The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 01, 1970, Image 5
,V.\V w:.:-/ ■.■.rrrr THE BATTALION \ •> iV'.v.v-. +, v.v>v. Tuesday, September 1, 1970 College Station, Texas Page 6 , 69-’70 disruptive year at UT AF JCE 'EAK iVY GHT auce d ?ing NG )es i we and Tient doesn’t compare to east, west 140 HORSEPOWER Caterpillar Model 1676 diesel engine has been donated to A&M’s En gineering Extension Service by Mustang Tractor and Equipment Co. of Houston. The en- ine will be used as a training aid to teach operations of the diesel engine. G. L. Marquis left), Mustang technician; A1 Jones, Heavy Equipment Training School chief instructor; 1. D. Bearden, TEES director and George Parker, Mustang senior training instructor give he engine a close look. Oceanographers visit Tokyo Four local professors and a ormer graduate student will be iey participants at the Intema- ional Oceanography Congr-ess Sept. 14-23 in Tokyo. Dr. Richard A. Geyer, head of he university’s Oceanography Jepartment, said members of the delegation will present nine i&pers, convene two symposiums and serve as chairmen for two sections. Participating in the Tokyo conference will be Drs. Luis R. Capurro, John D. Cochrane, Sayed Z. El-Sayed, Takashi Ichiye and David Paskausky. Dr. Paskausky received his Ph.D. from Texas A&M last year and is now a professor at the Uni versity of Connecticut. Dr. Ichiye will present five papers at several different sec tions. Capt. Capurro will convene the symposium on remote sensing of oceanic variables and chair the session on bottom water origins and motions. Similar honors have been be stowed on Dr. El-Sayed. He will convene the symposium dealing with aspects of Antarctic ice and water masses and serve as chair man for a session on the physi ology of organisms at low tem peratures. AUSTIN (A*)—Anti-war rallies, protests over tree destruction and occupation of a school snack bar made 1969-70 one of the most tumultous years in Univer sity of Texas history. A rally protesting American intervention in Cambodia got out of control and ended when city police used tear gas to disperse demonstrators from the Capitol. Police arrested a group of pro testers last fall who had climbed ancient cypress and oak trees along Waller Creek, which flows through the campus, in an un successful attempt to keep them from being cut for a football sta dium enlargement. Frank Erwin Jr., the blunt re gents chairman, took personal charge of the Waller Creek tree cutting, arousing criticism from militants and nonmilitants alike. City and state police were called in a few weeks later after dissidents occupied the Chuck Wagon snack bar in the student union building. They were pro testing a rule limiting the facili ty to students, teachers and guests. The rule was issued after an incident involving non-student “street people” who hung out in the Chuck Wagon. All this, however, was mild when compared with disruptions at several campuses in the East and Far West. No buildings were burned. No one was hurt seri ously. Dr. Norman Hackerman, the UT President who is in transition BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 4( l per wo: Minimum charpr< per word rd each additional day FOR SALE ■ POSTERS - POSTERS - POSTERS - POSTERS. The kind you like—Aggie Den pext to Loupot’s). 135tfn land 8 track tapes, 6 for $15.00 guaran- ed—Aggie Den (next to Loupot’s). 135tfn Bumper stickers - Bumper stickers - amper stickers - Bumper stickers - All ads — Aggie Den (next to Loupot’s). 135tfn Tape decks, 4 and 8 track tapes, cassette pea, radios, cassette tape players. Jointed le sticks, girlie magazines, girlie films, leket books, party albums, record albums, layboy pin-up posters, watches, T.V’s. [most anything. All at real bargains ■Aggie Den (next to Loupot’s). 135tfn Jointed cue sticks from $9.95 to $15.00— ood selection—Aggie Den (next to Lou- ot's). 136tfn Ann-Margaret Vietnam photos in living dor . Fantastic collectors item - Limited ipply—Aggie Den (next to Loupot’s). 135tfn Girlie magazines, and pocket books at )% discount - Don’t pay more! Buy your lagazines at % price at Aggie Den. 135tfn Kenskill mobile home, 8 x 30. $1900 or slk price. Lot No. 17, Krenick’s Mobile 'ark, Pinfeather Road, Bryan. 135t4 Two Westinghouse washers. Very good mdition. 822-3818 after 5 :30 p. m. or all ay on Saturdays. 135t4 Frigidaire air conditioner, 220 volts, 1 on {75.00. Call before 5 at 823-0368. 135t4 MUST SELL 1968 CORVETTE COUPE, 27 hp, 4-speed, positraction, AM-FM, bted windows, new tires, under attory warranty. MAKE OFFER. 846- 1197. 135t4 1967 VW, new tires, radio, heater. $995. 'all 823-8031 extension 54. 134t5 For sale by owner. Two bedroom duplex >«ar University. Excellent investment at 111,601). Call 846-5231. 132tfn Japanese made electric guitar. Three Pickups, vibrator and case. Worth over 1100.00 but selling for $55. 845-2803 129tfn AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 Havoline, Amalie, Enco, Conoco. 34c qt. -EVERYDAY— jVe stock all local major brands. Where low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved Wheel Bearings - Exhausts System Parts, Filters, Water and Fuel Pumps. Almost Any Part Needed 25-40% Off List Brake Shoes $3.60 ex. 2 Wheels — many cars We Stock EELCO EDELBROCK HURST MR GASKET CAL CUSTOM Other Speed Equipment Starters - Generators Most $13.95 each Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAULK ’32 24 years in Bryan HELP WANTED Part-time checker. Saturday and Sunday. 822-4386. 135t3 Student couple to manage small motel. Must be responsible and be able to deal with public. Call 823-5469. 135t4 Opportunity for a responsible Girl Friday to work in a doctor’s office. Must serve as receptionist and do general office work. Contact Mrs. Peters, 822-0175. 134tl STUDENTS INTERESTED IN MAKING $50 TO $75 PER WEEK WORKING OWN HOURS, CALL 846-4781. 134t5 Wanted: a student to work part-time. 1 to 6 daily. Pay: $1.45 an hour. Hal- brooks Laundry and Cleaners. 822-6112. 134t2 Part-time help wanted. Nights and week ends. Apply in person at Pizza Hut. 133t6 Students work full or part-time. $3 per hour guaranteed and chances that a car and scholarship are being offered. For information and interviews, call 823-1236 or 823-0106. 133t30 WORK WANTED Typing, electric. 846-2280. 135tfn Would like to baby-sit. Two years and up. 846-9727. 135t4 Tennis racket restringing and supplies nylon and gut. Call 846-4477. 123tfn Custom Bookbinding, Plastic Binding, and Gold Stamping of Books, Journals, Theses, Dissertations, and Reports. UNIVERSAL BINDERY 311 Church Street, College Station — 846-3840 Ultfn Typing, full time. Notary Public, Bank- Americard accepted, 823-6410 or 823-3838. lOtfn TYPING, electric. Close to campus. Expe rienced. Reasonable. 846-2934. Itfn Typing. Electric, symbols, experienced. 846-8165. 132tfn FOR RENT 8 M projector and films for rent—Aggie Den (next to Loupot’s). 135tfn Furnished two bedroom apartment. 204 Luther. $95. 846-5444 after 5. 135tl Two bedroom furnished and unfurnished apartments. $105 to $115. Central air and heat. Married couples only. 846-3408. Uni versity Acres. 126tfn FREE RENT Free rent, furnished modern mobile home, 2 bedroom and bath, air-conditioned, all utilities paid in exchange for help on modem dairy farm. For college students or a couple. Call 589-2726. 136t4 GM Lowest Priced Cars $49.79 per mo. With Normal Down Payment OPEL KADETT Sellstrom Pontiac - Buick 2700 Texas Ave. 26th & Parker 822-1336 822-1307 SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 WANTED WE BUY ALMOST ANYTHING—AGGIE DEN (next to Loupot’s). 135tfn We buy magazines, pocket books, tapes, tape decks, etc. We buy almost anything of value—Aggie Den (next to Loupot's). 136tfn We buy used magazines, pocket books, 135tf n We buy used maga: playboys,—Aggie Den. Ilightly eccentric Aquarian (fern; jld like to meet single graduate studi s 30-40. Object: friendship, inteliif woul ages 30-40. conversation. Call 823-6410. ale) ents igent 133t4 Used slide rules. Post or K&E. They lust be accurate. Thanks, Loupot’s. I33t4 OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the Offic* of Student Publications before deadline of 1 p.m. of the day proceeding publication. na Name: Vaughn. William King Degree: Ph.D. in Statistic THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree r illiam King Dissertation: A TECHNIQUE FOR MAX IMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATION IN MIXED MODELS. m. E. Teague Time: Sept. 7, 1970 at 2:00 Place: Room 102 in the Research Center 0 p. Olin George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College CHILD CARE Near campus, infants preferred. 846- 0529 or 846-8014. 135t4 Child care with experience; need new recruits. 846-6536. 133tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER, 3400 South College, State Licensed. 823-8626. Virginia D. Jones, R. N. 99tfn Child care in my home by the week, nights, and weekends by appointment. Excellent facilities, playground equipment, registered nurse in charge. 846-3928. 132t21 HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CENTER 3406 South College Ave. announces the staff for 1970-1971 KINDERGARTEN — Mrs. Betty Wil liams, B.S. 4 YEAR OLD SCHOOL — Mrs. Peggy Kindt, B.S. 3 YEAR OLD SCHOOL — Mrs. Glynda Schultz, B.S. 2 YEAR OLD SCHOOL — Mrs. Sandy Mitchell, Mrs. Linda Thompson TEACHER ASSISTANT — Mrs. Ruth White SCHOOL COORDINATOR Mrs. Nan cy Whitlock , B.A. TODDLERS — Mrs. Dorothy Bond Mrs. Cathy Henshaw INFANTS — Mrs. Ingebrog Bengs COOK — Rachel Benson Mrs. Larry Jones, R.N., B.S. DIREC TOR Mr. and Mrs. Larry Jones — OWNERS We are now registering for our Fall We are schools. 823-8626 131112 TROPHIES PLAQUES Engraving Service Ask About Discounts Texas Coin Exchange, Inc. 1018 S. Texas 822-5121 Bob Boriskie ’55 COINS SUPPLIES TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED & EXCHANGED Completely Guaranteed Lowest Prices HAMILL’S TRANSMISSION 33rd. & Texas Ave. Bryan 822-6874 WHITE AUTO STORES Bryan and College Station can save you up to 40% on auto parts, oil, filters, etc. 846-5626. THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Roth, Timothy Peter Degree: Ph.D. in Economics Dissertation: A SYNTHESIS AND CRIT IQUE OF THE SEARCH THEORY LITERATURE WITH SPECIAL REFER ENCE TO ITS APPLICATION TO THE DETECTION OF ALTERNATIVE PRO DUCTION TECHNIQUES. Time: August 28, 1970 at 10:00 a. m. Place: Room 3 in Nagle Hall George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College SPECIAL NOTICE Aggie Den open from 8 a. m. till mid night, 7 days each week. Aggie Den (next to Loupot’s). 135tfn Female students invited to the Aggie Den - from 8 a. m. till midnight, 7 days a week. 136tfn Maggies invited to the Aggie Den join the fun - open 8 a. m. till midnight. aggies i the fu 7 days a week. Cor Aggies! - Bring your date to the Aggie Den and enjoy billiards and pin-ball—Ag gie Den. 135tfn Ladies invited to the Aggie Den - Get up a party and come enjoy the Aggie Den, 307 University. 135tfn Sarah Watts, teacher of piano. Graduate, Baylor University. Registration fall classes “ptember 1, 2, 3, 4. Beginners, inter- ediate, advanced, adult beginner. Studio— 13514 yio September :e, advanced, adult begi 601 East 24th, Bryan, 822-6856. Attention personnel of A&M University. Wood’s Furniture Center, 800 Texas Av enue, Telephone 823-0947. This retail fur niture outlet offers you the finest in home nisi mis lersold." The fabulous Furniture Center, Bryan, Texas. 135118 niture outlet offers you the finest m home furnishings at prices that you can’t afford to miss. Our motto is "We will not be undersold.” The mark of excellency, Wood’s NOW ENROLLING A&M UNITED METHODIST CHURCH CHILD DEVEL OPMENT AND DAY CARE CENTER, ' childnood education with full day care for children of students and employed families. For reservations phone 846-8731 or come by the church office at 417 Uni versity Drive. Full day care with hot lunch and nap period 850.00 per month, lunch and nap pe $25.00 for half day Reserve your trucks or trailors with the company who has the CHEAPEST, SAFEST, MOVING EQUIPMENT. See or call ANDY ANDERSON U-HAUL COM PANY 2010 South College. 822-3546. 131t4 ENGINEERING & OFFICE SUPPLY CORP. REPRODUCTION & MEDIA — ARCH. & ENGR. SUPPLIES SURVEYING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT - - OF FICE SUPPLIES • MULTILITH SERVICE & SUPPLIES 402 West 25th St. Ph. 823-0939 Bryan, Texas • Watch Repairs • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5816 Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO 909 S. Main 822-6000 to becoming Rice University president, discussed campus tur moil in a recent interview. Here are excerpts: Q The University had its share of disruptions the past year. Still, UT was calm when com pared with many colleges in the North, East and Far West. Why do you think this was? Was the administration doing something right or is the student body more conservative or orthodox? A) ... Some percentage of luck—just no question about it. Any place of this size, with so many people, with different types of opinions, different ways in which they would go about reaching their objectives, has to have a modicum of good fortune in order not to have a major dis ruption ... To a very large ex tent it’s not because the students are conservative but because of a fairly large number who be come concerned with the proba ble outcome of any mass meeting that would have had as its objec tive a violent demonstration. And by virtue of their persuasiveness with their colleagues, particular ly those who are a little more raucously inclined, I think we can see a large part of the re duction in the tension. Also, there was a fair amount of effec tive faculty activity . . . Q) If I understand you cor rectly, you do not think Texas students tend to be any more responsive to authority or con servative than those from other schools over the nation. A) . . . They come from a more conservative setting, and they’re perhaps considering these prob lems in a slightly more conserva tive vein, but their sensitivity to the problems and their concern about the state of the world and the country is no less than any place else. Q) Do you think the end of the Vietnam War will cool things off? A) Oh, I think it will inevi tably, but I don’t believe it is going to delete all the problems . . . It’s going to make a differ ence, obviously. For one thing, it’s going to have to change the focus of that portion of the group which is challenging us continuously, who have used that Earth Lumpy The earth is in a lot worse shape than most of us thought. The poor old planet is a lot more lumpy and irregular than scientists thought just four years ago. In fact, a recent study described the earth’s surface as in such bad shape that its highs and lows roughly form a couple of dumb bells running north and south. The study was done by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Ob servatory (SAO) made possible by a grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis tration. One way SAO reached its con clusions about the earth’s rumpled surface was by using a bank of computers to analyze more than 100,000 photographs from satel lites as they rose and fell—ever so slightly—in orbital flight. These variations in orbital flight are caused by the differ ences in the earth’s gravity at various points on its surface— generally, the stronger pull of gravity over high spots on earth, such as mountains, and a lesser pull over the low areas. SAO scientists examined differ ences from the recognized moun tains and lowlands and other topographic features. All of the earth’s high and low features are impossible to detect from the ground. The high belt tops the North Pole, with two wide ends reach ing over Europe and West Africa on one side and the Pacific Ocean on the other. The low belt stretches over the South Pole with its broad ends over Asia and North America. as a mainstay of their argument. They’ll have to find some oth er mainstay . . . Q) How many militants do you think there are at this cam pus who are ready to use violence or to provoke others to violence to lend emphasis to their pro tests ? A) ... I don’t know how to put a number on it, but I think that there are certainly several dozen — several meaning three or four — who are willing to try to stir up violence. And of that several dozen, I wouldn’t be sur prised if some fraction of them, half or a quarter, are very well versed in the tactics of stirring it up and melting away. You al- Vernon given safety award Dr. Ralph J. Vernon, associate professor of engineering tech nology, is among the first 100 persons in the nation designated a “certified safety professional.” The designation is awarded by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals as part of a new program assessing the profession al qualifications of safety direc tors, accident prevention special ists and safety engineers. “This is another step toward the recognition and certification of individuals with outstanding qualifications and accomplish ments in the accident prevention area,” noted Dr. Everett R. Glaze- ner, head of the Engineering Technology Department. He pointed out Dr. Vernon is coordinator for the department’s new undergraduate and graduate degree programs in industrial safety and industrial hygiene. Dr. Vernon joined the faculty in 1951 but accepted a safety engineer position with an insur ance company in Dallas two years later. He returned briefly in 1966 before beginning study for a Ph.D. at the University of Iowa. He rejoined the faculty in 1968. Vernon received his undergrad uate degree at Clemson Universi ty and master’s here. Laundry schedule for fall released The laundry schedule for the fall 1970 semester has been an nounced by George Hartsock, laundry manager. Students whose last names be gin with A-C must turn in their bundles Thursday before 9 a.m. and may pick them up Friday after 3 p.m.; D-H will turn bundles in Friday and pick them up the following Monday; I-M will turn laundry in Monday and pick it up Tuesday; Mc-R will turn bundles in Tuesday and pick them up Wednesday; S-Z will turn laundry in Wednesday and pick it up Thursday. Hartsock reminded students only one bundle will be accepted each week and that a 50-cent charge will be made on bundles turned in out of place. Laundry turned in late should be de posited at the assigned station to be picked up later. A ticket stub must be pre sented to pick up finished laun dry. Without it the student’s identification card must be pre sented and a 15-cent penalty paid. In case of complaints, the laun dry tickets from the bundle must be brought to the main laundry office within three days. The office is open Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Students living in dorms 1 through 12 must have a pink laun dry ticket and use laundry sta tion 2 in the Dorm Services Building. Hart, Law, Puryear, Mitchell, Leggett and Milner will use Leggett Hall station 3 and have yellow tickets. Dorms 13 through 22, Henderson and Wal ton will use hospital station 4 and have gold tickets. All other students and those living off campus will use hospital station 4 and have white tickets. IT MAY NOT BE GOOD GRAMMAR BUT IT SURELY IS GOOD TEA When we say, “Get a 20 ounce glass of Tea”, we mean you get twenty ounces of tea in a glass when you purchase an inexpensive $0.99 special at the MSC. ways find that of those arrested, you usually don’t find the group who stirred them up in the first place. Q) ... Do you think the Uni versity’s problems with campus dissidents have been made worse by Mr. Erwin’s approach to problems ? A) I suspect if that was an irritant to them, and it had not appeared, some other irritant would have taken its place . . . What I’m saying to you is, when the uproar gets started, those who cause the uproar do every thing they can to keep it operat ing. So if it hadn’t been him, it might have been something else. Intramural meetings Wednesday afternoon Meetings to discuss the organi zation of intramural sports for both civilians and corps during the fall semester will be held Wednesday afternoon, according to Ray Fletcher, director of Intra mural Athletics. The corps meeting will be held at 5 p.m. and the civilians will meet at 5:30 p.m. in room 232 of the G. Rollie White Coliseum, Fletcher said. Directors for Intramural sports for all civilian dorms and corps units are urged to attend the meetings, he said. Upperclassmen will start the fall intramural program with football, handball and bowling while freshmen will have basket ball, horseshoes and table tennis first this fall. When these sports have been finished, the upperclassman will then have the latter three sports and the freshmen the former three later in the semester. Ushers needed for home games Persons desiring to work as ushers in Kyle Field for the 1970 Texas A&M football season will meet Thursday. Bill Gard, in charge of ushers, said the group will be organized and work forms will be completed. He said the 5 p.m. meeting will be in Room 232 of G. R. White Coliseum. From > oooooooooo I ° I Actual sizc-%" x 1" YOUR PHOTO ON 100 “ STAMPS ONLY $1. /OOOOOOOOOOO{ >0 0000000000 t. boooooooooooc jooooooooooo^ 1oooooooooooOL Send us any photograph & white or color, of yourself, your family, friends, pets, anything...and we’ll send you 100 gummed, perforated, stamp-sized pictures. You’ll find many uses for them... seal or sign your letters, identify books and rec ords. Use them for date- bait, or just for fun. To get your 100 photo stamps, simply cut the name Swingline from any Swingline package. Enclose photo (which will be returned) with cash, check or money- order for $1 and send It with the coupon below. It's easy! Buy a Swingline TOT Stapler 98<e (including 1000 FREE staples and carrying pouch). Larger size CUB Desk Stapler or CUB Hand Stapler only $1.69. Unconditionally guaranteed. At stationery, variety, and book stores. —INC. 32 00 SKIU.MAN AVENUE, f LONG ISLAND CITY. N T. It 101 Swingline Photo-stamp, Dept. 252 P.O. Box 1125, Woodside, N.Y. 113" Enclosed is my photo and cash, check or money-order for $ 1.00 with the name Swingline from any package. Please rush me 100 photo-stamps. City. • A ssrKL■ ■ -A' v '■ •' v. •••■.■ v -•- - .-.v... -v.-v A-AvvA A\ •!: v.- -..-v,’. v.HMMrc&S ‘x