The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 01, 1970, Image 1
. Che Battalion Welcome back for another year Vol. 65 No. 135 College Station, Texas Tuesday, September 1, 1970 Telephone 845-2226 FIRST HOUSING UNIT for the 1970-71 year to polish the statue of Lawrence Sullivan Ross in front of the Academic Building- is Legett Hall. Members of the Legett Hall class of ’74 did the polishing last Wednesday, one day in advance of the residents of Walton Hall. Chief predicts national police system not far Police Chief Bernard Garmire of the Miami (Fla.) Police De partment Monday predicted a national police system in the United States unless something: is done about federal aid. Garmire, addressing 75 per sons at the 13th annual Police- Community Relations Institute, meeting at A&M, said “develop ment of a national police system will not come because law en forcement officials deliberately planned it, or because there is a conspiracy at the federal levels.” He contended a national police system will come about by de fault. “For many reasons, the police service has been largely ineffec tive in responding to the needs of people it serves,” Garmire said. He contended a good part of the responsibility must be borne by the public and its elected rep resentatives, for their apathy. “However, let me hasten to point out that those who work within the police service are not without blame,” he said. “Unfor tunately, with only a few excep tions, leadership in the police service in decades past has been, to be charitable, acquiescent about its problems and willing to live with the status quo. “Police leadership can be fault ed because in far too many cas es, as so-called professionals, they did not even attempt to live up to their professional responsi bilities.” Garmire averages 75 speeches a year. He admitted that throughout his travels he has “yet to meet one official who did not believe a national police sys tem was likely.” Garmire said the federal gov ernment has stepped into police protection because states or cities could not, or would not, provide basic needs. “The people have demanded action,” he said. “The federal grant program for law enforcement carries with it the false promise of salvation for a faltering police system,” he continued. “But the grant pro gram actually carries with it the threat of destruction for that very system.” 1970 Aggielands here next week Distribution of the 1970 Ag- gieland, A&M yearbook, is tenta tively scheduled to begin Sept. 9, announced University Infor mation and Publications Director Jim Lindsey. Lindsey said the annuals are scheduled for shipment from Taylor Publishing Co. in Dallas late next week. The Aggieland is normally available prior to the start of fall classes, but Lindsey pointed out classes are beginning two weeks earlier this year. The books will be distributed at the Student Publications Of fice on the second floor of the Services Building. Annuals will be issued only to students who were enrolled at Texas A&M on a full-time basis last spring, Lindsey explained. He added that each student, ex cept in the case of married stu dents, must pick up his owm year book. Garmire explained federal con trols placed on the money will lead to the national police sys tem. He suggested that direct grants to departments were the only salvation, but noted governors also did not like to give up their controls. The former Tucson, Ariz., chief, however, declared he feels national police control is “inevi table.” Placement office plans meetings Texas A&M students expecting to graduate during the 1970-71 school year and planning to use the A&M Placement Office serv ices are urged to attend one of four placement orientation meet ings scheduled during the next two weeks. Placement Director Robert C. Reese said the meetings will be held from 4 to 5 p.m. Sept. 2, 3, 7 and 8 in the Memorial Student Center second floor meeting rooms. “If the current trend contin ues, jobs are going to be scarce,” Reese said. During the meetings Reese will give hints on how to get maxi mum benefit from interviewing. He also will discuss the Place ment Office operations and serv ices, available on the third floor of the YMCA. Last year 1,200 graduating stu dents, both undergraduates and graduate students, registered at the office, Reese said. Recruiting by companies begins Sept. 14, he noted, with 220 firms sending representatives to the campus this fall. The 1971 College Placement Annual is expected to be avail able by mid-September, he added. Singing Cadets conducting auditions for fall term The Singing Cadets hold fall auditions in Room 119 of G. Rollie White Coliseum until Sept. 11, announced a spokesman for the group. Auditioners should report between 2 and 4:30 p.m., the spokesman added. The Singing Cadets begin their 76th year as the vocal instrument for Texas A&M. In the 10 years under the direction of Mr. Robert L. Boone, the Cadets have become nationally acclaimed through their appear ances on the nationally televised Miss Teen Age America Pageant each fall and the popular Mike Douglas Show. Invitations to perform have come from every major city in Texas. Shows have been presented from College Station to Beaumont to Galveston to Victoria to Corpus Christi to San Antonio to Midland to Odessa to El Paso to Lubbock to Amarillo to Texarkana. Programs already booked for the coming year include the Miss Teen Age America Pageant Dec. 5, two national conventions in Houston, and the annual performances in Houston’s Jones Hall and San Antonio’s Hall of The Performing Arts. Members of the Singing Cadets come from every major area of study on the campus and include both civilian and members of the Corps of Cadets. None of the members of the group in the past have planned to make singing their career, the spokesman noted. They participate because they enjoy singing, the fellowship, and doing something constructive for their university in way of public relations, the group’s primary function. Residence hall staffs get required course By Fran Haugen Battalion Managing Editor Members of a new educational psychology class meeting one hour a week may be called upon to ap ply the knowledge gained from the course 24 hours a day. The students, residence hall staff members, will read case studies of psychological behavior, listen to a panel of former resi dence hall advisers, and discuss disciplinary problems such as drugs and drinking. “The course now is required for anyone interested in becoming a head resident, head resident ad viser or resident adviser,” Asso ciate Dean of Students Don R. Stafford said Monday. The residence hall staff is se lected by counselors, who choose from applicants. Head residents are graduate students in charge of a dormitory. Other staff members are under graduate assistants to the head resident. Some residence hall staff mem bers now are taking the course. Others, those with class conflicts, will take it in the spring. The course, educational psy chology 485 on the undergraduate level and educational psychology 685 on the graduate level, will be taught by Stafford and Don E. Williams, residence hall counsel or. They will be supervised by Dr. Lannes H. Hope, Associate Education dean, and Dr. Robert Reilley, assistant professor of ed ucational psychology. The course is an extension of the residence hall staff orienta tion held Aug. 24 and 25. The two-day conference was the civilian parallel to the corps unit commanders’ conference. Although the unit commanders and the residence hall advisors are together responsible for what goes on in the residence areas on cam pus, the difference in structure of corps and civilian activities and government prevented the commanders and advisers from holding a joint conference, Staf ford said. At the conference Dr. Hope spoke on counseling and guid ance. Dr. William R. Smith, head of the psychology department, spoke on dynamics of group living and Long distance phone service now available Long distance service to dor mitory rooms on the centrex sys tem was activated at 8 a.m. Mon day, according to Tom Cherry, vice president for business af fairs. Students in Leggett, Milner, Mitchell, and Hotard Halls who wish to have telephones should contact the telephone company directly since these dormitories are not connected to the centrex system. Students who indicated on IBM cards when they picked up room keys they did not wish to use the service will have their long distance service disconnected as soon as the cards are received by the telephone company, Cher ry said. By following this procedure, students who desire the long dis tance service do not have to wait as long before obtaining use of the service as had been experi enced in past years. how groups are formed. He said the designated leader of a group may not always be the actual leader who emerges. He elaborat ed on psychological disorders such as psychoses, neuroses and simple maladjustments. Howard Perry, director of ci vilian student activities, spoke on student government and activi ties as they relate to residence halls. Eugene C. Oates, residence hall programs adviser, spoke on the residence hall program. Seven dorms are participating in the resident hall program. They are Leggett, Walton, Davis- Gary, Law, Puryear, Hughes and Moore Halls. The objective of the program is to provide more activities and a wider range of activities, Perry said. The students in each dorm set a residence hall’s program fee, usually $5 a semester, to pay for these activities. Additional activities of pro grammed halls include the faculty fellow program, in which the hall will choose a faculty member to participate in activities with it. “This year several dorms re quested to be added to the pro gram, but we didn’t feel they had a substantial majority (of the students within the dorm) inter ested,” Perry said. “We hope all dorms will eventually get into the program, but there will prob ably always be one or two not in the program. Some people who come here just don’t want to participate.” Stafford explained administra tive procedures. Kent Caperton, Student Senate president, spoke on student government. The civilian counselors were in troduced. These men, profession al counselors, are Kirby F. Blev ins, for Schuhmacher, Milner, Ho tard, Walton; Robert L. Chap man, Moses, civilian day stu dents, student apartments; Rich ard L. Denham, Davis-Gary, Mc- Innis, Moore, Crocker; Jack D. Thomas, Legett, Hughes, Fowler, Keathley, Co. 1-2, Sq. 14; Don E. Williams, Law, Puryear, Mitchell, Hart; and J. Malon Southerland, civilians housed on the top two floors of dorm 12. Women may be provided campus housing in spring An on-campus dormitory for women is a definite possibility for the spring semester, Associate Dean of Students Don R. Stafford said Monday. “Dean (James P.) Hannigan and I talked with (Acting A&M) President (A. R.) Luedecke who was positive about the idea,” Stafford said. “He wants to continue the growth of women’s programs at A&M.” Stafford explained the main problem in implementing on-campus housing for women is space and its control. “Only 85 percent of the dorms were occupied last spring, so the problem is mainly one of shifting people around to get one completely vacant dorm,” he added. The dorms which could possibly be designated as coed housing are limited, Stafford said. Such a dorm would have to have rooms arranged in suites, not be on the residence hall program and not be surrounded by men’s dorms, he said. “Schumacher Hall (Dorm 22) probably has fewer disadvantages than any other one,” Stafford remarked. Schumacher Hall presently houses graduate students, international students and veterinary medicine students. Justice Department official says lesson not yet learned Law enforcement agencies ap parently have not learned their lessons from recent breakdowns in law and order, a Justice De partment official contended at the opening of the 13th Police- Community Relations Institute Sunday at A&M. “Priorities are running oppo site to reports” by commissions which have studied the problems since the 1967 riots, said Gil Pompa, associate director of the Justice Department’s Community Relations Service. Pompa claimed 58 per cent of federal funding from the Omni bus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act program is spent on police hardware. “Only two per cent has been spent on narcotics problems,” he said. The Devine, Texas, native and St. Mary’s University law grad uate cautioned the law enforce ment officers that conditions and attitudes prior to the 1967 Oden now member riots match the current feelings in the Mexican - American com munity. “In my opinion, we must show we profited from that experi ence. We must show we’ve got ten the message,” Pompa said. Noting many police depart ments have formed community relations sections, he observed that in most cases they were though of as public relations sec tions aimed at improving the image of the police. Pompa suggested the com munity relations officers, as well as all police officers, operate to help the public. “Everyone should feel the law is their protector,” he empha sized, “not that they are victims of it.” He cautioned unless police remedy the root causes of un rest in the nation, the country will become two different Ameri cas. “In a decade it may be diffi cult to unite” the majority and minority groups,” Pompa said. “The survival of law enforce ment, as a respected institution, is in your hands,” he added. The four-day program is con ducted by the Police Training Division of the Texas Engineer ing Extension Service at A&M. New Battalion distribution rack in use Beginning with today’s issue, The Battalion will be distribut ed in a rack on the first floor of the Library. Papers in the rack are in tended primarily for day stu dents, but all students are wel come to make use of the new distribution point The Battalion is providing for its readers. of veterinary staff A&M board member appointed head of research foundation Dr. A. J. Oden Jr. has joined the Veterinary Medicine and Surgery Department, announced College of Veterinary Medicine Dean A. A. Price. Dr. Oden, a native of Brooke- smith, will be an instructor on the faculty. The 1959 Brookesmith High School graduate attended Tarle- ton State from 1959 to 1961, when he enrolled at Texas A&M. He received a B.S. degree in ag ricultural education in January, 1964. KAMU- TV to air show on Millican Dam proposal “Viewpoint,” K A M U - T V ’ s weekly discussion program de voted to timely items of local in terest, will explore the contro versial Millican Dam proposal Tuesday, announced station man ager Mel Chastain. The A&M educational televi sion station will air the 30-min ute program at 8:30 p.m. Presenting the opposing views will be Bryan contractor Frank Thurmond, secretary-treasurer of the Millican Dam Development Association, and Dr. Richard Bal- dauf, A&M wildlife science pro fessor, representing Friends of the Navasota River. The program will be narrated by Harvie Nachlinger, KAMU- TV’s community news editor. A&M Board of Directors mem ber Ford D. Albritton, Jr. of Bryan has been named president of The Texas A&M Research Foundation, a non-profit corpor ation which administers a large portion of the university’s re search activities. The appointment was an nounced by Harry H. Moore of Navasota, the foundation’s board chairman. Albritton takes over the posi tion left vacant by the March 23 death of Gen. Earl Rudder, who served as president of A&M more than a decade. Incorporated in 1949 to pro mote scientific research, the foundation now administers re search contracts totaling more than $5 million. The appointment as founda tion president is the latest in a series of top university-related positions for Albritton, a 1943 Texas A&M graduate. He is immediate past presi dent of the Association of For mer Students. He is currently a member of the executive com mittee for the alumni organiza tion’s board of directors and a diamond member of the associa tion’s Century Club, composed of major donors. ? >v ” yj " i % ', ' Ford Albritton St I ■. V.