■ rvyi-v^. >• ■ •• Page 2 College Station, Texas Thursday, May 7, 1970 JHE BATTALION cadet SLOUCH by Jim Earle Saddle and Sirloin Holds Ham Sal Listen Up the bait forum Editor: I would like the opportunity to take opposition to the view point expressed in the “Listen Up” column on May 5, with ref erence to the letter written by John McAuley and William Fischer. The actions of President Nix on with regards to Cambodia are fully defined in Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution of the United States: “The President shall be Com mander in Chief of the Army and the Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into .actual Service of the United States; . . The incident at Kent State University was regrettable; but not as one sided as Mr. McAu ley would have one believe. This 'so-called ruthless crushing of the right to protest came as a direct result of non-military sniper fire. It appears that the students in Mr. McAuley’s peer group find it necessary to throw bricks and rocks, spit, and shout obscenities in their exercise of free speech. That is certainly a mature approach for winning’ beliefs. This does not mean to say that I am against the right of students assembling together to protest something they feel is wrong. But peaceably! The use of that word, peace, has been rather overused; and, it is a pity that its meaning has been forgotten. The actions of those students involved in the rather well as a case in point, protest at Kent State serve As for the action of the Na tional Guard being criminal and irresponsible, a person can en dure being stoned and shot at only so long before he will re act to such stimuli. The reac tions will be varied. Some will lapse into a state of shock. Some will react more forceably in an attempt to protect themselves. It does not seem unjustified that a human being be allowed to do everything necessary to protect himself from an attack on his person. I do not mind talking, argu ing, and reasoning with a per son of views different from mine; but, should this person throw bricks at me, should he shoot at me, I will go for his throat. Jules Jacquin ★ ★ ★ lost four of their number in a confrontation with the National Guard and effected a shut down of their university. How many of us intend to determine or in fluence the actions of our gov ernment in domestic and foreign affairs of which we have little knowledge and no experience by closing our university? In the present climate of public opin ion this is more likely .to bring action against ourselves than our government. Those who claim to have a “social conscience” and “moral backbone” would do better to di rect their energies and time to learning more about the intrica cies of government and the way policy is developed than making uneducated demands and irration al plans that contribute to the problem rather than the solution. Steve Nesbitt ★ ★ ★ Editor: I can’t see how the length of a person’s hair or the clothes he wears determines a person as an un-American maggot. Neither can I see why a person dissenting against the Viet Nam ■war should be made a target to be spat on, walked on, beat up, or shot at. Having at first sup ported the war, I’ve watched it drag on for years, I’ve heard weekly death tolls quoted like the weather report, and I’ve heard political parties promise escalation, de-escalation, and /every other type of military move except those of victory or withdrawal. I’ve watched three presidents play at war without congressional approval until I’ve come to the conclusion that the war in Viet Nam is nothing but a political and economic pawn. I’ve always believed that the greatness of the American system lay in that it allowed both the people and the admin istration to talk to each other on the same level (not one talk ing down to the other), but it seems like everyone is talking, and it sounds like two 1’ecord- ings—both ignoring the other. I enjoy the American way of life, and I don’t want to see it end in a revolution, but I can’t support the deaths of Ameri cans overseas and at home in connection with a war that has degenerated to the point where it divides a nation and serves only politics and economics. Clifford Garner ’73 Senate Editor: Those who are demanding a student strike to protest U.S. military action in Cambodia had better be prepared to ac cept the consequences if these actions are taken. Kent State University stu dents reacting in the irrespons ible manner that seems to char acterize college students have (Continued from page 1) After the measure was defeat ed senate president Gerry Geist- weidt said that the senate acted “very wisely” and in a manner representative of the majority of the student body. Senators then passed, with lit tle debate and no dissenting votes, Ron Clark’s resolution that let ters of sympathy be written to the families of the slain students. Earlier the senate defeated a resolution submitted by David Reynolds (jr-Eng) which “strong ly condemned the individuals in the Ohio National Guard units responsible for these unnecessary killings.” Most senators agreed with Torn who said the senate should not sit in judgment when it could base a decision only on newspa per accounts of what happened. The senate defeated the proposal 45-8. The senate approved 54-1 the resolution submitted jointly by Caperton and Jim Stephenson (sr- LA). The statement condemned “any individual or group who bring violence into the academic com munity, including students, police, military personnel, as well as our political leaders.” The senate firmly believes, the measure continued, “that the right of peaceful dissent is vital to the integrity of the academic community.” During debate on the measure, the senate agreed to suspend the rules to allow Bill Maskal, former candidate for senate president, to speak on the resolution. Instead, Maskal launched an attack on Dean of Students James P. Hannigan, who was sitting about 10 feet away from where Maskal was speaking. Maskal said Hannig’an has re peatedly found students “guilty until proven innocent” by sus pending students as soon as they were charged with some offense. He said the dean has refused to listen to students, having re cently accepting petitions against the university actions on the April 15 “rally” and calling the more than one thousand signers “ridiculous, irresponsible stu dents.” He turned his attention to the entire A&M administration, say ing that it, and not the students, has “brought discredit to the university.” Student proposals have repeat edly been turned down, he contin ued, with the administration not giving any reasons for doing so. Calling the senate a “mockery of democracy” he pleaded with senators to take a stand on an issue. “For God’s sake,” he said, “do something before someone dies here.” Hannigan was asked to reply to Maskal but refused. Instead he praised the senators for doing “more this year than you think you dick” Geistweidt supported the dean, saying that “he was doing his job the best he knew how.” Cbe Battalion Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax- supported, non-profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association The Associated Collegiate Press Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester; S6 per seaooi ;ar; $6.50 per full year. All subscriptions subject to .les tax. Advertisinfr rate furnished on request. Address: he Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station. r.1ra= 77S4a LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. They must be signed, although the writer’s name will be withheld by arrangement with the editor. Address correspotidence to Listen Up, The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77S-13. sal The Battalion Texas 77843. per semester; $6 pei jbscriptions subject t x school The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for reproduction of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republie&tion of all other matter herein are also reserved. Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. 1969 TPA Award Winner Members of the Student Publications Board are sey, chairman ; H. F. Filers, College of Liberal White, College of Engineering ; Dr. Asa B. Childe - n( j JJ r _ Mem be Lindsi F. S. wnite, Uolleg* College of Veterinary Medicine; College of Agriculture. Jim Arts ; Childers, Jr., L. Carpenter, The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M, is published in College Station, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and holiday periods, September through station, Tex holiday pt. May, and once a week during summer school. Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising Services. Inc.. New York City, Chicai Francisco. os Angeles ar EDITOR DAVE MAYES Managing Editor David Middlebrooke Women’s Editor Cindy Burleson News Editor Pam Troboy Sports Editor Richard Campbell Assistant Sports Editor Mike Wright Staff Writers Hayden Whitsett, Bob Robinson, Chancy Lewis, Janie Wallace, Fran Haugen, Randy Murdock, Billy Buchanan, Gibril Fadika, Tommy Thompson Sports Writer Clifford Broyles Columnists Roger Miller, Mike McClain Photographers Jim Berry, David Gawthorpe, Mel Miller, Robert Boyd Sports Photographer Mike Wright NOTICE ! TO OUR CUSTOMERS: I have not sold Aggieland Flower & Gift Shoppe as has been rumored. It is true that I am in St. Joseph’s Hospital with a broken hip, but my co workers at the flower shop are very capable and are well able to take care of any flower or gift needs that you might have. Thanks for your wonderful business you have favored us with. I expect to recover and am looking forward to being back in the shop to greet you soon. Sincerely Ruth Little AGGIELAND FLOWER & GIFT SHOPPE The Red Brick Building at 209 University Drive mmam. rmn “I had no idea that I would be so severely congratulated when I was appointed to corps staff!” tonight on the tube Numbers in () denote chan nels on the cable. 5:00 3 (5) General Hospital 5:30 3 (5) CBS Evening News 6:00 3 (5) News 6:30 3 (5) Family Affair 7:00 3 (5) Jim Nabors 8:00 3 (5) Hotel Paradiso 10:00 3 (5) News 10:30 3 (5) Tom Jones 11:30 3 (5) Detectives Bulletin Board TONIGHT Model Airplane Club will meet at 8 p.m. in Room 201, Physics to discuss plans for a club con test and election of officers. Texas A&M Parachute Club will meet at 7:30 in Room 113, Plant Sciences. Austin Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3-D Memorial Student Center to elect officers. Association of Students from Mexico will meet at 6:30 p.m. in Room 3-B Memorial Student Center to elect officers. Texas Aggie Stage Band will meet at 8 p.m. in Room 2-D in Memorial Student Center to or ganize the band. SUNDAY Alpha Phi Omega will meet at 8 p.m. in Room 3D Memorial Student Center to hear a report on the arthritis drive and to prepare for next year’s projects. EVERYDAY IS MOTHER’S DAY at SOlCCWSICt BUT WE ALSO RECOGNIZE MAY 10! 9e«o«»s«s The “NOW” Market For Now People 801 TEXAS AVE. 822-4670 BRYAN LOOK 12 x 52, 2 Bedroom, Complete With Carpet, Delux Kitchen, and Luxurious Decor you can own it for only $250.00 down & $73.43 A Month Hickory Hills Mobile Homes u We Deal in Quality and Service” 1902 Texas Ave. 823-5701 Members of the Saddle and Sir loin Club have scheduled their annual ham show and auction for Saturday. Lee McMillan of Mason, ham sales chairman and senior ani mal science major, said the club sponsors the sale to raise money for Animal Science Department judging teams and other projects during the school year. He said the hams have been carefully prepared by students under supervision of the A&M Meats Laboratory staff. The hams will be judged before the auction by Dr. O. D. Butler, head of the Animal Science De partment, and the auction ti, start at 1 p.m. in the Anin Science Building Lecture Root. LORD JEFF TOWN SHIRE / SRYAR. TIXAS m J. C. (Jim) Harris THE BUG SHOP, Inc. 1911 Sq College Ave Bryan, Texas 77801 Phone 822-5383 I hea Ma ing M. I pro: Uni Bryan's Leading Independent Volkswagen Service WE ARE GIVING AWAY TWO-SETS OF FILTERS (With Every Spring Start-Up) Let us start-up & check out your residential central air con ditioning. For the reduced rate of $8.00, we will: ... oil fan motor & bearings . . . tighten fan belt, if needed . . . check outdoor unit refrigerant charge & pressures . . . And, as a bonus, provide two sets of filters. —FREE OF CHARGE— A spring check-out could save you a major repair bill or a hot, sleepless night this summer. This offer is limited. No additional repairs and charges will be made without your authorization. CALL NOW FOR AN APl’OINTMENT. PROFESSIONAL AIR DESIGN INC. 846-7767 Authorized Trane Dealer The Chicken House 3 Pc. Order of Chicken 89 FREE DORM DELIVERY 846-4111 BOOKS THAT WE NEED TO BUY FOR SUMMER SEMESTER Acct. 335 Horngren: Accounting troduction ’70 ed. for Mgmt. Control: An in- An. Sc. 303 An. Sc. 407 An. Sc. 433 Chem. 316 Maynard: Animal Nutrition ’70 ed. Am. Meat Inst.: The Science of Meat & Meat Pro ducts Hafez: Reproduction in Farm Animals Skoog; Fund, of Analytical Chemistry ’70 ed. Chem. Engr. 323 McCabe: Unit Operations of Chemical Engi neering C. E. 205 Higdon: Mechanics of Materials C. E. 300 Meyer: Route Surveying C. E. 408 Steel; Municipal Affairs Ed. 101 Pauk: How to Study in College Ed. 302 Morse: Psychology & Teaching ’70 ed. Fin. 341 Weston: Managerial Finance Fin. 428 Ring; Real Estate: Princ. & Practices I. Ed. 204 Roberts: Vocational & Practical Arts Education I. Ed. 301 Mager; Developing Vocational Instruction I. Ed. 310 Mager: Preparing Instructional Objectives I. Ed. 409 Weaver: Shop Organization & Management I. Engr. 201 Hull: Intro, to Computer & Problem Solving I. Engr. 401 Buffa: Operations Management M. E. 112-313 Beer: Vector Mechanics for Engineers Ocean. 205 Cowen: Frontiers of the Sea (paperback) Physics 201 Gamow: Physics: Foundations & Frontiers Physics 220 Beiser: Perspectives of Modern Physics Phil. 240 Copi: Intro, to Logic P. E. 213 Bucher: Dimentions of Physical Education Pol. Sc. 206 Irish: Politics of American Democracy Pol. Sc. 206 Burns: Govt, by the People ’70 ed. Pol. Sc. 206 Lewis: Gideon’s Trumphet (paperback) Pol. Sc. 206 Hoffer: Ordeal of Change (paperback) < One U 1963 i tires, ar 1962 steering, Antiq H C< Plas 1955 : F-209-A PANA REC0RI PROM SORIES. AFTER Horse 1965 ( 816-6670. I and Watches, tapes, 8 Fantaatu i Your j THE IN’ WIY C' Americas Guadalup ■ Station, LOUPOT'S North Gate KINDI for se Certified PEANUTS By Charies M. Schul? ONE OF US ALWAYS STAYS AU/AKE IN CASE OF VAMPIRES SURELY you must REALIZE THAT A FEAR OF VAMPIRES IS REALLY A PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEM.. FRANKLY, I POUBT IF EITHER ONE OF YOU EVEN KNOWS WHAT A VAMPIRE LOOK'S LIKE... ARTEh . :: ' :: : : ' : -Tuv;:;: . vT; • . : - We st When Qu Whei Sy Wa Ainu Bral ot Stai Jo 220 E . - ; A;':: : : v ' "• • -