The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 01, 1970, Image 1
Cbe Battalion Vol. 65 No. 126 College Station, Texas Wednesday, July 1, 1970 Warm, cloudy, humid Generally fair thru Friday. Maximum temperature 95 de grees, minimum temperature 70 degrees. Telephone 845-2226 Donald Jones gathers insects for research Green lace wings prove ‘big things come in small packages’ Cotton farmers’ hopes lie with predator insect Directors award contracts contracts total more than $9,3 million By Pat Little Developing an economical and effective method of raising a predator insect which preys on cotton bollworms and tobacco bud- worms is the goal of scientists at the Entomology Research Labora tory. Their attention is centered on a graceful and delicate insect, the green lacewing and its offspring, a ferocious larva with formidable pincers and an appetite so aggres sive it is called the aphid lion. The aphid lion has been known to be a natural enemy of the cotton insect for many years, but the laboratory is the first to recognize its practical use as an insect control after extensive field tests. The next step is to develop a low cost method of producing the larvae. The larvae would have to be GREAT SAVINGS PLAN made even better by new legal rates at FIRST BANK & TRUST. Adv. raised today on grain moth eggs, the cheapest natural food, which would cost the farmer about $200 per acre, plus $15 for distribution. Long weekend ahead for 4th A long weekend for students begins Friday, adding Monday to the July 4 holiday since Independence Day falls on Sat urday this year. Classes dismiss at 5 p. m. Friday and will resume at 8 a. m. Tuesday, July 7. With the institutional observance of Independence Day Monday, classes are dismissed that day. Academic Vice President H. R. Byers announced. Monday also will be a faculty- staff holiday. The Three-day holiday will cut the final week of the first summer session to three class days. Session final exams be gin Thursday evening, July 9, and conclude July 10. An artificial food was developed by Dr. Erma S. Vanderzant, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) biochemist and insect nutrition specialist, and the liquid is encapsulated in “eggs,” which are tiny capsules about 20 thousands of an inch in diameter. The aphid lion feeds effectively on both the artificial eggs and the natural food. Sam House, biological technician in charge of rearing the insects, said the de velopment of the larvae is slower when the artificial food is used, but it is still very effective. The problem on encapsulating the dietary fluid was handled by the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) on the basis of its ex tensive experience in that field. Clarke E. Schuetze, SwRI senior research chemist, Dr. LeOn Adams, manager of the organic and polymer chemistry section of the Institute’s Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engi neering, and Research Chemist (See Insects, page 2) Contracts totaling $9.3 million were awarded Tuesday by the Board of Directors. The board also sold a $5 million revenue bond issue ~Eb Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc., and Associates of New York, low bidder, at an effective interest rate of 7.5030 percent. Largest contract was a $7,197,- 000 award to Houston-based Man hattan Construction Company of Texas to build a new low-density dormitory complex on campus. Revenue from the bond issue will help finance the project, designed to accommodate nearly 1,000 stu dents. Another large project included six contracts for improvement of water system facilities on cam pus. Contract winners were Pan handle Construction Co., Inc., Lubbock, $562,220; R. B. Butler Inc., Bryan, $388,838; R. B. Hodg son & Co., Inc., Dallas, $285,466; ★ ★ ★ Vice President says 14,900 due during fall Dr. Horace R. Byers, aca demic vice president, told the Board of Directors Tuesday to expect an enrollment of 14,900 in the fall term. “This figure is inprecise — I wouldn’t be surprised if we went below 14,000 or above 15,000” Byers said. He added that the figure would be approximately 900 higher than last year’s en rollment. Byers said he anticipates ap proximately 3,180 (or 21.4 per cent of total enrollment) gradu ate students and about 1,350 (9 per cent of total enrollment) women. He added that approxi mately half of the women will be graduate students. “We anticipate the corps of cadets to maintain its present level,” Byers added. He emphasized that the Uni versity of Texas is already in trouble with the Coordinating Board, Texas Colleges and Uni versity System, because of its large enrollment. Byers pointed out that A&M is slightly above its projected enrollment. “This is one thing we should worry about—as time goes on, we’re going to have to level off,” he said. Byers added enrollment will have to be held at 20,000 by 1980 in accordance with Coordi nating Board’s figures. He added A&M is limiting en rollment by applying a double standard for undergraduate stu dents—one for out-of-state stu dents and one for resident stu dents. “However, in graduate school, the name of the game is to not discourage non - resident gradu ate students because this builds up a colleges’ reputation on its ability to draw students from throughout the world,” Byers said. Gorbett Bros., Inc., Fort Worth, $41,669; Smith Pump Co., Waco, $32,865; and Delta Machine Co., Inc., Houston, $16,680. The Jarbet Co. of San Antonio was awarded a $357,041 contract for construction of new parking facilitiees for the northeast sec tion of the campus and pavement repair around the System Admin istration Building. Contracts totaling $256,149 were awarded for two construc tion projects at Prairie View. Rowe and Mayfield, Inc. of Hous ton received a $129,700 award to construct an eight-classroom building. Chappell Hill Construc tion Co. of Brenham won a $126,- 449 contract to build a new fire station and campus security of fice. Other contracts included $84,- 261, Commercial Kitchens Divi- Finding the best route between buying elaborate, highly reliable equipment and less costly ma chinery that may require con stant maintenance is the purpose of campus investigations for the U. S. Post Office Bureau of Re search and Engineering. Known as maintainability engi neering, it involves measuring and predicting maintenance needs of postal equipment systems in terms of repair costs and lost operating time. The Industrial Engineering De partment headed by Dr. A. W. Wortham conducts the research under a 16-month, $98,863 con tract to develop a reliability and maintainability analysis program for the Post Office. Worthan directs the project. Dr. Wilbur L. Meier Jr., indus trial engineering professor in charge of various project phases with Dr. Robert L. Street, said work will be completed in Decem ber and that interim reports are being eagerly snapped up by postal officials. “They are so interested that they are pressuring us, taking our draft reports and circulating them throughout the depart ment,” Meier said. “It’s surpris ing the way these are welcomed, even by people in the maintenance division.” Final product of the contracted study will be sets of training manuals and reports on how to use maintainability programs. The post office problem is keeping in operation highly com plex machinery in the large mail processing centers. To keep abreast of burgeoning mail loads, the post office has automated many aspects of mail handling, including machine sorting and cancellation of envelope and pack age mail, Meier explained. Extremely sophisticated types sion of Industrial Industries, Inc., Houston, portion of Kitchen and food-serving equipment for new dormitory; two awards totaling $49,898 to J. A. Callaway, Bryan, construction of portable animal shelter complex; $17,830, Mar- Cal, Inc., Bryan, replacement of windows at P. L. Downs Nata- toriuhi. Also $17,826, Mabry, Inc., Bry an, fish tank temperature control system in Biological Sciences Building; $17,450, Sentry Con struction Co., Bryan, convert Dairy Breeding Center to Rumi nant Nutrition Laboratory; and $16,934, W. E. Kutzscl\bach Co., Bryan, outdoor lighting\for vet erinary medicine complex^ In other action, the board ap propriated $297,990 for projects here and Tarleton State College. of further automation are being studied, but such equipment must be highly reliable or have rapid built-in maintenance capabilities. “A three-hour down period for repairs just can’t be tolerated,” Meier noted. Besides building up massive backlogs, breakdowns require mail storage for which the post office does not have warehouse facilities. A preliminary design for means of placing 12 men on Mars for 75 days has been proposed by 17 students. Four spacecraft—an earth-orbit shuttle, space station, command ship and Mars lander—were de signed to meet requirements of a proposal request by Prof. Stan ley H. Lowy in an aerospace en gineering course. During the 414-month project, student groups headed by William C. Brown of Zephyr; Larry B. McWhorter, Bedias, and Kenneth R. Payne, Midland, considered aerodynamics, trajectory, propul sion, guidance-navigation-control, structures, materials and environ mental control, life support and power systems for each of the vehicles. The seniors’ proposal was eval uated by a board composed of government and industry repre sentatives. Lowy said the 155-page pro posal also including three-view drawings of the vehicles and a final design budget was “very good.” “I wouldn’t call it perfect,” he evaluated, “but the design has no A $122,000 appropriation was earmarked for hot water service to the southeast portion of the campus, where the new dormitory will be constructed. The board allocated $120,000 for detailed design of a new of fice and classroom building, $25,000 for detailed design for a new educational television build ing and $20,000 for landscaping in the central campus mall area. A $7,000 appropriation was ap proved for detailed design for electrical service for the proposed Oceanography and Meteorology Building. Tarleton State received a $2,990 appropriation for continued Ad ministration Building remodeling and $1,000 for a program of re quirements to utilize unfinished attic space in the Tarleton Stu dent Center. Postal authorities realize, he added, the best answer is to keep mail in constant motion, to never let it stop in the processing stage. It is believed the maintain ability program can help prevent bottlenecks. Maintenance would be considered in the machinery design process, to minimize life cycle costs. flaws. The system was designed from the standpoint of currently feasible materials and technology. It did not attempt to extend the state of the art, and for that reason did not entail too much creativity.” Rationale for the manned Mars mission was based on current scientific need for more informa tion about the earth, solar system and other planets. Current space agency planning calls only for unmanned probes to tour the major planets within the next two decades. Prediction of earth atmospheric properties many years in the future could be based on a study of Mars’ atmosphere, Lowy noted. “In addition, a manned expe dition could make geophysical observations, collect soil and at mospheric samples, study life forms if they exist on Mars, study behavior of earth life forms in the Martian environment and search for usable material re- (See Mars, page 2) University National Bank “On the side of Texas A&M.” —Adv. Department develops studies for Post Office Students propose Mars trip design Sign and bridge over Ross Street—no Aggie Joke