I ■ DISCOUNT MEAL COUPON BOOKS ARE ON SALE AT THE FOOD SERVICES MANAGER’S OFFICE; MSC MONDAY EVENING SPECIAL BROILED SALISBURY STEAK. W/SAUTEED ONIONS Choice of two vegetables Rolls - Butter Tea or Coffee $0.99 TUESDAY EVENING SPECIAL BAKED MEAT LOAF WITH TOMATO SAUCE Rolls - Butter Tea or Coffee and Choice of any two vegetables $0.99 WEDNESDAY EVENING SPECIAL CHICKEN FRIED STEAK WITH CREAM GRAVY Rolls - Butter Tea or. Coffee and Choice of any two vegetables $0.99 THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL ITALIAN CANDLELIGHT DINNER ITALIAN SPAGHETTI Served with Spiced Meat Balls & Sauce Parmesan Cheese Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee $0.99 FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL OCEAN CATFISH FILET Tarter Sauce Cole Slaw Grandma’s Combread Rolls - Butter Tea or Coffee and Choice of any two vegetables $0.99 SATURDAY SPECIAL NOON AND EVENING GULF SHRIMP Cocktail Sauce French Fried Potatoes Cole Slaw Rolls - Butter Tea or Coffee $0.99 SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON AND EVENING ROAST TURKEY DINNER Served With Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Dressing Rolls - Butter Tea or Coffee Giblet Gravy and your choice of any two vegetables $0.99 For your protection we purchase meats, fish and poultry from Government inspected plants. Quality First THE BATTALION Page 4 College Station, Texas Tuesday, September 8, 1970 >////<' '"'V. / ’" ' "V \ \ \ \ \ ... V\\ v \\ \ / \ . \ /\V\ \ \\ ; ~\X ■^AV\\\U I / • f " " uu nil 'S&i MU . //// / .11 V \ \ \ - \\vv\ >o : 1 i > / / ./ A SCIENTIST for the North Carolina Department of Men tal Health, Dr. Peter N. Witt, is studying the effect of drugs on spiders by injecting them with doses of LSD, amphetamines, tranquilizers and others and then observ ing the kind of webs they spin. (AP Wirephoto) Ag Senior sees Europe and ships A&M senior Carlton Karlik of West fulfilled a genealogistfs dream last summer, conducting a search for family records in the home country. Karlik, 20, squeezed in the gen ealogical research during his sum mer work and travel in Central Europe through the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experi ence. His trip was primarily for work experience in a Pulan shipbuild ing yard in Yugoslavia, but the industrial engineering major also managed sightseeing in Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Hol land and Czechoslovakia. In the latter, Karlik dug into family history and came up with names, photographs and the orig inal document through which the family home in Zabama was sold before his grandfather and great grandfather came to the U. S. “It was a unique experience,” the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albin C. Karlik, 701 S. Marable, West, de clared. “I recommend IAESTE highly and think every student who can should try to partici pate.” The Memorial Student Center Travel Committee can furnish de tails, reports and recommenda tions of A&M students who have been in Germany, Russia, Poland, Czechoslovakia and other Euro pean countries through IAESTE and the Experiment in Interna tional Living. Carlton found his on-the-job Camera Committee to organize Thursday Texas A&M photographers will organize Thursday (Sept. 10) the Memorial Student Center Camera Committee for the Fall semester. Committee Chairman Greg Gray of Houston set the 7:30 p.m. meeting in MSC rooms 2A, B and C. The short business meeting will sign members and check out darkroom lockers, Gray said. Committee facilities for pro cessing color and black-and-white film and prints are available to members. The club also has cameras, lights and other equip ment for member checkout, along with regular contest and the spring semester Intercollegiate Photo Salon. training in the Pulan yard in triguing. “I saw every phase of Yugo slav shipbuilding and through the experience obtained a good pic ture of the country’s economics and methods,” the engineering student with a 3.83 grade point ratio stated. Though Yugoslav shipbuilding is 30 years behind technologically, the country sells large cargo ships regularly to Scandinavian coun tries and Russia. “They build the ships in halves, launch them in segments and weld the halves together in the water,” he described. Karlik saw the launching of a half of a ship during the month at Pulan. The former A&M co-op stu dent at General Dynamics in Fort Worth took the roads from Pulan. After finding that hitch-hiking doesn’t work so well in some Eu ropean countries (vehicles are scarce in Yugoslavia), he trav eled mainly by train and plane. Karlik covered about 15,000 miles in 78 days. Among high lights, he pulled crab nets from the Adriatic Sea with a Yugoslav friend and saw St. Peter’s Cath edral and the Sistine Chapel in Rome, part of Germany’s Black Forest, the famous passion play at Oberammergau and St. Vitus Cathedral, St. Charles Bridge and the Prague square where fighting occurred two years ago. “I had two years of Spanish in high school and a semester of Czech at A&M,” Karlik capsuled his brief language training. He said he often had difficulty communicating, but more detailed study might have been of insigni ficant benefit. About seven ver sions are spoken in the country and the Northerners use an en tirely different alphabet. The president of the A&M chapter of the American Insti tute of Industrial Engineers found Amsterdam “very modern” com pared to Czechoslovakia, which in turn was modern compared to Yugoslavia. “Everyone I talked to in Czech oslovakia cut down the Russian takeover,” Karlik said. “They al ways explained that it is not like that now under the Russians. Ninety per cent of the Czech pop ulation are not Communist party members.” ANNOUNCING A Gospel Meeting Evangelist W. R. Jones of Belair, Texas Sept. 6-11 — 7:30 p.m. (Sunday Services at 10:30 a. m. - 6:00 p. m.) TWIN CITY CHURCH OF CHRIST 3610 Plainsman (Just off 29th Street) Bryan, Texas 846-4515 — 823-0877 Russia claims Israel has scuttled chances for Middle East peace By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Soviet Union claimed Mon day Israel has virtually scuttled chances for a Middle East peace settlement by quitting talks with Egypt and Jordan in New York. At the same time, the Israeli military described the Egyptians as being capable through prepar ations during the cease-fire in the Mideast, of moving 300 anti aircraft missiles up to the Suez Canal zone in a matter of hours. The Soviet claim, carried by the official news agency Tass from Moscow, was the Kremlin’s first reaction to Israel’s an nouncement Sunday that it was pulling out of the talks until Egyptian military strength in the canal truce zone is restored to what it was before Aug. 7, the day a cease-fire went into effect. The reaction came at a time when all Middle East develop ments were being overshadowed by the hijackings of three West ern airliners in Europe and the attempted hijacking of an Israeli El A1 jetliner over England on Sunday. prevent implementation of the Security Council’s November 22, 1967, resolution,” Tass said. Tass said these long delays deprived Jarring of “a possibility to carry out his mission fruit fully.” The British government ex pressed regret at Israel’s decision to boycott the talks, but the Foreign Office in London was careful not to blame the Israelis. Tass charged that the Israeli government “uses allegations about Egyptian violations of the cease-fire agreement to cover up its refusal to continue the Arab- Israel contacts in New York” being conducted through U.N. mediator Gunar V. Jarring. “Actually Tel Aviv’s decision is only a logical conclusion of the policy of procrastination by means of which Israel tries to Israel’s minister of transport, Shimon Peres, on a visit to Paris, told a news conference there that Israel would consider negotiating a new cease-fire agreement if the present one cannot be im plemented. The Israelis accuse the Egyp tians of violating the cease-fire agreement by bringing Soviet- supplied missiles and building new launching sites within 20 miles of the canal. In their 11th cease-fire vio lation complaint against the Egyptians, the Israelis charged Monday that the Egyptians are continuing the construction of an antiaircraft missile belt in the canal area. The complaint was made in Tel Aviv to the United Nations. He claimed also that in the first two days of the cease-fire the Egyptians had moved up about 60 Soviet-supplied SAM2 missiles into the zone. In other developments, Arab gunners in Lebanon opened fire across the border at the Israeli settlement of Misgav Am in the northern galilee, the Israel mili tary command announced. No casualties were reported in the Sunday night shelling, ac: fire was returned, a spokesmc said. Kantfn man’s cologne, with the Spirit of Sweden, THI / TOWNSHIRE / BRYAN. TEXAS 77801 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College TROPHIES PLAQUES Engraving: Service Ask About Discounts Texas Corn Exchange, Inc. 1018 S. Texas 8’22-5121 Bob Boriskie ’65 COINS SUPPLIES BUSIER AGENCY REAL ESTATE • HtSURANCE F.H.A.—Veteran* and Conventional Letni ARM * HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. 3&2S Tex a* Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 SALES F & F SALVAGE Class of ’53 1,000 student study desks available. Damaged and Unclaimed Freight All Types of Furniture We Buy and Sell Used Furniture Call 822-0605 302 North Bryan Street BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day per word each addition Minimum charge—75tf 6(( per word al day iimmum charge—76 Classified Display LOO per column inc $1.00 per co ach insertion each insertion DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication SPECIAL NOTICE Attend the quarterhorse film presenta tion on Tuesday at 7 :30 p. rr Animal Industries Building. i pi m. in Room 216, 6tl Attention Aggies: Study group forming 102 at my home for Chemistry 101, Math for mutual benefits. Call between 4 to 10 p. m. 822-2643. 4t3 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 822-8111 4tfn “No Woman Need Ever Look 40!” For a Beauty Show or Private Facial Call: Jonnie Patranella 822-4396 (after 6:00 p. m.) Your MARY KAY Beauty Consultant 135tfn Aggie Den open from 8 a. m. till mid- ?ht, 7 to Loupot’s). days each week. Aggie Den (next Female students invited to the Aggie m - from 8 a. m. till midnight, 7 days 136tfn Den a week. Maggies invited to the Aggie Den . Come join the fun - open 8 a. m. till midnight, 7 days a week. 136tfn Aggies ! - Bring your date to the Aggie Den and enjoy billiards and pin-ball—Ag- —‘ T '— 136tfn gie Den. Ladies invited to the Aggie Den - Get up a party and come enjoy the Aggie Den, 307 University. 136tfn Attention personnel of A&M University, ood’s Furniture Center, 800 Texas Av- Telephone 823-0947. This retail fur- 118 :rs you the finest in home furnishings at prices that you can’t afford to miss. Our motto is “We will not be undersold.” The mark of excellency. Wood’s under s fabulo us Furniture Center, Bryan, Tex Texas. 135tl8 FOR RENT Unfurnished, very desirable, 3 & 2, air, washer and dryer connections, shady lot, excellent neighborhood. 822-1481 early or late. 6t2 WANTED WE BUY ALMOST ANYTHING—AGGIE DEN (next to Loupot’s). 135tfn Furnished, two bedroom apartment. 204 Luther. $96. 846-6444 after 6. 6tl 8 M projector and films for rent—Aggie Den (next to Loupot’s). 135tfn Two bedroom furnished and unfurnished apartments. $105 to $115. Central air and heat. Married couples only. 846-3408. Uni versity Acres. 126tfn WORK WANTED Would like to baby-sit. 846-9727. 6tfn Tennis racket restringing and ■ supplies nylon and gut. Call 846-4477. 128tfn Custom Bookbinding, Plastic Binding, and Gold Stamping of Books, Journals, Theses, Dissertations, and Reports. UNIVERSAL BINDERY 311 Church Street, College Station — 846-3840 llltfn Typing, full time. Notary Public, Bank- Americard accepted, 823-6410 or 823-3838. lOtfn TYPING, electric. Close to campus. Expe rienced. Reasonable. 846-2934. Itfn Typing. Electric, symbols, experienced. 846-8165. 132tfn OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the Offic* of Student Publications before deadline of 1 p.m. of the day proceeding publication. Applications for degrees are now being ?gis luates v :ee 1970. Candidates for advanced degrees e now :cepted in the Registrar’s Office from undergraduates who expect to complete their degree requirements by December, acc< all must file their uate for filing 1970. R. A. Lacey, Registrar. file their applications with the grad- Dean’s Office. The deadline date filing applications is September 11, 6t4 It is now time for all Corps Accounts, Civilian Government Organizations, Depart mental and Professional Clubs, Hometown and International Clubs, Honor Societies, MSC Advised Account, Sports Clubs, Stu- dent T '- J - ~ -•—■“ -- J Servi of value magazines, pocket books, tapes, s, etc. We buy almost anything -Aggie Den (next to Loupot’s). 135tfn We buy used magazines, pocket books, oys,—Aggie Den. 135tfn We play hi HELP WANTED Wanted: Church organist. Sundays and Wednesdays, no choir. Call 846-2901. 6t3 Needed: Child Care attendant for Sun day worship services. $1.50 per hour. Ag gie wives preferred. Call 822-1324. 6t4 Students work full or part-time. $3 per hour guaranteed and chances that a car and scholarship are being offered. For information and interviews, call 823-1236 or 823-0106. CHILD CARE Child care with experience; need new recruits. 846-6536. 133tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER, 3400 South College, State Licensed. 823-8626. Virginia D. Jones, R. N. 99tfn Child care in my home by the week, nights, and weekends by appointment. Excellent facilities, playground equipment, registered nurse in charge. 846-3928. 132t21 Body Governing Organizations, and ice Organizations to apply for Official Recognization by the University, at the Student Finance Center, MSC, 8-12, 1-4, Mon. - Fri. Deadline October 1, 1970. 3tl6 Sara Watts, teacher of piano. Baylor University Graduate Registration for fall classes on September 4, 7, 8, 9, 10. Beginners Intermediate Advanced and Adult beginner Studio — 601 East 24th Bryan, Texas — 822-6856 GM Lowest Priced Cars $49.79 per mo. With Normal Down Payment OPEL KADETT Sellstrom Pontiac - Buick 2700 Texas Ave. 26th & Parker 822-1336 822-1307 WHITE AUTO STORES Bryan and College Station can save you up to 40% on auto parts, oil, filters, etc. 846-5626. DR. G. A. SMITH Optometrist Specializing in eye examination & contact lenses DIAL 822-3557 DOWNTOWN BRYAN SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 ENGINEERING & OFFICE SUPPLY CORP. ARCH. & ENGR. REPRODUCTION & MEDIA SUPPLIES SURVEYING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT FICE SUPPLIES 0F- • MULTILITH SERVICE & SUPPLIES 402 West 25th St. Ph. 823-0939 Bryan, Texas HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CENTER 3406 South College Ave. announces the staff for 1970-1971 KINDERGARTEN — Mrs. Betty Wil liams, B.S. 4 YEAR OLD SCHOOL — Mrs. Peggy Kindt, B.S. 3 YEAR OLD SCHOOL — Mrs. Glynda Schultz, B.S. 2 YEAR OLD SCHOOL — Mrs. Sandy Mitchell, Mrs. Linda Thompson TEACHER ASSISTANT — Mrs. Ruth White SCHOOL COORDINATOR—Mrs. Nan cy Whitlock , B.A. TIDDLERS — Mrs. Dorothy Bond Mrs. Cathy Henshaw [rs. COOK — Rachel Benson INFANTS Ingebrog Bengs Mrs. Larry Jones, R.N., B.S. DIREC TOR Mr. and Mrs. Larry Jones — OWNERS We are now registering for our Fail schools. 823-8626 131U2 TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED & EXCHANGED Completely Guaranteed Lowest Prices HAMILL’S TRANSMISSION 33rd. & Texas Ave. Bryan 822-6874 FOR SALE 1967 Ford Galax ie. 600XL, air-coti tioned, power brakes and steering:, ite» ta ipe player, AM radio, four speed tna ission, 6 new tires, 390-V8, 4 bun, carb. Only 46,000 miles. Bogard Moto 201 South Texas Avenue. 822-1112. 1962 Mercury Meteor, V-8, 4-door sedi: rtation. 846-5608 after 5 Good transpor $200. s Daj the of the by will T be moi LSI The non and talli ann not tho: like P t fou TOTAL ENVIRONMENT Surfboards, Posters, Leather, and More Open Daily 6 to 10 Thursday 10 to 9 29th at Stillmeadow in Wee Villi 846-0324 lagc 4tl! MUST SELL 1968 CORVETTE COUPI 327-300 h.p., 4-speed, positraction, AM-F) tinted windows, new tires, under fact* warranty. MAKE OFFER. 846-7197. ill 16(4’ Windmill Class sailboat with nil- 1 preserves, fittings, includes trailor. i1 $14,600. Call 846-5231. 132td Japanese made electric guitar. Thn* ckups, vibrator and case. Worth ovd $100.00 but selling for $56. 846-2803 129tf» picku se I vibr Watch Repairs Jewelry Repair Diamond Senior Rings Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5816 Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO 909 S. Main 822-6000 Havoline, Amalie, Conoco. 34c qt. —EVERYDAY- We stock all local major brands. Where low oil prices originate, Quantity Rights Reserved Wheel Bearings - Exhausts System Parts, Filters, Water and Fuel Pumps. Almost Any Part Needed 25-40% Off List Brake Shoes $3.60 ex. 2 Wheels — many cars We Stock EELCO EDELBROCK HURST MR GASKET CAL CUSTOM Other Speed Equipment Starters - Generators Most $13.95 each Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAUEK , 32 24 years in Bryan