The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 10, 1970, Image 1

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    be Battalion
College Station, Texas
Thursday, September, 10, 1970
Friday — Partly cloudy, east
erly winds 5-10 mph. High 92,
low 71.
Saturday — Partly cloudy,
cloudy, afternoon rain or thunder
showers. Southeast winds 10-12
mph. High 89, low 72.
Kickoff — 84 degrees, southeast
winds 5-10 mph. 65% humidity.
No rain.
Telephone 845-2226
Intensified building
overcrowds parking
STUDENTS CONFER with Gov. Preston Smith Wednesday afternoon during his visit
here to present awards for the Texas Community Improvement Program conducted by
the Texas Agricultural Extension Service. Daily Eagle newsman Bob Robinson listens
as Tommy Henderson (foreground), student senator, Roger Miller, Student Senate vice
president and Kirby Brown, Issues Committee chairman, question the governor. (Photo
by David Middlebrooke)
W estmoreland accused
of dereliction in charge
ft. McPherson, Ga. <^p) —
An Army sergeant filed charges
Wednesday against Army Chief
of Staff William C. Westmore
land accusing him of dereliction
and failure to control troops in
The charge filed in military
court by Sgt. Esquiel Torres, 22,
of Brownsville, Tex., came in con
nection with pretrial hearings
being conducted for three of 10
soldiers accused in the alleged
massacre at My Lai.
The charge against Westmore
land was disclosed by Charles L.
Weltner, Torres’ civilian attor
If Civilians to discuss
open dorm system
Battalion Staff Writer
The feasibility of extending the
open dorm system, that is allow
ing students to bring female
guests into their dormitory dur
ing specified hours on weekends,
to all civilian residence halls on
campus will be discussed by the
Civilian Student Council (CSC)
tonight at 7 in room 3-D of the
Memorial Student Center, CSC
president Mark Olson said.
Olson believes the CSC can
assist individual residence halls
in acquiring this system by act
ing as a possible arbiter with the
Olson said the appointment of
52 students to fill the ranks of
the CSC’s eight committees, in
cluding Female Recruitment,
Menu, Public Relations, Laundry,
Handbook, Environmental Study,
| I vjj',, p
Civilian Dress, and Civilian Week-
Weekend Committees will he de
The appointment of seven sen
ior student members to the Civil
ian Honor Council, which makes
recommendations to the dean of
students about the severity of
punishment dealt to those who
violate the honor code, also will
be discussed, Olson said.
A report from the newly form
ed Female Recruitment Commit
tee is also expected, Olson said.
Olson said applications will be
distributed to dorm presidents for
the starting of a Sophomore As
sistance Program. This program
will allow the six sophomores
selected to act in an aide capacity
to the CSC Executive Committee
and Council. The students will
have full speaking privileges, but
will be seated afe non-voting mem
The charge signed by Torres
states that he has no personal
knowledge of the alleged massa
“However,” the charge con
tinues, “as I understand the law
... a commander is responsible
for the conduct of his troops.
Based upon my understanding of
the findings of the Peers-Mc-
Crate inquiry, I believe that Gen.
Westmoreland is responsible for
whatever casualties were inflict
ed upon Vietnamese civilians at
My Lai hamlet on March 16,
The Peers-McCrate inquiry
cited by Torrest was an Army
investigation into the alleged
massacre. It was headed by Lt.
G. William R. Peers.
Weltner disclosed the charge
during a news conference after a
hearing for Torres.
Weltner said copies of the
charge have been mailed to sec
retary of the Army Stanley Re-
sor, Westmoreland’s immediate
Earlier, Col. James A. Hagan,
the military judge hearing Tor
res’ case, refused to allow his at
torneys to subpoena top Army
commanders to testify in Torres’
Hagan had been asked to or
der testimony from Secretary of
Defense Melvin Laird, Resor and
Battalion Staff Writer
Sore feet and hot tempers have
been the rule around campus
parking lots lately due to the
crowded conditions, and day stu
dents seem to have suffered the
“We’re in real good shape as
far as the dormitory students,”
Morris Maddox, assistant chief
of University Police, said. “It’s
the day students we’re having
trouble with.”
According to University Police,
day student lot number 4, located
off Spence Street by the MPC
warehouse, and parts of number
8, which is near the cyclotron,
were reassigned to staff areas.
Construction of the new library
mall, and expansion of the Ocean
ography and Meteorology Build
ing made the relocation neces
“We lost 20 spaces in lot 17
(located by the Animal Indus
tries Building and the Oceanogra
phy and Meteorology Building)
with the expansion of the Ocean
ography and Meteorology Build
ing,” said Maddox. “There were
another 20 spaces lost when Hub
bard was closed permanently for
two years until the building (the
new Oceanography and Meteor
ology Building) is finished,” he
Maddox also said that a great
deal of parking space was taken
up by the new library mall.
“We’re building a new 1,000
car lot east of Bizzell and south
of Farm Road 60, that’ll relieve
Students must
relocate cars
before game
Students are reminded of park
ing regulations concerning home
football game parking, University
Police Chief Ed Powell said
All student vehicles must be
moved from parking lots 48, 49,
30, 31, and 9 to parking areas
north of Ross Street by 10 a.m.
on home football game days, he
These lots are both adjacent to
Kyle Field and G. Rollie White
Coliseum, the civilian and day stu
dent lots running parallel to FM
2154 and the lot on Old Main
Drive behind Henderson Hall.
Cars can be moved to any lot
north of Ross Street, preferably
No. 8 which is the lot behind the
Petroleum Engineering Building
and running beside the Cyclotron
Building, Powell said.
our day student pressure a whole
lot,” Maddox explained. Com
pletion is tentatively scheduled
for the first of October.
He also said day students were
being allowed to park along
Routt, south of Houston, and
along Throckmorton, south of
Routt, to the “No Parking” sign.
“We also have a dirt lot across
from G. Rollie White that they
(day students) can use as a dry
weather lot,” Maddox explained.
Lots have also been split to
make room for more students.
Maddox pointed out that lot 9
by Henderson Hall, had been
divided in half, providing 200
more spaces for day students.
More room has also been made
for freshman parking by split
ting lots. Lot 49 (maroon) by
Farm Road 2154, was divided in
half to gain 200 additional spaces
for freshman parking.
Both of these splits were pos
sible because juniors and seniors
were not filling the lots, accord
ing to Maddox.
“If we can get more freshmen
in this way, we will move up 75
or so more, but we’ll try to keep
eight or 10 spaces available,”
Maddox said.
Maddox detailed future plans
saying that a new parking lot
west of Farm Road 2154, by the
Rodeo Center, would house all
dormitory students, and all on-
campus parking would be just
staff and day students.
“These are long range plans,”
he added. “It may be two years,
it may be five years before they
are finished.”
As for the complaint of not
having enough room for dormi
tory students to park, Maddox
said, “We have plenty of room
for these students if they’ll look
for it. If they’ll take their car
down after five o’clock, when the
day students have left, and leave
it there, they’re in good shape.”
SEA OF TRAFFIC greets College Station police officer at the intersection of South Col
lege and FM 60 as the 5 p. m. rush traffic gets under way Wednesday. One problem
created by the volume of motor vehicles is where to put them all during working hours.
(Photo by David Middlebrooke)
Traffic committee votes
extra day student parking
Battalion Staff Writer
The Traffic Committee voted
Wednesday to finance work in
parking lot 33, near the A&M
laundry. They will have old
stripes and numbers removed and
restripe 14 new places there.
Faculty from lot 5, on the north
side of the campus, will be moved
to 33, making more places for
day students. Cost is estimated
at $750.
Members of the committee con
sist of five representatives from
the administration and seven stu
dents. From the administration
are R. A. Diebel, R. T. Perry, E.
A. Powell, D. R. Stafford, Chair
man, and D. E. Williams. Stu
dent members are A1 L. Bradley,
Michael M. Essmyer, Joe N. Kor-
negay, Lawrence D. McGill, Da
vid L. Moore, Roger P. Sindt, and
Michael D. Smith.
The Traffic Committee advises
the administration on all matters
concerning traffic regulation and
enforcement, assignment of
Tonight at 7:30
Senators to vote on forum
The Student Senate will hold
its first meeting of the year
Thursday night at 7:30 with final
organization and new issues being
the main points of discussion.
Kent Caperton, Student Senate
president, said he will inform the
senators of some new ideas drawn
up in summer meetings of the ex
ecutive committee.
The Senate will be discussing
several new issues as well as two
issues which were proposed at the
end of last year, Caperton said.
A new system that will allow
senators to communicate effec
tively with their constituents will
be proposed, he added, a system
Graduate students
to get orientation
CONTESTANTS in the Miss America pageant in Atlanta
City, N. J., stroll on the boardwalk Wednesday. The attrac
tive Misses New Mexico, Janis Lynn Jones; Texas, Phyliss
George; Oklahoma, Judy Adams; and Arkansas, Donna
Connelly, pause to wave at the camera. (AP Wirephoto)
An orientation program for all
graduate students will be held
Tuesday at 4 p.m. in Biological
Sciences 113.
Sponsored by the Graduate Stu
dent Council, the meeting will
feature Dr. G. W. Kunze, dean
of the Graduate College.
Dr. Kunze will explain degree
plans, committees, language re
quirements and petitions at the
session. He will also outline the
general structure of the college
and explain the procedure for
filing applications for assistant-
Wayne Brungard, CSC com
munications chairman, said that
all members of the council will be
present at the meeting to answer
A questionnaire will also be
passed out at the meeting which
can be returned through campus
mails. These questions will be
answered on a special television
program on KAMU later this
in which the senators of each col
lege will be meeting with admin
istrators, faculty, and students
of that college in scheduled meet
ings not less than twice per se
The Senate will be voting on
a proposal made by the Great
Issues Committee last spring
which would provide a free speech
area on campus.
The soapbox forum is called
by Caperton “the most progress
ive step A&M has taken in years.”
The objective of the forum is
to provide an organized outlet
for university students, admini
strators, faculty, and staff to en
gage in free discussion and dia
logue, and to freely express opin
ions on current issues on a budg
eted time basis, he explained.
If passed, Capetron said, final
details will be worked out by the
Student Senate and the Great Is
sues Committee soon.
Roger Miller, Senate vice pres
ident will propose that a subcom
mittee of the Student Publications
Board be formed to keep the
board informed of student views
toward The Battalion and other
A joint Senate effort will be
discussed concerning an all-uni
verity weekend to be held Oct.
John Sharp, chairman of the
Student Life Committee, will pre
sent the proposal to the Senate.
The weekend will emphasize unity
and togetherness of the whole
school in backing the football
team, Caperton said.
Caperton said he will be striv
ing to organize committees this
year so Senate meetings will be
more efficient in time and in dis
cussing important matters.
He said he wants to give the
Senate a new role: Be a respon
sible student government making
progressive changes while work
ing with the administration and
most important, the students of
Texas A&M.
A new plan, he said, is for the
Senate executive committee to
walk through a different dormi
tory each week and talk with stu
dents, Caperton said.
spaces, fees, and improvements.
They also identify future prob
lems and gather traffic-survey
information from the student
body and staff.
Work on the new lot 50 near
the new Engineering Center was
scheduled for completion August
15. This new lot, which will pro-
vite 1,000 spaces for faculty and
day students, will feature envir
onmental design, including land
scaping and sidewalks.
The lot is expected to cost al
most $300,000.
Fees for parking stickers were
higher this year because money
is needed for the new lot, Asso
ciate Dean of Students Don. R.
Stafford said. The fees are about
the same as those charged at
other colleges, but A&M students
have more parking privileges
than most college students,- he
added. State funds cannot be
used for parking lot work.
A new lot has been planned at
the entrance to the golf course.
It will provide 36 parking spaces
for staff and 50 spaces for golf
course patrons. This will leave
spaces for day students along
Bizzell Street.
Plans for a lot across the rail
road tracks will be discussed at a
later meeting. It would be used
for freshmen and during football
At this time, A&M has 8,153
parking spaces and 12,636 cars
have been registered. The num
ber can be broken down as fol
lows: Junior and senior dorm
students, 3,4447; freshman and
sophomores dorm students, 1,876;
day students, 4,462; athletic stu
dents, 63; and staff, 2,788. This
is a rise of over 1,500 from last
University National Bank
“On the side of Texas A&M.”