The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 23, 1970, Image 6
THE BATTALION Page 6 College Station, Texas Wednesday, September 23, 1970 A&M sports news and notes. . . Lord’s recovery key play in win By CLIFFORD BROYLES Battalion Sports Editor The play that might be considered as the turning point of A&M’s win over LSU Saturday came midway in the fourth period when A&M trailed 12-6. On the first play following Pat McDermott’s second field goal, the fired up Aggie defense caused LSU to fumble and set up the A&M’s first touchdown that put them ahead 13-12. LSU quarterback Buddy Lee pitched out to tailback Del Walker but cornerback Bland Smith was waiting for him and knocked the Bayou Bengal loose from the pigskin. Linebacker Kent Finley reached for the ball but teammate Mike Lord beat him to it to give the Aggies possession on the Tiger 11. Lex James then found tight end Homer May in the end zone with the touchdown pass that saw A&M take a 13-12 lead after trailing at one point 12-0. The LSU Tigers weren’t exactly used to losing their opening game. In fact the opening loss was the first one they’ve suffered since 1961 when the Rice Owls plunked them 16-3. That season the Tigers went to record a 9-1 season and defeated Colorado in the Orange Bowl. Only the University of Mississippi and Auburn could score more points against the Tigers all last season than the Aggies did last Saturday. Ole Miss gave LSU its only loss, 26-23, and Auburn bowed 21-20 in equalling the Aggies total. LSU allowed only 91 points, and shut out three opponents and only allowed one touchdown to four other opponents. ***** Coach Gene Stallings wasn’t too enthusiastic over the Aggies’ blocking on rushing plays Saturday but said, “We protected pretty well against the pass.” He did mention one highhght to the Aggie blocking. Leonard Forey, offensive right guard, was graded pluses on 20 of the last 22 plays Stallings said after grading films of the game. A plus, Stallings said, comes when the blocker carries out his assignment. When a blocker is whipped or fails to carry out his assignment he gets a minus. The football squad presented Hugh McElroy with the game ball after the LSU game. McElroy caught six passes for 180 yards to go along with his 79-yard romp with the winning touchdown pass. “I was really tired but I knew nobody was gonna catch me on that run,” McElroy happily declared in the dressing room following the game. Jimmy Sheffield continued to get quite a workout on the bench. Sheffield, the Aggie punter, didn’t get to punt against Wichita State and was not called on in the second half of the LSU game. He did, however, get off six punts in tire first half for a 39.7 average. One pressbox scout said, “After watching A&M beat Wichita State I didn’t think the Aggies had a chance against LSU. They surprised me, however.” The opportunist Aggies, who don’t make many mistakes, would be a good way to please the Aggies from a mechanical standpoint after their first two wins. The Aggies have intercepted five passes and recovered five fumbles. They’ve lost three fumbles and had only one pass intercepted. Five different players have interceptions for the Aggies. Lee Hitt, Clifton Thomas, Mike Bunger, Mike Lord and Dave Elmendorf have one each. Elmendorf and Max Bird have recovered two fumbles each and Lord one. A&M’s meeting with Ohio State this week will be the second ever for the two squads, with the Buckeyes taking the first meeting in 1963, 17-0. % if; 4: Coach Gene Stallings says he has never been with a team that played Ohio State before. He was an assistant coach at Alabama the year the Aggies and Buckeyes first met. He did say, however, that he had played against a number-one- ranked team before and that it was rough. OSU Buckeyes big, strong and tough By CLIFFORD BROYLES Battalion Sports Editor The Ohio State University Buckeyes, with what Coach Gene Stalling's calls no apparent glar ing weakness, are next on the agenda for the aspiring young Texas Aggies, who have a 2-0 record. (It’s been an 11-year drought since an A&M team started off with two straight wins.) “I don’t think they really have a weakness,” the mentor said in his weekly press conference Tues day in the Letterman’s Lounge as he spoke about the nation’s top-ranked football team in the Associated Press’ weekly poll. “They are really big, aren’t they?” Stallings noted as he looked over a Buckeye depth chart. That shows a defensive front four ranging from 208 to 240 and interior offensive line that averages 219 pounds per man. Stallings had much praise for his team’s play against LSU. “I think that we beat them physically,” he observed. “We held them to one touch down and Ed (Ebrom) sort of guessed wrong and the guy zigged when he thought he was going to zag and that’s all they got,” he said. “Mike Lord and Van Odom played extremely well. Dave El mendorf always looks good.” “Leonard Forey on the last 22 plays had 20 pluses,” Stallings said when appraising some indi vidual performances after study ing the game films. Returning to his analysis of the Buckeyes, he said “they’re as good physically as any team we’ll meet. Right halfback Larry Zellina is rated one of six All-American candidates for the Buckeyes. He and split end Jan White, another All-American candidate, are rated as top threats to break-away, as Hugh McElroy of the Aggies is. “He’s a very intelligent operat ing quarterback,” Stallings says of the Big Ten school’s quarter back, Rex Kern, also an All- American prospect. Middle guard Jim Stillwagen and rover Jack Tatum will anchor the Buckeye defense that will run from a 4-3 alignment, he said. GIANT BOX WITH COUPON IN THIS ADD & PURCHASE OF $5.00 OR MORE — EXCLUDING CIGARETTES & BEER. PRICES GOOD THUR. - FRI. - SAT. SEPT. 24 - 25 - 26. QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED. Silver spur—Sliced BACON FRANKS Shurfine—Canned HAM •c Rath All Meat 12-Oz. WE REDEEM FOOD COUPONS SHURFINE GREEN BEANS GOLDEN CORN Shurfine A 303 X Cans Shurfine 303 Cut Cans Shurfine 303 C.S/W.K. d Cans $1 OAK FARMS COTTAGE CHEESE $1 16-Oz. Pkgs. ROUND—U.S.D.A. Choice H.B mMSSI23SI3Sa!ESI5 tfinnnnA/uw[rj Maryland Club COFFEE 2 £.$1.59 With This Coupon ORR’S SUPER MARKETS Coupon Void After Sept. 26. 4025 COFFEE MARYLAND CLUB LB. CAN 59 With Coupon In This Ad Shurfine > owder Detergent GIANT TIDE Ito .59c With Coup & Purchase of $5.00 or More. Exc. Cigarettes & Beer. 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