The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 20, 1970, Image 6
THE BATTALION Page 6 College Station, Texas Wednesday, May 20, 1070 F & F SALVAGE SALES Class of ’53 (Previously C & D Salvage) Damaged and Unclaimed Freight All Types of Furniture We Buy and Sell Used Furniture Call 822-0605 302 North Bryan Street ^ PIZZA EAST GATE ALL YOU CAN EAT Monday Thru Thursday 5-7 p. m. — $1.25 SMORGASBORD Child dramatis sign-up June TOP GRADUATE STUDENTS—Joe Richard Tillerson (left) and Philip J. Gensler (right) have been honored by the Association of Former Students for academic excellence in the Graduate College. Dr. G. W. Kunze, Graduate College dean, is shown with the two men. Tillerson was honored as the top master’s candidate and Gensler was named the top Ph.D. candidate of 1969-70. Registration for the first sum mer session of children’s creative dramatics and the Premier Play ers will be held by the Theater Arts Section of the English De partment June 1 and June 8. Four age groups of creative dramatics will be taught in Bryan by Mrs. Aileen Wenck and in College Station by Mrs. Lugean Esten. Robert W. Wenck will di rect the Premier Players, a high school theater program. The purpose of Children’s Cre ative Dramatics, said C. K. Esten, program director and director of the Aggie Players, is to get out of the child what he has innately, the ability to create something. “It’s a leading, rather than teaching process,” he said. “We use to some extent theater devices in developing the child’s creativi ty.” Registration for both first ses sions is June 1 from 8 a.m. until noon. The session runs from June 8 until July 8 with 5-6 year olds meeting Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 to 11 a.m.; 7-8 year olds meeting Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10 to SAFCmy HAS THC low CMRyDAy PRICES & SPECIALS vn JllGHTCRUST ] LightCrustFlour AO Safeway Special! —5-Lb. Bag ■ 19 Niblets Corn Whole Kernel Golden. Safeway Special! —12-or. Can SAFEWAY Safeway Coffee Pre-Ground. (2-Lb. Bag $1.17). Safeway Special! —1-Lb. Bag 59 Twin Pet Dog Food 7 Dogs Love It!! B Safeway Big Buy! -15-ox. Can ■ .TOMATO Tomato Soup Town House. Lunchtime Favorite! Safeway Big Buy! —10 3 /4-oz. Can Dinners o Safeway R e 9- * 1 Speciall Pkgs. Waffles fl $1 Safeway 1 1 ^ OZ - Special! Pkgs. Cut Corn Bird ' Ey - r $i Safeway 10-OZ. ' Special! Pkgs. Meat Pies Manor House. k 8 o, $ 1 f/zs? U pk9! - J. Apple Pie or *Cherry. ggjj Bel-oir. W'Zir O pk9s - JL 1 Sherbet Lucarna. Party Pride. Assorted M MM 1 Vj-Gal. 9%UC & %JU r Lemonade Seo R ^;;r f ^ 10* Orange Juice tz- 19* Mexican Dinner cr«..T ;;r39* Cream Pies ezl, zr 29* Fried Chicken xr 77* Quality Is Our Business The Finest products you can buy. You'll find a complete selection of your favorite froien foods at yout convenient Safeway Stores. Sioclt up now on these values and keep your freezer full of convenient, quality froien foods. Jeno’s Pizza Roll ^ a? 67* Macaroni tlsct- ^53* PoundCake ‘A.vs: or 79* . Turnovers «r49t ■ Onion Rings ’xm? sj. sit 1 11:30 a.m.; 9-10ear olds uk ing Monday, Weesday andFs day from 8 to 9s a.m.; andl, 12 year olds mting Tuesii Thursday and Fray from S 9:30 a.m. Registration anigessiom be held in the Fallit Theatei the back of Guionlall for Ci lege Station resides and in4 Bryan Civic Auditoum forEij an residents. Registration for lie Prtr; Players first session dll be Ja 8, from 3 to 5 p.m. irthe Fills Theater. Their first produdon, H Curious Savage,” by Jon Pain will be presented July 1-11, “The Premier Playersisib school production worksbptii presents quality plays rahei those normally associat'd n high school groups,” Weicksi “Last year they did Te Dwellers’ by William tei and took it to Austin fo:n quest performance.” Registration for Creativlij matics in College Stationii while the Bryan School pays the registration i Bryan residents. “These registration fees kd cover initial expenses in tkti programs,” Esten said. “All! money that comes in goestoi the two teachers and buy^ plies.” “Mr. and Mrs. Sophus Olsei Comfort, Tex., have donated!! for the second time to helps tain the Children’s Creativeli matics program here,”Estena “Our objective is to try to| financial support from the i versity.” Esten added that any chi! the area this summer may rtp ter for the program, whetheti parents are residents or not. LORD JEFf TOWN SHIRE / BRYAN. TEXAS TV ray Low, Low Pricesl - Cane Sugar Condi Cone. Fur* Cano -5-Lb. Bag OPEN SUNDAYS FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE. SAFEWAY IN TOWNSHIRE 9 AM TO 8 PM. Facial Tissues Detergent Toilet Tissue a ^ 150-Ct. Box Parade. Washday Favorlta! 49-01. Box 48< I7* w ?.r 49 4m 5»r 4-Roll Salad Dressing 07^ Piedmont. M Taste Tempting! —Quart Jar MM ■ Saltines 1 Aa Melrose B m'M ■ Soda Crackers —1-Lb. Bex NBO WW Charcoal rq^ Cake Mixes ocv Mrs. Wright's. Assorted ^ M T —IB'/j-ox. Box ■■ MM Potato Chips /in^ Party Pride. Fresh It Crisp —Twin Pak ■ WW Margarine Qa Piedmont. 1 A Light, Delicate Haver —Vs-Lb. Patty Heinz Baby Food 7c ★Fruits ★Vegetables ★Desserts Jar Cheese Spread ■& i.? Cling Peaches Canned Milk vj-w? 15< w v£’ Used Army Officer's Uniform. $25 (Quarter Master) 1 Tailor-made Greeir Uniform $49 2 Set Army Dress Blues $79 each Perfect Condition LOUPOTS Boneless Roast *Chuck or ^Shoulder. USDA Choice Grade Heavy Beef. Waste- Sliced Bacon Slob. Rindless. Breakfast Treat! —Lb. Chuck Roast 7-Bone Roast Rib Steaks Arm Roast CholM H«ovy S Bnf —Lb. 55^ or <A<hu<k Choico Hoovy Boof USDA Chofcw Heavy Beef eavy Beef —Lb. Sfoak. USDA -tb. 65* —ib. 89* Full Cut. USDA Cholc. Huavy B..f Short Ribs •*-Lb. L*an ia«f Safuway Handy Chub fak Ground Chuck Ground Beef Top Sirloin Steak 'EriT New York Steak^is ^ ir FlSh StiCkS Prn-Coofcnd. Jumbo Perch Fillets fr~c«*.d 75* -ib. 45* -ib 83* lift $125 $149 $199 59* 65* Swift's Franks *£ 69* All Meat Franks ^ £r55* Rath Bacon *£ 85* Smorgas Pac *£99* USDA Inspected Grade ‘A’ Pork Chops Smoked Chops Smoked Hams BonelessHams 78 f 69< Quortor SHcod R 0 rk Loin forte. Center Cut. or -ARib ’Sr.vw;”- PALACE Bryan 1:30 NOW SHOWING 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 Natalie Woods In ‘BOB, CAROL TED& ALICE” (Rated X) FRYERS Evmryday Low Priemt Whole (Cat-Up—Lb. 35#) —Lb. Fryer Halves £ “^r * USB F^ ,p -u, 35< Leg Quarters ^ -ib. 39 < Breast Quarters -ib. 45< 4-Legged Fryers -ib. 45< Pinwheel Pack -u. 65 c c/mm NOW SHOWING 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 “THE LAWYER” (Rated X) Lettuce Large Crisp Heads. Salad Special! —Each 2 Blackeye Peas f~* -u. 29* Tomatoes Gharry. for Salad. *g. 29* Artichokes Mar^ $. ^ 49* Garlic Small PMts Nr SMtoalug *£' 19* Fruit Juice pc.^ ?;r59* —Lb. 19* »;£ 69* 4for29* Bananas Onions Top Quality! Economical Yellow. US No. 1 —1-Lb. Loaf —Vi-ttal. Cta. 27< 45* Oranges c..K^..y Grapefruit t.^ N .., Sunkist Lemons •Save At Safeway!m Red Potatoes US No. 1A Texas Grown. New Cro 10t89< Rye Bread Skylark. Regular. SptcUl! Buttermilk Lacar.a. Sptciall Non-Foods Low, Low Price! Flash Cubes 89< 1 • Vox Coup's Cap Norelco 3 Cubes, 12 Guaranteed Flashes 3-Ct., Pkg. Chunk Tuna Sea Trader. Light Meat Cans I Pork&Beans Catsup Paper Napkins Black Pepper FabricSoftener a ua47 4w ?5T Highway 14-aa. luttia Silk. Auurtad Colors MCt. *g, Trad.r Ham. 4-m. Pur. Caa 14*7.7 9^7.r 33 4 7*T Prices Effective Thars., Frl. and Sat., May 21, 22 and 23, in... BRYAN.... We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. No Sales to Dealers^ SAFEWAY I 1 ’ ill - a • liC.'kiTIC.' k|« . ' • i 011 H U*»CtS I? VlABS- f WEST SIDE AT 8:30 P. M- “SKULL DUGGERY” With Susan Clark At 10:40 p. m. “TOPEZ” EAST SIDE AT 8:20 P. M. “BARQUERO” With Lee Van Cleif At 10:30 p. m. “GREAT ESCAPE” With Steve McQueen CIRCLE TONITE AT 8:30 P. M. “DOWNHILL RACERS” With Robert (Sundance) Redford At 10:40 p. m. “NEVADA SMITH” With Steve McQueen