The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 19, 1970, Image 1

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    Che Battalion
Vol. 65 No. 133
College Station, Texas
Wednesday, August 19, 1970
Thursday and Friday — Partly
cloudy mornings, cloudy after
noon, scattered thundershowers
Friday afternoon. Southerly winds
10-15 mph. Low 74 degrees, high
98 degrees.
Weekend — Continued partly
cloudy to cloudy, heavy rain
showers Sunday afternoon. South
erly winds 10-20 mph.
Telephone 845-2226
Entertainment Now-Host Larry Ludewig and special guest attractions Marcia Mallard and John Pinno.
Entertainment now
to be shown on 15
KAMU-TV’s first full color lo
cally originated variety program,
“Entertainment Now,” will be
aired 8:30 tomorrow night.
The 30-minute program, which
can be viewed on channel 15, or
channel 12 on the cable, will fea
ture sounds and entertainment of
today from area and state per
formers, Bob Robinson, producer
of the show, announced.
Hosting ‘‘Entertainment Now”
will be Larry Ludewig, A&M
graduate student from Atlanta,
Georgia. A performer for over
six years, Larry sang at the Le
Bon Rat and the Vegas Club in
Houston, and at sever-al clubs in
He was recently a featured en
tertainer at the Briarcrest Coun
try Club, has performed at sev
eral campus functions, and has
appeared on local television
Marcia Mallard of Houston will
be one of Larry’s special guests.
The former Bryan resident was
a featured soloist in Jones Hall
in Houston and has made two
appearances with the A’Cappella
choir in concert at Carnegie Hall
in New York.
Marcia, a graduate of Baylor
University, has performed with
several folk groups in Bryan and
Also a featured guest on “En
tertainment Now,” will be John
Pinno, a classical and popular
guitarist. John has been playing
for five years, and in addition
to entertaining regularly at The
Basement on the A&M campus,
has performed in Denton and
Dave Williams directed the
show, which was recorded before
a live studio audience last week.
Songs to be included are “Yel
low Bird,” “Sunny,” “Come
Along With Me” and “Our
5,482 ready
for final exams
to end summer
Books, notes and other study
materials will be set aside Thurs
day by 5,482 summer students
for second session final examina
Exams covering the six-week
period begin at 7 p.m. Thursday
and continue through 5 p.m. Fri
Students who attend 2 to 3:30
p.m. classes during the second
summer session will write the
final Thursday night. Classes
that meet from 8 to 9:30 a.m.
have the final at 8 a.m. Friday;
10-11:30 a.m., 11 a.m., and 12-
1:30 p.m., 3 p.m.
Saturday will serve as a brief
respite, with preparations for the
1970-71 fall semester beginning
in earnest Sunday. New students
and transfer student conferences
begin Aug. 23 and delayed regis
tration for the fall semester com
mences Aug. 24.
Fall classes begin at 8 a.m.
Monday, Aug. 31.
Summer program successful
10 hoys from low income families hired
Rub-a-dub-dub—Jackie Kirkham, freshman from Galveston, g-ets a two-week jump on in
coming freshman as she put a new coat of polish on Sully Friday night. (Photo by Bob
A summer work program spon
sored by the federal Neighbor
hood Youth Corps and City of
College Station has proven suc
cessful for 10 boys from low in
come families and city residents.
Arthur Dunn, superintendent of
College Station Parks and Rec
reation, supervised the summer
program where junior and senior
high school boys were paid $1.45
an hour for 26-hour weeks work
ing in the city’s utility, electrical
and parks departments.
The hard-working youths “took
a lot of pressure off city depart
ments,” Dunn maintains.
Dr. Cecil B. Ryan, associate
professor of poultry science,
brought the federal program idea
to City Manager Ran Boswell.
The 10 boys were selected from
low income families to give them
a chance for work experience and
earn money for school needs,
Dunn relates.
“If the boys hadn’t been hired
by the city, they would not have
worked this summer,” Dunn said.
Completed work includes main
tenance at Thomas Park, Lincoln
Center and several small city
parks. The boys will complete
work on Dexter Park next week.
Dunn noted the federal funding
ended last week, but Boswell de
cided to keep the youths on the
city payroll until the park work
is finished.
Clean-up at the new Prairie
View Park has been completed,
Ten honored
for activities
during spring
Ten Cooperative Education
Program engineering students
were honored Tuesday afternoon
for spring semester accomplish
College of Engineering Asst.
Dean J. G. McGuire presented
four employer evaluation certifi
cates and six research paper cer
tificates during the Memorial
Student Center Program.
Receiving employer evaluation
awards were Larry G. Myers of
Corsicana, Edward H. Phifer of
Little Rock, Ark., Ernest R.
Hunter of Bryan and Michael L.
Laird of Premont.
Research paper awards went
to Gordon L. McDaniel of
Enochs, David M. Stockard of
Meridian, Steven R. Bredthauer
of Houston, David M. Silva of
San Antonio and Richard R.
Runkles and Michael J. Buckley
of Fort Worth.
Cooperative education is a
work-study plan where the stu
dents alternate attendance here
with employment in industry re
lated to his major field.
The program began at the uni
versity in 1963.
Students usually graduate in
four years under the 12-month
Dunn said, and the College Sta
tion Lions Club will be installing
playground and recreation equip
ment in the near future.
Prior to the hiring of the boys,
city employes were taken off reg
ular duties to work in the parks.
Dunn is a one-man department.
He explained efforts to get
neighborhood citizens to do vol
unteer work in the parks was not
“The boys have done a wonder
ful job,” Dunn declared. “I think
they will encourage other youths
to do their part in keeping the
pai'ks in good shape and I hope
a similar program will be avail
able next summer.”
One benefit from the program
is a Neighborhood Youth Corps
counselor came each week to in
spect progress and discuss work
information with the boys.
Dunn said the counseling in
cluded hints on work dress, fol
lowing directions and good work
“As College Station gi'ows, the
need for recreation areas also in
creases,” Dunn added. “The use
of these boys this summer has
given the people more efficient
service and has shown that a park
is important to community liv
Dutch grad student
takes part in research
A Dutch graduate student is
participating in a pavement con
crete quality research project
He is Johannes L. Reijnen,
Delft University of Technology
student working this summer for
Dr. William B. Ledbetter and Dr.
A. H. Meyer in a Texas Trans
portation Institute materials test
ing lab.
Reijnen is working here
through the International Associ
ation for the Exchange of Stu
dents for Technical Experience
University officials report
Reijnen has worked smoothly and
productively into the research.
“The working atmosphere is
very fine,” commented the sandy-
haired, brown-eyed young man
known to his associates as Hans.
“It is less formal than what I
am used to in Holland and very
conducive to obtaining results.”
The 23-year-old student is in
volved with research assistant
Bill McKeen and Sidney Greer in
subjecting test concerte slabs to
various qualitative checks. Furth
er investigation in the TTI pi’oj-
ect is expected to lead to more
skid resistance pavement concrete
“Hans is an extremely well
qualified, capable and enthusias
tic individual, who was able to
immediately move into the lab
and assist in analyzing data,”
commented Ledbetter, civil en
gineering professor who directs
the project.
“He is handling pretty complex
data with ease and without prior
knowledge of the project,” the
TTI staff member added. “I’m
also impressed with his maturity.
We’d like to have more IAESTE
participants like him.”
Reijnen (pronounced rhine-nen)
completes the IAESTE work peri
od here in mid-September. He
plans to visit and sightsee in
Mexico and the U. S. with an
other Dutch student and his wife
before returning to the Nether
Hans will be in his final year
of a five-year civil engineering
degree program at Delft when
he returns. It will be his special
ization year and move the well-
traveled European into structural
mechanics studies.
Reijnen, who learned English,
French and German, worked in
Bern, Switzerland, two summers
with an engineering consulting
bureau and traveled over much
of Europe.
“I couldn’t afford just to holi
day in the United States,” the af
fable visitor explained, “so
though I had the university-re
quired work experience complet
ed, I decided IAESTE offered the
best way to visit the U. S.”
It will help Reijnen decide
whether to come back for ad
vanced studies.
The former vice president of
the Delft student body said the
hospitality has been exceptional.
Aquatic animal vet to have
baby-sitting job with whale
The university’s aquatic ani
mal veterinarian has a unique
job this week: baby-sitting a 13-
foot killer whale from Seattle to
Dr. George W. Klontz, noted
for his work in aquatic veteri
nary medicine and an expert on
medical care of killer whales,
said the un-named whale is one
of 34 in captivity.
It is going to Galveston’s Sea-
Arama, which currently has one
performing killer whale in its
aquatic show.
Dr. Klontz noted the whale
will be out of water approximate
ly 24 hours during the jet flight
from Seattle to Houston Inter
continental Airport and by truck
to Galveston.
The Air International flight
leaves Seattle at noon Wednes
day and will arrive in Houston
about 8:20 a.m. Thursday. A 10-
hour stop is scheduled in San
Dr. Klontz said the whale was
captured two weeks ago in Puget
Sound by Seattle Marine Aquar
ium. It was purchased by Sea-
Arama, where Dr. Klontz heads
a cooperative marine mammal
medicine program.
The whale will be fed 75
pounds of mullet Tuesday to get
it ready for the flight. Each
mullet is injected with five ounc
es of water since the whale will
lose a large amount of water
weight in shipment, Dr. Klontz
pointed out.
It will not be fed again until
The whale also will be injected
with corticosteroid for shock and
antibiotics prior to loading in a
pipe cradle.
Dr. Klontz described the cradle
as straps suspending the whale
with a salt water spray used to
keep it wet throughout the trip.
Acclimation will take about 24
hours in Galveston, where Sea-
Arama’s water is 20 degrees
warmer than in Puget Sound.
Dr. Klontz said someone will
remain with the whale the first
24 hours in Galveston. It will be
fed 30 pounds of mullet Friday
and gradual feeding will continue
until it reaches the normal 50
pounds a day.
The killer whale is the largest
member of the dolphin family.
Specimens up to 27 feet long and
weighing over seven tons have
been recozded, Dr. Klontz re
A&M is the only United States
veterinary medicine school with
an aquatic veterinary medicine
program. Dr. Klontz also heads
research projects funded by the
Sea Grant Program, a part of
the National Science Foundation.
University National Bank
“On the side of Texas A&M.”