The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 01, 1970, Image 6
THE BATTALION Page 6 College Station, Texas Wednesday, July 1, 1970 $35,200 granted A&M for review Dr. Maxwell honored by Indiana Univ. University officials meet here Texas A&M has received a $35,200 National Science Founda tion grant to design and publish a review of Sea Grant activities throughout the nation, announced Dr. John C. Calhoun Jr., director of university’s Sea Grant Pro gram. Directing the publication, fund ed on a 12-month experimental basis by the NSF Office of Sci ence Information Service, will be Mrs. Letha Miloy, Sea Grant editor. Assisting her will be Mrs. Janet Howe, who joined the Sea Grant Program as assistant editor June 16. Dr. Calhoun noted the new pub lication is expected to reach some 3,000 persons in ocean-related fields. Included will be research ers and educators throughout the 69 institutions nationally involved in the Sea Grant Program, as well as representatives of ocean- oriented industries, academic in stitutions receiving NSF support and other universities. The new publication is expected to provide resource information for activities within the marine environment and is a significant addition to the advisory services offered by the Texas A&M Sea Grant Program, noted Dr. Cal houn. He said the monthly review of reports and technical papers gen erated under NSF Sea Grant sponsorship will be non-analytical in nature. The National Science Founda tion Sea Grant Program, estab lished in 1966 and patterned after Vets receive research funds Texas A&M veterinary patholo gists have received second year funding for a research program which may eliminate distemper in dogs and have far-reaching effects on diseases affecting Dr. Ralph W. Storts announced the National Institutes of Health has approved a $46,060 continu ation of the proposed three-year, $130,000 study entitled “Patho genesis of Demyelination in Dis temper.” Dr. R. A. Dennis and Dr. W. K. Read, both of the Veterinary Pathology Department at A&M’s College of Veterinary Medicine, will assist Dr. Storts. Canine distemper affects the central nervous system and is one of the most serious single infections affecting the dog pop ulation. It produces changes in the cen tral nervous system that are similar to ones described in dis eases that affect man’s nervous system — multiple sclerosis and a measles-related encephalitis re ferred to as subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. Dr. Storts point ed out. COURT’S SADDLERY FOR WESTERN OR FOR YOUR WEAR MARE. FOR SHOE REPAIR BRING IN A PAIR. 403 N. Main 822-0161 ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHAPEL Sunday Services: 8:00 A. M. 9:15 A. M. Adult Class 10:20 A. M. Nursery and Kindergarten 9:15 A. M. Rector: Wm. R. Oxley Chaplain: W. M. Seeliger 846-6133 the Land Grant Program of 1862, came to Texas A&M in June, 1968, making it one of the first six uni versities in the nation to receive an institutional award. The uni versity’s 1969 NSF grant of $750,000 made it the second larg est Sea Grant institutional pro gram in the nation. Dr. W. David Maxwell, newly appointed liberal arts dean at Texas A&M, has been honored with the 1970 Teaching Excel lence Award of Indiana Univer sity. The award recognizes Maxwell as the outstanding teacher in the Graduate School of Business of Indiana University. It is made annually by doctoral candidates of the school. College and university officials from throughout Texas meet July 12 at Texas A&M for the fourth Academic Administration Semi- Vice presidents, deans, regis trars and directors and chairmen of departments, schools and divi sions will gain insight into the nature of administrative experi ences during the two-week semi- The second week of the event sponsored by the Association of Texas Colleges and Universities and Texas A&M will be at Texas Christian University, announced Dr. J. Stewart Allen, association director. Participants will hear distin guished speakers on topics such as planning academic change, the college and its community, faculty evaluation and psychology of ad ministration. Case studies and in-basket projects will enable utilization of concepts. Featured speakers are Dr. Paul Sharp, Drake University presi dent; University of Texas Chan cellor Dr. Harry Ransom; TCU Chancellor Dr. James M. Moudy; Dr. L. D. Haskew, UT educa tional administration professor; Dr. Joe P. Harris, SMU humani ties and sciences dean; Dr. John King, SMU higher education pro fessor, and Dr. Hugh Stickler, Florida State higher education professor who was instrumental in formation of Florida’s junior college district system. will contribute views and thepsi ticipants move to TCU after ft; first week to get the privatt institution viewpoint, noted Je: Vincent, seminar coordinator assistant to the dean, A&M Col lege of Education. w I err Enrollment in the seminar is limited to 35 invited participants. A&M administrators and students Participants register Sunda; July 12, at the Memorial Studeti Center. Education Dean Fraii Hubert will extend the Ten! A&M welcome at a banquet thai evening and sessions begin Moa day, July 13. h BE OPEN SATURDAY DEPN7IMENT 5™^ RANCH flYUSIttK RMMKmBB 27' PR>teK HEfW-eEEF W6.CCNT\\ti$ B^CK- i£0 WITH ■OtqTXORE 1 % r $Wl FT PREMIUM PPO-TCH BEEF BONB-ESS IIWERIN. 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