistant Editor Hayden Whitsett Managing Editor Fran Zupan Women’s Editor Sue Davis Sports Editor Clifford Broyles for the Senior Ring Dance HONOR YOUR DATE With A Corsage from (iCilC icintl ower and Gift Shoppe 209 University Dr. (Next to Handy Burger) 846-5825 THE BATTALION CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle “We enlarged your photograph, mount it, and cut it out; when the grades are turned in for graduating seniors, th’ senior stays home and his cut-out goes to class!” LOU Will Not Be Out-traded or Under-sold He really appreciates Your Business ( CORBUSIER CHEVROLET CO. ^erviny for 32 'Ljeari 500 South Texas Ave. Phone: 823-0061 Bryan UNIVERSITY stuez voll— !■ and of s ing his den - * but mer* stu(3 G— stuca mar* his expi= TRUST THE MODERN APPROACH TO LIFE INSURANCE FOR COLLEGE PEOPLE Especially Prepared for You by the RESERVE ifli: INSURANCE COMPANY A Legal Reserve Stock Company HOME OFFICE • DALLAS. TEXAS 75222 tec lab rac^ etlu faim he» wel tra^ ing_. ical in ^ representative Ronnie Ingle general agent Jim Kidwell representative MER ISUl. KO How would you like to be able qualify for a job that pays nuir niontli tills snmmuir? $780 per month this summer! 311 Cl How would you like to be in a different part of the country this summer? val- How would you like to gain v«i uable experience that will pre pare you for your chosen field? MOVE jU-HAUL Andenon a Guitar String! 1 service. Collese, WntW Hoover 1 of tennis HALS! Deiliji A subsidiary of the Times-Mir- ror Corporation. Call for an interview 845-6551 vs Used u ini; laid 845-41)1), m PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz PEANUTS PEANUTS I GOT A “C" in MATH ...I GOTA^C" IN ENGLISH ...AND I GOT A “C" IN REAPING I SOT A " C " IN EVERYTHING U)HAT ARE THE OPDS ON A LITTLE LOVE AND L/NDERGIANP(N6? I'M A STRAIGHT “BLAH" GTODENT! 7C lies Wistt Wbe Btali