CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle 2 TEES Men to Attend Cooperative Convention Two Texas Engineering Exten sion Service staff members will attend the National Rural Elec tric Cooperative Association Con vention next week in Las Vegas, Nev. Chief instructor Ed W. Kerlick and instructor Ray Pantel of the Electric Lineman and Telephone Technicians Training Division of TEES will meet with the first aid section and operate a display booth during the convention. ★ ★ ★ Feb. Dr. Howes Named Secretary-Treasurer The North American Gamebird Breeders and Shooting Preserves Association has named Dr. J. R. Howes secretary-treasurer for 1970. Howes, a professor in the Poul try Science Department, was named to the post during the association’s recent annual meet ing in Harrisburg, Penn. ★ ★ ★ Counseling Center Offers Reading Aid The start of a new semester is a good time for students to im prove study habits, a spare-time possibility through a Counseling and Testing Center program. A student can improve his read ing rate and comprehension even if time is not available to take reading courses offered, center officials said. The center, directed by S. Au- ston Kerley, sponsors a speed reading - comprehension program in residence halls and dormito ries. “Dorm presidents or scholastic sergeants are familiar with the program and have reading ma chines and material in the dorm for individual use,” explained Jim Davis. He said the entire reading pro gram can be completed in a month or sooner, by participating in the program for 30 minutes two or three times per week. Additional information may be obtained from Davis or Fred Dodson at the Counseling and Testing Center, Academic Build ing. ★ ★ ★ Boy Scout Session Scheduled Feb. 11 The district committee of the Arrowmoon District, Boy Scouts of America, will meet here 11. District chairman E. E. (Mick ey) Allen said persons with mat ters of interest to be brought be fore the district should contact one of the following individuals: Organization-extension, Lt. Col. G. P. Jones; activities, Ralph Mc Cormick; finance, W. Robert Smith; advancement, A. M. (Arch) Meekma, George Rivers, Alton Bowen; leader training, Lt. Col. Herman Schubarth; public relations, John West; camping, Ken Nicolas; Explorer commit tee, Bill Scott; round table, Dr. Charles Dill; Order of the Ar row district advisor, Mickey Al len; logistics-supplies, Guy Chan dler, or district commissioner, Kenneth Cook. ★ ★ ★ Brazos Valley Umpires To Meet Sunday Brazos Valley baseball umpires meet Sunday to complete organ ization for the 1970 season. Chapter secretary Fred Hodge urged all officials planning to work games in the chapter this spring to attend the meeting. He said it will be at 5 p.m. in the S.F. Austin High vocational ag riculture room. ★ ★ ★ Mrs. Unterberger Named to Council Dr. Betty M. Unterberger of the History Department has been appointed to a three-year term on the Council of American His torical Association’s Committee on Undergraduate Teaching of History. Prof. Unterberger also was ap pointed by the Education Testing Service at Princeton, N. J., as a Senior Reader of the Advanced Placement Examination in Amer ican History for the 1970 College Boards examinations. An internationally recognized scholar on United States-Russian relations, she is the wife of Dr. Robert R. Unterberger, professor of geophysics and internationally known researcher. Her book entitled “America’s Siberian Expedition, 1918-1920: A Study of National Policy” was originally published by the Duke University Press in 1956 and re printed by Greenwood Press in 1969. She recently completed the manuscript for a book on “The United States and the Rise of Czechoslovakia.” Student Income Tax Procedures Outlined Working students who earned more than $600 in 1969 must file an income tax return, even if he is claimed as a dependent by his parents, according to Archie A. Gathers Jr., administrative offi cer of the Internal Revenue Serv ice in Bryan. Students who earned less than $600 and had income tax with held, should file a return to get these taxes refunded, he said. Gathers said a single student should claim one exemption for himself even if he is also claimed as a dependent by his parents. The combined tax is usually the same whether a joint or separate return is filed by a husband and wife, he said, but in order for parents to claim them as depen dents, married students must file separate returns. PICTURE SCHEDULE 1970 AGGIELAND Make up pictures for Grads & Seniors thru Feb. 14. New Freshmen pictures Taken thru February 14. Pictures taken from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. BRING FEE SLIPS “ . .. . Just a couple of days and you realize how important he is to A&M!” UNIVERSITY STUDIO 115 North Main North Gate 846-8019 Bulletin Board Dances, Sweetheart Selection Highlight Sophomore Weekend Two dances and the selection of a class sweetheart will be the highlights of the Sophomore Ball to be held the weekend of Feb. 13 and 14, according to class president John Sharp. Sharp said the sweetheart will be presented at the dance Satur day at Duncan Dining Hall. The semi-formal affair will feature the Countdown Five from Hous ton. Another dance scheduled for Friday at DeWare Fieldhouse will feature The Cornerstone Blues, and dress is casual, Sharp added. Tickets good for both sell for $5. Both dances are scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. and continue to midnight. “Tickets can be purchased at the Student Program Office in the Memorial Student Center or bought from representatives in each dormitory,” Sharp said. Sharp also said that the dead line for filing for sweetheart has been extended to Friday. Contest rules also require that a full length snapshot and a 5x7 photograph of each candidate be submitted to the Student Pro- Office Sharp added. TONIGHT Host and Fashion Committee will have a 20 to 30-minute meeting at 5 p.m. in the MSC Lounge. Aggie Wives Bridge Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Rooms 2C and 2D, MSC. For information, call Judy Humphries, 846-8033. Freshman Council will meet at 8 p.m. in the Library Conference Room. Aggie Christian Fellowship will hear Mark Petterson discuss “A Christian View of Civil Dis obedience” at 7:30 p.m. in Room 145 Physics. THURSDAY San Angelo-West Texas Home town Club will plan spring activities at 7:30 p.m. Room 2B MSC. Environmental Teach-In plan ners will decide upon final objec tives for a spring Symposium for Environmental Awareness at A&M at 7:30 p.m. in the Ax-chi- tecture Auditorium. Students and faculty are invited to attend and contribute. FRIDAY MSC Chess Committee will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3B M'SC. MONDAY Iota Lambda Sigma will hear Dr. Irving Goldstein speak on forest products at 7 p.m. in Room 107, M.E. Shops. Campus Committee of Concern will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Coffee Loft, UCCF. Listen Up gram Read " " Classifieds Editor: On behalf of the Fish Council, I wish to express the Class of 73’s appreciation to Iva Starnes Men’s Wear for donating to the Class of ’73 the money for the tickets for the Fish Ball. Bill Hartsfield Ticket Sales Chairman Cbe Battalion Opinions expressed in The Betialion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax- supported, non-profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. LETTERS POLICY MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association The Associated Collegiate Press Letters to the editor should be typed, double-spaced, and must be no more than 300 words in length. They must be signed, although the writer’s name will be with held by arrangement with the editor. Address corre spondence to Listen Up, The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77843. Mail subscriptions 1 y< vertii an, 77843. tax. The Battalio Texas are $3.50 per semester; $6 pe 11 subscriptions subject 1 furnished on requesi Coll •ar; $6.50 per full year. All les tax. Advertising rate furnished on Room 217, Services Building, school to Address: ege Station. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all new dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. 1969 TPA Award Winner Members Lindsey, chai the Student Publications Board Collegi T •’ ey, chairman ; H. F. Eilers, F. S. White, College of Engineerini of Veterinary Medicin Colleg College of Agriculture. ge of Liberal Arts ; ; JJr. Asa B. Childers, Ja. nd Dr. Z. L. Carpenter, The Battalion, published in College Station, Texas daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, September through 1 once a wee’ May, am student newspaper at Texas A&M Station, Texas daily exi and holiday periods. Sept k during summer school. Servi Fran Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising ’ices, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San ticisco. EDITOR DAVE MAYES Managing Editor David Middlebrooke Sports Editor Richard Campbell Assistant Sports Editor - Mike Wright Staff Writers Tom Curl, Janie Wallace, Jay F. Goode, Pam Troboy, Steve For man, Gary Mayfield, Payne- Harrison, Raul Pineda, Hayden Whitsett, Clifford Broyles, Pat Little, Tim Searson, Bob Robinson Columnists Monty Stanley, Bob Peek, John Platzer, Gary McDonald Photographers Steve Bryant, Bob Stump Sports Photographer Mike Wright Shamrock Career Opportunities Await ‘Aggie’ Graduates Career Opportunities for colleg-e graduates with the nation's leading employer are available through office. Visit us Monday thru Friday. our . EMPLOYMENT SERVICE ♦THE EMPLOYER PAYS FOR OUR SERVICES* North Gate 331 University Dr. • _ _ _ 846-3737 •‘A Division of E.R.C., Houston, Texas" College Division Page 2 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Wednesday, February 4,1970 AIRLINE RESERVATIONS & TICKETS 312 EAST 25TH MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER 823-0961 846-377:1 30-Day Charge On Your Personal Account Or Use Your BankAmericard Free Delivery 'ArmW- . . . lours • . I r-mv e I / Bonded ASTA Agent COFFEE V££- n?0A/T£. SAUCE CHEEP L /STEP/ N E S12-E B !H oz. &0TTTS J- USD* ^ ht-0 l— (£ fryer 1 eve/zip as L-DUJ iV/vce: lb- # ' ,/ ***m0»»** Sj # • hbrcdiu/vai Cut Up .. S5ff VI HE ~ Pin K BSmCEicP viWE f (V| W,TH PM.o* moA£ TOMATOES DINNERS 3 Ce fCLt/DlhlG. c/cs.) REDEEM AT BROOKSHIRE BROS. * 50 FREE TOP VALUE STAMPS With Purchase of Johnson’s Crew Bathroom Cleaner Coupon Expires Feb. 7, 1970. AT BROOKSHIRE BROS. E 1 I I I W F 1 M 1 I 1 REDEEM 50 FREE TOP VALUE STAMPS With Purchase of 4-Oz. Can McCormick’s Black Pepper Coupon Expires Feb. 7, 1970. ” Dvnwmf am* BD/vncrc REDEEM AT BROOKSHIRE BROS. 100 EXTRA TOP VALUE STAMPS With Purchase of $10.00 or More (Excluding Cigarettes) • One Per Family Coupon Expires Feb. 7, 1970. Wednesday PEANUTS By Charles ML Schnl? 7W DRAWING JUST ONE SIDE, AND THEN FOLD IT OVER AND TRACE THE OTHER SIPE FOLP IT OVER?! I HATE FOLDING WINOS OVERHtiHfi'POES IT HAVE TO BE SO COMPLICATED? fold!ojt!crease!tear! MEASORElTRACE! DRAI/J! F0R6ET IT! F0R6ET IT, I SAY! FORGET IT!!! r^c Se C r C Dj p Hi BOLD MLD m SOLD |00LD