The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 15, 1970, Image 1

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    '* * ■ \ a t4 * ,1 v • »
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College Station, Texas
Cloudy with
rain, more
Friday, May, 15, 1970
Saturday — Cloudy, light rain
in morning. Wind North 10 to
15 m.p.h. High 70, low 59.
Sunday — cloudy to partly
cloudy. Wind East 10 to 15
m.p.h. High 77, low 54.
Telephone 845-2226
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1ENAT0RS SPEAK—Roger Miller (left), senate vice president and Tommy Henderson
sr-LA) present their sometimes differing views during Thursday night’s initial meeting
1/ the 1970-71 Student Senate. (Photos by David Middlebrooke)
70- ’71 battalion, group CO’s
orps staff men announced
Corps staff members, battalion and
q\|T j commanders of the 1970-71 Corps of
“ * adets have been named by Van H. Taylor,
ext year’s corps commander.
Taylor and deputy commander Thomas
Bain, Jr. of Dallas recommended the eight
nior staff members and nine battalion-group
The cadet officers, all of whom will be
eutenant colonels, were approved through
lecommandant’s office.
Working with Taylor and Bain on the
orps staff will be Randall E. Betty, adjutant;
Itway B. Denny, Jr., operations officer;
liam S. Leftwich, inspector general;
) Aggies made it possible
ommunity center will
(open to public Sunday
A combination community cen-
tr and resource service will be
'wed by the public for the first
ime Sunday from 2-6 p.m. at
dS Peyton in College Station.
Six A&M students under the
upervision of Robert Cornish,
ifchitectural professor, have re-
(rbished a house in the Prairie
few Heights area as a Commu-
ily Improvement Service Center
Wdzation (CISCO).
Tom Niederauer, fifth year
Went, said that he and George
Wezal began the project in Sep-
The house was donated around
feinksgiving and money started
•ming in by Christmas. At mid
term they were joined by John
Oteri and James Wolfford, fourth
year students, and Marvin Dan
iels and Douglas Darr, third year
students, he said.
“We are trying to get the uni
versity and the community to
gether,” Niederauer said. “We
provide free services to the com
munity and we have the opportu
nity to meet real-life problems.”
The downstairs will be used by
the community for meetings, stor
age of park equipment and a cof
fee house and the upstairs will
be devoted to^ services available
to the residents, he said. This is
a branch of the Community Im
provement Club, a group of Prai
rie View Heights citizens.
“We hope to offer legal, finan
cial, academic and architectural
services for those who can’t nor
mally afford them,” Daniels said.
“We have received $300 in cash
and $100 in materials from people
in Bryan and College Station,”
Daniels said, “and we have sev
eral pledges for annual donations.
This is what we really need to
ensure that this project will be
As a part of this program Dan
iels is serving as a go-between
for employers and potential em
ployees. He asked that anyone
with a job to fill contact him at
Civilians appoint chaplain
In the first meeting of the
*J0-71 Civilian Student Council
fork Olson, president, announced
fe appointment of David Small-
W as civilian chaplain.
Terry Van Dyck, junior psy-
felogy major was also elected
•rliamentarian of the council.
Smallwood, sophomore recrea-
^n and parks major, will serve
‘both CSC and civilian chaplain
year. He will be in charge
freshman religious orientation
and will give the invocation at
football games and muster.
Olson also appointed Bill
Scherle to organize and chair a
female recruiting committee
which was authorized by last
year’s council.
The council also voted to ap
propriate $132 to send Olson,
Gordon Pilmer, first vice presi
dent; Jean Mah, second vice pres
ident; and Shelton Wallace, secre
tary, to the Midwest Association
of College and University Resi
dence Halls Convention in Wichi
ta, Kan., August 20-23.
Olson read the constitution of
the CSC and explained each sec
tion to the new members.
In other action, the CSC au
thorized members of the council
to purchase maroon blazers to
distinguish themselves from other
groups on campus. A patch for
the pocket will be designed later.
Senate tries for say
on new president
Thomas C. Fitzhugh, III, information officer.
Also, Morris K. Patteson, chaplain; David
E. Owen, personnel officer; Albert E.
Kinkead, supply officer; and Myles A. Yanta,
scholastic officer.
Commanding the battalions will be
Charles L. Korbell, Jr., 1st Battalion
commander; Henry A. Hansen, II, 2nd
Battalion; Michael D. Cristiani, 3rd Battalion;
Robert A. Harms, 4th Battalion; and Robert
E. Smith, 5th Battalion.
Groups will be under the command of
Richard A. Mallahan, 1st Group; Perry R.
Miyauchi, 2nd Group; Steven E. Clark, 3rd
Group; and James W. Russell, III, 4th Group.
Battalion Editor
In a surprisingly active first
meeting, the 1970-71 Student Sen
ate empowered the senate exec
utive committee to act as the
voice of the Texas A&M student
body in matters pertaining to the
selection of a new president for
the school.
The committee also was em
powered to submit to the A&M
Board of Directors a list of quali
fications that A&M students
think are necessary for anyone
selected president.
Senators also defeated for the
fourth time this year a constitu
tional amendment that would al
low Unversity Women an ex of
ficio seat on the senate.
Debate on the presidential se
lection issue began when Dave
Mayes, urban planning graduate
student attending the meeting by
proxy, told senators that the
1969-70 senate on April 9 made
it known that it wished to be
considered in the selection of a
new president.
So far, Mayes said, there has
been no reply from the board on
the matter.
He also told the senate that on
May 6 Acting A&M President
A. R. Luedecke sent a memoran
dum to the college deans asking
for faculty nominations.
“It is well established in both
law and practice that the respon
sibility for the selection of the
President of Texas A&M Univer
sity rests solely upon the Board
of Directors,” the memorandum
“The Board will consult with
members of the faculty and staff
Nixon officials
seek aid of
party senators
top Nixon administration officials
were reported to have told Re
publican senators Thursday they
must, in order to maintain con
fidence in the presidency, oppose
efforts to restrict American in
volvement in Cambodia.
The plea, which was said to
have made clear the administra
tion prefers no restriction on
presidential powers in Southeast
Asia, came from Secretary of
Defense Melvin R. Laird, White
House national security aide Hen
ry Kissinger and Undersecretary
of State Elliot Richardson.
Sen. Charles E. Goodell, R-
N.Y., quoting the officials, said
they did not base their plea on
party loyalty.
“They are talking in terms of
confidence in the presidency,” he
“They made it clear,” Goodell
said, “that although they have
not analyzed all the bills they
would prefer no restraint on the
President whatsoever.”
Meanwhile, Democratic Leader
Mike Mansfield said maintenance
of South Vietnamese troops in
Cambodia after President Nixon’s
June 30 deadline would mean the
United States would remain in
directly involved there.
Mansfield discussed the mean
ing of keeping South Vietnam
troops in Cambodia in a conver
sation with reporters.
But Mansfield, a Montana
Democrat, declined to say
whether he felt that would mean
Nixon’s pledge to end the U.S.
operation into Cambodia by that
date was not being adhered to.
Players present 6 awards at banquet
Six members of the Aggie Play-
^ were awarded keys and the
S?0-71 production schedule was
bounced at the players’ annual
•iquet Thursday night at the
%idge Smokehouse.
C. K. Esten, Aggie Players di-
^tor, announced that two pro-
UoiTenrity National Bank
On the side of Texas A&M."
ductions are scheduled: a Shake
speare comedy in the fall and
George Bernard Shaw’s “Devil’s
Disciple” in the spring.
Esten said that the Shakespeare
play would most likely be “Meas
ure for Measure.”
Esten explained that the reason
for only two productions is the
uncertainty of a place to put them
on next year due to the planned
destruction of Guion Hall to build
a new theater complex. The Ag
gie Players normally produce four
plays a year.
Three silver keys and three
gold keys were awarded to mem
bers of the Aggie Players in
honor of their contributions for
the past year.
Silver keys went to Sue Hach-
bold, Dennis Turner, and Bob
v «- - vav.-
Gold keys went to members
already holding silver keys from
previous years. They were Lucy
Gravett, James Dennis, and Irene
A fourth gold key had been
presented Thursday afternoon to
Travis Miller, a senior education
major from Houston who is stu
dent teaching in Schulenburg.
at Texas A&M University,” it
continues, “on the selection of
the President, in keeping with the
procedures outlined herein.
“It is also the intention of the
Board to seek the advice of other
constituents of the University,”
the memorandum adds, “includ
ing students and former students,
as well as the advice of state
and national leaders.”
Mayes noted that the memoran
dum asked the faculty submit its
recommendations by this coming
Monday. This, he said, does not
leave the students much time
to act, if they wish to.
Mayes also noted that the meet
ing was the only one senators
would have until next fall. If
action was to be taken, he said,
it must be immediately. He urged
senators to act, to provide student
“I believe time to be of the
essence,” Mayes said, “and I rec
ommend adoption of a motion
that the senate submit nomina
tions to the board.”
Mayes said that, if the motion
were adopted, he had done his
homework and was prepared to
offer two names for nomination.
Tommy Henderson (sr-LA)
warned senators that it would
be irresponsible of the senate to
make nominations at the meeting.
He said that he did think it im
portant that the senate submit a
list of qualities, ideals and philos
ophies that it would like to see
the next president have.
He said the senate executive
committee should serve as the
senate’s input on the subject.
Mayes said he would like to see
the senate act in some manner
on the matter, and to act quickly.
Sam Roosth (jr-BA) said he
would rather see the senate make
the actual choice, and submit
names. Spike Dayton (jr-BA)
said that hasty input at the pres
ent time could hurt the senate in
the future. Hasty action now, he
said, would make administrators
more apt to ignore students at
a later date.
The discussion resolved into two
main camps, those favoring im
mediate, though admittedly hasty,
action to provide student input
on the matter and show that the
students are interested and want
a voice in the matter.
Others felt that, due to the
short time involved, no action
might be better than hasty, pos
sibly irresponsible action. Why
not, some asked, find out if the
deadline applied to students and
proceed from there ?
During the debate an amend
ment to the motion was made
which would allow the senate
executive committee to act as the
voice of the students in submit
ting nominations. The amend
ment passed, 43-13.
A later amendment gave the
executive committee power to
submit a list of qualifications
and/or a list of names. A sub
sequent amendment deleted the
power to nominate.
Following the deletion, many
senators expressed the view that
the motion had been watered
down to the point where it was
useless. Some argued that if oth
ers propose names and the senate
only submits qualities, why should
they bother?
The measure that finally came
up for a vote, and was defeated,
would have given the executive
committee the power to prepare
a list of qualities students would
like to see in a new president and
to submit the list to the board of
(See Senate trys, page 2)
Sihanouk’s ouster opened
way for Cambodian action
AP Military Writer
WASHINGTON — It is becom
ing increasingly apparent the
Nixon administration decided to
hit the enemy sanctuaries in
Cambodia because the right con
ditions had arisen, rather than
as a result of a major new mil
itary threat.
The key to opening the way
for U. S. and South Vietnamese
forces to hit the enemy’s long-
secure base complex was the over
throw in March of Cambodia’s
neutralist chief of state, Prince
Norodom Sihanouk.
Until the new regime led by
Premier Lon Nol took over, the
United States felt it had to re
spect Cambodia’s neutrality and
its borders.
But the change presented a
new situation, the importance of
which in administration thinking
can be seen in the statements of
U. S. officials in their lengthy
discussions of the Cambodian
Secretary of defense Melvin R.
Laird has said: “For a long
period of time there have been
political considerations—interna
tional political considerations that
had been involved, and the situa
tion changed and this opportunity
was presented.”
And Thursday, the secretary
said about one-third of the 40,000
North Vietnamese troops in the
Cambodian sanctuaries had faced
away from South Vietnam start
ing about mid-April.
This created a situation in
which he said the risk to allied
forces became less and “the pos
sibility of much lower casaulties
became apparent.”
When newsmen pointed out this
appeared to contradict the admin
istration line of a buildup and
increased threat from the sanct
uaries, Laird answered there was
evidence at the same time the
North Vietnamese intended to hit
harder inside South Vietnam from
The main thrust of the admin
istration rationale has been the
escalated threat to U. S. and al
lied troops in South Vietnam re
sulting from military develop
ments in the enemy base areas.
2 students killed, 10 injured
in campus disturbance
JACKSON, Miss <A>) — Two
students were killed and 10 others
were injured, two of them critical
ly, officials reported, when high
way patrolmen and city police
opened fire early today on the
campus of all-black Jackson State
Most of the injured had gun
shot wounds.
Ofifcers fired at a women’s
dormitory after they said some
one had fired at them.
One highway patrolman was
injured and was taken to the
Hinds County Hospital.
A heavy, concentrated barrage
of gunfire, lasting seven to 10
seconds, was directed at the build
ing. Students in front of the
building dropped to the ground
to take cover.
Many of the windows of the
four-story dormitory were shot
Students looked out of the win
dows of other dormitories and
screamed at the officers.
Earlier Friday, National Guard
troops moved onto the campus
after rock and bottle-throwing
erupted for the second straight
NIGHT DIGGER—Workmen continue to dig out portions of Kyle Field turf Thursday-
night, trying to remain on schedule for the installation of AstroTurf on the playing field.
A Tartan track will also be installed in the stadium. (Photo by Mike Wright)
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