The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 02, 1970, Image 2
A Page ii m- College Station, Texas Wednesday, September 2, 1970 THE BATTALION Students deserve praise ft? • ^ ■ Last night, the first Silver Taps of the school year was held, paying final tribute to Aggies who died during the summer. We gincefely hope no more such ceremonies will have to be held this year, but past experience indicates otherwise. Last night was a rainy, dark night. School had just begun. Yet, we saw a good many students present at the ceremony. There were cadets, civilians and coeds. Some had umbrellas, but many stood in the rain and got soaked. They knew they would, but they attended anyway. We think it is a good sign, and we commend those who attended for the spirit they displayed in upholding one of the finest traditions at A&M. We realize that some traditions are dated, and really need to go, but some—like Silver Taps—are good ones and should be continued. For those new to the campus, Silver Taps is the Aggie’s way of paying last respects to those who have died while enrolled as *: *jr **. . Hang it on! Hang it on. The label. Corps. Civilians. Cowboys. Longhairs. Shorthairs. Maggies, i What does it tell you? Nothing really. Nothing about what the labeled person thinks or believes. Only how he dresses, looks. Super ficialities. The surface. Look at the label. '3 L. Numbers in £ on the cable. 3:00 3 (5) 15 (12) () denote channels 5:00 3:30 3 (5) 4:00 3 (5) I 15 (12) f > 4:30 3 (5) Corner Pyle Sesame Street (NET) (Tuesday repeat) Town Talk Dark Shadows University Instructional Bewitched 3 (5) General Hospital 15 (12) Misterogers’ Neighborhood (NET) 7:30 8:00 9:00 5:30 3 (5) CBS News 15 (12) Sesame Street (NET) (5) (5) 6:00 6:30 * -LORD JEFF i ■ l % TOWN SHIRE / BRYAN. TEXAS TTSOI ¥- (5) Evening News (5) Where’s Huddles? 15 (12) Campus and Com munity Today 7:00 3 (5) Comer Pyle 15 (12) What’s New (NET) 10:00 10:30 11:30 (5) Beverly Hillbillies (12) NET Playhouse Everly Brothers Hawaii Five-O (12) The Toy That Grew Up (5) Final News It Takes a Thief Richard Diamond (5) (5) Late pickup told for activity cards FOR BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED Students who did not pre register in the spring may pick up activity cards at Window 7 in G. Rollie White Coliseum any day this week, according to Wally Groff, business manager for the athletic department. The cards entitle students to attend Town Hall performances, receive football tickets, and vote in student elections. m fl M; f *% Cbe Battalion Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of student writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax- Pt supported, non-profit, self-supporting educational enter- uprise edited and operated by students as a university and ^. community newspaper. 0 LETTERS POLICY •: ; f Letters to the editor should be typed, double-spaced, '■^and no more than 300 words in length. They must be signed, although the writer’s name null be withheld by ■arrangement with the editor. Address correspondence to -, r Listen Up, 7 he Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, •i .College Station, Texas 77813. 11 The Battalion, ublished in College Station, student newspaper at Texas A&M, is tation, Texas, daily except Saturd; jnday, Monday, and holiday periods, September May, and once a week during summer school. Saturday, through MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association The Associated Collekiate Press Mai! subscriptions are $3.50 pe year ; $6.50 per full year. All sub sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station semester; $6 pe scriptions subject 1 hed on request. Addr< school to 4*4% Texas 77843. 1969 TP A Award Winner >v The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for eproduction of all news dispatches crr J!i - J - therwise credited in the paper and local rigin published herein. Rights latter herein are also reserved. of rep edited to it or not ontaneous u news of sp( ublication of all other bers ( chair: Members of the Student Publications Board are: Jim of Liberal Arts ; sa B. Childers, Jr., Z. L. Carpenter, Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. College of Agriculture. f ' Rervi Franc m Represented nationally by Natio rices, Inc., New York City, Chi acisco. nal Educational Advertising Chicago, Los Angeles and San EDITOR DAVID MIDDLEBROOKE Managing Editor Fran Haugen News Editor Hayden Whitsett Women’s Editor Cindy Burleson Sports Editor Clifford Broyles We’re a Hard-Headed CATV company. We believe hard work is better than hard sell. So we’re spending our time making sure our service is superior. We found out the hard way that salesmanship is no substitute CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle students here. The day Silver Taps is to be held, a notice is posted on the flagpole in front of the Academic Building, and the flag is flown at half-staff. That night at 10:30, all lights in student living areas are extinguished, and students silently walk over to the area in front of the Academic Building. The Ross Volunteer (an elite corps organization) Firing Squad marches over, and fires a 21-gun salute to the dead student. Members of the Aggie Band play Taps three times, and students return quietly to then- rooms. Those who still must study usually try to keep the light from showing too plainly from their window. In the corps area, no talking or lights, except for studying, are allowed until the next morning. Again, we think those students who placed a higher value on attendance than on keeping dry are to be commended, and we hope this tradition will continue as long as A&M exists. Look deeper. You may find something important. A person. An individual. A unique lifestyle. Aggies are “traditionally” friendly and spirited. A new tradition, openmindedness, is vital if the other two are to survive. San Antonio draws sewage reprimand The City of San Antonio drew gency corrective plan, Board fl. a sharp reprimand from the Tex as Water Quality Board for dumping 12 million gallons of raw sewage into the San Antonio River on Aug. 3 (in anticipation of a heavy rain). Board sent the matter to the attorney general to determine if a penalty suit should be filed and handed down an order threaten ing an injunction if the violation ever happens again. Dissatisfied with the city’s lack of an emer- rected its own staff to come J with something to give San AH tonians in certain areas relit' from overcrowded sewage facilj. ties pending passage of a boul issue for vast new lines. Bulletin Board Wedn< ir TUESDAY Rugby Club of A&M will me« at 8 p.m. in room 2C of the MSC to elect officers. —Fran Haugen “Can you believe it? Off of one man, too!” BAPTIST STUDENT UNION (Student Center One Block North of Post Office) Phone 846-6411 Bob Burch, Director Daily Noon Bible Studies - Free Sandwiches, chips, tea Tuesday, 6:30 - leadership Training Wednesday Noon - Spiritual Boot Camp - FREE Homecooked meal Thursday, 6:30 - Perspective Friday, 5:30 p. m. - Missions THERE ARE APARTMENTS AND THEN THERE IS TANGLEWOOD SOUTH For Those who Desire Quiet Luxury Living, Excellent Location and Congenial Atmosphere. $145. - $260. (Furnished, Slightly Higher) Incomparably Beautiful SHORT TERM SUMMER LEASE AGREEMENTS ,.Ro Van jamoi tiona pletii Goun tute Wj direc Forn unive devel Th l:day, 'the 1 Decorator Designed - 8 Decora Furnished/Unfurnished Fumisned/unX Fully Carpeted/D Coordinated 7 School Bua Service Ajwiimed Covered Parking, Enclwed Patios, or Balconies 1, 2, 3 BR Flat or Townhouse”- 1, baths s, or Conveniently Located to TAMTJ, Shopping Center 1%. 2. 2% Separate Adult/Family Areas Professional Landscapl Professional Landscaping Staffed Nursery - Fenced It Equipped Playground Area raped - Color Appliances—Central • Three Spacious RecreeLon and Game Rooms, Two Delight Ail Pools • Two Laundry Areas • Professionally Managed FOR LEASING INFORMATION CALL 846-2026 Dorothy Shipper Youngblood, Mgr. Dorothy Brown, Asst. Mgr. ithe visor F zl: Wh-to? Me&ETKBtr SAktoS fcsuo OIL D( An I Hu be .point i mitte B |<\ i_ <> OBl*. Thu*.* _ - *=><Yt- vept. ^ SOKK'ST - -*y. 1 OPENS?,??* 4A oz. LoTTLE LEMonme L)Sb<\ CeRPlbE '•tv eortOLE * H89 FRYERS service. We believe mast customers agree. Almost 10,000 families in Bryan and College Station already do. MIDWEST VIDEO CORR 846-8876 The CATV Professionals ■ v :■ . A, , ’; Lo 07-. CVU3H (LWVCfcFM CHOU MEIN ^ ) l^l^ , VV»<yyV , W^A l VV%AAAVVWVWVAAAA<V^| COKE 3 ;*l mm& 6 Btl. Ctn. milkMHHJ Limit a Pleas©—With $5.00 Purchase. Exc. Cig. BANANAS Lb. 50 FREE TOP VALUE STAMPS V \A^N0c.H CR^(\tX\\| E Limit One 10 With Purchase of 1 Adult Pepsodent Tooth Brush Coupon Expires Sept. 5, 1970. REDEBM AT BROOKSHIRE BROi 50 FREE TOP VALUE STAMPS With Purchase of 4-Oz. Can Secret Spray Deodorant Coupon Expires Sept. 5, 1970. SHORTENING W bONCftH \V\V?ES L fciH ER CUKE MIX 3 r REDEEM AT BROOKSHIRE BROS. 100 EXTRA TOP VALUE STAMPS With Purchase of $10.00 or More (Excluding Cigarettes) • One Per Family