The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 18, 1970, Image 1

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SATURDAY — Partly cloudy
afternoon rainshowers. Winds
South 5 to 10 m.p.h. High 88,
low 76.
SUNDAY — Cloudy afternoon
thundershowers. Wind South
12 to 15 m.p.h. High 88, low
Vol. 66 No. 12
College Station, Texas Friday, September 18, 1970
Telephone 945-2226
Senate debates
pass-fail idea
'BIKE FOR A BETTER CITY” day in New York City
m observed Wednesday as about 1,000 persons biked
town Fifth Ave. at E. 58th St. The ride was from the
foot of Central Park to City Hall in lower Manhatten.
zechs hate Russia: Taborsky
“I can never imagine how peo-
le back there in Czechoslovakia
an hate as they hate the Rus
hs,” Dr. Edward Taborsky,
inner secretary to the Czech
mign minister, said Thursday.
Taborsky’s talk, titled “East
urope Today,” was the first
S70-71 Great Issues presentation
i the Memorial Student Center
He stated that East Europe’s
irong feelings of nationalism and
rang ties to Western culture are
he two main factors behind the
■oubles that the Russians are
wing with the East European
"They (the people of Eafet Eu-
ipe) know what it’s like to lose
dependence, to live under for-
jn domination. And, whenever
m have that situation, you al-
lys have a strong form of na-
inafism among people, especial-
dislike and outright hatred
nvhoever is the foreign power
at dominates or controls the
ea, whether they were the Ger-
ans before, or Russians now,”
plained Taborsky.
The satellites’ strong ties to the
est brought about stronger re
sentment to the Soviets, he add
ed. Eastern writers and artists
traveled to the West for inspira
tion, and the strong Western in
fluence of the West brought about
a system of beliefs that were quite
different from Russian doctrines,
he said.
“They always resented the low
ly status of satellite control, and
whenever they could, they tried to
get out of it,” Taborsky said.
He explained that Yugoslavia
freed itself from satellite status
early, and is now an independent
Communist nation. Poland, Hun
gary, Romania, and Czechoslova
kia tried to break away. All fail
ed, however, and two of the ef
forts (in Hungary and Czechoslo
vakia) were put down by Soviet
military interference.
“A bitter resentment about be
ing barred from longstanding
traditional contacts with the
West, cultural, economical, poli
tical” further alienates East Eu
rope from Russia, and has devel
oped a “complete opposition of
writers and many prominent sci
entists,” in the areas of arts and
sciences, he went on.
“When they have to do some
thing to please the Soviets, they
do the very minimum they have
to do,” Taborsky said.
An awakening to failures of
the Russian communistic system
in the sixties brought about great
reform in the area of economics.
The satellite countries set up
“new economic models” that re
tained only the public ownership
theory of the Russian economic
doctrine, and reintroduced the
supply and demand theory to the
economy, the former Czechoslo
vakian administrator said.
Taborsky stated that prospects
are good for liberal development
in East Europe, due to the strug
gling economic system of the So
viets and their lack of erasing the
Western influence from the cul
ture of the satellites.
He concluded that the Russians,
in order to maintain their satel
lites, will have to abandon their
“Utopian dream” and work on
improving internal conditions in
Russia and will also have to move
towards a less oppressive system.
Battalion. Staff Writter
The Student Senate discussed
the feasibility of passing a pass-
fail course resolution, voted to
assist the Singing Cadets in ob
taining a separate fiscal budget
from the university, and passed
a resolution to help the interna
tional students form an associa
tion, Thursday night.
The Senate also amended the
system with which senators will
meet with their various colleges
during the semester. As the reso
lution now stands, Senators will
meet in assembly with their con
stituents between Oct. 5 and 9,
and may only be given leniency
on the time period after their
case has been reviewed by the
executive council.
The pass fail course system pri
marily the work of Bill Harts-
field, senate recording secretary,
met with much controversy from
the floor. As the senators have
only been asked to consider the
resolution before any senate
action is taken to recommend it
at the Oct. meeting, discussion
was curtailed. Hartsfield hopes
to receive more opinions from
students by that time, and has
openly expressed his desire to
receive them.
The pass-fail system, as pre
sented to senators reads as fol-
1) U ndergraduate
classified as Juniors i
with a minimum overall Grade
Point Ratio of 2.4 shall be per
mitted to take six credit hours
of electives on a pass fail basis
as a part of the hours required
for their degree and must state
their intention to register on this
basis at their initial registration
for the semester; but the students
have until the end of the official
period for adding courses to state
their intention to take a course
on a pass fail basis.
2) A grade of “pass” (60 or
above) shall not be included in the
student’s semester or cumulative
grade point ratio; a grade of
“fail” (below 60) shall be includ
ed at 0.0 grade points per credit.
Hours taken on a pass fail basis
will not be included in the fif
teen hours required in designa
tion of “distinguished students.”
3) Students who transfer to
Texas A&M must have earned at
least thirty hours of credit at
Texas A&M University before
taking a course on a pass-fail
4) If a student decides to ma
jor in the subject in which he
has taken a course on the pass-
fail basis, the college concerned
shall decide whether the course
may be counted as a part of the
student’s major requirements.
(5 A student must have the
written approval of his academic
(See Senate debates, page 2)
MSC committees
solicit contributions
Award - winning
to kick off series at 8
Musicians asked
Ifo jam sessions
Aggies who are frustrated jazz
teicians are invited to come
Off their own horns any Thurs-
ay night between 9 and 11 at
e Memorial Student Center.
Thursday is “Jazz Night” at
e Basement, A&M’s campus cof-
te house.
ill we need to get this thing
lling is a little publicity and a
t of participation,” said Bob
Jdecker, vice-chairman of the
isement Committee.
"Jazz Night” is a recent addi-
tn to the Basement’s regular
Ngram of folk music, and is
isically a “free jam session”
to to anyone who wants to
take music.
Playing Thursday night to a
rail group was a trio composed
Wayne Sadberry on saxophone
id flute, Henry Banks on piano,
and Horace Nelson on drums.
Banks and Nelson are residents
of Bryan, while Sadberry is a sen
ior majoring in math, also from
Sadberry said that he and a
few others had been trying to get
a regular jazz group together on
campus since the fall of 1968, but
that they hadn’t had much suc
The main problem seems to be
getting in touch with people who
want to play, he said.
“Some nights we can only get
two guys together. Some nights
we have ten or twelve, but we
always have room for more.”
Anyone interested should call
Wayne Sadberry at 823-8395, or
Jay Shapiro, talent chairman of
the Basement Committee at 845-
The Fall Film Festival will be
gin its 1970 season tonight at
8 in the ballroom of the Memo
rial Student Center with the
Luchino Visconti film “Rocco and
His Brothers.”
The film, winner of 22 inter
national awards, focuses on the
problems of a rural family trying
to adjust to life in a busy indus
trial city.
Admission to this and all other
films in the series will be by sea
son tickets, which can be purchas
ed in the Student Programs Of
fice of the Memorial Student
Center or at the door. The price
is $3.50 for students, and $5.50
for faculty and staff.
Included in the series are such
films as “You can’t Cheat an
Honest Man,” the comedy classic
with W. C. Fields and Edgar Ber-
gan, to be shown Oct. 2, the anti
war film “The Red and the
White,” directed by Miklos Jans-
co to be shown Oct. 23, and
“Through a Glass Darkly,” the
winner of both Swedish and
American Academy Awards, Oct.
November will see such classic
films as the Marx Brother’s com
edy “Horse feathers,” Nov. 6,
and “The Cranes are Flying,”
a tragic Russian love story about
the Second World War, on Nov.
The season will wind up with
Gillo Pontecorvo’s “The Battle of
Algiers,” winner of eleven inter
national film awards, and Alain
Resnais’ thriller “La Guerre Est
The Memorial Student Center
(MSC) Council and Directorate—
composed of the Great Issues,
Contemporary Arts, and Political
Forum committees—is awarding
patronage certificates for dona
tions used in sponsoring their
programs, MSC vice-president
Bill Webster said today.
“Since the university faculty
and community receives benefits
from our programs, we are ask
ing them for donations in order
for us to expand our committee
programs,” Webster said.
The patronage program started
Sept. 10 and will run until Oct. 17
to collect the MSC Council goal
of $1,500 Webster said. Individual
committee goals stand at $700 for
Great Issues and $400 each for
the Poltitical Forum and Contem
porary Arts committees, he add
Webster said most of the funds
needed to run these committees
comes through the Exchange
Store advisory committee and
from the Exchange Store fund.
“We felt we could reach more
people by offering our programs
free of charge,” Webster said,
“We also hope no admission
charge will be an added incentive
for attendance too.”
Two different sizes of certifi
cates for donations above and be
low ten dollars will be given this
year Webster said.
“We are going to contact all of
the deans of the colleges this
week,” Webster said, “and con
tact the faculty members next
Anyone interested in making a
contribution should contact the
MSC Student Programs Office at
Texas should help industry
preserve environment: Smith
JSC will request
and’s resignation
The Graduate Student Council
'M by a two vote margin
kursday to request the resigna-
ion of President Mickey Land on
ke grounds that he is a full time
kff member.
If Land should agree to resign,
f will still be eligible to remain
i the council, however.
The council was sharply divided
S whether a simple majority or
two-thirds vote was required to
'tss the motion. A two-thirds
Ute is needed to amend the by-
iWs, but the representatives fi-
% decided that only a majority
as needed to make a request.
The by-laws state that a mem-
en better by new legal rates at
ber of the council must be a “bona
fide” graduate student taking
eight hours of classes. Land is
taking 13 hours, but he also is
classified as a full time staff
Wayne Brungard (Ind. Educ.),
who introduced the resoution, said
that his constituents had voted
21-1 to ask for Land’s resolution.
Roger Sindt, (Ag. Eco.) said that
the “great majority” of his con
stituents also thought Land
should resign.
Ernie Davis (Ag. Eco.) said
that if Land met the qualifica
tions for membership then “he is
qualified to serve on the executive
The CSC will send Land a letter
stating the wishes of the council
on the matter.
A NEW KIND of hall spirit sign was initiated this week
by Moses Hall. The dormitory saluted senior Dave Elemen-
dorf this week and plans to salute other players in weeks
to come. “We wanted to have a sign that was more foot
ball oriented,” resident Raleigh Lane said. (Photo by Lloyd
Gov. Preston Smith told 300
of Texas’ industrial development
leaders Thursday “the state has
the responsibility to assist in
dustry’s efforts to protect the
Speaking at the opening of
the two-day 20th annual Texas
Industrial Development Confer
ence, Smith claimed industry has
provided Texas with the pros
perity to aid environmental pro
“Texas is on its way to being
one of the richest states overall,”
he said at the A&M-sponsored
Smith said Fortune Magazine’s
research showed Texas is num
ber one in industrial development
and the manufacturing growth
“is a whopping 42 per cent great
er than second place California.”
The governor announced 901
new plants were located in the
state during 1969. He said the
new plants do not mean smoke
stacks to pollute the air or in
dustries to kill the fish in Texas
rivers and streams.
Governor Smith said unre
strained development or no
development at all is not the
answers to quality environment.
“It is resource management,”
he said. “A beginning has been
made by our state toward re
source management.”
Smith explained the first step
is the Coastal Resource Manage
ment Program directed through
his office. He called the program
“a laboratory.”
“The techniques and intergov
ernmental relationships developed
in successfully implementing a
resource management program
for the Texas coastal zone could
determine the basis for environ
mental management of the entire
state,” Smith observed.
“I have recently proposed the
creation of an Environmental De
fense Fund,” the governor added.
“The fund would be used to clean
up oil and other hazardous spills,
but only if the responsible party
could not be located.”
Smith said both industry and
the state have common interests
in the environment.
Noting the problems of the
large metropolitan areas in the
east and Midwest, Smith sug
gested that manufacturers are
searching for areas to grow where
their employes can breathe clean
air and their children can play
safely in parks.
“Texas is that place. Texas is
the place where a commuter is
a guy who drives 10 minutes to
his job,” Governor Smith em
“With all these environmental
considerations, let us not cease
to emphasize one vital thing.
American prosperity has enabled
us to begin to rebuild our slums,
house our indigent and now pro
tect the environment.
“That prosperity has arisen
largely from American industri
al development,” the governor
Smith pointed out examples of
aid from state agencies, the Texas
Industrial Development Council
and Texas Industrial Commission.
He described the Texas Indus
trial Commission’s computer
service, free for all Texas com
munities, as a push-button infor
mation system to help a plant
locator find the area of the state
that fits his needs, and another
push will help a city learn of its
problems in obtaining new in
Governor Smith called the sys
tem “the most complete com
puterized information system for
industry anywhere.”
He emphasized the state has
just “scratched the surface in
industrial development.
“Ten years ago, only 43 per
cent of Texas’ employment was
supported by industry. Now the
figure is 56 per cent. The job has
just begun,” Smith said.
He pointed out several areas
of potential growth, including:
—“Although Texas produces 90
percent of the nation’s chemical
feedstock for the production of
synthetic textiles, not one inch of
fabric is made in Texas today.
—“Although Texas is tops in
manufacturing growth, we are
still only eighth as a manufac
turing state.
—'“Although we located 901
new plants in 1969, there are
still towns that are withering,
passed by new superhighways
and letting the world go on with
out them.
—“Despite the tremendous
manufacturing growth, more than
half of the land in our state can
still be classed in that ‘vast waste
land’ category, although manu
facturers in the Northeast are
clamoring for breathing room to
The governor concluded that
Texas not only has a lot to offer
industry, but industry has much
to offer the state.
Registrar says
14,406 enroll,
1,233 women
A record 14,406 students en
rolled this fall at A&M, announced
Registrar Robert A. Lacey.
The previous record, 14,034, was
set last fall.
Lacey said this year’s total
includes 1,233 coeds, up 95.
Currents registration also in
cludes 381 students enrolled in
the College of Veterinary Med
icine’s professional program and
95 cadets at the Texas Maritime
Graduate enrollment this year
is approximately 2,800, the regis
trar said.
University National Bank
‘On the side of Texas A&M.”