Page 10 College Station, Texas Wednesday, May 6, 1970 THE BATTALION HWMBL DO IT THIS WAY—Coach Jack Hurlbut gives a little poop to split end Joey Herr (left), and quarterbacks Lex James and Joe Mac King during a water break as the Aggies pre pared yesterday for the Maroon and White contest Saturday at 2:30 p. m. on Kyle Field. (Photo by Mike Wright) Stallings Splits Squad, But Not In Usual Manner By Richard Campbell Battalion Sports Editor In intrasquad spring football scrimmages, the team is usually divided evenly to assure a close score and tight play but this year, Aggie coach Gene Stallings was faced with a different prob lem. Because of the very close simi larity between first and second teams this year, he has decided to keep the first team offense and defense intact for Saturday’s Maroon-White game at 2:30 p.m. on Kyle Field. They will go against a White unit that really is not that far behind them and the White teamers know that a solid performance Saturday could put them in the big picture when fall drills start. Ordinarily, in any other year, this division by the Aggie men tor would not seem wise because of the obvious difference in quality. However, this year’s squad is, as Stallings himself admits, the closest in competi tion of any that he has coached at A&M. The game will be the last on Kyle Field’s natural turf because Monday, May 11, opera tions will begin to install Astro turf on both the playing field and practice surface. On the Maroon offense will be quarterback Lex James, half backs Steve Burks, Cliff Thom as, and Brad Dusek, fullbacks JVllNlSKlRT: Garden of Edenwise Eve’s wardrobe costs a lit tle more these days—a factor that bears direttly on every young husband’s financial security. True, you may not be a young husband. Yet. Sta tistically, however, the odds are heavily against the per manency of that condition. And it’s smart to plan now— before the wife and family make the scene. Here’s one way. Invest in a life insurance program that can provide the foundation for a solid financial structure. Remember, the earlier you start, the less coverage costs, and the more security you’ll have a chance to build. So phone'our office today. Or stop by and let’s talk about it. In the meantime give a thought to the figleaf—and how comfortable it feels to be covered. Doug Neill and Marc Black, split ends Joey Herr and Hugh Mc- Elroy, tight end Homer May, tackles Benny DeWitt and Andy Philley, guards Leonard Forey and Lenard Millsap, and center Mike Park. Four will be sopho mores in the fall. Starting on the Maroon defen sive unit will be ends Barb Hin- nant, Max Bird and Todd Chris topher, guards Boice Best, Van Odom, Dale Watts, and Wayne Wheat, linebackers Mike Lord, Dennis Carruth, Steve Luebbe- husen, Kent Finley and Clifton Thomas, deep backs David Hoot, Ed Ebrom, Corky Sheffield, and Mike Bunger. On the offensive unit for the Whites will be quarterback Kyle Gary and Joe Mac King, half backs Tommy Goodwin, Jerry Sherman, Jim Aycock, and Jim my Sheffield, fullback Doug Rob bins, tight ends Roy Kirkpatrick and Mitch Robertson, split end Billy Joe Polasek, tackles Mike Fields and Buster Callaway, guards Gary Martin and Win ston Beam, and center Ted Smith. On the defense will be ends Ralph Sacra and James Dubcak, guards Tommy Deaton, Greg Hall, linebackers Grady Hoer- mann, Bruce Best, and Gary Mc Caffrey, deep backs Mike Bellar, Lee Hitt, Chris Johnson, and Bland Smith. Advance tickets are on sale now at the Athletic Business Of fice in G. Rollie White with re served seats listed at $2.50, A&M Faculty-Staff Reserved seats at $1.50, A&M date tickets at $1.50, high school and younger at fifty cents if bought with an adult reserved seat. Tickets will go on sale on the day of the game with reserved seats at $2.50, students (high school and younger) at $1.50 but still fifty cents if purchased with an adult reserved seat, and A&M students free on their activity cards. The Fish Drill Team will perform at halftime. w m v LEX JAMES AIR FORCE DRESS BLUES ARMY DRESS BLUES NEW AND USED LOUPOTS Talk With GORDON RICHARDSON He's An Expert (713) 567-3165 PROVIPENT MUTUAL^te LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF (PHILADELPHIA AIRLINE RESERVATIONS & TICKETS USE YOUR PERSONAL CHARGE ACCOUNT FREE DELIVERY Call The MSC - 846-3773 Member . .tours • ■ travel / Bonded ASTA Agent PRICES GOOD THUR. - FRI. SAT. MAY 7-8-9. Westchester Stoneware FRUIT COCKTAIL GOLDEN CORN SALAD DRESSING CHEESE SPREAD EGGS Hunt’s Shurfine Cream or W. K. 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