Page 6 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Wednesday, July 29, 1970 BUSIER AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.H.A.—Veterans and Conventional Loans ARM & HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. 3523 Texas Are. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 JULY SPECIAL MAKE YOUR OWN DEAL! We have Eleven Homes From 14 X 60 to 12 X 50 ft., All Completely Furnished. •fifi-fisa-x-.,. EDDIE SCHULTZ *71 STEPHEN ROTSCH *70 Browse through our sales lot at your convenience. We are open from 9:00 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. Mon. - Sat. So come on in and let’s make a DEAL. Hickory Hills Mobile Homes “We Deal In Quality and Service" 1902 Texas Ave. Across From Townshire 823-5701 Oceanography grad students to study reefs A&JH commended for officer grads Texas A&M oceanography graduate students will sample marine plant and animal life in the southern Gulf of Mexico next month. Ten students supervised by Dr. Thomas J. Bright will dive to coral reefs off the east coast of Yucatan during the three-week trip. The expedition also will involve Miss Maurine Downey, starfish specialist of the Smith sonian Museum in Washington, D. C. Bright, who recently partici pated in the Tektite II project in the Virgin Islands, said the grad uate students’ work will be part of an Oceanography Department problems course. “It will give them a chance to get acquainted with the marine environment and examine organ isms found on coral reefs,” the oceanography professor said. The group of nine oceanogra phy and one biology graduate stu dents will include William W. Schroeder of San Diego, who par ticipated with Bright in a 21-day Tektite II underwater stay. Texas A&M’s ROTC program, the Corps of Cadets and 1969-70 General George F. Moore Award winning company has been com mended by a U. S. Department of Defense official of Washing ton, D. C. “The Department of Defense takes pride in commending Texas A&M for the outstanding officer graduates who have entered the military departments of the United States,” stated George C. S. Benson of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense in a letter to A&M President A. R. Luedecke. Benson, deputy assistant secre tary for education, said the rec ord of A&M graduates “is a long and distinguished one” and the corps “is held in high regard and deserves all of the praise it receives.” The Pentagon official also ex tended congratulations to mem bers of Company F-l, commanded last year by Cadet Maj. Richard J. Oates of Pineland. It was awarded during the Parent’s Day Review the coveted General Moore flag as the best overall unit in the cadet corps. The company, to be command ed this fall by Charles D. Nelson of Columbus, will be wearing the all-white shoulder cord signifying the Moore award for the second straight year. Secretary Benson emphasized that the dependability of the Texas A&M corps and ROTC program is known and appreci ated in Washington, D. C. circles. “While we note a decline in ROTC enrollment among many of our colleges and universities,” he said, “the military services can always turn toward College Sta tion to ‘Gig Em Aggies’.” The latter was in reference to activities in a closed door U. S. Senate hearing on Defense De partment appropriations last De cember. Senator Richard B. Russell (D- Ga.) employed “Gig Em Aggies” orally in a discussion of ROTC student attitudes and remarked that A&M furnished more offi cers to the Army in World War II than West Point. Gen. William C. Westmoreland and Secretary of the Army Stan ley R. Resor concurred with the senator. Paper Towels /[ Truly Fine. *Plnk ★Yellow or ★White Safeway Special! Aurora Tissue Serving You Better... Saving You More!! Toilet. ★White or ★Assorted Colors. Safeway Special! Cake Mixes Duncan Hines. Assorted. Safeway Special! 3a 1 Vienna Sausage C $1 Hormel. 'Z'M 4 -° z - Lunchtime Favorite! Safeway Special! Cans iBi Wi* ’em or Watch 'em... Canned Vegetables! ★ Van Camp's Hominy ★ Blackoya Poes ★White or ★6ol4eih—Can Highway Dry—IS-oi. Co ★ Blackeyo Poos ★ Kobey’s Potatoes with Bacon. Kinfolk'*—lS*et. Can Shoottrinf—ZW Green Peas ★ New Potato Crest Toy. Early Jane—D’/i-of. Can Alma. Sme ★ Hi-C Drink * Sauerki ★Orange or ★Cray*—Cai -•«. Can oes Small. Whale—l-at. Can rout HO TEL—10-ai. Can 101 Wix 'em or Watch 'em... Town House Vegetables! C $ 1 Cans Mm ★ Cut Green Beans ★' Golden Corn *Cr»am Styl. or *Whol. K.rn.l A Green Peas Fancy n.nd. sw..t ★ Whole Tomatoes Fancy Green Beans Cut. Gordensldo. Safeway Special! SI $ 1 Wr Cans JL OPEN SUNDAYS FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE. SAFEWAY IN TOWNSHIRE 9 A.M. TO 8 P.M. f/hor Watch! Canned Beans! ★ Pork & Beans ★ Mexican Style hi,)!.., ★ Dark Red Kidney hi,*,.., ★ Pinto Beans hi,!,.., ★ Navy Beans ai.. 8=1 Mdlorine S e . Joyutf. Assorted Flavors Safeway Special! 3 Vr -Gal. Cartons Cookin' Bags Strawberries Banquet. ★Enchiladas ★Tamales ★Chicken Ala-King ★Salisbury Staak ★Sliced Turkey with Ciblet Gravy Scotch Trwat. Sliced Safeway Special! 4 , C , 1 Lemonade in 4 Scutch Traot. Regular Can JL V Dinners 304 Banquet. Assorted Pkg. Cut Corn c ji But-air. Whota Karnul w Pkgs. X Orange Juice ^ 904 Bel-alr. From Florida Can ■■'i# Cream Pies 14h oq 4 Bul-olr. Assorted Pkg. ’ Mm^J T Baby Limas oc* •el-olr. Nutritious! pkg. Spinach Baby Food Margarine Canned Milk Tomato Juice Fruit Drinks Red Heart Del Monte. Nurtitlous! Safeway Special! Heinz. Assorted. Strained. ★Fruits ★Vegetables ★Desserts Safeway Special! Coldbrook Solids. Safeway Big Buy! Lucerne. Evaporated Safeway Big Buy! Libby's. Refreshing! Safeway Special! Round Steak 98< Full Cut. USDA Choiee Grade Heavy Beef (Boneless—-Lb. $1.08) “Lb. LOW, LOW PRICES EVERY DAY! At Safeway, you get only USDA Choice Heavy Beef aed Lamb at Low Prices Kvery Day. This Is meat graded by U.S. Department of Agricultere experts; the Choice grade goes only to meat which is tender, juicy, flavor- fill. All Safeway meats are trimmed waste-free, and gvarantaad to please or moeey back! Smoked Hams Shank Portion. <*Wholc or *Fall Half—Lb. Sty Armour Franks or 1-Lb. *Sofoway Pkg. 45< 6* Boneless Roast89< _Lb 85* 794 Arm Roast usda cKoufH«.. y •«< Ground Chuck l».m.« Ground Round -u. 954 Rump Roast uso*c^..H^y^ _Lb 954 Boneless Roast -^l 09 Loin Tip Roast ^ U 45 Boneless Brisket -uJlH Short Ribs USOACb^MHMvytMf —Lb. 454 Chopped Sirloin -uJlM Boneless Steak wSSrfcE, 0 ^ -u, 994 Rib Steaks usda chou. HM*y *••» —Lb. 984 Top Round Steak c^J^-Lb W* All Meat Franks £" 554 Armour Franks Ar zn£r £" 594 Pork Spareribs 694 Turkeys Sa, *T l VbA s 7^is?b£:^- Av, -Lb494 Honeysuckle "ZziZfiZZX'- 454 Smoked Hams -Lb. 754 Center Slices ^ 994 Smorgas Pac £ 994 Smorgas Pac ..^h £" 994 Ground Beef *129 Eckrich Sausage £ 994 Eckrich Franks £ 894 Lunch Meat 3ss.*l Tf • " Air Freshener Ronuzit. ★Lavender ★Pine or ★Bouquet. Bathroom Spray Safeway Special! 7-oz. Aerosol 39* tow, LawPrice,! BBwaBBm Cragmont. Assorted Safeway Big Buy! Dog Food. ★Bacon Flavor or ★Beef Flavor Safeway Special! Charcoal Briquets. Grllllt. Parade Detergent Paper Napkins Margarine Potato Chips Chunk Tuna Saltines 59* Silk. Assorted Colors Soo Trodor. Light Moot Metros* Soda Crockers —"5-Lb. Bag Washday J 9 * 0 *' ao-CL Qt Why ter Pkg. 11t Va-Lb. O A Why P«r Potty O * 1 Ot £ 494 7,;" 3x.rfl W £■ 2KW Watermelonsl ^■69 Charleston Grey. 24 to 28-Lb. Siie Compare Size... Compare Price. -Each 4 LOW, LOW PRICES EVERY DAY! You always get the best and freshest produce at your Safeway Store. And it's priced as low as the market allows. Our buyers ara stationed in every Important producing area. They buy the best and rush it here. We sell it at Low. Low Prices every day^ Nectarines l.*,..* Santa Rosa Plums Valencia Oranges "otj..., Sunkist Lemons Russet Potatoes Banana Squash Golden Carrots Cucumbers Bell Peppers Green Onions Red Radishes Bartlett 10 £,894 Salad Pavarltel Alive with Flavor. Bananas Top Quality! Great for in between meal snacks! ■Hi FRYERS New Everyday Low Price! Fresh. USDA luspacted ter Wholes emeaess (Cut-Up t^-Lb 344) Drumsticks Split Breasts 'Burger Buns OCU A-Hot Do, or ★Homburgor. 8-Ct. * White Bread OQt Mr*. Wrlqhf*. *Re,ulor IV,-Lb. or frSoudwich Sliced Loaf Buttermilk Lacarna. Va-G Safeway Special! CaH Potato Salad Laccruc. 1 .LI Picnic Favorite! Cti m USDA Fryer* —Lb. Shop Safeway and Save! Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat. and Sun., July 30, 31, Aug. 1 and 2, in V/e Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. No Soles to Dealers. SAFEWAY University set to hold annual conference The university will host the eighth annual Right of Way Edu cational Seminar Aug. 5-7, an nounced C. J. Keese, director of the sponsoring Texas Transpor tation Institute. The program will be presented by Region 2 of the American Right of Way Association. Featured speakers include As sistant Secretary of Interior Les lie L. Glasgow. Dr. Glasgow, who earned his Ph.D. in wildlife management here, will be the lead speaker for an opening-day panel discussion entitled “Environmental Consid erations: Land-Water-Air.” The former director of the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commis sion will discuss the land aspects. Other panelists are Hugh Yan- tis of Austin, executive director of the Texas Water Quality Board, and T. R. Samsell of Washington, D. C. perma-crease Westbury Slacks 5tninco umbrraitp men’* toear 329 University Drive 713/846-27 College Station. Texas 77840 PALACE Brtjan 2-$$79 STARTS TODAY Call 822-5811 For Showtimes JOSEPH E. IEUINIPRESENIS 1HE LEWIS GIIBER1 HIM OE THE ADVENTURERS Based oa the Novel "THE AtMMURERr; by HAROID ROBBINS PANAVISIOir • COLOR [ftHSS* t/mpm TODAY — 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 P-M. Watch the landlord get his. THE MIRISCH- “ PRODUCTION COMPANY wesents A NORMAN JEWISON • HAL ASHBY PRODUCTION “THE lANDlORDT COLOR by Deluxe* [R)®> United Artists QUEEN LAST NITE — 7:15 - 9:15 P. M. ADULT ART “HARD MAN IS GOOD TO FIND” i ai a ua-.’+iTT OMN UMJ! B 12 Yf ACS ■ fRfl WEST SCREEN AT 8:45 P. M. John Wayne As “CHISUM” At 10:50 p. m. ‘NAKED RUNNER” With Frank Sinatra EAST SCREEN AT 8:40 P. M. “FRANKENSTEIN MUST BE DESTROYED” At 10:35 p. m. “FIRECREEK” CIRCLE TONITE AT 8:45 P. M. “BOB, CAROL, TED & ALICE” With Natalie Wood At 10:50 P- m. “MCKENNAS GOLD” DISCOUNT MEAL COUPON BOOKS ARE ON SALE AT THE FOOD SERVICES MANAGER’S J0FFICE, MSC T MEAL KS ARE ON HE FOOD MONDAY EVENING SPECIAL BROILED SALISBURY STEAK W/SAUTEED ONIONS Choice of two vegetables Rolls - Butter Tea or Coffee $0.99 TUESDAY EVENING SPECIAL BAKED MEAT LOAF WITH TOMATO SAUCE Rolls - Butter Tea or Coffee and Choice of any two vegetables $0.99 WEDNESDAY EVENING SPECIAL CHICKEN FRIED STEAK WITH CREAM GRAVY Rolls - Butter Tea or Coffee and Choice of any two vegetables $0.99 THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL ITALIAN CANDLELIGHT DINNER ITALIAN SPAGHETTI Served with Spiced Meat Balls & Sauce Parmesan Cheese Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee $0.99 FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL OCEAN CATFISH FILET Tarter Sauce Cole Slaw Grandma’s Cornbread Rolls - Butter Tea or Coffee and Choice of any two vegetables $0.99 SATURDAY SPECIAL NOON AND EVENING GULF SHRIMP Cocktail Sauce French Fried Potatoes Cole Slaw Rolls - Butter Tea or Coffee $0.99 SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON AND EVENING ROAST TURKEY DINNER Served With Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Dressing Rolls - Butter Tea or Coffee Giblet Gravy and your choice of any two vegetables $0.99 For your protection we purchase meats, fish and poultry from Government inspected plants.