The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 08, 1970, Image 3

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Tuesday, September 8, 1970 College Station, Texas
Page 3
Campus Briefs
Schiil 1
Civil Engineering adds
three faculty members
A&M’s Department of Civil
Engineering has added three fac
ulty members for the fall semes
ter, Dr. C. H. Samson, Jr., head,
revealed Monday.
Dr. Harold W. Wolf, professor,
earned the degree of Doctor of
Public Health at UCLA and was
formerly with the environmental
control administration, U.S. Dept,
of Health, Education, and Wel
fare. He has joined the Envir
onmental Engineering division
here and will direct the research
effort at the Dallas facility.
Dr. Richard Dominguez, assist
ant professor, is teaching and
conducting research in the Coast
al and Ocean Engineering divi
sion. His experience includes
teaching at Clarkson College of
Technology and work in struc
tural consulting and the oil in
dustry. He received his Ph.D.
from Oregon State.
Matt R. Wall is an instructor
in the Construction Engineering
division and will participate in
thp division’s research project
dealing with low income housing.
A graduate of the University of
Wisconsin, he has several years
experience as a practicing archi
★ ★ ★
Biologist to participate
in NASA symposium
Dr. Herman Kleerekoper, biol
ogy professor, will participate
next week in an animal orienta
tion and navigation symposium
sponsored by NASA in collabora
tion with the Smithsonian Insti
The A&M biologist, who will
discuss his research in fish be
havior, was invited by the Amer
ican Institute of Biological Sci-
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Bible Studies.
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ences to participate in the Sept.
9-13 meeting at NASA’s Wallops
Station in Virginia.
Dr. Kleerekoper will present a
paper entitled “Chemoreception
in the Orientation of Fishes.”
He is currently conducting re
search in fish behavior under a
National Science Foundation
grant. He also has in progress
a Federal Water Quality Admin-
■istration study concerning the
effects of metallic water pollu
tion on fish.
★ ★ ★
Foundation to grant
ecology program funds
On April 21, 1970, nearly 20
million students in colleges and
universities all over the country
spoke out for various forms of
environmental control. Now the
National Science Foundation is
willing to pay college students to
put their ideas into actions.
Through their Student Origi
nated Studies Program, the NSF
is asking that students or groups
of students submit projects of a
scientific nature and organize a
team of between five and fifteen
members on work on the proposed
idea. The projects must be phys
ical, biological, or sociological in
nature and deal directly with an
environmental problem.
A proposed project should be
designed to occupy a 10-12 week
period of the academic year, with
each student in the team being
paid $80 per week.
Proposals must be turned in for
consideration before Nov. 20. If
a student, group or club has an
idea for a project or is inter
ested in finding out more about
the program, they should contact
Coleman Loyd in the NSF Pro
grams office in the basement of
the YMCA.
★ ★ ★
A&M Sports Car Club
will regroup Tuesday
The Texas A&M Sports Car
Club regroups Tuesday at the
first meeting of the new school
Club president James Forte of
McKinney said the 7:30 p.m.
meeting will be in the old College
Station City Hall, corner of
Patricia Street and State Hwy.
The club is open to all Bryan
and College Station drivers and
persons interested in driving,
Forte indicated.
“Members don’t have to own a
car,” he added. “We’re out to
have a good time and do it
Forte said meetings will be held
regularly on the second and
fourth Tuesdays of each month
at the City Hall. Films and slides
of previous TAMUSCC events
will be shown at the Tuesday
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A carpeted bulkhead shortens the P. L. Downs pool to championship length.
New bulkhead divides pool
into championship length
A locally engineered and fabri
cated device qualifying P. L.
Downs Jr. Natatorium for NCAA-
distance competitions has been
realized at a saving of more than
275 per cent for Texas A&M and
The bulkhead of extruded chan
nel-type aluminum “bridges” the
indoor A&M pool. The 3,500-pound
movable barrier includes eight
starting blocks, submerged turn
board and is covered wtih Maroon
indoor-outdoor carpeting.
Robert A. Jenkins, physical
plant planning engineer, said the
total project cost A&M $8,000.
System architect estimates on
similar bulkheads at other uni
versities ranged from $30,000 to
Assistant swimming coach Emil
Mamaliga said the bulkhead will
improve natatorium facilities in
several ways. Because the 62-foot
long device corrects the pool
length, the Southwest Conference
swim meet is scheduled here this
year for the first time in several
Concurrent improvements in
other parts of the natatorium and
at Wofford Cain Pool are also
being made, pointed out Dr. Carl
W. Landiss, head of the Health
and Physical Education Depart
ment which administers the pools.
Non-reflective glass has been
installed in west-side windows of
the natatorium, which has also
been re-roofed and had north
windows closed. The assembled
bulkhead was installed through
the opening.
Landiss noted the Cain pool
diving tower will also be com
pletely re-designed and replaced.
The present two-platform tower
was never approved.
The A&M indoor pool, along
with several others in the South
west, was made 100 feet long
when it was constructed in 1932.
The standard NCAA competition
distance is 75 feet. Bulkhead in
stallation brings the pool to speci
fication, Mamaliga explained.
“Championship meets use six
lanes. With the 42-foot Downs
pool width, the outside lanes will
have ‘quieter’ water,” the assist
ant coach commented. “Downs has
always been called a fast pool.
With the quiet outside lanes, it
should be the fastest in the state.”
He noted that eight lanes can
be run for age group meets. The
bulkhead, which can be rolled the
length of the pool, will also serve
as a natural barrier dividing the
pool, preventing interference from
simultaneously conducted diving
and swimming classes or begin
ning and advanced swim groups.
“It also will be beneficial in
recruiting swimmers,” Mamaliga
remarked. “Our pool size has
been used against us.”
Jenkins called the bulkhead
project “a good community ef
fort.” It was designed by Charles
J. Godwin, Bryan architect and
engineer, and manufactured by
Research Equipment Inc. of
Bryan from aluminum supplied
by Alenco.
Baen named to station post
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Bryan's Leading Independent Volkswagen Service
Dr. Spencer R. Baen has been
named assistant director for the
Texas Engineering Experiment
Station, announced Associate
TEES Director Harry Whitmore.
Baen is a 1943 engineering
graduate of A&M. He conducted
graduate studies at California
Institute of Technology, receiv
ing a master’s degree in 1947 and
a Ph.D. in 1950, with both de
grees in mechanical engineering.
For the past 20 years, Dr. Baen
has served in a variety of re
search and development assign
ments for the Army, from which
he retired this year with the rank
of colonel. Most of his military
duty during the past 10 years
has been related to missiles.
Dr. Baen has completed both
the Command and General Staff
College and the Industrial Col
lege of the Armed Forces. He
also has taken engineering and
mathematics refresher courses at
UCLA and Princeton.
The San Antonio native is mar
ried and has three sons and one
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