The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 19, 1970, Image 8
Page 8 College Station, Texas Wednesday, August 19, 1970 THE Department receives grant BATTALION Q rove Theater to end activities Council moves office hen A scholarship grant by the Farmers Mutual Protective As sociation of Texas to the Mod ern Languages Department has been announced by Dr. Jack A. Dabbs, head. The Temple-headquartered as sociation will provide $100 a year for the next four years, Farmers Mutual President Jerry E. Valchar said. studying the Czech language or culture. Dabbs indicated the award will be used in support of students iil 101 la pH? mm A&M has attracted wide sup port of Czech organizations for scholarships in the language, which was designated a critical tongue by the U. S. Office of Education. The department head said seven organizations have organized scholarship support. Czech is the third most com mon language used in Texas, fol lowing Spanish. The state’s pop ulation includes a half million Czechs, most of whom have re tained their native language. The Modern Languages De partment instructs more students in Czech than any other institu tion in the U. S. and has made outstanding efforts to preserve the state’s Czech linguistic and cultural heritage. The modern game of tennis was developed in England in 1874. Grove Theater presentations of the Memorial Student Center end summer activities this week with several top films, chairman Rich ard McHenry announced. Features will be shown begin ning at 8:15 p.m. each day through Wednesday. Examina tions covering students’ second summer session work begin Thursday. “Days of Thrills and Laugh ter” starring Douglas Fairbanks is scheduled for the Grove screen Saturday. The Mid America Governors’ Transportation Council has moved its executive offices from Oklahoma City to College Sta tion, announced Gen. John P. Doyle, council chairman. Gen. Doyle, who holds the Mac Donald Chair of Transportation at Texas, said the move was prompted by the appointment of Hoy A. Richards as the council’s acting director. Richards, research economist at Texas Transportation Institute, succeeds John Bennett who re turned to his former position with the Oklahoma Industrial De velopment Department. The five-year-old organization represents Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Ne braska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Texas. General Doyle said the council was formed to improve the work ings of transportation in the eco nomic development of the 11- state region. Special attention, he noted, is given to transportation rate re lationships between mid Ameri ca and other parts of the coun try. Other areas of concern elude a shortage of rail andt transportation in some sec of the region. General Doyle is a eta member of the council. Hen named the Texas represents by former Gov. John Connal and reappointed last year by Preston Smith. Richards is Tn as’ atlernate representative. 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