The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 16, 1970, Image 4

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    Rodeo Association Plans
Event; Tickets A va ila b le
The Texas Aggie Rodeo Asso
ciation has scheduled its 21st an
nual National Intercollegiate Ro
deo Association rodeo for 8 p.m.
April 30-May 2 at the Aggie Ro
deo Arena.
F.H.A.—Veterans and Conventional Loans
Home Office: Nevada, Mo.
Texas Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708
Complete Store
Baby Albums - Party Goods
Unusual Gifts
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Larry Rice, sponsor, said Bemis
Johnson of Cleburne is the stock
producer for the event.
Colleges in the southern region
of the NIRA are eligible to enter
the rodeo. All contestants must
have NIRA cards unless they go
to school at A&M. Students at
A&M must have a permit, Rice
Events in the rodeo are bare-
back bronc riding, saddle bronc
riding, calf roping, ribbon roping,
steer wrestling, and bull riding.
Girls events include barrel racing,
goat tying, and girls break-away
roping, said Richard Smith, pres
Smith said belt buckles will be
given to the winners in each
event. He added that four places
will be paid in each event.
Advance tickets are available
through rodeo club members for
$1.25 and 50 cents for children.
Tickets bought at the gate cost
$1.50 for adults and 75 cents for
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Communication Key
To Good Marriage
By David Middlebrooke
Battalion Managing Editor
Communication between part
ners, more than anything else, is
necessary for a successful mar
riage and one that is meaningful,
an Austin marriage and family
relations counselor said Wednes
day night.
Dr. Robert Ledbetter spoke at
the second session of the four-
part Marriage Forum sponsored
by the Student ‘Y’ Association.
Forum programs are presented on
consecutive Wednesdays.
Ledbetter said that lack of
communication is the “most single
basic problem" in marriages that
go wrong.
“You have to know how the
other feels," he stressed. “Don’t
be afraid to share your feelings,
either. You’re headed for trouble
if you don’t.”
Other ingredients in the recipe
for a meaningful marriage, Led
better said, are understanding,
acceptance and affection.
“By acceptance,” he said, “I
mean don’t marry with the
thought of changing your spouse."
Affection, he said, is love and
the expression of it, and is some
thing that should grow through
out the marriage. Affection al
ways includes romantic love, he
The Austin counselor cautioned
against “dirty" fighting in mar
riage, saying that it is far better
to fight “clean.”
A person fights dirty, he said,
when he starts calling his partner
names, and bringing up problems
that he has been saving for just
such an occasion as a fight. Some
times, he said, physical blows are
It is possible, though, for
couples to fight if they’ll do it
in a clean fashion, Ledbetter as
serted. Clean fighting, he ex
plained, means keeping the dis
cussion focused on the problem
at hand and trying to find a solu
tion. Couples should watch, he
warned, and make certain the
fight doesn’t come to the point of
name-calling or blows.
Besides fighting, couples have
other ways of “getting at” each
other, Ledbetter said. They use
different things as weapons
against each other.
Among these weapons, he said,
sex, money, food, in-laws, child
ren, mutual friends, religion and
common goals or interest.
In each case where one of the
weapons is being used, he said,
the particular weapon being used
is not itself the problem. It is
only manifestation of deeper
problems, more serious ones.
For example, he said, a couple
might try to work out their
problems through their children,
each spouse trying to use the
children against the other spouse.
Davenport, Benson
(Continued from page 1)
which we have in this country
should be available to and ap
plicable to all citizens, students
or non-students,” he said.
Benson said that when a stu
dent enters college he does not
give up his basic rights, however
it is a voluntary association.
There is no basic right to enter
any college. All universities as
sess a student’s potential and
decide whether he should be ad
mitted. All have certain rules
that students are expected to
adhere to.
“When a student is admitted
to a university he is duty-bound
to obey the rules and regulations
of that institution,” he said. “He
certainly has the right to protest
those regulations if he does not
like them and try to get them
To maintain freedom of ac
tion, Dr. Davenport said, people
can appeal to force, tolerance or
selfish interests of others.
“An appeal to force is based
on the principle that “might
makes right,” he said. “I person
ally don’t want to live in a world
where we resolve moral conflicts
by power struggles.”
“An appeal to tolerance rests
on “when in Rome, do as the Ro
mans do.
“I wonder,” he said, “if the
Romans ever said, “If you don’t
like it here, the Appian Way runs
both ways?”
A student, Benson said, has the
right of access to the faculty and
should have the right to evaluate
the quality of education and
Responsibilities also go along
with these rights, he said.
A student has the responsibili
ty to obey the laws of his coun
try, he said, and should conform
to regulations. He also has the
responsibiilty to look at all rea
sonable views of controversial is
During the question and an
swer period, they were asked
about a student voice in the selec
tion of a new president.
Benson said, to loud laughter,
that if a group of students were
to take recommendations to the
board of directors that they would
be glad to listen.
“If you have any proposals,”
he said, “bring them forward.”
Dr. Davenport suggested that
a faculty-student committee se
lect a list of four candidates for
the board to choose from. He
said that the faculty was already
making efforts to present rec
ommendations to the board.
The meeting was disrupted only
once, minutes before it was to
be adjourned.
Maskal had been berating the
audience for lack of action on
the students part in attempting
to change the university.
“You are to blame,” he said.
“There’s been constant bitching,
but you don’t use the channels.
The CCOC has gone through
channels, but there are only 10
of us. You are as much at fault
as the faculty and administration.
“Acting President A. R. Lue-
Page 4
College Station, Texas Thursday, April 16,1811)
READY FOR PLANTING—Mrs. Harvey Winslow, green
house keeper, and William L. Vitopil, superintendent of
grounds, examine greenhouse flowers which will be planted
by May 15. More than 30,000 plants were grown in the
new Grounds and Maintenance Department Greenhouse
during the winter for spring planting.
Flowers Bloom
In Test Garden
The Floral Test Garden has
6,300 tulips and a variety of
other early spring flowers cur
rently in peak bloom, reports
William L. Vitopil, superinten
dent of university grounds and
garden supervisor.
Two-thirds of the half-acre Z-
shaped garden is filled with color,
Vitopil said. The garden is locat
ed east of Kyle Field on Houston
“We have 126 varieties of tu
lips, 104 varieties of petunias
and a large display of pansy, cal
endula and stock flowers blos
soming at the present time,”
Vitopil mentioned.
He said the garden will be re
planted with spring-summer an
nuals before May 15. New plant
ings will include petunia, age-
ratum, snapdragon, salvia, coleus,
geranium, dallea, lockspur, cel-
soia, amanthus, vica, calendula,
pansy, allysum, begonia, chrys
anthemum and daisy.
Vitopil pointed out most of the
new plantings will come from the
3,300-square-foot greenhouse com
pleted in October at the Grounds
and Maintenance Department
headquarters near Hensel Park.
More than 30,000 flowers have
been grown in the greenhouse for
transplanting in the test gardet
and other campus flower beds. j|
Vitopil declared the test gar
den will have approximately 7011
different varieties blooming by
mid-May or early June.
“By commencement we vril
have a riot of color,” said AH
landscape architect Robert Rud
er, who heads the overall campti
landscape program.
Sidewalks and a sprinkler sjv
tern were completed in Novell'
her, allowing all-weather viewiij
of the test garden.
The Floral Test Garden m
funded by the Board of Director!
in August, 1968.
Also scheduled this year ii
planting for the All-Ameriti
flower testing program, a re
search project that leads to Al
America Selection designation.
“Growing flowers under fiell
conditions exposes the plants to
the public. They can look over
our garden and decide what they
want to grow at home,” Rucker
added, “and we will find out
which plants are best suited f«
this particular area.”
force i
decke is continuing President
(Earl) Rudder’s open door poli
cy,” he said. “A small group can
not bring about change, but a
large one can.”
At that point, one man stood
up and shouted, “Why don’t you
go to t.u. where you can have
a system like you want?”
The audience yelled him down.
Sandy Broder then read a pe
tition asking that charges against
the students taking part in tht |
peace rally Wednesday afternooi j
be dropped. j
He asked for 40 volunteers to j
collect signatures for them ani
had about half that number » |
As the audience left, they wert
asked to contribute to a fund to
pay the fine for Earl Brown, a
non-student arrested at the rally.
Juniors and Sophomores
Must Turn In Their Proofs
April 20
North Gate