The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 19, 1970, Image 4

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College Station, Texas
Tuesday, May 19, 1970
fun Starnes
unibtrgitp mrn’B toear
S29 Univeraity Drive 718/846-2706
Col tare Station, Texas 77840
Class of ’53
(Previously C & D Salvage)
Damaged and Unclaimed Freight
All Types of Furniture
We Buy and Sell Used Furniture
Call 822-0605
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Complete Store
Baby Albums - Party Goods
Unusual Gifts
Aggieland Fl6wer & Gift Shoppe
209 University Drive
College Station 846-5825
1,000 $5 to $10 BOOKS
These were bought for resale
and the edition changed.
Now Selling For
95c or 10 for $7.50
Build Your Library At Lou’s Expense
Saddle and Sirloin gives
22 awards at annual banquet
Billy Frank Craddock of Me
dina received six awards during
the annual Saddle and Sirloin
Club Awards Banquet.
The student was presented the
Suppliers Association of the Tex
as and Southwestern Meat Pack
ers Association Award of $250,
the spring judging contest award
with first place in the senior
division, the Ronnie Patterson
Award in beef cattle judging,
the Obert Sagebiel Award in
sheep judging, the J. W. Bassett
Award in wool judging, and L. D.
Wythe Award as the high point
individual in the senior division.
Craddock is vice president-elect
of the Saddle and Sirloin Club.
Another Suppliers Association
of the Texas and Southwestern
Meat Packers Association Schol
arship of $250 went to Thomas
E. Eckert of Mason.
Ira F. Lee of Williow City won
the $500 Texas and Southwestern
Meat Packers Association Schol
arship. The $500 Houston Meat
12 x 52, 2 Bedroom, Complete With
Carpet, Delux Kitchen, and Luxurious Decor
you can own it for only
$250.00 down
$74.43 A Month
Hickory Hills Mobile Homes
66 We Deal in Quality and Service”
1902 Texas Ave. 823-5701
Brazos A&M Club
to hear football ref
G. Cliff (Frenchy) Domingue,
veteran Southwest Conference
football official will speak here
Wednesday at a sponsored meet
ing of the Brazos County A&M
Club President John Vittrup
said the 7:30 p.m. meeting will be
at Wyatt’s Cafeteria and open
to paid-up members only. Gifford
Hill and Co. is sponsoring the
last 1969-70 meeting for members
and their wives.
Special guests for the Former
Presidents’ Night meeting will be
Brazos A&M scholarship students,
1970 Cotton Ball Duchess Debbie
Wolters and her escort and past
Domingue quarterbacked Texas
A&M football, earned three var
sity letters and All-SWC honors
with two others on Coach Matty
Bell’s 1931 team. A lettering
teammate was the late A&M
President Earl Rudder.
Domingue, 57, officiated foot
ball more than 30 years and re
tired following last season as the
senior SWC football referee. The
1934 graduate resides in Port
Arthur and works for Texaco.
both English 466, American Eng
lish dialects, and English 425,
teaching of English as a foreign
The courses meet at 8 a.m. and
12 noon for 90 minutes each.
Registration for only one of the
courses will be discouraged.
Hope named associate
dean in Education
Dr. Lannes H. Hope, Athletic
Council member and part of the
phychology faculty since 1961, has
been named associate dean for
student programs in the College
of Education.
The appointment becomes effec-
fective June 1, Dean Frank
Hubert announced.
The appointfent becomes effec
tive June 1, Dean Frank Hubert
A local church and civic leader,
Dr. Hope at present is an associ
ate professor in the Psychology
Department and counseling psy
chologist with the Counseling and
Testing Center.
2 courses to offer
standard English
A special summer program in
the teaching of standard English
to speakers of non-standard Negro
English will be offered during the
first summer session by the Eng
lish Department.
The program will unify two
three-hour English courses for the
six-week summer period beginning
June 1, announced Dr. Lee J.
Martin, department head.
Instructing the teaching course
will be Riley B. Smith, assistant
professor of English.
“Because of the special topic
nature of the two courses, they
will be treated as a unit,” ex
plained Smith, noting that inter
ested students should register for
Food engiueering
seminar Thursday
Dr. Essex E. Finney Jr., re
search agricultural engineer with
the USD A Market Quality Re
search Division in Beltsville, Md.,
will give a graduate seminar here
His topic, “Quality Measure
ment in Modern Food Engineer
ing,” will be heard at 2 p.m. in
Room 208, Agricultural Engineer
Dr. Robert E. Stewart of the
Agricultural Engineering Depart
ment, said Finney conducts his
work in the USDA’s Instrumen
tation Research Laboratory. His
studies involve instrumentation
and techniques for gauging qual
ity products.
The engineer’s major effort has
been in development of sonic vi
bration methods for testing qual
ity of fruits and vegetables, Stew
art added.
Chevrolet. Right Car.
Right Price. Right Now.
NOW ON SALE. Impala, America’s most popular car.
You simply buy any Impala V8 model.
And you simply order Turbo Hydra-matic transmission, radio,
white stripe tires, front and rear bumper guards and the convenient
Comfortilt steering wheel. Then we include a big regular fuel 400-
cubic-inch V8 and dual exhausts.
At no extra charge, during The Big Impala 400 Sale.
Nova now $159 LESS*
Now you can order a new Nova at
a $159 price reduction.
Coupe or sedan.
Four-, six- or eight-cylinder engine.
With these Novas the day-night
mirror, bias belted ply tires, cigarette
lighter and seat belt retractors, formerly
standard, are still available as options.
Place your order at your Chevy dealer’s.
Chevelle. $147 LESS*
than our previous lowest priced hardtop.
Now America’s lowest priced
mid-size hardtop.
Chevelle. $148 LESS*
than our previous lowest priced 4-door.
America’s most popular mid-size
sedan at a new low price.
We took America’s best selling mid-size car. Then added
two new lower priced models. Lower priced they are But lower
^^^p^^^^gggjgg^^^^^iced looking and feeling they aren't.
Monte Carlo Luxury for only $3,123*
Monte Carlo is hundreds of dollars less than
other personal luxury cars. Hundreds.
Yet Monte Carlo’s a car of thickly padded
seats. An instrument panel with the look of
Carpathian burled elm. Plush carpeting.
Monte Carlo is every bit the luxury car.
Try the real thing at your Chevrolet dealer’s.
•Based on manufacturer's suggested retail prices, includ
ing federal excise tax and suggested dealer new vehicle
preparation charges. Destination charges,
taxes and optional equipment additional.
state and local
Putting you first, keeps us first.
Industries Association Scholar
ship was presented to Ronald E.
Allen of Abilene.
Another Abilene Aggie, Danny
Mack Brown, received the Diezi-
Hubbell-White Special Scholar
ship of $500.
Jim McManigal of Happy, now
a Texas Tech University staff
member, won two honors — the
Brewer Award and the Merit
Trophy Award. The Aggie-Ex
was Saddle and Sirloin president
last year.
Collier Royce Watson of Cole
man, dairy manufacturing major,
received the Brewer Award as the
outstanding senior in the Animal
Science Department.
Club members installed two
honorary members: Marion Flynt
of Midland, rancher and Quarter
Horse breeder, and Clem Boettch
er of East Bernard, horseman,
banker and businessman.
Larry Beerwinkle of Temple
was named the outstanding senior
in the Saddle and Sirloin Club,
Norman Kohls of Boerne the
outstanding sophomore, and H. L.
Stiles of Cuero the top freshman.
James M. Davis of Brownwood,
current club president, won the
Ammie E. Wilson Award as the
club’s outstanding senior.
The champion ham salesman,
Lee McMillan of Mason, received
the Jack Estes, Jr., Meat Labora
tory Award, and the Franke-King
Award went to Mike McCravey
of Eldorado as reserve champion
salesman. Jerry Richards of Fair-
field was named the club's “hard
est worker.”
Kenneth Poenisch of Taft was
presented the W. W. Reed Award
as the high point individual of
the junior division in the spring
judging contest. Glenn Sparger of
Grapevine received the T. D.
Tanksley Award as the top swine
and pork judge.
Six ag economics, sociology
students presented awards
People who wear this button want
to hear it the way it is. This is ttie
way it is. Security has nothing to do
with magic wands. You plan for it.
As far as financial security is coiv
cerned, that has to include life insur
ance—which is not just something
for your beneficiaries. It’s for no*,
a solid foundation to any enduring
financial structure.
Provident Mutual designs pro
grams specifically for college men
and women. So give us a call. Or
stop' by our office today and visit
with one of our trained professionals.
You’ll find him pleasant, informative,
and mono-linguistic. Nitty Gritty is
all he talks.
Six students in the Agricultur
al Economics and Sociology De
partment have received awards in
recognition of academic achieve
ment and activities.
Wayne C. Jordan of Art near
Mason won the $400 Bowles
Scholarship for the second year
in a row.
President of the Agricultural
Economics Club, he is a “Distin
guished Student” with a grade
point ratio of 3.9 on a 4-point
Two other Bowles Scholarships
in the same amount went to Gary
A. Johnel of Canadian and Joe
A. Pennington of Raymondville.
The students have grade point
ratios of 3.18 and 3.22, respec
The scholarships were started
by the Texas Federation of Co
operatives as a memorial to C. E.
Bowles of Lubbock, a leader in
the state’s cooperative movement
for many years.
Dudley Blair of Uvalde received
the Wall Street Journal Award,
a subscription to the paper and
a desk pen set.
The J. Wheeler Barger Award
went to Richard Hodge of Pled
ger. Barger was a long-time pro
fessor in the Agricultural Eco
nomics and Sociology Depart
ment. Hodge’s name will be en
graved on a large bronze plaque
in the department.
Tom Wiley of Denison won the
Department Head Award for dili
gence and steady performance as
a student.
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Separate Adult/Family Areas
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Staffed Nursery - Fenced In
Three Spacious Recreat.on and
Game Rooms, Two Delightful
Equipped Playground Area
ame Rooms, two
Two Laundry Areas
Professionally Managed
CALL 846-2026
Mrs. Dorothy Shipper Youngblood, Mgr.
Mrs. Lynn Erwin, Asst. Mgr.
are your
contact lenses
more work than
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If you're tired of using
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lutions to take care of
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plete contact lens care-
preparing, cleaning, and
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two of Lensine before you
insert your contacts coats
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er and non-irritating.
Cleaning your contacts
with Lensine retards the
buildup of foreign de
posits on the lenses. ■
Lensine is sterile, self-
sanitizing, and antisep
tic making it ideal for
storage of your lenses
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And you get a removable
storage case on the bot
tom of every bottle, a
Lensine exclusive for
proper lens hygiene. ■ It
has been demonstrated
Bacteria cannot grow in
Lensine.■ Caringforcon-
tact lenses can be as con
venient as wearing them
with Lensine, from the
Murine Company, Inc.
that improper storage
between wearings may
result in the growth of
bacteria on the lenses.
This isa sure causeofeye
irritation and could seri
ously endanger vision.
and j