The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 29, 1970, Image 4
Election Comission Reverses Position (Continued from page 1) copy of Miller’s letter. Marc Powell, who also voted tp allow the protest, questioned whether this was the intent of the rule, that no one else could file a protest. Senate President Gerald Geist- weidt, who sat in on today’s ses sion, said he wrote the rule (Reg. 65.4) himself and that it was his intention to keep unneces sary protests from hampering the work of the commission. “In years past,” he said, “we have always received election pro tests from the CCOC (Campus Committee of Concern) because commissioners failed to enforce Board (Continued from page 1) 274 to Cloud Associates, Inc., of Marble Falls, construction of swine management and waste handling facilities; and $10,340, Brazos Valley Nursery of Bryan, landscape planting, veterinary medicine complex and student apartments, all at Texas A&M. Appropriations included $92,500 for converting space in two Corps of Cadets dormitories to residence rooms; $70,000, supplemental funds for detailed design of Me morial Student Center-auditorium complex; $83,010, engineering on water projects; $30,000, prelim inary design, athletic dormitory; $25,000, supplement for detailed design, low-density dormitory complex; $15,000, preliminary de sign, educational television build ing, and $15,000, renovation of Research Annex building, all at A&M. the university’s clothing regula tions.” He said the manner in which the rule was written was sim ple, straightforward and obvi ous. The rule in question states: “If a candidate or an election com missioner wishes to charge a candidate with a violation of the election regulations, or has any other protest, he shall file a writ ten complaint and explanation with the Election Commission President within one university class day after the closing of the polls or within one university class day after the violation has occurred. . . .” Caperton said that the com mission “obviously made an over sight in its earlier decision,” and moved that the protest be rejected. Commissioners approved the motion 4-1, with Joe Anderson, Mike Wiebe, Clark and Caper- ton voting for it. Not voting were Powell and Election Commission President Nokomis (Butch) Jack- The lone dissenting vote was cast by Tom Condry, who said the commission’s original decision should have been appealed to the senate and not reconsidered by the same body. Condry is not commissioner, but said he was asked to join the meeting as a “general proxy.” He said he did not attend Tues day’s session and was asked to join the group only minutes be fore the meeting. Jackson said Condry was needed to make a quorum, allow ing the commission to conduct business. Such a procedure was valid, he said, provided the rest of the commission had no ob jection. Near the end of the meeting, Powell complained that “’some people have not been very open- minded” on this issue. He agreed with Condry, that no matter what decision the com mission made, that should be the one they stand by. The senate, he said, should be the next body to consider the protest. “But no, if there’s something not done to someone’s liking, he goes clawing desparately through the rule book, looking for some nit-picking rule to change the de cision.” Geisweidt replied that nearly every judicial body has the prero gative to reconsider a decision it has made, especially when it seems that new evidence has been introduced. “I think the Election Commis sion has acted correctly in this matter,” he said. Dietz Performance Tonight Cancelled The performance at 8 tonight of Norman and Sandra Dietz in the United Campus Christian Fellowship (UCCF) Building has been cancelled. Rev. Walter Allen of the UCCF said that death in the family had caused the cancellation. Grad Student Named To ACT Council Mrs. Virgil C. Kenney, doc toral student, has been appoint ed to the American College Test ing Program’s test supervisory council for the coming year. As a council member, she will help set up ACT tests for 1970- 71. The ACT tests, much the same as the College Entrance Examination Board tests, are used by most colleges. She is now attending the ACT national meeting in Iowa City. Recipients are Michael F. Bavaro, nuclear engineering ma jor of Paris, and Gary S. Single tary, marketing major of Or lando, Fla. The commandant noted the De partment of the Army awards are in addition to 12 previously announced two-year scholarship recipients. The award will pay each cadet’s tuition, textbooks, laboratory fees and a $50-a- month subsistance allowance. Page 4 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Wednesday, April 29, K 2 Cadets Awarded Army Scholarship Selection of two sophomore cadets for two-year Army ROTC scholarships has been announced by Col. Jim H. McCoy. Applications Ready For Mother of Year Application forms for Aggie Mother of the Year are now avail able at the Student Programs office, according to David Moore, selection committee chairman. Moore said that this year’s application form gives each candi date an equal chance at the title and that the form allows addi tional information to be attatched. Only a few applications have been received by the committee so far. “I feel that a great number of nominations will produce the most qualified woman for Aggie Mother of the Year,” Moore said in solic iting applications. Deadline for filing applications is May 1. THERE ARE APARTMENTS AND THEN THERE IS TANGLEWOOD SOUTH For Those who Desire Quiet Luxury Living, Excellent Location and Congenial Atmosphere. $145. - $260. (Furnished, Slightly Higher) Incomparably Beautiful SHORT TERM SUMMER LEASE AGREEMENTS Decorator Designed - 8 Decors Furnished/Unfurnished Fully Carpeted/Draped - Color Coordinated Appliances—Central A&H 1, 2, 3 BR Flat or Townhouse - 1, 1%. 2. 2M. baths Separate Adult/Family Areas Professional Landscaping Staffed Nursery - Fenced In Equipped Playground Area School Bus Service Assigned Covered Parking, Encioei Patios, or Balconies Conveniently Located to TAMil, Shopping Center Three Spacious RecreaLon &n4 Game Rooms, Two DelighlM Pools Two Laundry Areas Professionally Managed h One d U F FOR LEASING INFORMATION CALL 848-2026 Mrs. Dorothy Shipper Youngblood, Mgr. Mrs. Lynn Erwin, Asst. Mgr. PALACE Brqin Z'SS79 NOW SHOWING 1:30- 3:30-5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR HOFFMAN JOIN! VOIGHT "MIDIMIGHT COLOR by DeLuxe CASA CHAPULTEPEC OPEN 11:00 A. M. CLOSE 10:00 P. M. 1216 COLLEGE AVENUE — PHONE 822-9871 SPECIALS GOOD WED. AND THUR. BEEF TACOS, BEANS - RICE CHEESE TACOS, BEANS - RICE CHALUPAS WITH GUACAMODE CHALUPAS WITH CHEESE - BEANS HOME MADE TAMALES WITH FRIED BEANS BEEF ENCHILARAS. BEANS - RICE CHEESE ENCHILADAS, BEANS - RICE CHILES RELLENOUS WITH SPANISH RICE AND CHEESE SAUCE GUACAMOLE SALAD - 2 CRISPY TACOS MEXICAN DINNER COMPLETE TO TAKE OUT OR DINE IN FIESTA DINNER Guacamole Salad, Beef Taco, Three Enchiladas, Beans, Rice Tortillas and Hot Cheese Dip and Tortilla Chips R ; g ,r $i.i9 TACO DINNER Two Beef Tacos, One Chili •Con Queso, Guacamole Salad, Tortillas and Hot Sauce, Cheese Dip and Tortilla Chip!, Regular Qfc AGGIE oom dupl lectric. ! 22-0082. $1.25 Briefs... (T'A m//§ TODAY 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:30-9:30 Stella Stevens & Jason Robards, Jr. In “BALLARD OF CABLE HOUSE” QUEEN Sul Ross Reunion Begins Thursday Approximately 300 former stu dents are expected on campus Thursday through Saturday for the annual Sul Ross Reunion and induction of members of the class of 1920. Sul Ross is an organization of all former students who gradu ated 50 or more years ago. Activities start Thursday eve ning when the classes of 1911, 1912 and 1913 hold individual class dinners in the Memorial Stu dent Center. The class of 1912 will present the university a $25,000 President’s Endowed Scholarship at its dinner with acting President A. R. Luedecke accepting. Sul Ross will have its head quarters in the MSC and the class of 1920 will be headquartered in the Ramada Inn. Seventy living members of the 1920 class will be inducted dur ing at 6:30 p.m. Saturday ban quet at the MSC. Also to be honored at the ban quet is Mrs. Willie Mae Shep pard, retiring Association of Former Students Class Programs director. LAST NITE - 7:15 - 9:15 “OFFICE PARTY” CIRCLE TONITE AT 8:15 P. M. 2 Clint Eastwood Hits “GOOD, BAD, UGLY” & At 11:00 p. m. “HANGEM-HIGH” (One Showing Only) S g>Li VMVaJTt” I »» uNfl b I / vl ACS \P(i EAST SIDE AT 8:15 P. M. “BONNIE & CLYDE” At 10:30 p. m. “WHO’S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOLF” WEST SIDE AT 8:25 P. M. Raquel Welch In “FLAREUP” At 10:40 p. m. “VIVI LAS VEGAS” Distinguished Cadets Named by Hanna Three Distinguished Air Force cadets have been named by Col. Keith C. Hanna, professor of aerospace studies. The senior cadets are expected to graduate by January, 1971, and will be commissioned second lieu tenants in the Air Foorce. As a DAFC, the cadet can be come a distinguished graduate and receive a commission in the regular Air Force rather than the reserve, Colonel Hanna said. The distinguished cadets are Donald C. Anderson, electrical engineering majors of Texas City; Billy J. Hall, industrial tech nology, Sherman ,and James S. Wilbeck, aerospace engineering, Hungerford. Hall has a pilot category con tract. Anderson and Wilbeck are Category II cadets and will be assigned in research and engi neering when they go on active duty. Anderson and Hall are studying under Air Force Finan cial Assistance grants. Rodeo Club to Try To Improve Rating Aggies will try to improve on their current third place in Na tional Intercollegiate Rodeo As sociation regional standings in a rodeo beginning here Thursday. Events begin at 8 p.m. each night in the arena. Advance ticket sales will be conducted at Orr’s Ridgecrest and the Me morial Student Center. Prices are $1.25 per adult and 50 cents for children. At the gate, sin gle admissions will be $1.50 and 75 cents. There will be a six-member team supported by three alter nates and 20 individual competi tors in the rodeo. Entries also are coming from Sam Houston State, Texas A&I, S. F. Austin, Southwest Texas Junior College at Uvalde, South Texas JC, Houston; Central Tex as JC, Killeen; Temple Junior College, Navarro JC, Corsicana; Wharton County JC and Blinn JC, Brenham, said Larry. Rice, sponsor. SAFimy HAS THE LOW EVERYOAV PRICES 6 SPECIAL Paved & [street pi fenced P TV, l»n pool, gM mmsm ' Hi Check Safeway Low, Low Prices on Vienna Sausage Libby's. Special! 5-1 New Potatoes Highway. Whol*. Special! 8=1 Monte Fruit Cocktail Safeway Special! 17-oz. Cans Monte Peaches Sliced. Yellow Freestone. Special! 16-01.$' Cans 1 1 IlIiDel Monte Spinach Rich In Iron. Special! 15-oz Cans Monte Green Peas Early Garden. Special! 17-01.$ ' Cans Del Monte Pears Halves. Safeway Special! 16-oz.$' Cans 1 1 1 Del Monte Ci hyl« «r *Wk«l« It 5 17-oz.$1 Cans X styt« «r *Wk«U (mi Special! Tomatoes D»l Maat*. ★St«w»d or *WWt 4 16-01. $1 Cans X Special! Tomato Sauci 0*1 Moat* 9 8-01. $1 Cans 1 Special! Del Monte Fruit Drinks Inoappl*. Grapefruit ★ Pink Plnoapplu- Grapefruit ★Pln*appU-Oran9* Safeway Special! 3 46-oz. $ 1 Cans J, Del Monte Green Beans 'Afrench Sliced ★Season Sliced ★Italian Special! 4 16-oz. $1 Cans X Del Monte Stock Up Sale! Safeway has the low monay.savty prices on famous Del Monte Prof ucts. Stock-Up now! The varlttyb terrific; quality Is tops; Stocky and save at Safeway. 10< Off Cheese! Liquid Bleach Heinz Baby Food 7* Whit* Magic. R«mOV«a Stain* Gallo* Plaltlc A«*ort*d. Strained. -A-Frulfe A-Veaetahlx ★rDee.ert* Jar " 10? Off the regular price of each package nZ~oi. or Morel of Safeway Chunk Cheese. •k Mild Cheddar k Halfmoon Longhorn k Monterey Jack ' k Nippy Longhorn k Wisconsin Sharp k Swiss k Kuminost Aisortnd. Strained. ^Fruits ^Vegetables ^Desserts —-Reg. Jar Paper Napkins £ Safeway Coffee Ground Bag Facial Tissues Colors Box Enriched Flour 79* Melrose Soda Crackers 374™,yr Tomato Soup Saltines Salad Dressing Biscuits Town House Can 104"V 2 T 19^,V 374-ivr 84"}^ Twin Pet Dog Food Parade Detergent Margarine Piedmont Cane Sugar 494 Why toy 59b Q^Why Psy Ot iob CancK Cane. Pure Can* 484"KT BRING YOUR PENCIL T&deot Sfofi Sa^ecwzyf Safeway Low, Low Razz-Ma-Tazz 3sl Clusters of Glazed Popcorn with Peanuts. Safeway Special! Empress. Soft Safeway Speciall D/ 822- Two be. 15, furni! oiiplea on Mi 1 & Po- 821-504 w Custom and gol journals, UNP ill Ch Typing, Typing, iiaericard TYPING, rienced. H Typing. M5-8165. Jot down the prices os you shop... Toke your newspaper and compare the savings. You’ll see WHO pays for stamps and gomes. You'll want to "Sava CASH of Safeway’’... conditionally Guaranteed to Pleasel Sirloin Steak $101 USDA Choice Grade Heavy Beef Compare the Waste-Free Trim! Lb. 1 Cream Pies 4J1 ■ Pkgs. JL Bel-air. Assorted. Safeway Special! Honey Suckle White Turkeys AOt Fancy Hena. USDA Inapected Grad* ’A' —Lb. Boneless Roast Sliced Bacon ★Chuck or ★Shoulder USDA Choice Heavy Beef Smoked. Slab. Rlndlesc ,89* -Lb, 69* Top Sirloin Steak t Arm Roast T-Bone Steak Orange Juice Scotch Treat. Prom Florida Lemonade Scotch Tract. Regular 19< 10* Banquet Dinners 38* Asserted —Reg. Pkg. Waffles IQ* .Safeway Special!- Mexican Dinners $139 854 $133 894 $105 or ★Enchilada Dinner*. Circle T $' Safeway Sliced. ^fickle-Pimlente 'A’Mecareni i Cheese ^Spiced “ ne ★Olive ★All Beet Belofns i 3tt.$l Link Sausage Eckrich Sausage Lunch Meat Safeway Low Pricesl Ground Chuck 85* -*974 Safeway Low Pricesl Pork Spareribs Fresh-Frozen^ —Lb. 654 Pork Roast>Ml«a. festM luff —Lb, 594 Pork Steak Fresh. Extra Lean. Butt Gut. —Lb. 694 Pork Chops Quarter Sliced Pork Lein -u. 754 Braunschweiger Oscar Mayer Chub 454 Armour Bacon 854 .USDA Inspected Grade ‘A’.— FRYERS 29< Leon Beef. Compare Pat Coe feet I —Lb. Rib Steaks ^ oa h.?.^ Porterhouse Steak u H s £W c S£r New York Steak Cut Prom USDA lusp. Strawberries California Large Red Ripe! Delicious, Bananas Fresh Corn Tomatoes Leg Quarters Grode 'A' Fryers' Breast Quarters C Grad. 'A* frymf Drumsticks More Low, Low Pricesl Ground Beef Satiny Ho.dy Cb.b Ml GA ^ All Meat Franks Oscar Mayer PW* Eckrich Franks *ii Cure #81 Hams Boneless. Half Homs -4b' ^ Canned Hams Armour Star. Puar Shoped Co* ^ All Meat Franks S^awey ne Pink, Delicate Texturel Smoked Hams 49 Shank Portion. Cooks Tondor ft Julcyl —U. ■ ^ Whole Hams or ★Poll Shook Half -U- ^ Full Butt Half Smoked Ham* —lb'jjjjj Ham Roast Co*tor Cut -lb- ^ .-.4> V J V Wheat Bread Skylark. Crushed 1-Lb. Wheat. Speciall Loaf }£!*■ ★Sandwich Sliced LPaT White Bread Lucerne. Chocolate. Vj-Gal. Special! Ctn. w - ^ Potato Salad Luc.rM C«rt*< 3*^ Top Quality! Golden Ripe! Panty Hose New Spring Harvest Brevoel ★Belgetone or ★Suntan Sixes ★Petite ★Average £ ★Tall “ * ‘ i Wall' “ 100* Nylon. 20-Dueler Lycra Waist Band Cherry Each Package -Gardening Time!- Soil Conditioner feat. Vita-Hum*. (2-Cu. Ft. *?«) 1/e—t-V OTKAOn Wi tt> Iron A Sulphur. V Cl lag I CCII (10-10-5) (80-Lb. lag SS.ttl 2 2i ,57 M Zipp Lawn Food witti Iron A Sulphur. 50-Lb.SO95 (12-4-*) Bag O Yellow Squash Fresh Okra Tsitsr Green Beans Kentucky Wouder New Potatoes Yellow Onions Seedless Raisins Dal Meet* Fkg!' Red. Texa* Grown Great ter Salad.! (99 f Value) 69) Golden Book Encyclopedia Each S' All Volumes Vol. T Now on Sale! Only ■ 29 Morocco Dinnerware This offer will be withdrawn from sal* on May 9,1970 Prteae IffocHv# Tier*.. Frl. aud Sat.. April 30. May 1 S, i, In- BRYAN Wo Reserve the Right fo Limit Quantifies. No Sales to Dealers. GM With ( Sells! »0» Te 822-1 TROPE Texa 1018 S COINS WHITE and Col up to filters, Ha 1 We stoi Where Qua Wheel Sys Wat< Almof Brak 21 0th Stan Y(