The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 20, 1970, Image 10
' ^ , Page 10 College Station, Texas Wednesday, May 20, 1970 THE BATTALION By MIKE RATHET Associated Press Sports Writer Flood case challenging majors 9 reserve clause NEW YORK <A>) — Curt Flood, obviously more nervous as a court witness than as a St. Louis Cardinal outfielder, testified Tuesday that he had brought his anti-trust suit against baseball because “I didn’t think I should be traded and treated like a piece of property.” Flood, nattily dressed in a blue, double breasted suit, appeared tense as he hunched forward on the witness stand and was led through his testimony by attor ney Arthur Goldberg, former Su preme Court Justice now a can didate for the Democratic nomi nation for governor of New York State. reserve system, is attempting to prove that the sport is a mon opoly operating in restraint of trade. He revealed he had net 'll jj • ii) begins in New York 5 /- i v v - ' M ■ ■> ■ That is the critical point of Flood's case challenging base ball’s reserve system which be gan trial in Federal Court here before Judge Irving Ben Coop er, a battery of attorneys and several members of the baseball establishment. The one-time $90,000-a-year outfielder had to be handed a baseball bubble gum card to re call his batting averages in spe cific years and several times had to be admonished by the judge for not answering questions prop erly. At issue is what is popularly known as tbe reserve clause—ac tually a s5t of rules that binds the player to the team that signs him until he is traded, sold or re leased with or without his knowl edge and—or approval. Philadelphia general iw John Quinn to discuss the tion and that Quinn had of;, him “a little more than ^ in salary” to play with thef lies, plus $8,000 in spring tj ing expenses — a package ij $100,000 neighborhood. Flood, in challenging baseball’s In his testimony, Flood said he was not consulted before be ing traded to Philadelphia follow ing the 1969 season and did not want to play for the Phillies be cause, “I didn’t want to move my businesses and family into an other part of the United States.” But Flood indicated moneji, • not the issue when, as the ing session ended, he was by Goldberg if he would play another club at a higher if he was traded without his sent. ‘No,” Flood replied. That seemed to round out berg’s questioning. ’WE>gEPBCUP0FTpeTOP<3a)»UTVMgy N CUft ASE/KT DEpARTMttfT WptT VOUC^J SEJJvfc WITH PWDEAWD VCT WITH PUEA5URE pack. PORKCHOBS IfeNPER 79 FAMILY RDOC FRYERS 2l£6 % WITH BACKS lK06.0m&ES W x» 40LB5. FREEZER SPECIAL mu cost I0l«.GROUND BEEF ioite. m&s „ 10165. W^PORKOICiRS »729S 10US5 BlS'SlEWiS ^^suca> SlAB PEOEliS (pTo 8LB. AVERAGE Decker’s — All Meat BOLOGNA ! 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