The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 25, 1971, Image 6
, 5 THE BATTALION WE HONOR BOTH CARDS— BankAmericard //ru SFEND VDHI MONEY: where it does the most good ! Prices Effective March 25, 26 & 27 Use Gibson Instant Credit College Station, Texas STORE HOURS: MON. thru SAT. — 9 A. M. - 9 P. M. SUNDAY — 1 P. M. TO 6 P. M. SPRING CLEANUP Sidewalk & Clearance Sale DRUGS OLD SPICE GIFT SET #3630 — Contains After Shave Louition 2-3/8: Stick Deodorant 2-5/8 Colone for men . . 2-3/8 oz. Our Reg. 2.69 Stock up for Graduation, Birthdays 1 QA & Fathers Day BURLEY AFTER SHAVE LOTION 4-3/4 oz. Old Spice After Shave Lotion that cools. °« R ' S : 79c LADY BROOKE SHOE COLORING KIT Contains conditioner, colour, wax. Many colors to choose from faftlL- LADY BROOKE REFILL Closeout J LUSTRE CREME HAIR SPRAY Our Reg. Sin 63£ ^ I C SCHOOL SUPPLIES DICTIONARY Comes in assorted colors . . . Pocket Size . . . Just right for school, office or home Our Reg. 92^ AIR MAIL ENVELOPES Stuart Hall ... 56 return self addressed Air Mail envelopes. Mint flavored 1 A Our Reg. 43? j. ZODIAC STATIONARY Assorted colors and months. Not all months, but .nos* Oft Our Reg. 87? tlyU ALBUM REFILLS #66F, & 65F ... 20 Pockets, holds 40 pictures, sizes 3-1/4 x 4 1/4 double flip up fillers ^A SCHOOL TABLETS Movie Star cover picture tablets T «> Our Reg. 19? XtlC EARTH, SPACE, MAP PORTFOLIO 4 giant wall maps in full color ... 1 world map. U. S. map! . . . Official map of the moon universal map of outer space QO Our Reg. 1.29 OOC LADIES HOSIERY LINGERIE GIRDLES One group . . . assorted styles & colors formerly 3.47 99c FISH NET PANTY HOSE Bikini Type Fish Net Panty Hose . . . Our Reg. 19? LADIES WEAR DRESSES Misses & Juniors size dresses ... all reduced to clear. Special Group priced as marked. Value to 12.00 VINYL CAPES OR JACKETS Misses sizes . . . grey, brown, tan, green, 1 red or blue MISSES DRESSES Special Group . . . Double Knit Prints . . . Jr. sizes . . . Our Reg. 7.97 MENS WEAR MEN’S CORDUROY JACKETS By Dickies . . . light weight—jean type jackets sizes 36-38-40 . . . spruce, taji-green-navy 2.88 MEN’S KNIT SHIRTS short sleeve, knit . . . comes in blue, green or white . . . M, L, Ex L MEN S TERRY CLOTH SLIDES washable terry cloth . . . AA formerly 1.17 - OYC BOY’S SHIRTS 1.99 99c 79c 59c CORDUROY SHIRTS Gold, red, blue & brown 1*49 MEN’S SHIRTS One I J-A Group J •*J7 MEN’S FLANNEL SHIRTS Regular Cl AA 5.47 BED SPREADS One Group twin or full formerly 7.77 & 9.97 HOME FURNISHINGS 2.99 Now' CAFE CURTAINS Odds & Ends values to 3.77 ACCESSORIES SWEATERS Full Rack . . . Men’s, Childrens, & Ladies 1 AA values to 6.00 J*UIr CAPS FOR INFANTS formerly JA 88? to 1.77 - t *7U GLOVES ... MITTENS Gloves for children, ladies 4 A priced from 88? to 2.17 jcYC FUR LIKE SWEATER JACKETS Plain or with knit cuff and collar . . . 100% Acrylic black, beige, red, white, maize, lilac Cl AA small, medium or large MEN’S SUPPORT HOSE Stays up all day . . . Non wrinkling, clings relieves AA leg tension. Sizes 10-11'/2-12-14. Black MEN’S FELT HATS Western Style ... AA Our Reg. Cl AA 5.97 - Ld.77 6 only white A 00 Our Reg. 16.50 0*U0 DRESSER SCARFS Plastic dresser scarfs in gold, mint. 42 x 16 . . . 12 1 A inch round Doiles . . . Dresser scarfs or reg. 59? .... JL7U Doilies 1 A Our Reg. 17c XxlC BRAID RUNNERS 6 Only ... 17 x 26 rust combinations of "1 QA braid rug runners JL«0\F LEATHER BELTS Misses leather belts 1” or 2” T /^A tie fringed ends . . . formerly 3.88 JL*UY PLASTIC WINDOW CURTAINS Beautiful patterns. Perfect for Motels, or camping cottages . . . Our Reg. 2.97 1.39 FOAM RUBBER... SPONGES Approximately 3x5 FOAM RUBBER MATTRESSES (All sizes & thicknesses) light, odorless, comfortble, wears longer, economical, non-allergenic Double Bed Sizes Twin Bed Sizes Cot & Soft Sizes 54" x 76" 39" x 74" 27 x 76 5" Thick 16.88 14.77 4" Thick 14.77 11.57 7.97 3" Thick 11.57 8.57 5.97 2" Thick 7.97 5.97 3.97 1" Thick 3.97 2.97 1.97 We also carry remanants pieces, chair pads & decorator pillow forms. FERTILIZERS 50 lbs.—8-8-8 Our Reg. 1.69 — 1.47 50 lbs.—5-10-10 . Our Reg. 1.69 — 1.47 50 lbs. —6-10-4 ...Our Reg. 1.69 — 1.47 50 lbs. — Phillips 66 Our Reg. 1.69 — 1.47 50 lbs. — Gro Tex 12-6-6 zinc w/iron Our Reg 1.99 — 1.69 50 lbs. Gro Tex Feed & Kill Our Reg 3.69 — 2.97 50 lbs. Gro Tex 12-6-6 Weed & Kill Our Reg 4.29 — 3.59 Gro Tex 10-20-10 — Our Reg. 2.09. 1.79 50 lbs. Gro Tex 22-10-5 Our Reg 3.69 — 3.19 50 lbs. Sheep Manure Our Reg 1.19 — 98c 50 lbs. — Cow Manure Our Reg. 1.19 98c Potting Soil Our Reg. 89c — 77c Top Soil Our Reg. 1.09 — 89c Vita Hume Peat Moss 2 cu. ft. Our Reg 1.19 — 89c GIFT SELECTIONS .,2.59 LETTER RACK Wooden Letter Rack . . . Places for bills and misc. . . Our Reg 4.47 CUTTING BOARDS Cutting Boards in shapes of mushrooms, squash and lemon . . . Made of sturdy wood or can be used as wall plaque . . . Our Reg. 1.09 BOTTLES 6 to 10 inch Bottles . . . for decor or to be used as decantors . . . in blue, green & gold Our Reg. 1.05 . FIGURINES White angel figurines with different musical instruments . . . Our Reg. 1.29 EXPRESSO CUPS #4835 . . • Tall Expresso mugs in blue, yellow, orange and avacado . . . Our Reg. 1.15 CITRONELLA CANDLES Our Reg. 39c ^ Ur GROCERIES SEVEN UP & FROSTIE ROOT BEER King size O QQ ctn. of 6 (Plus Deposit) O for 771 Seven Up & Frostie Root Beer ^ J 0§ 28-oz. non return bottle STAR LITE BREAD I'/z lb loaf . . . made with buttermilk, extra thin sandwich loaf 5 BLUE BELL ICE CREAM Gold rim . . . the gourmet Ice Cream with the home made flavor . . . carton with the gold rim FLINGS BY NABISCO Cheese flavored curls . . . have a fling OR CHIPSTER POTATO SNACKS Newest way to get a party AJ* i off the ground . . . your choice 3 pkgs. mix or match TOYS SHOE SPECIALS Orange, yellow or green lantern style with handle . . . Our Reg. 59? LADIES SILVER SHOES Perfect for lounging. Pant Suits & for dancing ^ Others . . . 79? for 39c 119 f ” 59c 29c 29c 1.68 for JJg REMCO HOBBY KIT All you need to make a complete and finished Knick Knack Shelf, or a Magazine Holder: 2 Only ^ ^ Only 1 Spice Rack Our Reg. 5.17 ....* Each SORRY #(390 . . . Parker Bros, slide pursuit game Our Reg. 3.27 2J Our Reg. 5.17 MISSES HOUSE SHOES Assorted styles & colors . . . small, medium, large special group, formerly 1.77 3 PIECE SET Teapot, creamer & sugarbowl. . . ceramic in ■ avacado or gold . . . Our Reg. 1.98 “IT” GAMES BY PLAY DOH . . . Games for small children . . . not too complicated and lots of fun. “Flip and Fly.” Pop it. Fish and catch . . . Our Reg. 2.38 1.37 INFANT HOUSE SHOES One group infant house shoes in several styles . . . sizes 3-8. Our Reg. 2.67 7 PIECE SET ... LEMONADE SET Pitcher'& Glasses Our Reg. 2.88 I Zipper closing, fur trim Gibson's Discount Pharmacy ALPHA-KERI BATH OIL 16 fl. oz. A cin Compare 4.95 Now Only x!*^i 4 KERI LOTION 13 oz. Cl QA Compare 3.95 Now OvAyLi+JJ PERNOX Lathering Scrub Cleanser ... T fn 2 oz. tube . . . Compare 2.10 Now Only X«U 4 FOSTEX SOAP 3% oz bar . . . AA Compare 1.25 YYC SALT SHAKER & PEPPER MILL Black & white design Our Reg. 3.78 BUCKETS OF FUN ... #4800 . . . exciting action . • . indoor or out . . magic buckets pops out of a shower of balls . . . Players scramble to retreive ball . .. Our Reg. 6.47 2.88 8 PIECE TEA SET & STAND Blue, green or orange/yellow ^ PILLOW CRAFT ... For the young ladies . . . make your own animal pillow ... all you need for a good time and 1 /f 9 a finished pillow . . . Our Reg. 3.00 _L»40 Our Reg. 7-99 BAG OF ARTIFICIAL VEGETABLES For many types of decorations . . . 3^C GRAB-A-LOOP #4835 . . . Fast moving game played indoors or out . . . Players try to grab colored loops from opponent while keeping on . . . as much fun as twister . . . Grab-a-loop . . . Our Reg. 4.27 2.31 Our Reg. 69? SUNNY SCALE A real decorator piece . . . scales with vegetables or fruit weights . . . Our Reg. 84? STEREO TAPES 47c BABY BEN ALARM CLOCK #11001 by the makers of Westclox ... ^ There will be a new supply of 8 track stereo tapes . . . pre-recorded from your favorite Popular & Country Artists . . . Only 2.98 Plain . . . Our Reg. 6.27 DOMINOES Standard size marbelized dominoes Our Reg. 3.38 2.78 Not room to list, table with boxes of items rang ing from 11# & Up . . . There will be many items in these treasure boxes, priced for clearance, many items far below cost . . . Seeing is Believing . These are no limit items, so to get yours be early. Clypso Straw Hats—For fun in the sun, terrific for souveriners, party favors, beach wear, garden, or any place under the sun — 9<f each. hal ': ',v. : M-m ’: : 7 ! I-is ^ J ' • • 1icc. . J - . ■