The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 07, 1970, Image 4

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Page 4
College Station, Texas Thursday, May 7, 1970
Monday Thru Thursday
5-7 p. m. — $1.25
Steak Fry Begins Student Asks Halt
Call The MSC - 846-3773
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1970 Fish Camp
(Continued from page 1)
Acting President A. R. Lue-
decke headed some 40 guests
who attended the Student ‘Y’ As
sociation 1970 Fish Camp kickoff
steak fry at Hensel Park Tues
day night.
Ed Donnell, 1969-70 ‘Y’ cabinet
president, presided over the gath
ering of 150 members and guests.
Plans for the 1970 Fish Camp
were outlined and camp sub
chairman introduced by John
Vogelsang, 1970 Fish Camp
Chris Shaw, chairman of re
ligious programs and Fish Camp
committee member; John Vogel
sang, chairman of general Y pro
grams and Fish Camp committee
member; and David Spann, as
sistant Fish Camp chairman and
fall chairman of the Apollo Club.
Gifts of appreciation were pre
sented to Y staff members Miss
Chris Loff, student secretary;
Mrs. Kaye Green, office secre
tary; J. Gordon Gay, associate
general secretary; and Logan E.
Weston, general secretary.
Recognition was given to the
1969-70 cabinet officers. These
were Chuck Hall, president of
Delta Y 1; John Mabry, presi
dent of Delta Y 2; David Gor-
cyca, chairman of freshman pro
grams; Steve Grainger, spring-
chairman of the Apollo Club;
Also recognized were Otway
Denny, public relations chair
man; Bill Leftwich, Fish Camp
committee member; Montey Goff,
isecretary - treasurer; Richard
Hodge, senior adviser; Ed Rog
ers, Changing World Events
chairman; Gary Anderson, over
all camp chairman and senior ad
viser; Ronnie Owens, special
programs chairman; and Chip
Hill, vice president.
Donnell was presented with a
plaque “for a job well done.”
Members of the 1970-71 cabi
net, headed by Ronnie Owens,
were introduced and the charge
to the new cabinet was given by
Dr. B. H. Nelson of the Agri
cultural Economics and Sociology
Mothers Clubs
To Elect Officers
Mothers will meet on campus
Friday and Saturday to elect and
install officers for the Federation
of Texas A&M University Moth
ers Clubs, announced 1969-70
president Mrs. John Beasley of
Approximately 200 mothers, in
cluding club presidents and the
Executive Board, will meet in the
Memorial Student Center.
President A. R. Luedecke will
be guest speaker and the Singing
Cadets will provide entertain
Executive Board and club pres
idents will meet at 1 p.m. Friday
in the Birch Room.
The Brazos County Mothers
Club will host a coffee prior to
the 9 a.m. general meeting Satur
The Federation has progressed
since 1928, when a group of col
lege personnel and their wives
met with parents clubs from Fort
Worth, Dallas, San Antonio,
Houston and San Angelo to form
a central organization.
The object is “by individual
and united effort to contribute in
every way to the comfort and
welfare of the students and to
cooperate with the faculty and
Board in maintaining a high stan
dard of moral conduct and intel
lectual attainment.”
Contributions by the federation
and individual clubs include aid
to the Memorial Student Center,
the University Hospital, library,
scholarships and A 11 - F a i t h s
Mothers clubs also assisted the
Fish Drill Team and Debat
ing Team.
nated hydrocarbon whose cubical
formula makes it difficult to
break down. The half life for
Mirex is not even known.”
“We think the insecticide is
safe,” John Landrum, United
States Department of Agricul
ture district supervisor for the
plant protection division, said.
“The toxicity of it is very, very
low. It’s been approved by the
Federal wildlife people and the
department of agriculture, both
state and federal.”
“I have confidence in govern
mental procedures of establish
ing safety,” Dr. R. L. Hanna,
entomology professor, said.
“These chemicals are tested care
fully by the Food and Drug Ad
The relatively small hazard of
using Mirex must be weighed
against the hazard of these pests
in Brazos County, he said.
“T here is documented evi
dence,” Coon said, “that it causes
a lowering of reproduction and
mortality in white mice.
Dr. R. L. Hanna, entomology
px-ofessor, said that toxicity was
related to how much the mice are
fed. Many of these experiments
use high dosages that are usually
not encountered anywhere else.
The toxicity of DDT and Mirex
are about the same, he said. They
are both in the intermediate tox
icity range.
Coon said that the Merk Index
of chemicals showed that it has
a “high toxicity to animals.”
There is no data on the toxicity
to humans, he said.
Dr. Hanna said that there is
no data on man because animals
rather than humans are used in
the tests. An estimate is then
made on the effects on man.
“There is reasonable doubt that
this chemical should be distribut
ed anywhere,” Coon said, “and
I know it shouldn’t be sprayed
from a plane. When it hits the
concrete, it turns to dust and we
end up breathing it.”
He said the chemical is not
being used properly according to
the manufacturers specifications.
The manufacturer suggests that
one tablespoon of Mirex be ap
plied to an individual ant mound
three times, every three months.
The manufacturer also says
that if it is necessary to apply
by air that it should be done no
more than once a year.
“The crew told me they would
be back to spray again in six
months and again in another six
months,” Coon said. “I was told
that this was the first time any
one had ever questioned the
spraying of Mirex and that it
was done by air for economic
Coon said that one man with
a bucket of Mirex could treat the
ant mounds more effectively and
cheaper. He estimated that char
tering the plane cost about $2,000
and that a man’s labor for a week
would only run $100.
He said that he was unaware
of any great problem with fire
ants here and that he planned to
check for mounds within the next
few days.
A nursei'y x'eportedly brought
the ants into the county on stock
which oi’iginiated in Houston.
“The claim that fire ants de
stroy wildlife, livestock and en
danger children is taken out of
context,” Coon said. “They are
compax-able to yellow jackets,
wasps and honey bees in the
number of deaths they cause.
They are poisonous to animals
only if they are extremely sus
“The ants will bite anyone who
tries to destroy their homes, but
they react only defensively,” he
said. “They ax-e scavengers who
eat dead animals, but they don’t
go out and attack animals for
“The only people who have a
legitimate complaint against fire
ants are farmers or ranchers who
have ants in pastures that they
need to mow for hay,” Coon said.
“The mounds are 6-8 inches high,
constructed of very hard clay,
which makes it hard to mow.
These mounds can be individually
treated, though,” he said.
He said there wex - e two basic
questions involved.
“Ants are the main food source
of the horned lizard, an animal
pxotected by state law,” Coon
said. “I am cui'ious why the state
allows this indiscriminate spx-ay-
ing to endanger a protected ani
“The most important question is
who has the authority to tell a
property owner that he will have
an insecticide on his property
without him requesting it,” he
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