The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 09, 1969, Image 2
Editor: Attention All Jr. B.A. Majors: Wednesday is election day for you to select a new senator to the Student Senate. I’m not going to promise anything except hard work on my part. I promise I will represent every student to the best of my ability. If you have any questions please contact me —Dorm 9-326 or phone 845-5467. Your vote will be appreciated. Robert Nelson ’71 ★ ★ ★ Editor: As candidates for freshman of fices, we believe that we have the duty to tell the Class of ’73 our goals if we are elected. First, We intend to establish a respon sive freshman government. Sec ond, we pledge to represent the needs and wants of the Class of ’73. Third, we will work to make the freshman government one in which issues and problems are acted upon with fairness and re sponsibility and in which con structive action is implemented. Vote for: Mike Jiga for Fish President Mike Holley for Fish Vice President Bill Hartsfield for Fish Senator Paul Puryear for Fish Senator ★ ★ ★ Editor: My name is Bill Darkoch. I am a candidate for the office of President of our freshman class. Many of my opponents have already stated the need for “uni ty” and “co-operation” between the factions of our class. The problem is recognized by all, but what many fail to state is by what means they plan to achieve this goal of class “unity.” I have such a desperately-need ed plan. Afew of the ideas con tained in my plan are as follows: A newsletter to provide com munication among us. It would consist of items of interest to freshmen, letters voicing every one’s opinions, and would also serve as a place to expose the problems of A&M as they affect the class of ’73. Instead of having just one class activity (the Fish Ball), we should sponsor many joint activi ties. These could include service and fund-raising projects to in still a sense of identity in the class of ’73. This plan can only be initiated with everyone’s support. We must build an identity for the class as a whole, not for individual fac tions. On Wednesday, December 10, a decision will be made concern ing the success of our class. Make the correct decision and elect Bill Darkoch as the President of our class. Bill Darkoch Class of ’73 ★ ★ ★ Editor: The class of ’73 is the largest group of freshmen A&M has ever had. It has the greatest potential of any past freshman class, but it needs leadership. We, the cam pus leaders listed below, give our support to Steve Nesbitt, candi date for president, Sam Walser, vice-presidential candidate, and Rod Dickinson, candidate for secretary-treasurer. Mark Olsen, Moore Hall presi dent; Kent Caperton, Student Senate Vice President; Gordon Smyth, Davis-Gary Hall Presi dent; Tommy Henderson, Ci vilian Student Council Second Vice President; David Alexan der, CSC First Vice President ★ ★ ★ Editor: The time has come for the Student Senate to assume its role as a truly representative student government, recognizing and re sponding to the needs of the TAMU student body. Operation Feedback was a step, but just a small one. There is so much work to be done, so many hours to devote. Charles Hicks, candidate for Junior B.A. Representative, is the man willing to dedicate the time and energy so necessary to move the Senate forward. His concern for Texas A&M has led him to continuously ask questions and seeks solutions, even though not having been a senator. Through this, he has gained and under standing and insight to the prob lems which confront Texas A&M University and has formulated definite ideas about how the Sen ate can work to solve these prob lems. If you are truly concerned about student government at Tex as A&M University and want it to become a real student govern ment, vote for Charles Hicks, Junior B.A. Representative, when you go to the polls at Francis Hall on Wednesday. Gerry Geistweidt Student Senate President Kent Caperton, Student Senate Vice-President ★ ★ ★ Editor: With the elections on December 10, the freshman class will gain a voice in the Student Senate. To assure a voice that will speak the wishes of the entire class, candidates who are close to the issues and responsive to the needs of the students must be elected. Mike Lindsey is my name, and I am a candidate for a freshman seat in the Student Senate. This means that I feel I am capable of representing more students than I could possibly remember. I am a freshman, however, and I am faced with many of the same problems that confront you. And I always keep an ear open for news of issues close to the stu dents. If you would like to discuss some problem or issue that you have found, please feel free to drop by my room, number 10 in Milner Hall. On December 10, the Class of ’73 will make some decisions that will determine its direction for this year and probably many more. I hope that one of your decisions will be Mike Lindsey for freshman senator. Mike Lindsey ’73 A Senator Speaks Student Life Committee By Collier R. (Doc) Watson Student Life Committee Chmn. The Student Life Committee is the largest standing committee in the Student Senate. It contains 27 senators who perform various tasks in accomplishing the sen ate’s goals of serving the student body. There were originally only two permanent subcommittees under Student Life—one for the Aggie Muster and one for the Aggie Mother of the Year. But the Life Committee has since be come the “trouble-shooting com mittee” of the Senate. The sub committees have been expanded to include such pertinent issues as football seating, Legal Rights Commission, Telephone Commit tee and the Grievance Committee. The following are reports by these subcommittee chairmen about the progress they have made this year. Legal Rights Commission — David Zoellner The Legal Rights Commission was created in October, 1969, and since that time has proven itself to be necessary and, through the hard work of those concerned, successful. Since its inception, the commission has received and dealt with “cases” pertaining to mis demeanors, such as: minor in possession, speeding, avoiding ar rest, littering, etc., and to prob lems involving the University rules and regulations. In the meeting with A&M Pres ident Earl Rudder, a conference with Bryan-College Station may ors and police chiefs was pro posed. At this conference, the Commission’s policy will be read, after same has been approved by the Texas State Bar. An advisory group is being as sembled which will help in hand ling matters for which the Com mission may not qualify. The Commission is still in the development stage and will soon be fully organized to efficiently handle the many requests for aid. Grievance Committee — Marcus Hill The Grievance Committee was formed to give Aggies a place to go with constructive criticism for our student government to TOBACCO (Continued from page 1) turn so he can get credit to plant a crop. Captain Tim re turns, but it is only to tell Les ter that he is to be evicted. Cap tain Tim no longer owns the land. Other members of the cast are Pat Castle as Lov, Randy Durham, as Peabody, Ruth Dennis Turner as Payne. “Tobacco Road,” directed by C. K. Esten, director of the Ag gie Players, will run Tuesday through Saturday night at 8 p.m. in Guion. Hall. look into for change. There are already menu and laundry com mittees, etc. However, if a student has a “non-specific” gripe or does not know for sure where to go with his idea, this committee will channel it to the proper source or form a new study group. For example, this committee is already reviewing the parking problems of College View and studying the lack of cooperation in busing trays in Sbisa. Any student may inform mem bers of this committee of his ideas to improve our university. Telephone Subcommittee — Bob Easter Since its installation, the Cen trex telephone system has brought greatly improved com munication to the A&M campus. Problems have arisen and the Student Senate special subcom mittee on telephones was created to study the complaints and needs of individual students. Since its establishment, the committee has worked for the improvement of the room and telephone number listings in the student section of the A&M Directory. Rental charges and long distance instal lation service are areas currently under study. Thus the Student Life Commit tee is trying its best to serve the students of A&M. So how about helping us to help you—take an active interest in your student government. Cbe Battalion Opinions expressed in The Bmttalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax- supported, non-profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor should be typed, double-spaced, and must be no more than 300 words in length. They must be signed, although the writer’s name will be with held by arrangement with the editor. Address corre spondence to Listen Up, The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77843. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association The Associated Collegiate Press Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester; $6 per school year; $6.50 per full year. All subscriptions subject to 4^4% sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station. Texas 77843. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all new dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. 1969 TP A Award Winner Members of the Student Publications Board are: Jim Lindsey, chairman ; H. F. Filers, College of Liberal Arts ; F. S. White, College of Engineering ; Dr. Asa B. Childers, Ja. College of Veterinary Medicine; and Dr. Z. L. Carpenter, College of Agriculture. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M is published in College Station, Texas daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, September through May, and once a week during summer school. Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. EDITOR DAVE MAYES Managing Editor David Middlebrooke Sports Editor Richard Campbell Assistant Sports Editor Mike Wright Staff Writers Tom Curl, Janie Wallace, Jay F. Goode, Pam Troboy, Steve For man, Gary Mayfield, Payne- Harrison, Raul Pineda, Hayden Whitsett, Clifford Broyles, Pat Little, Tim Searson, Bob Robinson Columnists Monty Stanley, Bob Peek, John Platzer, Gary McDonald Photographers Steve Bryant, Bob Stump Sports Photographer Mike Wright Industrial Engineering Shamrock EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OCCUPATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES AWAIT YOU, THE ’70 GRADUATE • College Division • North Gate 331 University Dr. 846-3737 ★ “EMPLOYERS PAY FOR OUR SERVICES.” A division of ERC CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle “Could you finish your drink before the next yell, please?” Bulletin TONIGHT Marketing Society will have a gripe session and take pictures for the Aggieland at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3B-C, MSC. Members are requested to wear coat and tie. University Women will meet at 7 p.m. in Room 2A-B, MSC. Range and Forestry Club will hear a program on the vegeta tion of north central North America at 7:30 p.m. in Room 103 Plant Sciences. Petroleum Engineering Club will hear E. N. Patton Jr. from Amerada Hess Corp. discuss “Pressure Build-Up Analysis Near a Barrier” at 7:30 p.m. in Room 211 Doherty. WEDNESDAY Eagle Pass Hometown Club Board will have pictures taken at 8 p.m. on the MSC steps. THURSDAY Dewitt-Lavaca Hometown Club will discuss Christmas party plans and have the club picture taken at 7:30 p.m. in the second floor lobby of the MSC. Brazos County Post 4692 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars will have a social at 7:30 p.m. in the Post Home. Tonight on KBTX 6:30 Lancer 7:30 Red Skelton 8:30 Governor & JJ 9:00 Marcus Welby, M.D. 10:00 TX Final News 10:30 Hollywood Palace 11:30 The Detectives gitm StiUHCO unibertfttp men’s toear 329 University Drive 713/846-2706 College Station, Texas 77840 THE BATTALION Page 2 College Station, Texas Tuesday, December 9, ISi READ BATTALION CLASSIFIED! For all your insurance needs See U. M. Alexander, Jr. ’40 221 S. Main, Bryan 823-0742 State Farm Insurance Companies - Home Offices Bloomington, III, CASH FOR CHRISTMAS Let us help you fill your Stocking UNIVERSITY LOAN 317 Patricia College Station, Texa,s Tel: 846-8319 CO. Would You Believe? Fresh From The Gulf OYSTERS on the half-shell or fried to order Served Right Here on the Campus 5 to 7 each evening at the famous Oyster Room MSC Cafeterij ew, an ou 1^ oing ti At e like isuran ant yc depen fcu're a lieful s lirpora Idiviih is con efficient executive's best friend the fiJore/c684 dictating machine igan e, bile st Sto impus our 'ogram at iusi lesn't i lung m 'e Automatic and Easy to Use Remote Controlled Reusable Magnetic Tape Easy Transcription The Norelco 84 is the modern efficient way to handle daily correspondence. Its simplicity of operation assures perfect dictating results every time. You'll like the Norelco 84's low price and many features like the exclusive magnetic tape cassette that threads itself automat ically. Find out how the Norelco 84 can be ypu'r best friend. Call today for a demonstration. OTIS MCDONALD’S Chec ORDOI 0 429 S. Main — Phone 822-1328 Bryan, Texaa ’R( UTU “Christmas Even Through the Centuries" THE FIRST CHRISTMAS EVE And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them; and they were sore (~S|A afraid. And the angel said unto them: Fear not; behold, I, bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all) people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And suddenly there) was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising iGod, and saying. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth) peace, goodwill toward men. Luke 2:9-14’* The Legend of the Poinsettia And they presented Gifts unto him.” As the people flocked to church on Christmas Day to lay their gifts of adoration upon the alter, a maiden stopped) outside the church to pray. She had no gift to bring the“ Christ child except her great love for him — a meager token, she thought, among so many riches. And as she knelt she| wept, and where her tears fell, the weeds changed to rich,, red flowers. She gathered them up and placed them upon) the altar — and they outshown all the gifts of splendor and gold. Since that day the poinsettia has bloomed to bring us the true meaning of Christmas. Rarer then gold, is the gift of love ! ROTARY COMMUNITY SERIES In Cooperation With TAMU Town Hall Presents . . . The Smash Hit Musical “MAME” Starring Sheila Smith A&M Student Tickets $2.00 a political forum presentation Birth Of Party Movements an analysis by Dr. Harvey Wheeler TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9 1969 8:00 P.M. ADMISSION FREE ASSEMBLY ROOM MSC PEANUTS s' ! 5 OF COURSE, I DON'T REALLY UNDERSTAND THE OTHER THREE PROBLEMS, EITHER... li ii /Tji (I DON'T UNPERSTAND) Vthe FOURTH / PROBLEM mb* lip — Vi By Charles M. Schuli ACTUALLY, r DON'T UNDERSTAND LET'S FACE IT,.. I DON'T MATH AT ALL EVEN UNDERSTAND SCHOOL ' /l/i PL A l-'v ^ \\( / SOMEONE IS SPOILING FOR A SNOWBALL , FISHT,. , PEANUTS