Rally (Continued from page 1) of the students then dispersed. Before Brown spoke, McAuley, Fischer and Worth each talked, discussing student rights at A&M, contributions to a peace fast and student elections. Worth told the crowd that he doesn’t want to go to Vietnam and that he won’t go. He also admitted that his can didacy was a subterfuge for hav ing the rally: “Sure, this is just a front. I’m running for office because this is the only way we students can have an assembly like this.” Brown was in jail about an hour and a half before his fine was paid by the representative of the American Civil Liberties Union. A collection was also taken up by the Campus Committee of Con cern to pay the fine. “I am reminded,” he said, “of the State of Mississippi in 1964. I’d also like to thank Mr. (O. L.) Luther, a Texas Ranger, for his kindness.” Brown, a private translator, said that he will see a lawyer about an appeal. “I’d hate to have a record in Brazos County,” he said. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 4d per word dditlonal day ispl in each insert' Minimum char CHILD CARE U per word each addit: " sifit 90^ per column ach ' Classified Displc ay inch insertion charge—50d DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication Political Announcements Subject to action of the Dem ocratic Primary May 2, 1970. For U. S. Representative of the Sixth Congressional District of Texas. OLIN E. TEAGUE (Re-Election) FOR SALE CACTUS PLANTS: *3.00 to $10.00. 846-3683. 101t3 33” trousers, price is $80. Jacket 39” with 82" x 33” trousers, price is $76. Call 846-8700. 101t4 PENNEY’S Men’s Penn-Prest SLACK SALE All reg. $7.98 Slacks Now $6.99 Penn-Prest Walking SHORTS Just $2.99 Experienced baby sitter wanted, April 30th thru May 3rd for twin 'boys, 8 months old. 823-8489. 10r’s caps, and hoods will be available i rental basis. The Master’s and Bachelor’s caps and gowns may be pur chased at the Exchange Store after May 4, follows: Doctor’s Cap and down Doctor’s Hood (rental) Cap and Gown (rental)....$7.56 “ - ' ' 7.66 prices include sales tax. Payment is uired at the time of placing the order. be the following dates: Apr.. Academic Bldg., 1:00 - 3 :0O p. m. or 3 :00 - 5 :00 p. m. 96tll To be eligible to purchase the Texas A&M University ring, an undergraduate student must have at least one academic year in residence and credit for ninety- five (96) semester hours. The hours passed reliminary grade report period qualifying under this regulation may now leave their names with the ring clerk, Room Seven, Richard Coke Build ing. She, in turn, will check all records to determine ring eligibility. Orders for these rings will be taken by the ring clerk starting April 20, 1970, and continuing through May 26, 1970. The rings will be returned to the Reg istrar’s Office to be delivered on or about July 10, 1970. The ring clerk is on duty from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, Monday through Fri- h week. H. L. Heaton, Admissions and Records 84t38 day, of each we SPECIAL NOTICE Typing, experienced. 846-6416. 91tfn Typing, full time. Notary Public, Bank- Americard accepted, 823-6410 or 823-3838. lOtfn TYPING, electric. Close to campus. Expe rienced. Reasonable. 846-2934. Itfn Typing. Electric, symbols, experienced. 846-8165. 132tfn SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 See the boat that flies. Hobie 14. Aggie Boat Show, April 18 and 19. Municipal Lake. B.-C.S. Sails. 846- 8912, 846-3351. 101t2 Have your THESIS OFFSET PRINTED. Call 846-2157 for special prices THESIS OFFSET PRINTED. INSTAPRINT, INC. 505 Church Street College Station, Texas 98tl2 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 TROPHIES PLAQUES Engraving Service Ask About Discounts Texas Coin Exchange, Inc. 1018 S. Texas 822-5121 Bob Boriskie ’55 COINS SUPPLIES THE ATTIC USED FURNITURE BOTTLES MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS What do you make that we can sell for you? 822-2619 Corner 27th & Bryan KINDERGARTEN ENROLLING NOW FOR SEPTEMBER. Maximum ratio 15-1. Certified teacher. Preparation for first grade. CALVARY BAPTIST KINDER GARTEN. 822-3579. 79tfn Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO 909 S. Main 822-6000 • Watch Repairs • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5816 ENGINEERING & OFFICE SUPPLY CORP. • REPRODUCTION & MEDIA — ARCH. & ENGR. SUPPLIES * SURVEYING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT - ■ OF FICE SUPPLIES • MULTILITH SERVICE & SUPPLIES 402 West 25th St. Ph. 823-0939 Bryan, Texas Campus Briefs Chess Tourney Set Here This Weekend Chess players will congregate here this weekend for the San Jacinto Open Tournament, a re gional qualifying tourney for state championship play. The Memorial Student Center chess committee will host the affair, a five-round U. S. Chess Federation-rated Swiss tourney with a 50 move-two hour time limit. Committee chairman Rudy de la Graza said matches will be played in Room 2B of the MSC, play starting after a one-hour registration period at 8 a.m. Sat urday. First prize is $100 with other awards to be based on entry fees. The fee is $10 per person with USCF and Texas Chess Associa tion membership required. Among entries are Dr. Dusan D j u r i c, meteorology professor, and Rolf Smith, spring univer sity champ. Inquiries should be addressed to David Line, tournament direc tor, Meteorology Department. ★ ★ ★ Water Quality Ship To he Shown on TV The university’s water quality research project on the Houston Ship Channel will be featured Monday on NBC-TV’s “Today” Show as the start of a full week of programs highlighting envir onmental problems. An NBC camera crew spent two days last week on project sampling runs aboard the R/V Excellence, water quality re search vessel operated by the Environmental Engineering Divi sion of the Civil Engineering Department. Cameramen Scot Berner and Irv Cans photographed channel industries, waste discharge loca tions and the sampling and an alysis operations of the crew. Paul Cunningham, NBC re porter, also joined the operation for a full-day cruise and inter viewed Dr. Roy W. Hann Jr., project director. Hann discussed the university’s water quality program and answered questions concerning possible solutions to the ship channel’s pollution prob lem. The footage is scheduled to be shown between 8:30 and 9 a.m. Monday. The program, with approximately six million viewers nationwide, may be seen locally on Channels 2 and 6. ★ ★ ★ NASA Awards Vet Grant to Hightower Dr. Dan Hightower of the Col lege of Veterinary Medicine has received a $119,870 grant from NASA to study the effect of low intensity, low energy proton ra diation on the eyes and skin. Dr. Hightower, associate pro fessor of veterinary physiology and pharmacology, will be assist ed by Dr. James B. Smathers, assistant professor of nuclear engineering, and Dr. J. R. Kyzar, research associate, Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology Department. The one year project is an ex tension of a previous grant from NASA’s Manned Spacecraft Cen ter, Houston. It was awarded through the Biomedical Engi neering Division, Texas Engi neering Experiment Station. Studies to date have been done on rabbits, Dr. Hightower point ed out. Future studies will in clude the dog, miniature swine and continued studies of the rab bit, he added. Go-Cart Entries To be in Monday Deadline for entering a go- cart in the Civilian Weekend Great Race is Monday, an nounced Delbert Buchannan, chairman of the race committee. The entrance of any recognized campus organization in the race requires a $5 entrance fee and a cart that meets the race specifi cations for safety and running class. All carts must be powered by a 7.5 cubic inch stock engine that has no mechanical or electrical fuel pumps. The wheel base must be between 40 and 66 inches from axle to axle. Brakes must be pedal operated. Safety measures include a crash helment with goggels or face shield, heavy jacket, full length trousers, shoes, and socks. Gloves are suggested for hand protection. “Seat belts are not required because roll bars are not compul sory,” said Buchannan. Buchannan said that there were a limited number of slots and that all positions will be filled on a first come first served basis. Extra slots will be given to organizations having more than one entry on the same basis. Numbers in () denote channels on the cable. 5:00 3 (5) General Hospital 5:30 3 (5) CBS Evening News 6:00 3 (5) News Buchannan said that any organization without a cart and waiting one could contact him calling 846-9464. ‘*Wb have seven or eight organizations on the waiting list, but can probably get up to 10 or 20 cars,” Buchannan said. Buchannan has registration forms at Room 24 of Legett Hall. “There are 13 entries,” Bu channan said, “and so far they are all residence halls except for University Women and the Sports Car Club.” The April 25th race, which will be a highlight of the 1970 Civilian Weekend, will be held in the Law Hall parking lot. To get the lot ready for the race, it will be closed to all day students at 5 p.m. on April 23 and to all dorm students at 5 p.m. April 24. Elimination heats will begin at 1:30 in the afternoon the next day. Buchannan said that it has not been decided whether the heats will be with the individual carts competing against the clock or with the runners for the final race being picked from the win ners of the separate heats. 6:30 3 (5) Family Affair 7:00 3 (5) Jim Nabors 8:00 3 (5) Crisis 10:00 3 (5) News 10:30 3 (5) Tom Jones 11:30 3 (5) The Detectives tonight on the tube BEN RAMSEY RAILROAD COMMISSIONER OF TEXAS THE MAN TEXANS KNOW and RESPECT (Pol. Adv. Paid for by B«n Ramsay) THE BATTALION Thursday, April 16, 1970 College Station, Texas Page 3 Governor Names Scientists to Panel AUSTIN 0T>) — Gov. Preston Smith appointed 10 Texas A&M scientists Wednesday to recom mend what chemicals, if any, should be banned from the state in the public interest. The panel also will advise Smith and the legislature on the safe use of agricultural chemi cals, the governor said. Smith said that if scientific evidence indicates it would be in Bulletin Board TONIGHT Mid-County Hometown Club will meet at 8 p.m. in the lobby of the Memorial Student Center. New officers will be elected. Texarkana Hometown Club will meet at 8 p.m. in the lounge between dorms six and eight. Parachute Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 113 Plant Sci ences. German Club will meet at 8 p.m. in the Assembly Room, Me morial Student Center. San Angelo-West Texas Home town Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the rotunda of the Academic Building. Announcements will be made concerning a party on April 18. Mid-County Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the lobby of the Memorial Student Center. FRIDAY The Chess Committee of the Memorial Student Center will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 3B of the MSC. SATURDAY The Business Administration Wives Club will sponsor a spe cial showing of “In Search of the Castaways” at 9:30 a.m. at the Campus Theater. Admissions are children, 50 cents, and adults, 75 cents. A drawing will be held. Geology Wives Club will have a picnic at 4:30 p.m. in William son Park. Sailing Club will hold a boat show from noon til 6 p.m. at Bryan Municipal Lake. Free sailing lessons will be given and drinks are free. SUNDAY Alpha Phi Omega pledges will meet at 7 p.m. in the Art Room of the Memorial Student Center. There will be a general meeting at 8:00 p.m. in Room 3D of the MSC. Arrangements for the May 9 spring banquet, activities for the scout camporee and possible activities for Earth Day will be discussed. the public interest to ban cer tain chemicals, “we will spare no effort to insure that they are no longer used in Texas.” The scientists and their fields are Drs. P. L. Adkisson, chair man, entomology; William B. Davis, environmental engineer ing; John Griffiths, meteorology; Morris Merkle, soil and crop sci ences; F. W. Plapp Jr., ento mology; Jack Price, agricultural chemistry; Sammy Ray, biology and oceanography; Rudolph Radeleff, veterinary toxicology; James Teer, wildlife sciences; and J. van Overbeek, biology. Triangle Mobile Home Sales 3600 Old College Rd. & South College Bryan, Texas 77801 For A Good Deal See W. G. (Bill) Stuckey 713—822-4328 WE HAVE CAMPUS SWIMSUITS $4.50 to $5.50 LOUPOT’S 1970 TOYOTA $1830.00 BRAZOS VALLEY TOYOTA INC. We Service All Foreign Make Cars Cavitt at Coulter Phone 822-2828 For all your insurance needs See U. M. Alexander, Jr. ’40 221 S. Main, Bryan 823-0742 •TATI tARM £ State Farm Insurance Companies - Home Offices Bloomington, 111. INSURANCE The computer industry will pay good money for your brain. With your brains, and three months of graduate study at the Honeywell Institute of Information Sciences, you could land a management-level job next fall. Honeywell offers the only computer programming course specially designed for college graduates. It’s the most advanced, professional computer education you can get. So Honeywell graduates get hired sooner, promoted faster, and paid more. If you’d like to know all about Honeywell’s next graduate course, put your brain to work filling out the coupon, today. The Other Computer Company: HoneyweU mi "Pi