EN E )n is int” Study of meteoroid impacts to be conducted here | Study of meteoroid impacts in relation to different structural materials will be conducted here under a $20,000 National Aero nautics and Space Administra tion grant. Conducting the NASA research will be Dr. James L. Rand, as sistant professor in the Aero space Engineering Department. The grant is effective Sept. 1 for one year. Rand said the research will be in two phases. Employing prediction tech niques used in the Apollo pro gram, the engineer and two grad uate students to be named will re late dynamic material properties to meteoroid impact. In the second phase, hyper velocity impact data accumulated by NASA will be reduced. They will work with “target” craters produced in the laboratory by impacting materials with parti cles — or man-made “meteor oids” — of known size and veloc ity. “With knowledge of the crater ing damage caused by these par ticles, we will try to predict the damage caused by a natural meteoroid of any size traveling at any velocity,” Rand explained. Consisting of undefined matter that orbits in the solar system, Meteoroids range in size from dust-like particles to bits the size of a grain of sand and larger. They can become visible to the human eye when the meteoroid collides with the earth’s atmos phere, at which point they be come meteors. Meteors are visible as flashes of light through the incandescent heating of their plunge — aver aging 25 miles per second — into the atmosphere. Fragments that survive the fiery passage and reach the earth are called meteor ites. Rand noted that statistical analysis has shown “that there is little chance of irreparable damage” to spacecraft struck by meteoroids. The Apollo 12 lunar landing mission of 1969 was carried out during the November Leonid meteor shower, one of the heavier annual showers. Five previous Apollo flights — 7 through 11 — coincided with less active meteor showers. Rand is a University of Mary land graduate, six-year research engineer with the U. S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory and re cipient of the General Dynamics “Excellence in Engineering Teaching” award at Texas A&M last spring. AND A ‘‘BIB” TO YOU! Sat spaghetti and meat balls in style each Thursday evening at the MSC Cafeteria, and wear a big red and white checked bib. The bib is FREE with our $0.99 spaghetti and meat ball special. Buy a discount meal coupon book and compound your savings. table ettuce leo ffee WEAR \IARE. 'AIR AIR. T.l REN CDs te Lictiw: . N. »!: use. Df ill 82MI1! i UWi romforttfe •d. Couple »: J jhed. Kit(- istairs. Cn UK 1 E; •tment. Ar| paid. Cl« 107-A F« IK tral ain't, s 178. !!!•■ ! ) I artment ft 7334. © unfurniil* tral air«» 6-5120. C 12ftt SI tin bles co :.U» Sons -5816 r ft! < 9 1MPEWRI SUGAR &8BL/SJ LAUNDRY DETERGENT REG. BOX 17^. # ORN15 pZEHCH? GROUND PIPPER •; crnI BLACK 0 3 CERBER‘5 BRINED mtm Pro-Ten Rump ROAST Lb.89< f^iRlHEfivYeEEFro»: TENDER lOTM^COTCf 10. PRO-TPsl k I ITenderized Round T-BONESraiK* I? ISTEAK L ,99< CORNiaUWHEM 1(£>CIiOZ.JC]R. 9 TUNH 3Bpr| \2Mm fifZHPE'q’ Lflpoe BARBARA DEE COOKIES ASSORTED FLAVORS 3 M 5 ^ 49 ■ t i Airwi, atr: nn GLADIOLA FIOUR ALL PURPOSE Limit 1 With $5.00 Purchase LLHOU5B COFFEE 1002. K LUCKY LEAF A 1 ¥ 9 Juice *i E6G5 ColZr! GLEEM srwfe TI4 PI5COUNTPRICE | f HERPtSHOUUtKl 07^1 32-OZ. BTL. FROSTIE I -;^5t ; m BMUClN ptscogNTPfticfc I • U SCOPE. DISCOUNT PWC6 f^T Wq Give Double Gold Bond Stamps every Tuesday withor more purchase. 5r!5ficl%5‘i pisouNTPRice wn /0/ /\/AL StA* S Root Reer c$1 3 BTL | ' UPW PKlCBZ DEL MONTE KETCHUP ^ ^ 17* GRTORfiDE 39? VllN C0MP ViENNFI /| |OQ - SflUSPGE ^4/054 7 3rvi CRM P - _fV/\ PORK' BERN$ cc A/29t - JBS . , n - ;» • PRICESOCCC !W%. IWO&ZZD LS /yt Watermelons: w s v _ C IHAV st vV ^ OqUFBRNlFl QREEti PPISCFIL CELERf ^ 25 ^ EXTRA LARGE WKS EACH D0Y LOWPRIC^^ HUNTS TOMHIO rt 07 ^ A 5RUCE 10 CRRNRTION E\7HPOHqTEQ _ _ MILK 35 CORN 25 CllSfflS I5< mm ip rjiTnr STEW SOUTM TEXAS MOST V>0OWN 5U SEPv'iCE AND SATiiFACtiOH CA'APANTEEO located at BWAN SIR. MQU/AWTirY R.IGUT9 RES-ERx/E-p ?r DEL MONTE SWEET a iif warn mm gjiQkv ih!