The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 08, 1970, Image 1

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Give to Beckcom Fund at Maroon-White Game Saturday
Che Battalion
Vol. 65 No. 114
College Station, Texas
Friday, May 8, 1970
Telephone 845-2226
If Needed In Austin
Smith Won’t Hesitate
To Use Texas Guard
PIRST GAME TALLY—A&M’s Danny Ragland slides home under the plate umpire’s
lose and Texas catcher Tom Harmon’s tag during Thursday’s doubleheader in Austin,
lie Aggies took the first game 7-5, but dropped the nightcap, 8-0, giving the Horns the
louthwest Conference title. The teams play a single game today with nothing at stake
mt pride. See story, page 5. (Photo by Mike Wright)
Exchange Store Seeks
Book Space, Remodels
The Exchange Store on the
iM campus is being remodeled
) provide more space for books
nd to speed up purchasing dur-
ig; rush periods.
The decision to rearrange the
ore was the result of inadequate
ace for the growing volume of
ioks and long lines at the be-
inning of the semesters, man-
:er Charles R. Cargill said.
“We weren’t able to carry all
fthe required books, much less
upplemental books,” the man
ger continued. “Now the ma-
irity of the store will be for
student Loan
)ue May 29
A&M students desiring long-
irm loans to finance their edu-
ition next year have until the
nd of the semester to file ap-
Student Aid Director Robert M.
Logan said the application should
Le picked up and filed as early
is possible.
“This applies to students who
lost borrow under the Texas
Ipportunity Plan (TOP) or fed-
tally insured programs,” he said.
Administrative procedures dic-
Cargill said the rearrangement,
due to be completed by the end
of this month, will cut down on
clothing space and expand the
book space from 2400 to 2700
square feet.
A wall between the old cloth
ing area and the supplies was
knocked down to provide more
space. The clothing, drugs, gifts,
and records will be put- in the
area formerly occupied by the
books and the supplies will re
main where they are.
Cargill said the checkout coun
ters will be increased from three
registers to six for purchasing
books. He said this should short
en the lines during the rush pe
The remodeling has cost noth
ing so far except for the regular
payroll since the work is all be
ing done by regular employees,
Cargill explained.
He added the only expense will
be for a new tile floor which will
be put down this summer and for
some coin-operated lockers for
students to put books in while
they shop.
The students may drop a quar
ter in the lockers and lock it
with a key, and when they return
the key, they get their quarter
back, Cargill said.
He added that the regular
racks will be available in case
the student doesn’t have a quar
Cargill said there will be more
epiphasis on customer self-serv
ice. He said there will be direc
tion signs set up to guide students
to books. If they want help, the
student can call at an information
One of the main objectives of
the Exchange Store is to better
serve students, Cargill assured.
In this regard, he said, students
are occasionally hired to act as
customers to check general treat
ment afforded real customers by
store employes.
Preston Smith said Thursday he
would not hesitate to call out
the National Guard if student
demonstrations get out of control
in Austin.
He expressed confidence that
state and Austin police could
handle demonstrations on the
University of Texas campus.
Smith talked of the Austin
situation between sessions of a
conference of community leaders
from 15 counties.
At the conference, the gover
nor disclosed a new program
aimed at working 500 minority
group employees into state gov
Of the Austin demonstrations,
Smith commented: “I don’t think
this action represents basically
sound-thinking students.” He said
he thought the core of the demon
strators was relatively small al
though there were “many sight
seers” at a rally there Wednes
“I think the students are there
for an opportunity to get an edu
cation,” Smith said. “The tax
payers expect those of us in
government to carry out that
program.” State colleges, he said,
“are not the place to bring about
social change.”
He said he was confident that
Texas National Guardsmen “have
fully prepared themselves to
handle any situation.”
The Guard received special
ti-aining after riots in Detroit,
and there is no danger that they
would over-react while attempt
ing to control a demonstration,
he said.
Meanwhile, charges of arson
were filed Thursday against one
of the University of Texas anti
war demonstrators as a “strike”
against classes went into its third
Lorado Cole, 29, of Austin was
named in arson charges filed
before Justice of the Peace Bob
University officials said their
records showed no student by
that name.
Kuhn set bond of $10,000 and
Cole was returned to the Travis
County jail.
University police said there
was no doubt the anti-war demon
strations Tuesday and Wednesday
were connected with a blaze start
ed in Building Z late Wednesday
night. There was slight damage
to the temporary structure hous
ing university Biology Depart
ment experimental animals.
Officers said witnesses saw two
men light a fire under a corner
of the building and run. Four
Austin Fire Department trucks
quickly put out the flames caused
by gasoline and newspapers.
A witness said the two men
ran from the fire toward the
main mall nearby where several
hundred demonstrators spent the
night after Wednesday’s pro
Early Thursday less than 200
remained on the mall, either
curled up in sleeping bags and
blankets or eating a handout
breakfast of peanut butter, jelly,
honey, bread and coffee.
As tensions over antiwar pro
tests heightened across the na
tion, President Nixon assured
eight college presidents Thursday
members of his administration
would lower their voices, and he
called the nation’s governors at
a meeting in Washington to dis
cuss, among other things, the
wave of dissent sweeping the
The President also scheduled
a nationally-broadcast news con-
(See Smith Won’t, page 3)
Walton Best Hall, CSC Says
By Hayden Whitsett
Gary Mauro, president of
Keathley Hall, was presented the
Outstanding Councilman Award
at the Civilian Student Council
Awards Banquet Thursday night
in the Memorial Student Center.
Walton Hall received the Out
standing Residence Hall award
for the second consecutive year.
The hall was chosen on the basis
g\ m
Beckcom Gets Merit Award,
Visits Friends on His Day
“This award is significant be
cause the person picked to receive
it is chosen by the council mem
bers,” Perry said. “It is fitting
that someone who has worked as
much as Gary receive it.”
After the presentation, those
attending the banquet gave Mau
ro a standing ovation.
Receiving the President’s
Award was Bill Scherle, first vice
president of the council.
Mark Olson, CSC president,
said that the award goes to the
person the president has selected
as making the greatest contribu
tion to the council and A&M. He
added that Scherle had always
been available and always had
an answer to the problems that
confronted the Council.
The Outstanding Service
Award was presented to nine
persons by Tommy Henderson,
second vice-president. Henderson
said recipients of the awards were
those persons who go beyond
what their jobs require.
Those receiving the awards
were Fred Dollar, Food Services
director; George Hartsock, A&M
Laundry manager; Perry, CSC
advisor; Eugene Oakes, residence
hall program adviser; Dave
Mayes, Battalion editor; Donna
Witt and Shy Hicks, secretaries
in the MSC Student Program of
fice, and Ann Clark and Linda
Greyhouse, secretaries to Oakes
and Perry.
Appreciation awards were giv
en to people who hadn’t been able
to receive a one-year key because
(See CSC Banquet, page 4)
Light Runof f T urnout Reported
As Officers, Senators Chosen
Gary Beckcom Day was cli
maxed Thursday when Student
Senate President Gerry Geist-
weidt presented him with a cer
tificate of merit.
The ceremony took place be
fore the evening meal at Duncan
Dining Hall.
Beckcom was also the guest
at a noon luncheon in the Me
morial Student Center and spent
the afternoon visiting friends.
Beckcom was injured in No
vember while working on the
bonfire and spent three months
in a Bryan hospital undergoing
operations on his leg.
Alpha Phi Omega and senate
members collected donations to
help defray Beckcom’s medical
expenses throughout the day,
and another collection will be
made at Saturday’s Maroon-
White game.
Any student who still wishes
to contribute may do so at the
Student Program Office or Sen
ate Office in the Memorial Stu
dent Center, according to Lee
Crawley, issues chairman.
of academic standards, activities,
off-campus work, and other re
lated functions.
The Highest Academic Average
Award went to Crocker Hall,
which posted an overall 2.87
grade point ratio. She Intramur
als Award went to Law Hall.
Howard Perry, director of ci
vilian student activities, cited
Mauro’s work as chairman of the
Bonfire Committee and Civilian
Week Committee as reasons for
him receiving the high award.
A light turnout of voters de
cided the remaining class officers
and Student Senate members in
Thursday’s run-off election.
Bruce Black, a member of the
Election Commission, reported a
total of 602 votes cast in the
election. Black said the results
were verified by Nokomis (Butch)
Jackson, president of the com
Results in the class of ’71 races
were: Concessions Manager —
Steve Clark with 30 votes over
Joel Koehler, 8 votes; senator
from the College of Liberal Arts
— Rice Briscoe, 6, over Kent
Smith, 5; senator from the Col
lege of Science — Mike Barrett,
7, over Randy Shepard, 5.
Class of ’72 results: Secretary-
Treasurer—Richard Tillman, 150,
over Laura Sorensen, 58; sena
tors (two) from the College of
Business Administration — Sam
Roosth, 26, and Spike Dayton, 24,
over Gary Singletary, 23, and
David Brend, 9.
Class of ’73 results: President
— Nick Jiga, 171, over Michael
Milliner, 167; Secretary-Treasur
er — Larry Moore, 210, over Rush
Crocker, 53; senator from the
College of Science — Steve Hook,
27, over Mike Lindsey, 24, and
Bill Jermyn, 17.
»te that a longer waiting period
kan before between filing and
frival of funds will be necessary.
“We will not be able to give
ftdits as we have in the past
acause of the procedures,” Lo
an added.
Interested students should in-
aire about applications at the
bdent Aid Office on the third
bar of the YMCA.
A&M’s Policies on Tenure, Freedom ‘Conflict’ with AAUP’s
larch Cancelled
The proposed anti-war, Kent
aemorium march was canceled
Vsday afternoon due to a
Ihge in plan, a spokesman for
ke marchers said.
The march was to be in con-
anction with the mourning of the
! aths of four students from
Ws Kent State University by
allege students throughout the
The march was to be from the
Id College Station City Hall on
Web street to the Unitarian
kdlowship Church on Old State
highway 6 South. The spokesman
kf the marchers said a program
Maturing a panel of pro-war and
'Hi-war speakers was planned.
UniTeraity National Bank
“On the side of Texas A&M.”
By Bob Robinson
Battalion Staff Writer
The policies for academic free
dom, responsibility and tenure as
approved by the Texas A&M
Board of Directors represent a
“serious conflict” with those of
the American Association of Uni
versity Professors, said a report
issued this semester by a com
mittee of the Texas A&M AAUP
A policy statement, drafted by
the Executive Committee of Tex
as A&M in coordination with an
elected faculty committee and ap
proved by the Academic Council,
was reviewed and approved last
November by the Board of Direc
tors in a revised form.
The AAUP committee, of
which Department of Philosophy
Head Dr. M. M. Davenport was
a member, listed three main
changes made by the Board of
Directors which “create serious
conflict between Board of Direc
tors and AAUP principles.”
Dr. Davenport said the policy
statement approved by the Aca
demic Council is generally con
sistent with the principles of
“It states conditions under
which tenure is obtained and obli
gates the administration to notify
the people of their status,” he
said. “It also sets a procedure to
be followed in case of a violation.
In other words, due process.”
The report and recommendation
will be submitted to the Texas
A&M Chapter of AAUP for ac
tion at their meeting this month,
Dr. Davenport said.
The first of the three changes
refers to one of the causes for
which a faculty member can be
The Academic Council state
ment read:
“Faculty members will be ter
minated under the procedures out
lined herein, if adequate cause is
established by demonstration of
professional incompetence, moral
turpitude, or gross neglect of
professional responsibilities.”
The policy issued by the Board
of Directors added to the same
phrase, “ ... or gross or repeat
ed failure to abide by the Rules
and Regulations of The Texas
A&M University System.”
According to the AAUP com
mittee report, if any rule or reg
ulation is contrary to academic
freedom or responsibility, failure
to abide by it could not reason
ably constitute adequate cause
for dismissal no matter how gross
or oft repeated.
The second change in the offi
cial statement refers to the re
quirement of a review by the
Board of Directors on a dismissal
hearing conducted by the Faculty
Committee on Academic Freedom,
Responsibility and Tenure.
The Academic Council origin
ally provided that the Board of
Directors would review a case
upon request of at least one prin
cipal and specified the nature of
such a review, the report said.
The Board provided for such a
review “only if the Board of Di
rectors chooses to conduct a re
The third change the report
listed as a serious conflict was
the removal of the provision for
a terminated faculty member to
have one year’s notice and salary
upon completion of a hearing pro
The Board of Directors state
ment read:
“If the faculty appointment is
terminated, the faculty member
cannot be paid under state law
beyond the date of termination.”
The report stipulated that the
fact that state law does not al
low a faculty member to be paid
beyond the date of termination is
no justification for omitting, and
thereby denying, the provision
that a faculty member should re
ceive his salary for the period of
notice to which he is entitled.
“If the statement in AC (Aca
demic Council) is omitted,” the
report continued, “then nowhere
in the policy statement will it be
clearly stated that a tenured fac
ulty member is entitled to one
year’s notice—although non-ten-
ured faculty members are allowed
such notice.”
Dr. Sewell Hopkins, biology
professor and president of the
Texas A&M Chapter of AAUP,
objected to the “rules and regula
tions of Texas A&M” addition as
grounds for dismissal.
“A regulation could be passed
that would be in conflict with
academic freedom and responsi
bility, and violations, before and
after, could be grounds for dis
missal under this statement,” he
Dr. Davenport said it is the
opinion of the AAUP committee
that the statement approved by
the Board of Directors doesn’t
provide academic freedom and due
He said that he also gave a list
of recommended changes to the
Academic Council. They haven’t
acted upon it as yet, he added.
The Board of Directors should
take some action on the AAUP
report, he said, because there’s
still a question of censureship of
A&M. At the national meeting
of AAUP last spring, the univer
sity was informed that it was
still under censure for another
Leon W. Gibbs, D.M.V., profes
sor of anatomy, was relieved of
his teaching duties in 1964 on
moral grounds and held to re
search work. On April 18, 1968,
he was terminated as of Aug. 31.
The national AAUP censured
Texas A&M April 27 on the
grounds that Gibbs had not re
ceived due process.
“Before the censureship is
(Continued from page 1)
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