The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 22, 1970, Image 5

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(Continued from page 2)
maintenance of a student govern
ment responsive to the student
body. I want the students, fac
ulty and administration to be
able to look at next year’s Sen
ate and see a body which they
can regard as a true reflection
of the A&M student body.
Ever since entering A&M I
have felt that the Student Sen
ate and see a body which they
can regard as a true reflection of
the A&M student body.
Ever since entering A&M I
have felt that the Student Sen
ate has been an unresponsive,
unexciting group. But the short
comings of the Student Senate
are the shortcomings of the Stu
dent Body. If we are so apa-
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thetic that we cannot involve and
commit ourselves to achieve an
effective Senate, we can never
expect the Actions of the Stu
dent Senate to be anything but
The Fifth Wheel offers us an
alternative, a way towards a
truly effective, activated student
voice. I have definite ideas about
the role of a senator and I urge
you to call me at 845-1878 or
drop by my room (Puryear 7-L)
and talk to me. Examine the men
and issues, and make your judge
ment. I am confident you will
find me the most qualified and
most interested candidate for the
I have served as Vice-Presi
dent of Puryear Hall this year
and Seminars Series Chairman
for the Great Issues Committee.
I have been selected as Vice-
Chairman of Great Issues for
this coming year. What I want
to stress, though, is my interest
and initiative. I am vitally con
cerned about student government
and because I feel strongly I am
willing to get out and work for
My last request is that you
vote on Thursday, April 23. It
is your duty and privilege to ac
quaint yourself with the candi
dates, make a mature and intel
ligent decision, and implement
that decision.
Sam Drugan
Candidate for Junior Senate
College of Science
★ ★ ★
Attention class of ’72. I would
like to announce my candidacy
for the office of Junior Business
Administration Senator.
Many students seem to have
the idea that senator is an in
significant office. Judging from
past performance I have to agree
with them. The amount of par
ticipation offered to the student
in his government here is a joke.
I doubt that many even know
who the senators from their par
ticular college are.
It is time for A&M to wake
up. Students deserve to be given
a real voice in the running of
their school. To bring this about,
the Senate must be much more
active and receptive to student
wants and needs. The adminis
tration must also change its atti
tude toward the students, if stu
dent government is ever to be
meaningful and effective.
It is toward these ends, that I
ask all Class of ’72 B.A. majors
to support me in the upcoming
Gary Singletary, candidate for
Student Senate, Business Admin
istration, Class of ’72
Attention all Class of ’72 lib
eral arts students. I am an
nouncing my candidacy for the
office of student senator.
There seems to be at present
five or six different factions on
campus fighting for student sup
port. For any effective student
voice in the school’s government
to be possible, a united front
must be presented. This does
not mean forming a committee
with personal goals disguised as
those of the entire student
body’s. I am in the Cadet Corps
and do not try to hide this fact
from anyone who would use this
to vote against me. It is just
this type of attitude that must
be changed, today.
With an active student body
and an interested senate I am
sure the goal of true student
government at A&M can be real
ized. I ask you to support me
Thursday in helping to realize
these goals.
Tommy Mayes, candidate Stu
dent Senate Liberal Arts ’72
★ ★ ★
The Student Senate, in order to
function properly as a repre
sentative body, needs Senators
and officers who are willing to
work. A student who is seeking
a Senate seat must be able to
put in the time necessary to
effectively fill that position,
often giving up personal inter
Because of his volunteer work
on the Senate this year as Chief
Executive Aide, we endorse Dale
Foster for Student Senate Re
cording Secretary. He has shown
that he is capable and willing to
work with and for student gov
ernment to achieve a better
Texas A&M.
Gerry Geistweidt, Student Body
President; Collier R. “Doc” Wat
son, Senate Student Life Chair
man; Lee Crawley, Senate Issues
Chairman; Rick Reese, Senate
Treasurer; Marcus Hill, Senate
Grievances Chairman; Tony Ben
edetto, Graduate Student Coun
cil President
★ ★ ★
In noting the progression of the
anti-Fifth Wheel rumors, it is
interesting to see the feeling of
desperation that must be behind
them. Scare stories have ranged
from “The Fifth Wheel is a
branch of a super-conservative
organization” to “The Fifth
Wheel is a group of far-leftists.”
We have recently been called a
“political machine bent on de
ceiving the public.” If the latter
is the case, our deception tech
niques are quite interesting. We
have publicized our candidates
and their beliefs more widely
than any single candidate or
group of candidates in A&M his
tory. Every student has had
ample opportunity to question
our beliefs (and our motives).
The opposition, on the other
hand, though preaching piously
of the “evils” of machine poli
tics has recently engaged in pri
mary elections (although spe
cifically outlawed in Blue Book
Regulations) and has since pub
lished a list of candidates that
has no indication of who put it
out, what the records of any of
the candidates are, or how they
stand on the issues. Perhaps like
one candidate they endorse, they
believe that “we have to cam
paign only against the Fifth
Wheel — you’ve got all the
issues.” I hope that you — the
student body—will not be fooled
by the negative techniques of
these people and decide for your
self which candidates meet
squarely with the issues you con
sider important.
Kent Caperton
★ ★ ★
This year, as Senate President,
I have worked closely with Kirby
Brown. He has shown desire
and a dedication to duty. The
student body will need an active
Issues Chairman willing to de
vote a great deal of time and
effort to the necessary projects.
He has the time and ability to
hold this post of responsibility.
I support Kirby Brown for Issues
Chairman and hope the student
body will also.
Senate President ’72
Gerry Geistweidt
Graduates Listed As
Prisoners in Vietnam
Two former students were
among the 81 men listed as North
Vietnam POWs by the Commit
tee of Liaison with Families of
Servicemen Detained in North
Vietnam. The list was released
Tuesday in New York.
The Aggies are Capt. John C.
Blevins of San Antonio and Lt.
Alton B. Meyer of Fredericks
burg. Lt. Meyer's wife is a
resident of 1213 Haines St., Col
lege Station. Both men were Air
Force pilots.
The Association of Former
Students Office reports it has a
list of 12 former students re
ported missing in action.
Prior to the release of the
names of Capt. Blevins and Lt.
Meyer, the only confirmed A&M-
ex held by the North was Lt.
James E. Ray of Conroe.
Blevins, whose parents, wife
and three children live in San
Antonio, had been missing since
September, 1966. He was an
F-105 pilot shot down during an
operational mission over North
Vietnam. He graduated in 1961.
Lt. Meyer, a 1960 graduate,
was shot down in March, 1967.
Wednesday, April 22, 1970 College Station, Texas
Page 5
<3 l\IT
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We consider the following five areas of primary importance to the students of Texas A&M:
Kent Caperton - President
A form of living area representation for the Senate is necessary to overcome the inadequacies
of the present system
Roger Miller - Vice-President
Bill Hartsfield - Secretary
Jimmy Alexander - Treasurer
Allen Giles - Parliamentarian
Kirby Brown - Issues Chairman
John Sharp - Life Chairman
Charles Hicks - Welfare Chairman
Mike Van Bavel - Public Relations
Real student participation on University Committees
Involvement of all minority groups - such as international students, women, and blacks
* Student court system to insure due process for the students
* Student Bill of Rights
* Student priority to use of University facilities
David Reynolds - Sr.
Kenny Hensley - Jr.
Mark Kidd - Soph.
Robert Riggs - Sr.
Ric De Neve - Jr.
Ed Huckaby - Soph.
Mark Olson - President
Gordon Pilmer - 1st Vice-President
Jean Mah - 2nd Vice-President
Shelton Wallace - Secretary
Paul F. Ammons - Treasurer
* A functioning Student Publications’ Board instead of the present “Rubber Stamp” Committee
* Student voice in selection of BATTALION editor
* Clarification of relationship between Administration and student staff
* Distribution methods of the BATTALION need drastic improvements
* Examination of possible five day publication of the BATTALION or at least publication on
Monday rather than Friday
Don Branson - Sr.
Rick Rau - Sr.
Tom Moon - Sr.
Mike Mohr - Jr.
Mark Fisher - Jr. (write-in)
Rich Kongable - Soph.
Bill Darkoch - Soph.
Mark Jarvis - Soph.
Gene Fisher - Sr.
Don Mauro - Sr.
Mike McMeans - Sr.
David Gorcyca - Jr.
* Limited pass-fail system
* Dead Week
* Published professor and course evaluation
Bill Read - Sr.
* Senate Newsletter
* Student Forums
* Scheduled meetings between senators and their constituents
* Regular discussions between students and administrators
* Greater use of student opinion polls
Paul Scopel - Sr.
Mike Franklin - Sr.
Sam Roosth - Jr.
David Berend - Jr.
Mike Holley - Soph.
James Sears - Soph.
Harry Need - Sr. - President
Fernando Giannetti - Jr.
Bill Johnson - Soph.
Dan Zivney - Soph.
Other areas we consider important are:
• Improved student-faculty relationship through faculty representation on Student Senate and
establishment of Faculty Senate
Coordination With Former Students
Immediate Co-ed housing
Establishment of criteria for Exchange Store fund allocations
Exhaustive study for new University Hospital
Examination into feasibility of non-compulsory board and laundry
Reexamination of existing policies concerning the use of electrical outlets in dorms
Tommy Henderson - Sr.
Kent Smith - Sr.
Bill Hamilton - Jr.
Kirk Hawkins - Jr.
Charles Windwehen - Soph.
Layne Kruse - Soph.
Carey Buie - Vice-President
Tommy Henderson - MSC Representative
Chuck Smith - Historian
Randy Shepard - Sr.
Sam Drugan - Jr.
Bill Jermyn - Soph.
A1 Bradley - President
Mary Hanak - Vice-President
Laura Sorenson - Secretary-Treasurer
Carl Olson - Social Secretary
Gary Rosin - MSC Representative
Debbie Drashpil
Charlotte Gay
Many areas in which we intend to work would be better classified as grievances than as plat
form planks. This does not distract from their importance nor lessen our commitment to effect
change in these areas.
Ron Burke - Sr.
Carol Murphy - Jr.
Nanette Critchlow - Soph.
Nick Jiga - President
Rush Crocker - Secretary-Treasurer
Ron Clark - MSC Representative
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