Page 6 College Station, Texas Wednesday, August 12, 1970 THE BATTALION Advisor to Interior Secretary feature speaker at conference “Shaping Our Environment in the 1970V’ is the theme for the biennial conference of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service which began Tuesday morning at Texas A&M University. Extension personnel from all counties and areas of the state, totaling about 950, have convened to study the physical, economic and social phases of environment. Ags take south of A&M students took the Aggie “howdy” south of the border Monday, seeking support for the 16th Student Conference on Na tional Affairs. The three students will be in Monterrey and Mexico City two and a half weeks on the fund drive. They are Roberto J. Lozano, junior architecture major of Guadalajara, Mex., and Guillermo Cisneros, entomology senior of Garland. Michael G. Miller of San Antonio will join them Aug. 17 after completing Air Force ROTC summer camp. The group will contact mer chants, foundations and former students, thanking them for pre vious SCONA support and ask ing for financial backing from SCONA XVI. The annual conference brings students from throughout the U. S., Mexico and Canada to the campus for investigation, discus sion and exchange of ideas on topics of major significance. Topic of the 16th conference, tentatively set for next Febru ary, is “Student Responsibilities in the ’70s.” In Monterrey this week, Lo zano and Cisneros will have an office in the Institute Mejicano Norte-Americano de Relaciones Cultures. Among their contacts will be M. Paul Williams, manu facturing director or Cia Cigar- rera La Moderna and Monterrey A&M Club president. They will operate from the Anderson Clayton and Co. build ing in Mexico City through ar rangements of Bruno Newman, the firm’s public relations direc tor. Felipe Garcia-Moreno, Pep- BROWN - ALLEN MOTOR CO. OLDSMOBILE SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2400 Texas Ave. PALACE STARTS TODAY 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 p. m. Cliff Robertson In “TOO LATE THE HERO” TODAY 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 P. M. David Janson In “MUCHO CALHOUN” QUEEN LAST NITE — 7:15 - 9:15 P. M. ADULT ART “SANDS OF ECHTSY” WEST SCREEN AT 8:40 “WOODSTOCK” EAST SCREEN AT 8:40 “THE OUT OF TOWNERS” With Jack Lemmon At 10:45 p. m. “ITALIAN JOB” With Michale Cain This morning’s keynote address by Donald D. Dunlop, assistant and science advisor to the Secre tary of the Interior in Washing ton, D. C, revolved around the shaping of the physical environ ment. Dunlop stressed that “the pub lic is demanding that something be done to improve the environ ment and industry, agriculture ‘howdy’ border si Cola executive and Mexico City A&M Club president, will be vis ited. Garcia-Moreno and Williams are 1946 Texas A&M graduates. Mexico sent 13 delegates to SCONA XV last December. and government must combine forces to meet this demand. Key items that must be considered are resource development, land use, waste disposal and air pol lution.” Air pollution is presently an item of major concern, pointed out the official, and steps are being taken to combat this con dition. For instance, the sulfur level in residual fuel oil is now being reduced. Pollution of the atmosphere through the burning of fuel is becoming extremely critical. Plowing operations are respon sible for the presence of soil par ticles in the atmosphere at levels above 40,000 feet, Dunlop con tended. Leaded gasolines are also being pronounced as major con tributors to air pollution. Turning to the question of what can be done about the issue, Dunlop emphasized “The govern ment must get the facts on the problem and then provide a solu tion at the lowest possible cost to the consumer. The solution must be as economic as it can possibly be.” As far as the agricultural in dustry is concerned, dust and pesticide problems must bring about a rethinking and a change in attitude, the official added. The possible effects of these problems as well as others must be studied before they actually happen. According to Dunlop, “Public information must play a key role in shaping the environment. The consequences of environmental pollution must be made known to the public and the news media is vital in creating an aware ness.” The official suggested three sources of information available to the public for enhancing their knowledge of environmental prob lems—government reports, news media and the industry itself. KAMU to hold first full color variety show KAMU-TV’s first full color lo cally originated variety program, “Entertainment Now,” will be presented Thursday, August 20, on Channel 12 from Texas A&M University. “Entertainment Now” will fea ture sounds and entertainment of today from area, state and na tional performances. The 30- minute program will be broad cast at 8:30 p.m., announced sta tion manager Mel Chastain. Hosting the show will be Lar ry Ludewig, Texas A&M gradu ate student from Atlanta, Ga. A performer more than six years, Larry sang at the Le Bon Rat and Vegas Club in Houston and several clubs in Atlanta. Fea tured recently at the Briarcrest Country Club, he has performed at several campus functions. Appearing as a special guest will be Marcia Mallard of Hous ton. The former Bryan resident was a featured soloist in Jones Hall of Houston and made two appearances with an A Cappella choir in concert at Carnegie Hall in New York. She performed with several folk groups in Bry an and at Baylor. BUSIER AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.H.A.—Veteran* and Coaveational Lmuu ^ARM A HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Homc Office: Nevada, Mo. 35*S Tuna >•«. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 A oUfies c Fish & Chips is Queen Victoria! It's also Hyde Park, the Tower of London and Old London Bridge. Alfie's crispy, flaky fresh fried white- fish and crunchy, light chips are served steaming hot. With a special, secret sauce you'll find nowhere else in the colonies. Truly, 'tls said, "There's a grand bit of Great Britain in every bite!" RESTAURANT OR TAKE OUT I SPECIAL I INTRODUCTORY SIZE 59c Alfi& AVTMEWTK IMM.ISM 2700 TEXAS AVENUE .© Alfie’s Fish & Chips, Inc. 'Via to 8 p * • ! SAFEWAY SELLS'ONLY 'USDA GRADE’* 1 ; WHOLE FRYERS Sliced Bacon Slab. Rindless. Breakfast Treat! (Safeway r& 854) —4b. Standing Rib Roast. Large End. w USDA'Choice Heavy Beef (list? "* $1.09) USDA Inspected ... Grade ‘A'l FRYERS New Everyday Low Price! 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TexasYams Nectarines Sunkist Lemons Yellow Squash Yellow Onions Garlic — Vine Ripened! labaacot Ftavorl -0.23* -0.39* csr:49* -u. 19* m 39* S2 19* Tomatoes OQt Salad Favorite. I L S'M Large Slicing Size! —LD. mm W# Harvest Blossom. 5-Lb. All-Purpose Bag Washday Favorite 49-oz. Box White Magic Gallon Plastic ID 1 21' 7' 7 37 It 38' 15-oz. Can Filler Paper Rulad. 2-Holai Home-Uaa Broad Binder Ensemble w'x^^rs^riKi Bic Ballpoint Pens Theme Book WUack ★Rod or *»l«* Cut Corn Bel-air. Whole Kernel Safeway Special! Bel-air. Safeway Special!. Tempting Treats! Ice Cream Cups Suada* TwU» —4-Ct. Fkg. W W Drumsticks CO* Forty Frida —A-Ct. Pkfl. WtP Ice Cream Bars CO* Dr Pwor —6-Ct. Fkg. Peaches Fish Sticks Banquet Dinners Meat Pies Popsicles Z-HoUt. Asurtod Covor Dorigos 10 .12*7*" «air su Pre-Cooked. 9-ox. Captain's Choice Pkg. '■» 38* Manor House. Asserted Assorted Pkg. 2S.7.39* 29* AOrange 6-Ct. AGrapa or ★Cherry Pkg. White Bread nit —i-Lb. Lufdtr White Bread OQ{ Grade ‘A’ Eggs o7> Breakfast Gems. _p f T Medium Slxe —Dexen V I E?!& toChlps 49' Fresh A Crisp —f-es. Twh Fak Thr Instant Coffee $169 (dwords. I Frees. Drlad —a-ax. Jar Mi 38* Gatorade Stokl.y. Drink —32-w. luttl. ' Serving You Better... Saving You More!! Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat. and Sun., Aug. 13, 14, 15 and 16 in •We Reserve the Right to Limit Quontities. No Sales to Dealers. SAFEWAY (BCapyrlght IfM, tsfeasy ftMM, lM.rp*r*!«d. El to KAM tally or “Entert aired 8 The ! can be charnel lure so today ] former! of the Host will h gradua Georgi six ye; Bon R Houstc Atlant; He \ I tertain | try Cl | eral c : appeal i shows, Mai be on< te IB