■ v y; •'; • • • v;* :■ yyy aques, Bryj! 3'on,^ ducafim Q nd Em tafioo j reakfoij FOR BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED COURT’S SADDLERY . . . FOR WESTERN WEAR OR FOR YOUR MARE. FOR SHOE REPAIR BRING IN A PAIR. 403 N. Main 822-0161 i ro At t ;e. of 'hat bout it. He wn i. at t. i: 22% sful ming 3 still vhile why pus NT LIFE NEED CASH? We loan money on any item of value. No credit record required. LOANS ON Your guitar & Amp., TV, golf clubs, radios, guns, record players, diamonds, tools, sports equipment, tape decks, watches. WE WANT TO BUY YOUR 8 TRACK TAPES AND ANY OTHER ITEM OF VALUE. TEXAS STATE CREDIT CO. 1014 Texas Ave. — Bryan Weingarten Center THE Tuesday, March 2, 1971 BATTALION College Station, Texas Page 3 Man’s needs first, 500 educators told CHILDLESS COUPLE Mr. and Mrs. James Davis of West Covinas, Calif, cuddle the chimpanzee who lives with them as a “son." Mrs. Davis is charged with violating a city law against harboring wild animals in a home. She contends the chimp Moe isn’t wild. He wears boys’ clothes, eats at the table, brushes his teeth and uses the family toilet. (AP Wirephoto) Today’s public school education is not enough, primarily because it stresses the nature of knowl edge and needs of society over individual needs, Ohio State Uni versity official Dr. Jack R. Fry- mier said Friday night at the Industrial Teacher conference. The problem is, in part, a prob lem of ends and means, he said. “I want to argue that man is the end, subject matter the means and society the result,” he told participants in the three-day In dustrial Arts Association confer- ench that attacted more than 500 industrial arts teachers. Frymier said what students need to learn—the curriculum— has conventionally been deter mined by drawing upon three basic sources. These are what is known about the nature of knowl edge, the nature of society and Campus briefs Industrial group picks head Dr. Jerry McCain of Denton is the new president of the Texas ALLEN OLDS. - CAD. INCORPORATED SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment’’ 2400 Texas Ave. DWIGHT W. ANDRES, M.D. Internal Medicine announces the association of TED S. NOVOSAD, M.D. GENERAL PRACTICE 3501 Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas Office Hours (Monday-Friday) 9:00-12 a.m. 2:00-5:00 p.m. Telephone Office: 846-5754 Home: 846-8511 Industrial Arts Association which lecture here Thursday, ended its 16th annual meeting The 4 p m presentation, “Series here Saturday. Solutions to Differential Equations McCain, North Texas State Backward Recurrence,” will be University professor, succeeds in Room 207 of the Academic Curtis Oliphant, Deer Park in- Building, announced Dr. G. R. dustrial arts teacher. Blakley. Other officers elected by the Dr Thach er’ s lecture will be Co- 1,000-member association to serve sponsored by the College of Science in 1971-72 are Harman Barrs of an( j Mathematics Department, of Kermit, vice president, and W. E. w hi c h Blakley is head. Raborn of Snyder, secretary-trea- surer The association convenes in- Junior agronomy major dustrial arts teachers from over wills Kyi© Scholarship the state here each year for the Larry Leschber of Hutto, junior three-day conference. Co-spon- agronomy major, is the 1970-71 sored by TIAA and Texas A&M’s winner of the $150 E. J. Kyle Industrial Education Department, Scholarship Award, the conference features meetings The honor is based on grades, of the Texas Council on Industrial activities and leadership qualities. Arts Teacher Education and the Dr. R. C. Potts, associate dean of Texas Industrial Student Associa- agriculture, presented the award tion. More than 700 persons par- to Leschber. ticipated. scholarship is a memorial to the late E. J. Kyle, who was Notre Dame professor dean of agriculture for 35 years at to give math lecture Texas A&M Dr. Henry C. Thacher Jr. of Leschber is the son of Mr. and Notre Dame will give a graduate Mrs. Arnold Leschber of Hutto. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 64 per word 44 per word each additional day Minimum charge—764 Iinimum charge—7 Classified Display 11.00 per column inch each insertion OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the ( hi Student Publications before deadline lublicatic )hca 1 p.m. of the day proceed efore ding THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral E Name: Abdel-Rehim, Hosan A. Ph.D. in Chemistry tion: THE CRYSTAL ST TUBE DETERMINATIONS OF S Time: March 9, 1971 at 2:00 p. 1 Place: Room 20S in the Chemis George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College jors—The English igiish J •iven to Psychology Maj< (iciency Examination will be gi semester Juniors and any Seniors day, March 8th at 3 p. m. Report to Na Hall, Rm. 9. For further information Dr. Varvel. 8 Wired of majoring in 10, 19 lemistry Buildin consult notices posted Buildin junior and , Chemistry March 10, 1971 at 7 :30 p. m, of the Chem consult notices Building for details. senior stud is scheduled gene . in 82tl SOSOLIK S TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 Havoline, Amalie, Conoco. 35c qt. Prestone—$1.69 Gal. —EVERYDAY— We stock all local major brands. Where low oil prices originate Quantity Rights Reserved Wheel Bearings - Exhaust System Parts, Filters, Water and Fuel Pumps. Almost Any Part Needed 25-40% Off List Brake Shoes $3.60 e) 2 Wheels — many cars We Stock HOLLEY CARBURETORS EELCO EDELBROCK HURST MR GASKET CAL CUSTOM Other Speed Equipment Alternators $19.95 Exchange Starters - Generators Many $13.95 exch. Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25th Bryan, Te: JOE FAULK ’32 Our 25th year in Bryan CHILD CARE A Play land Nursery School bet 1801 South College mo Now open and taking applica tions for children 2 years old and older. 1 Call 822-2520/ (823-1100 after 5) 11 State license being processed. 82tl6 Babysitting day or evening. 822-4788. 64tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN GEN- TER, 3400 South College, State Licensed. 823-8626. Virginia D. Jones, R. N. 99tfn FOR SALE f 8 "| STOKA-BOKA ! 8’ 6” Hawaii surfboard. Few dings but good for beginner. $15. 1 Call 822-2553 after 5 or see at 2809 Villa a p Maria. 86tfn a J ) r 1960 Pontiac convertible. Good condition. — $275. 846-6401 after 5. 86t3 Air Force mess dress. 38 inch jacket; 31 inch trousers. $65. Call 846-8700. 86t3 1970 Chevelle SS 396. Four speed, power and air, disc brakes. Must sell. 311 Redmond, Apartment 223. 846-3098. 84t6 Cadillac Fleetwood Sedan. 1964 Immacu- late, full power, auto pilot, all-weather — control, tilt wheel, $1450. 846-8684. 19tfn 1968 12’ x 56’ two bedroom Gold Shield mobile home. 822-4183. 78tfn NEW 1971 HOMES 14x70 - 3 bdrm, I'/i bath, carpet & air $7 295 14x64 - 2 bdrm, 1% bath, carpet, 21’ refrig. & D.F. $6,995 14x68 - 3 bdrm, 1 % bath, carpet, blue Spanish, $9,295 p 12x60 - 2 bdrm, 1 bath, carpet, $4,995 NELSON MOBILE HOMES 811 Texas Ave. College Station 75tfn 8 track tapes. Brand new. 2 for $9.96. Country & Western and rock. — Hurry! Get this bargain. Aggie Den. 61tfn 4 track tapes. Guaranteed perfect. Close out price. 8 for $15.00—Aggie Den. 61tfn 8 track tapes. Guaranteed perfect. 6 for $16.00—Aggie Den. 61tfn Posters ! Posters ! Posters! Posters ! Posters galore at Aggie Den. 61tfn - Cassette and reel type tape players. Radios all kinds and sizes — Giveaway prices. Aggie Den. 61tfn FOR LEASE Two bedroom mobile home, furnished. All bills paid except electricity. $105 month. 846-5441. 86t4 Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO 909 S. Main 822-6000 HELP WANTED Jobs- -Part - time. Call 846-0601 6 :30 p. m. Today and To- 83tfn rt-time help. Men or women, a. m. to 2 or 3 p. m. Others ?hts and week-ends. WHATABURGER 1101 Texas Ave. — Bryan and 105 Dominik—College Station. 82tfn FOR RENT bedroom mobile home. Utilities ed. $80 per month. Couples only. 3 after 6 p. m., Saturdays & Sun- 84t4 WORK WANTED Baby sitting. Close to campus. Contact 846-2463. 85t3 Typing, experienced, full time, IBM Selectric symbols. Call 846-7848. 69tfn Typing, full time. Notary Public, Bank- Americard accepted, 823-6410 or 823-3838. Typing. Electric, symbols, experienced. 46-8165. 132tfn SPECIAL NOTICE . Large bills 1 clo aid. >ne bedroom loset. Central heat and $130. 846-0333 or 81tfn Casa Del Sol Apartments One Bedroom Furnished & Unfurnished Bills Paid $135-$145 67tfn ATTENTION STUDENTS Furnished Apartments New apartments are available, an addi tion to University Acres, located only iy 2 miles south of campus. We have eral available. For further infor- tion call 823-0934 or 846-6509. D. R. CAIN CONSTRUCTION CO. 54tfn several ma JOBS WAITING for Trained People Register Now for Term starting March 16th. McKENZIE-BALDWIN BUSINESS COLLEGE 702 S. Washington Ave. Bryan, Texas Dial 822-6423 the nature of the individual, he explained. What seems to happen is that those who build programs and curricula “subconsciously order these sources in hierarchical terms in their own mond, accord ing to their own values,” he ex plained. Frymier said to presume that what we know about the nature of the individual is of most im portance and the other factors are of secondary importance rep resents a very difficult kind of philosophical position about edu cation. “In my judgement,” he added, “school sould be established and maintained by society for the purpose of serving the needs of those inside the institution rather than those outside.” Frymier said such a reorienta tion must be a tremendous task, but that the burgeoning number of forces tending to fractionize public education today indicate it is necessary. He believes the private school movement, pressure for com munity control, the “vulture plan” which advocates parents be given money to spend on their children’s education at whichever school they choose, performance con tracting and the teacher negotia tion movement are among the fractionizing elements, LA students may interview about language Representatives of the Liberal Arts Student Council will meet in Room 108 of the Academic Build ing tonight to discuss plans for surveying faculty and students in the Modern Language Department. The group which includes James Mendl (Jr-ML), Rebecca Kirby (Sr-ML), Sylvia King (Jr-Eng), and Michael Hardin (Sr-Hist) will conduct interviews of a sampling of teachers in modern language and students, both majoring in modern language and majoring in other subjects and taking language courses, in an attempt to ascertain whether changes should be made within the Modern Language De partment and if so what changes should be made. The committee grew out of com plaints from council members that modern language requirements are both too stiff and too lax. Mrs. King said the interviews will be made pending the approval of Modern Language Department Head Jack A. Dabbs. In other council business, Associ ate Dean of Liberal Arts Charles McCandless suggested that all seniors in liberal arts fill out list of their college achievements within their department and a copy of this coud be sent to the College of Liberal Arts. The college is often used as a reference for graduates applying for jobs, Mc Candless said. Hoover’s Tennis Service. One block south of tennis courts. Open 1:30 to 6:30 p. m. 846-9733. 82tfn VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University STUDENTS ! ! Need A Home 1 & 2 Bedroom Fur. & Unfur. Pool and Private Courtyard 3 MONTHS LEASE 822-5041 401 Lake St. Apt. 1 40tfn INCOME TAX SERVICE Reasonable - fast - accurate Near C.S. S. Knoll Elem. School 846-8526 82tfn AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 • Watch Repairs • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5816 “No Woman Need Ever Look 401” For a Beauty Show or Private Facial Call: Jonnie Patranella 822-4396 (after 5:00 p. m.) Your MARY KAY Beauty Consultant 73tfn Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave 823-8111 67tfn CORBUSIER CHEVROLET CO. Serving f^or 32 'LfearS 500 South Texas Ave. Phone: 823-0061 Bryan CASA CHAPULTEPEC OPEN 11:00 A; M. CLOSE 10:»« P. W. 1316 COLLEGE AVENUE.— PHONE 822-9872 SPECIALS GOOD TUBS., WED. AND THUR. $ BEEF TACOS, BEANS - RICE 3 / CHEESE TACOS, BEANS - RICE 3 CHALUPAS WITH GUACAMODE 3 CHALUPAS WITH CHEESE - BEANS 3 HOME MADE TAMALES W4TH-J»RIED BEANS 3 BEEF ENCHILARAS. BEANS - RICE 3 CHEESE ENCHILADAS, BEANS - RICE 2 CHILES RELLENOUS WITH SPANISH RICE AND CHEESE SAUCE 1 GUACAMOLE SALAD - 2 CRISPY TACOS 1 MEXICAN DINNER COMPLETE FIESTA DINNER Combination Salad, Beef Taco, Three Enchiladas, Beans, Rice Tortillas and Hot Cheese Dip and Tortilla Chips. Regular (1»1 IQ $1.50 ePlaJL” TACO DINNER Two Beef Tacos, One Chili Con Q u e s o, Combination Salad, Tortillas and Hot Sauce, Cheese Dip and Tortil la Chips. TS" 99c UNIVERSITY TRUST THE MODERN APPROACH TO LIFE INSURANCE FOR COLLEGE PEOPLE Especially Prepared for You by the RESERVE CtEE INSURANCE COMPANY A Legal Reserve Stock Company HOME OFFICE • DALLAS, TEXAS 75222 .gepresenta- ' Jim Kidwell * representative DRY ICE Beginning Now On Mondays and Wednesdays Bryan Ice Co. We Deliver Dry Ice Throughout The University Call 822-6222 one da yin advance for orders TROPHIES PLAQUES Engraving Service Ask About Discounts Texas Coin Exchange, Inc. 1018 S. Texas 822-5121 Bob Boriskie ’55 COINS SUPPLIES WHITE AUTO STORES Bryan and College Station can save you up to 40% on auto .parts, oil, filters, etc. 846-5626. 'RdpM p|77I FREE DORM DELIVERY Phone: 846-5777 RALPH’S No. 1 at NORTH GATE Cold Beer On Tap SMORGASBORD ALL YOU CAN'EAT MONDAY THRU THURSDAY 5 - 7 P. M. —$1.50 RALPH’S No. 2 at EAST GATE Cold Beer On Tap Open: 3 p. m. - Midnight, Saturday ‘til 1 a. m. Don’t Forget To Ask About The Ralph’s Pizza Calendars