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JOIN OUR CLUB 99 THE BATTALION Tuesday, May 5, 1970 College Station, Texas Page 3 4 Students Die At Kent State KENT, Ohio UP)— Four stu dents in a crowd pelting National Guardsmen with bricks and rocks were shot to death at Kent State University Monday when the troops opened fire during an anti war demonstration. Two of the dead were coeds. Adj. Gen. S. T. Del Corso said troops began firing semiauto matic rifles after a rooftop sniper had shot at them. Four other students were crit ically wounded, and eight other persons, including two guards men, were taken to hospitals. One of the guardsmen was treated for exhaustion and the other for shock. The campus and the town of Kent were sealed off after the shootings, and school officials ordered the faculty, staff and 19,000 students to leave. A spokesman said about 300 foreign students and staff re mained on campus Monday night. Patrols of armed troops and state police roamed the campus and blocked all entrances. Buses took the students to public transportation facilities in nearby Akron and Cleveland. Akron State University stu dents were organizing a rally for downtown Akron Monday night to protest the shooting. Gov. James A. Rhodes called for FBI help in investigating the disorders. In Washington, President Nix on issued this statement: “This should remind us all once again that when dissent turns to violence it invites tragedy. “It is my hope that this tragic and unfortunate incident will strengthen the determination of all the nation’s campuses, admin istrators, faculty and students alike, to stand firmly for the right which exists in this country of peaceful dissent and just as strongly against the resort to violence as a means of expres sion.” The shooting came after a force of 100 guardsmen, their supply of tear gas exhausted, were surrounded by about 400 demonstrators. The troops had followed the demonstrators from a rally on Kent State’s Commons area near the football practice field. Guard spokesmen estimated that 900 to 1,000 persons had been involved in the demonstra tion at the Commons. Gene Williams, 21, a junior and a member of the student news paper staff, said he was seeking refuge in a building when he saw the troops turn “in unison, as if responding to a command,” and fire into the crowd. Bullets recocheted off the walls beside us and student fell to the ground to avoid them,” Williams Bulletin Board TONIGHT Campus Committee of Concern will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the UCCF Center at Northgate. Host and Fashion Committee will meet at 7:30 in the Birch Room of the Memorial Student Center to discuss the May 12 showing. All models must be present. said in a copyrighted story in the Dayton Journal-Herald. “A coed fell 15 feet in front of the men into the arms of a male student. A bullet had gone into her neck and lodged there.” He said he saw another youth shot in the chest. “I saw no snipers nor did I hear any shots until the line of troops turned in unison and opened fire,” Williams said. Del Corso, the adjutant general, said guardsmen were forced to open fire. “A lot of people felt their lives were in danger,” said Brig. Gen. Robert Canterbury, who was on the scene, “which in fact was the case and the military man always has the option to fire if he feels his life is in danger.” “He has the right to protect himself.” Del Corso said tear gas was used several times in attempts to disperse the crowd. “The guard expended its entire supply of tear gas and when it did, the mob started to move for ward to encircle the guardsmen,” Del Corso said. “At the same time, a sniper opened fire against the guardsmen from a nearby rooftop. All guardsmen were hit by rocks and bricks. “Guardsmen facing almost cer tain injury and death were forced to open fire on the attackers. University President Robert I. White asked all students, faculty and staff members to go home “as quickly as possible.” Twelve persons, including two guardsmen ,were hospitalized in Ravenna and Akron. One guards man was described as suffering from shock. Hospital officials identified three of the dead as William Schneider, Jeffrey Miller, Allison Krause. The fourth person was an unidentified girl. Miller, 20, was from Plainyiew, N. Y., and the Krause girl, 19, from Pittsburgh, Pa. “I don’t know where the first shot was from,” said Gen. Canter bury. He said he was with guards men but heard no order to fire. “They started pelting every one with bullets,” said Mary Hagan, a student who witnessed the shooting. She said some stu dents fell and others remained standing. They shouted that the shots were blanks, she said. Miss Hagan said she heard one guardsman issue a cease-fire order which halted the firing. Rites Conducted For Officer Isbell Funeral services for Arvol B. Isbell, A&M University police officer who died of an apparent heart attack at his lola home Saturday night, were conducted Monday at Missionary Baptist Church in lola. Isbell, 40, joined University Police in 1968 after serving two years in the university’s Health and Physical Education Depart ment. Burial was in lola with mem bers of University Police serving as honorary pallbearers. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Betty Isbell, a son and three daughters. BOOKS THAT WE NEED TO BUY FOR SUMMER SEMESTER Acct. 335 Horngren: Accounting for Mgmt. Control: An in troduction ’70 ed. An. Sc. 303 Maynard: Animal Nutrition ’70 ed. An. Sc. 407 Am. Meat Inst.: The Science of Meat & Meat Pro ducts An. Sc. 433 Hafez: Reproduction in Farm Animals Chem. 316 Skoog; Fund, of Analytical Chemistry ’70 ed. Chem. Engr. 323 McCabe: Unit Operations of Chemical Engi neering C. E. 205 Higdon: Mechanics of Materials C. E. 300 Meyer: Route Surveying C. E. 408 Steel; Municipal Affairs Ed. 101 Pauk: How to Study in College Ed. 302 Morse: Psychology & Teaching ’70 ed. Fin. 341 Weston: Managerial Finance Fin. 428 Ring; Real Estate: Princ. & Practices I. Ed. 204 Roberts: Vocational & Practical Arts Education I. Ed. 301 Mager: Developing Vocational Instruction I. Ed. 310 Mager: Preparing Instructional Objectives I. Ed. 409 Weaver: Shop Organization & Management I. Engr. 201 Hull: Intro, to Computer & Problem Solving I. Engr. 401 Buffa: Operations Management M. E. 112-313 Beer: Vector Mechanics for Engineers Ocean. 205 Cowen; Frontiers of the Sea (paperback) Physics 201 Gamow: Physics: Foundations & Frontiers Physics 220 Beiser: Perspectives of Modem Physics Phil. 240 Copi: Intro, to Logic P. E. 213 Bucher: Dimentions of Physical Education Pol. Sc. 206 Irish: Politics of American Democracy Pol. Sc. 206 Burns: Govt, by the People ’70 ed. Pol. Sc. 206 Lewis: Gideon’s Trumphet (paperback) Pol. Sc. 206 Hoffer: Ordeal of Change (paperback) LOU POT'S North Gate Listen Up Editor: I am a veteran. During my tour of duty in the military, servicemen were blessed with two | pay raises, each about a year apart. Both times within about a month or two of the pay raises there was a notable hike in rent and commissary food prices. Recently veterans were given a welcomed boost in their Veter ans Educational Assistance. But now we are faced with the very unwelcomed sounds of “needed raise in college tuition”. But this not only affects veterans but anyone struggling financially to keep up with college costs. There are probably many “needs” in the Texas college sys tems that require more funds, but as I look around at some of the inappropriate spending at some colleges I wonder. I may be whistling in the wind. But I appeal to anyone : with my views on this issue to - join with me in asking for stu dent strength to try and quell this new grasp at our pocket- books. Perhaps even our student sen ate can voice our appeal. R. M. Sanders ’73 Editor: We the residents of Moses Hall wish to inform you that Diane Anderson, Civilian Sweetheart, was our candidate—plus being Dorm Sweetheart. We feel that this information should have been published with the article and hope the correction will be made. (Editor’s Note: The letter was signed by 74 students from Moses Hall. It s a beauty parlor in a box. The Norelco Home Beauty Salon 25LS is a shaver plus 10 different beauty attachments. You can get a close, fast, very gentle shave on your legs and underarms. Then change attachments and manicure your fingernails with our uniquely styled nail file and buffer. Or pretty up your cuticles. Change again, and you can massage your scalp or your face. Or you can apply cream deep down in your skin. 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