The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 05, 1970, Image 4
BUSIER AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.H.A.—Veterans and Conventional Loons ARM A HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. S&1S Texas Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 YO HO HO AND A TWENTY OUNCE GLASS OF TEA We do not serve the YO HO HO but we do serve a big cold 20 ounce glass of tea with each delicious $0.99 evening special at the MSC Cafeteria. Come each day from 5 p. m. to 7 p. m. and compound your savings by purchasing a MEAL DISCOUNT COUPON BOOK. CUSTOM BOOT MAKERS BOOT & SHOE REPAIRING LEATHER GOODS Justin Boots Portage & Porto-Ped Shoes For Men WESTERN BOOTS Made-to-Order Makers of The Famous TEXAS AGGIE SENIOR BOOTS J4oiidt d /Boot Sk op A&M Since 1891 North Gate College Station Page 4 College Station, Texas Wednesday, August 5, 1970 THE BATTALIC Th ‘Excellence’ cruises Gulf Coast Texas A&M’s water pollution research vessel EXCELLENCE, used in Houston Ship Channel studies since September, 1968, will move into other Gulf Coast estuaries for data collection dur ing the month of August, an nounces Dr. Roy W. Hann, Jr., who heads the University’s Estu ary Systems Research group based at Morgan’s Point. The sampling cruise planned for next week will include Sabine Lake and the Neches and Sabine rivers in the areas of Beaumont, Orange, and Port Arthur, and the intracoastal waterway from Port Arthur to Galveston, Hann said. :§ 3111k. NMOU nnuuiuis *»■* TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY OV* IWWSfSttNG DEPARTMENT excetulfct The 55-foot floating laboratory is scheduled to sample the intra coastal from Galveston to Free port later in the month, stopping at Chocolate Bayou en route. The researchers will also spend one day in the Brazos River and one day in the San Bernard, then continue to Matagorda Bay and the Colorado. A tentative September run will continue the intracoastal survey to Corpus Christi. All of the sampling will he repeated at ap proximate three-month intervals. “On these cruises we will make continuous surface profiles for temperature, salinity, and dis solved oxygen,” Hann said. He indicated that measurements throughout the depth would be made to two or four-mile incre ments and that bottom mud and various water samples would be collected for laboratory analysis. the electronic monitoring equip ment, and the other two are equipped for continuous sample collection, wet chemistry analysis, A&M researchers present papers Amounts of organic materials, nutrients, and heavy metals, such as iron, lead, copper cadmium, and mercury, will be determined. The data will be used in the development and verficiation of mathematical models which pre dict expected water quality to be used by agencies in making management decisions, Hann con tinued. Hann calls the EXCELLENCE, equipped with $50,000 worth of electronic sampling gear, the finest water quality research craft operated by any university. The largest of threfe cabins houses ORDER NOW Dr. Karl F. Mattil, director of food products research for the Texas Engineering Experiment Station, and Dr. Carl M. Cater, director of the Oilseed Products Research Center, will present two papers at the Third International Congress of Food Science and Technology being held August 9- 14 at Washington, D. C. “Preparation and Characteriza tion of Coconut Protein Isolates” was written by Antonio S. Samp son, Cater, and Mattil. “A Method for the Prepartion of a Colorless Sunflower Protein Isolate” was co-authored by S. Gheyasuddin. and total organic carbon determi nation. Surface testing is done at cruising speeds to 15 knots. “The aim of the Texas A&M program, which started in 1966, is to develop techniques for de termining how much waste can be tolerated without violating desired quality criteria. We are considering such questions as how waste materials react in the water, which materials settle to the bottom, which return from the bottom to overlying water, and how wastes are transported by fresh water inflows, tidal ac tion, salinity density currents, wind, and other forces.” The training of graduate stu dents for future work with con sulting firms, industry, and state and local agencies is considered an important phase of the work. Hann’s research group operates as a part of the Environmental Engineering Division of Texas A&M’s Civil Engineering Depart ment. Funds totaling approxi mately $700,000 have come from the Federal Water Pollution Con trol Administration, the National Science Foundation Sea Grant Program, other federal water quality control programs, and the Texas Engineering Experiment Station on a matching grant basis. BROWN - ALLEN MOTOR CO. OLDSMOBILE SALES - SERVICE ‘Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2400 Texas Ave. ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHAPEL Sunday Services: 8:00 A. M. 9:15 A. M. Adult Class 10:20 A, M. Nursery and Kindergarte 9:15 A. M. Rector: Wm. R. Oxley Chaplain: W. M. Seeliger 846-6133 LAKE VIEW CLUB 3 Milea N. On Tabor Road PRESENTS: TONY DOUGLAS and the Shrimpers Direct from Las Vegas Saturday, August 8, 9 a. m. to 1 a. m. STAMPEDE Every Thursday and Friday Nite Reservations Call — 823-8454 or 823-0660 (ALL BRANDS BEER 25f) THE 'NOW' MARKET Your 1970-71 University Directory • Student Listings Faculty-Staff Listings • Department - Office Locations & Phone Numbers University Calendar Athletic Schedule • Campus Map Student Senate Listings Clip, complete and send the coupon, along with a check or money order for $1.56 (in cluding 6^ sales tax) to Student Publications Services Building, Texas A&M Univer sity, College Station, Texas 77843. • CANDLE SHOP • BATH BOUTIQUE • MISTER MART • STATIONERY • BOTTLE SHOP & MUGS • COUNTRY STORE • POSTERS • BLACK LIGHTS • INCENSE • GOURMET COOKWARE • ENAMELWARE • DECORATIVE ACCESSORIES • GOODIES FROM THE PANTRY F C Please reserve me a copy of the 1970-71 Texas A&M Directory, my check or money order for $1.56 is enclosed. NAME ADDRESS CITY The receipt for your directory will be waiting for you at the Student Publications Dept. The directory will be off the prese about Oct. 15, 1970. When you pick up your receipt for the 70-71 directory, we will be happy to give you free a copy of the current direc tory to help you until the new one is ready. • PAPER PARTY GOODS • GIFT WRAP • POLY OPTICS • ET CETERA SHOP THE ‘NOW’ MARKET FOR ‘NOW’ PEOPLE 801 Texas Ave. 822-4670 FLOWERS-HALLMARK CARDS-GIFTS “for all occasions” — we have the widest selection available” at ^^raaieicincl ^3~lower Shoppe ^ ^ 209 University Drive — North Gate Shopping Center " member FTD-TeleFlora for out of town orders