The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 04, 1970, Image 1
■ Che Battalion Vol. 66 No. 4 College Station, Texas Friday, September 4 1970 Warm, cloudy, rain Saturday—Partly cloudy, some rain. Winds southerly 8~10 m.p.h. High 95, low 73. Sunday — Partly cloudy with some rain. Southerly winds 8-10 m.p.h. High in the middle 90s, low in the low 70s. Telephone 845-2226 Coed dorm, pass-fail favored by students HIGH-SPEED CONFUSION is what appears to be taking place during a workout as the Aggie football team prepares for a rugged season that begins with the Wichita State game Sept. 12 at 7:30 p. m. on Kyle Field. (Photo by Steve Bryant) Graduate council president now staff, may lose position By 1»AM TROBOY Battalion Staff Writer The Graduate Student Council (GSC) tabled a motion Thursday which may remove President Mickey Land from the GSC be cause of a change in his schol astic status. Land and Herb Gersbach (BA) told the council that they are now classified as staff member of the university rather than graduate students. GSC by-laws state that a coun cil member must be a graduate student carrying no less than eight hours. Gersbach is register ed for six hours and Land is taking 12 hours. AUSTIN UPi—Rep. Harold Da vis of Austin said Thursday he would introduce a bill in next year’s legislature that would raise non-resident tuition at state colleges from $250 to $1,400 a year. . Davis told the West Austin Rotary Club the increase would "help pick up the tab for the campus riots in which so many of them out-of-state students participate.” This would add $30 million a [year in revenue, Davis said, but he also stated he did not know The council voted to let Gers bach remain a member until the end of the scholastic year. Unless his status reverts back to grad uate student, he will not be eli gible for reelection. The council named Land as acting president until the next meeting Sept. 17 when a vote of the full council will be taken. In other action, Wayne Brun- gard, chairman of the communica tions committee, said that the new handbooks should be available in “two or three weeks.” The pamphlet will cover inform ation of interest to graduate stu dents that is not found in any other university publication, he how many out-of-state students are enrolled in Texas’ public col leges and universities. “I think you will see a dif ferent climate in the next leg islative session,” Davis said. “There will be stricter riot con trol legislation considered and more bills passed regarding dem onstrations.” Texas has been relatively free of campus disruptions. The 1969 legislature enacted several strict measures designed to suppress riots. said. The Former Students Assn, will print the handbooks and Dean of Students James P. Hannigan has approved $100 from the Par ents Fund to meet costs, Brungard said. He aslo said that an orienta tion session for all new graduate students will be sponsored by the council Sept. 15 at 4 p.m. in Bio logical Sciences 113. New professors join department The addition of two new fac ulty members to the Department of Mechanical Engineering has been announced by Dr. C. M. Sim- mang, head. The new assistant professors are Dr. William A. Munter and Dr. C. E. Nuckolls. Both have research assignments with the Texas Engineering Experiment Station also, Simmang said. Munter, whose fields are fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and heat transfer, received his Ph.D. from the University of Oklahoma in 1969. He taught at that school and worked for Dresser Engi neering and Noble Drilling Com pany previously. Nuckolls also taught at Okla homa and received his Ph.D. there in 1970. He has industrial ex perience with Sandia Corpora tion. Fields of interest are me chanics and design. Non-compulsory board and laundry, an on-campus dorm for women and a pass-fail grading system for some courses were preferred by a majority of stu dents polled last spring by the Student Senate. The questionaires containing 20 questions in three categories were offered to students as they registered for fall classes. They were filled out by 3,312 students. A majority of the students re plying did not prefer the legali zation of marijuana or U. S. troop pullout in Vietnam. Slightly over 50 per cent of those answering said they thought students through the Student Senate should have a voice in the selection of a new A&M presi dent. A report of the results by Sen ators Bill Hartsfield and John C. Key stated: “We believe that the results of the opinion poll could conceiv ably change if a greater number of students had participated in the poll, especially with respect to those questions in which the difference between “yes” and “no” responses is relatively small. Nev ertheless, the results of the can vassing may be construed as a fairly accurate indicator of stu dent opinion regarding those is sues with which the students are most concerned and reasonably well informed.” Hartsfield and Key also men tioned that a number of the ques tions had been criticized as mis leading, poorly worded or unan swerable by a simple “yes” or “no.” The results, question by ques tion: As a student at Texas A&M University do you prefer— 1. Off campus University-gov erned housing for women? Yes, 53%; no, 47.9%. 2. A girls’ dorm on campus ? Yes, 82%; no, 18%. 3. A co-ed dorm similar to the new one at T.U.? Yes, 65%, no, 35%. 4. Non-compulsory board (at higher cost for those who eat on campus)? Yes, 61%; no, 39%. 5. Non-compulsory laundry? Yes, 75%; no, 25%. 6. A coop-non-profit book store (realizing that there would be no Exchange Store profits avail able for club aid)? Yes, 67%; no, 33%. 7. A ‘fish’ parking lot off-cam pus across the track? Yes, 63%; no, 37%. 8. Lockers on campus for day students? Yes, 73%; no, 27%. 9. A pass-fail grading system for some courses? Yes, 80%; no, 20%. 10. A University Women’s rep resentative as an ex-officio mem ber of the Senate? Yes, 75%; no, 26%. 11. Would you be willing to pay more for room and replace such dorms as Hotard and Legget with newer ones? Yes, 45%; no, 55%. 12. Do you prefer the legaliza tion or use of marijuana? Yes, 29%; no, 71%. 13. Do you prefer U.S. troop pullout in Viet Nam? Yes, 44%; no, 56%. 14. Do you feel the students through the Student Senate should have a voice in the selection of a new A&M President? Yes, 56%; no, 44%. 15. Do you feel that the Texas A&M Young Democrats should have taken the liberty to censure Texas A&M? Yes, 31%; no, 69%. 16. The “Aggieland” now costs $6.00 by being compulsory. If non- compulsory, and less people or dered it, the cost might be as high as $12.00 and perhaps if circulation drop might cause it to be discontinued. Under these circumstances, would you like to make the purchase of the Aggie land non-compulsory? Yes, 24%; no, 77%. 17. Do you think the Black stu dents should have a new and sep arate organization on campus? Yes, 40%; no, 60%. As it was brought to the at tention of the Student Senate at By DAVID MIDDLEBROOKE Battalion Editor Students buying books at the Exchange Store have noticed something different—prices are not visible on most of the books. By holding the book under an ultraviolet light, however, check out clerks can readily see how much to charge the student. The reason: the price is stamp ed on a book with a special ink visible only under the UV light. The system is a new one, still in the process of being fully em ployed, DeHart Howard, book manager, told The Battalion DeHart said the method was being used to cut losses. Many hooks are sent back to the pub lisher, he said, either because the title was over-ordered or was dropped from the required book list. Under the old pricing system, DeHart said, where gummed tags with the price on them were at tached to the book, the tags had to be removed before the books could be returned. “We lose money coming and going,” he said. “If there is the least little mark on the book, the publisher won’t take it back. We could sell the hooks to whole- a recent meeting that the build ing of the annual Bonfire is a contributing factor to the destruc tion of the ecological balance of this area and that the tremen dous amount of work and plan ning which goes into bonfire could possibly better be chan nelled into some more constructive effort which would more ade quately represent the true Aggie Spirit, we solicit your opinion on the following: 18. Do you favor continuing the Bonfire as it is presently con structed ? Yes, 61%; no, 39%. 19. Would you favor reduction in the size and scope of the Bon fire ? Yes, 31%; no, 69%. 20. Would you favor the redi rection of the Bonfire effort into a more constructive area, i.e., slum clearance, clean-up projects, etc.? Yes, 45%; no, 55%. The questionaire was prepared by Grievance Committee Chair men Marcus Hill and Jimmy Wea ver. salers, but we make next to no profit.” With the “invisible” price on the book, publishers have no reserv ations about taking the books back, DeHart said, and time and labor are saved because nothing has to be removed from -the books —they’re just packed and ship ped. DeHart noted prices are marked on some of the cards attached to the bookshelves, giving the course number the book is for, the title and the author. He admitted this is not the case for all books yet, but said the problem will be cor rected within another month, when the back-to-school rush sub sides. He also said UV lights will be placed in the aisles soon, so even if the price is not marked on a book’s card the shopper can put the book under a light and read the price. The book manager also pointed out the store has been rearrang ed, giving more space to hook stocks. This was done last spring, by Exchange Store employes, aft er hours and during weekends. University National Bank “On the side of Texas A&M.” —Adv. Sewers installed 2 streets affected Campus streets, which have been scarred for so long by the installation of new sewerage lines, are well on their way to recovery, according to Harold Carter, A&M construction manager. Only one street is currently closed. The two streets most affected are Ross and Spence, where new cooling water lines are being installed. A portion of Ross is currently closed. Construction is now in progress along the area adjacent to the west side of Spence. The lines, the cause of all the confusion, are part of a new waste treatment system for the campus. The system will also include a new treatment plant, to be located near Easterwood Airport. Current estimates set the completion date for sometime next spring. The cooling water lines, which are being installed in Ross and along Spence streets, will provide cooling water for the air-conditioning of new dorms. Legislator plans to propose $1,150 out-of-state tuition hike Price goes on, remains unseen Has the Battalion fairly represented the civilians? wwr-zm W'iL W:'\ jMLjL The inquiring Battman 111 Mike Dingus senior “I’ve seen very little coverage | °n civilians in the past and expect I the same in the future.” Dave Mayfield graduate “I think it is the purpose of any school newspaper to cover all aspects of student life fairly and equally. Unfortunately, The Bat talion has somethimes believed in the ‘separate but not always equal’ theory of reporting. Gary Henley senior “It was slanted, if at all, to ward corps activities; however, civilian activities are not overly numerous or exciting as of yet.” ''> "f m "■S Emmet H. White fifth-year “I think the coverage has been very superficial and lacking in depth in all areas. Last year was a marked improvement over the past four years.” Mary Dillingham junior “It has been lousy. The only coverage is usually deragatory, especially about women.” mm 9 Steve Hughes senior “I think coverage favors civil ians to a certain degree because of certain corps activities that al most require coverage; i.e., civil ian activities are created. This creates the impression that cover age for civilians is personal. Chip Brees j unior “Coverage of civilians has been less than adequate. The batt is not representative of the student body as a whole; it is slanted to ward administration.”