The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 19, 1970, Image 1

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College Station, Texas
Tuesday, May 19, 1970
Saturday — Cloudy, light rain
in morning. Wind North 10 to
15 m.p.h. High 70, low 59.
Sunday — cloddy to partly
cloudy. Wind East 10 to 15
m.p.h. High 77, low 54.
Telephone 845-2226
u. s.
was in
briefly, Laird says
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SINGING CADET MEMBER—Mrs. Earl Rudder (right) is presented a certificate pro
claiming her an honorary Singing Cadet and some momentos by G. T. Hill (left) and
Robert Boone, the group’s director. (Photo by Hayden Whitsett)
Mrs. Rudder now ‘one of
the boys'—a Singing Cadet
Fifty A&M students and a staff member
inarched on the president’s home Monday
Mrs. Earl Rudder knew the Singing
Cadets and director Bob Boone were coming,
but she didn’t know they bore a certificate
naming her an honorary Singing Cadet.
The all-male glee club makes such
presentations occasionally, recognizing
“outstanding support and service” to the
Among previous recipients are the late
A&M president Earl Rudder, Mrs. John
Connally, Cong. Olin E. Teague, Mrs. B. J.
Whitehead of San Antonio, C. J. Davidson,
1917 A&M graduate of Fort Worth, and J. S.
Row of Waco, regular bus driver on Singing
Cadet tours.
Boone presented Mrs. Rudder the cer
tificate and extended additional thanks for
her interest in the Singing Cadets. The group
sang a couple of numbers at the door of the
president’s home.
Members walked over to the residence
after meeting at their G. Rollie White
Coliseum rehearsal hall.
of Defense Melvin R. Laird has
acknowledged small numbers of
American troops have (ventured
briefly into Laos and might do so
Testifying Monday before the
Senate Foreign Relations Com
mittee, the Pentagon chief did not
go into detail on the Laotian in
cursions, but he ruled out future
large-scale American military op
erations in Laos.
U. S. forces, he said, have en
tered Laos only in “protective
reaction” situations—hot pursuit
of enemy troops fleeing South
Vietnam, rescue operations, or in
support of air strikes against the
Ho Chi Minh Trail.
The secretary made the state
ment shortly after the Florida
White House stated there are no
American ground forces in Laos
Free German
measles shots
to be given
The “opening shot” in the cam
paign to rub out German measles
in Brazos County has been an
nounced by Dr. Clyde M. Caper-
ton, acting director of the Bryan-
Brazos County Health Unit.
Caperton said that the Texas
Department of Health has entered
into an agreement with the
Bryan-Brazos County Health De
partment and several interested
health-oriented organizations of
this county to conduct a free im
munization clinic June 7 at the
Bryan Civic Auditorium.
and “no change in our activities
in Laos.”
“Our forces in Vietnam have
had that particular authority,” he
said of the protective reaction into
Laos, adding his belief it does not
violate a congressional ban on the
use of U. S. ground forces in Laos
or Thailand.
But Sen. J. W. Fulbright, D.-
Ark., the committee chairman,
said there is nothing in the record
to suggest the legislative bar on
U. S. ground forces in Laos allows
any exemption for protective re
action strikes across the border.
The White House also declined
Monday to comment on a report
that South Vietnamese troops
were fighting in Laos. Laird said
only that American advisers some
times accompany South Vietnam
ese troops into Laos.
Nixon has declared that no U. S.
ground troops were involved in
the fighting, adding that 1,040
Americans, including diplomats
and advisers, are stationed there.
When questioned about Cam
bodia, the secretary refused, as
he has in the past, to rule out
continued U. S. air strikes on
North Vietnamese sanctuaries in
Cambodia after American troops
have left.
He also said such strikes might
be launched at targets more than
21 miles from the Cambodian
border, the limit Nixon set for
American troop operations.
Laird also told the committee he
had not anticipated the extent of
the protests the Nixon orders
would produce.
“I did not estimate that as
accurately as perhaps I should
have as a poltician,” he said.
“But I don’t think that anyone
could anticipate the situation at
Kent Universtiy or some of the
other . . . confrontations that have
taken place.
“I do feel, however, that the
support for the President of the
United States is very strong,”
Laird said. “I believe there is
no question that a majority of the
American people support the
President . . . the desire of the
President to destroy the sanctu
Herbert Klein, director of com
munications at the White House,
said in Chicago U. S. military
operations in Cambodia are a
“story of success.”
He said reports from the battle
fields indicate American troops in
two weeks have captured some 8.5
million rounds of ammunition and
9,100 weapons at enemy bases.
“This was more than was seized
in the last year in Vietnam,” he
The report of captured arms
was issued the same day a De
fense Department spokesman
called an alleged message from
Laird to the U. S. commander in
Vietnam a “phony.”
Newsweek magazine, which said
it stood by its story, reported
Laird had sent a message to Gen.
Creighton Abrams saying the
the American public “would be
impressed” by the capture of
high-ranking prisoners, major
enemy headquarters and arms
caches in Cambodia.
In other areas, the U. S. State
Department has endorsed a pro
posal by 11 Asian and Pacific
nations calling for an Indochina
peace conference to preserve Cam
bodia’s neutrality.
The statement was issued at
Jakarta, Indonesia, and urged re
activation of international control
machinery to preserve Cambodian
The incursion into Cambodia
also prompted Red China to
cancel talks with the United
States scheduled Wednesday in
Warsaw. The Red Chinese state
ment cited an “increasingly grave
situation” has been created by
American action in Cambodia.
Senate says members
must talk with students
Corps unit commanders announced
Company and squadron com
manders in A&M’s 1970-71 Corps
of Cadets have been approved
announced Van H. Taylor, next
year’s Corps commander of Tem
The 35 juniors named to the
commands will be cadet majors
and will officially assume the
posts Aug. 31, when fall semester
classes start.
New officers will move to the
front of their units may 23, how
ever, for the second half of Final
Unit commanders named will
head 19 Army ROTC companies,
14 Air Force ROTC squadrons
6th Battalion, commander
announced for next year
Creation of a sixth battalion in
the 1970-71 Corps of Cadets and
selection of a commander have
been announced by Van H. Taylor,
next year’s corps commander of
He said the 6th Battalion was
made necessary by a growing
number of cadets in Company
H-2, day student corps unit, and
increasing enrollment in the
Army ROTC two-year program.
Commanding the unit and the
first day student to attain the
tank of cadet lieutenant colonel
will be Mickey J. Calverley, pre
dentistry major of Arlington.
In his command will be Com-
Uairenrity NatanaJ Bank
a 0n the side of Texas A AM."
panics H-2, unit composed of
married cadets and off-campus
residence cadets; 1-2, Army ath
letic cadets, and K-2, which will
include cadets from the over
strength H-2.
H-2 will be commanded by Wal
ter K. Truett of Houston; 1-2,
John R. Stallings, Stephenville,
and K-2, Thomas E. Stout Jr.,
Shreveport, each with the rank
of cadet major.
“While the main goals of the
creation of the 6th Battalion are
to give more opportunities of
leadership and improve communi
cation between day students and
athletic students and the main
body of the Corps of Cadets, it
also will enable a day student to
attain the rank of cadet lieuten
ant colonel,” Taylor said.
and the Maroon and White Bands.
The commander of Company L-l is
The 1970-71 unit commanders
by organization:
Company A-l, Frank D. McAl
lister of Lamesa; B-l, Kenneth C.
Shaw, Weimar; C-l, Thomas D.
Bonn, Denison; E-l, Charles N.
Simon, Gonzales; F-l, Charles D.
Nelson, Columbus; G-l, Bruce A.
Krueger, Humble; 1-1, Michael P.
Hancock, Highlands; K-l, James
M. Hackedorn, Houston; M-l, Joel
S. Koehler, Beaumont.
Also, A-2, Stephen W. Hughes,
San Antonio; B-2, Charles B. Wil
liams, Comanche; C-2, William L.
Braddy, Fort Worth; D-2, Gary
E. Madden, San Antonio; E-2,
Richard A. Glomski, San Antonio;
F-2, Richard T. Miller, San Saba;
G-2, John E. Richardson, Flores-
ville; H-2, Walter K. Truett,
Houston; 1-2, John R. Stallings,
Stephenville; K-2, Thomas E.
Stout Jr., Shreveport, La.
Squadron 1, Barrett J. Smith,
Houston; 2, Edward E. Duryea,
Abilene; 3, Lonnie D. Roberts,
San Antonio; 4, Randall T. Schul
ze, Dickinson; 5, Melvin Hamilton,
Lamesa; 6, Robert L. Robbins,
Austin; 7, David T. Welsolka, San
Jose, Calif.; 8, Robert L. Keeney,
Killeen; 9, Dennis K. Chapman,
Haskell; 10, Roy E. Sewall, San
Antonio; 11, James E. Albritton,
Sweeny; 12, David E. Frost, San
Antonio; 13, John C. Sanders, Dal
las, and 14, Robert H. Matthews,
Maroon Band, Mitchell J. Tim
mons, Shreveport, La., and White
Band, Ralph K. Jenke, Giddings.
3 Ags charged
with possession
of marijuana
Three A&M students and a
woman have been charged with
possession of marijuana following
what Brazos County District
Attorney Brooks Gofer called
“routine investigations of nar
cotics cases.”
Charged in Justice of the Peace
Jess McGee’s court were Thomas
Bechtel, freshman architecture
student from Lancaster, Pa.;
Richard Potter, third year chem
ical engineering major from Indi-
alantic, Fla.; Robert Medina,
fourth year architecture student
from College Station, and Linda
Colon of 708 S. Bryan, Bryan.
McGee set bond at $1,000 each.
Battalion Editor
Student senators at the initial
meeting of the 1970-71 senate last
Thursday were of the opinion that
regular, announced meetings with
constituents is something every
senator should implement.
They passed a resolution to
that effect, 44-10.
Parliamentarian Michael Ess-
myer introduced the resolution,
one which would have required
senators to meet at least once
a month with those they repre
sent. Procedures, he said, would
be established during the summer
by the senate executive commit
Later debate brought forth
amendments to the resolution
changing the “must” to “should”
and allowing senators to either
hold monthly meetings or estab
lish some kind of feedback sys
In expressing their opposition
to the proposal, some senators
argued that such compulsory
meetings were not neecssary. The
man who holds a senate seat,
they claimed, should be willing to
take on the responsibility of com
municating with his constitu
Others, including Kirby Brown,
Issues chairman, Charles Hicks,
Welfare chairman and Debbie
Drashpil (pre-vet) spoke in fa
vor of the required meetings.
Hicks said that such meeting
would mean that every senator
would have to go to those he
Without required meetings, he
claimed, some senators would nev
er get around to talking to their
constituents. He added that sen
ators should also have to make
reports on their meetings and,
if no meeting were held in a
given month, explain the failure
to hold a meeting to the senate
executive committee.
Miss Drashpil agreed with
Hicks, adding that the meetings
would insure that a person is
not a senator just to have a
post on the senate. The proposal
would, she claimed, assure people
of representation, instead of a
wasted year as far as the senate
was concerned.
In other action, the senate
Thursday night:
—Voted to join the Texas In
tercollegiate Student Association
for 1970-71, and elected John
Sharp, Life chairman, as A&M’s
TISA representative for next
—Appointed an Elections Re
vision Committee to look into
past election procedures and make
recommendations to the senate.
—Elected Robert Riggs (sr-
Arch) and Gerald Witkowsky (sr-
Ag) as the senate’s Election Com
mission representatives.
Finals schedule
Final examinations for the spring semester, 1970, will
be held according to the following schedule;
May 25, Monday
May 25, Monday
May 25, Monday
May 26, Tuesday
May 26, Tuesday
May 26, Tuesday
May 27, Wednesday
May 27, Wednesday
May 27, Wednesday
May 28, Thursday
May 28, Thursday
May 28, Thursday
May 29, Friday
May 29, Friday
Hour Series
8-10 a.m. Classes meeting MWF8
11-lp.m. Classes meeting MWF12
2-4 p.m. Classes meeting TThSFl
8-10 a.m. Classes meeting MWTh2
11-1 p.m. Classes meeting MWF9
2-4 p.m. Classes meeting M3TTh 10
8-10 a.m. Classes meeting TF2 or
TWF3 or TThF3
11-1 p.m. Classes meeting MWF 10
2-4 p.m. Classes meeting TTh 12
8-10 a.m. Classes meeting M4TTh 11
11-1 p.m. Classes meeting MWThl
2-4 p.m. Classes meeting TTh9F2
8-10 a.m. Classes meeting MWF 11
11-lp.m. Classes meeting TF1
Ags head toward NCAA meet with 2 wins in Philly
Battalion Sports Editor
The Texas Aggie relay teams
Saturday began the stretch drive
to the NCAA track and field
meet June 20 with a pair of im
pressive wins at the Martin Luth
er King Freedom games in Phila
The Aggies sprint relay four
some of Scotty Hendricks, Mar
vin Mills, Curtis Mills and Rockie
Woods breezed to the fastest time
of the year with a 39.6 as they
equaled the time of UCLA set
two weeks ago in a duel meet
with crosstown rival USC.
The mile relay team outlasted
Villanova as Curtis Mills over-
(See Ags take, page 5)