The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 05, 1969, Image 1

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Che Battalion
Vol. 65 No. 47
College Station, Texas
Friday, December 5, 1969
Telephone 845-2226
Involvement Needed,
Lawmaker Claims
By George Scott
Battalion Staff Writer
Government is something that
too few people participate in and
that too many complain about,
a Texas state representative told
delegates to A&M’s Idea Ex
change Conference Thursday
"If we fail to participate, we’ll
get the type of government we
deserve,” James R. Nowlin of San
Antonio said in addressing stu
dent leaders from Southwest Con
ference schools and Texas Wo
man’s University.
The conference is designed to
give the student leaders a chance
to exchange ideas and viewpoints,
and to discuss improvements
needed in student government.
Nowlin said that students who
feel that problems with the sys
tem cannot be corrected by the
system don’t have any construc
tive or well-developed ideas or
“It is easy to criticize, but it
is very difficult to offer con
structive solutions,” he said.
Nowlin said he believes the
voting age should be lowered and
that a bill he presented to lower
the voting age to 19 was defeat
ed three times.
Public attitude towards dem
onstrations has kept the voting
age from being lowered, accord
ing to Nowlin.
“Governor Preston Smith talks
in favor of lowering the voting
age, but I don’t believe he is
really in favor of it,” Nowlin
said, “but Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes
and Speaker of the House Gus
Mutscher are supporting lower
ing the age requirement.”
Nowlin said that there are
many problems facing the state
legislature, and that unfortunate
ly that not enough people are in
terested in what is taking place.”
“I think that Texas ought to
have a strong conflict-of-interest
law for state legislators,” Now
lin commented.
He explained that he could, as
a lawyer, be on retainer for any
company or special interest group,
receiving any pay, and still vote
as a legislator on controversial
issues affecting every citizen.
“That is not a very healthy
atmosphere,” he said.
Special interest groups in the
state have prevented the passage
of an effective pollution control
law, one that is needed badly,
Nowlin said.
New Party Movements
Subject of PF Talk
Dr. Harvey Wheeler, member
of the Center for the Study of
Democratic Instituitons, will dis
cuss “New Party Movements”
here Tuesday in a Political Forum
Fellow-in-residence at the fam
ous “talk tank” in Santa Barbara,
Calif., Wheeler is a recognized
authority on contemporary and
future political concerns.
He was the first of seven senior
fellows personally selected by
Center director Dr. Robert M.
talk will be at 8 p.m. in the
Memorial Student Center Assem
bly Room. Hoffman noted admis
sion is free.
Wheeler, co-author with Eu
gene Burdick of the novel “Fail-
Safe,” jointed the Santa Barbara
Center in 1960 from Washington
and Lee University where he was
professor of political science.
He earned degrees from Indi
ana University and the Ph.D.
from Harvard. The speaker
taught at Harvard and Johns
Hopkins after serving in military
government in the European the
ater during World War II.
Wheeler has written mono
graphs on political science and
political theory in numerous aca
demic and polemical journals. In
1968, “Democracy in a Revolu
tionary Era” was published in
book form and by “Encyclopedia
Britannica” as part of the 200th
anniversary “Perspective” series.
Also released in 1968 were his
contributions to “Alternative to
Violence,” an anthology including
Dr. Wheeler’s “Moral Equiva
lence to Riots.” About the same
time, Nigel Calder’s “Unless
Peace Comes” was published. In
it, Wheeler discusses “The Stra
tegic Calculators.”
His work at the center is a
project on federal control of
scientific research.
“The government is going to
have to work with business ac
tively to solve the pollution prob
lem,” Nowlin commented, “but
we’ve been talking about these
things for 20 years. It is time for
specific safeguards, which are
strictly enforecable, to be put
into the law.”
He said that he did not believe
such laws were possible until
after 1970, or unless a major
catastrophe occurs somewhere
like at the Houston ship channel.
“It took the assassination of
John Kennedy to get any type of
gun-cohtrol laws,” Nowlin said.
After the 1970 census and re
districting, the urban areas
should have much more power
in the state legislature, according
to Nowlin.
“Maybe then some laws, strong
laws, will be passed,” he said.
Nowlin also said that he be
lieves special interest groups also
cause problems in financing cam
“It is very difficult to get
elected to any office without
using the mass media, and that
is very expensive,” Nowlin re
He added that too many legis
lators have to depend too much
on lobbyists to finance a cam
paign and that this economic de
pendence affects the quality of
Nowlin said that he believes
assuring every candidate free
television time would create many
more problems than it would
“My most effective method in
raising money is fund-raising
dinners,” he said. /
Nowlin said that getting con
tributions is very difficult and
not too successful.
“The silent majority is par
ticularly silent when asked to
donate money to their favorite
candidate,” Nowlin said.
3 A&M Faculty
Mem hers
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Hutchins in setting up the “talk
tank’s” self-perpetuating ruler-
Political Forum chairman
Charles R. Hoffman of Green-
belt, Md., said the former Har
vard and Johns Hopkins Univer
sity political science professor’s
Funeral Rites
Held Today lor
J. D. Rudder
J. D. Rudder, 70, brother of
A&M President Earl Rudder, died
Wednesday afternoon in a River
side, Calif., hospital.
Funeral services for Rudder
were to be held at 11 a.m. PST
(1 p.m. CST) today at Simons
Mortuary in Riverside.
Survivors of the president’s
elder brother include his widow,
a daughter and two brothers.
President Rudder is in Cali
fornia to attend the funeral
Friday — Cloudy, light inter
mittent rain showers. Easterly
winds 5-10 m.p.h. High 74 de
grees, low 51 degrees.
Saturday — Cloudy. Southerly
winds 10-15 m.p.h. High 76 de
grees, low 55 degrees.
Fayetteville — Cloudy, light
rain. Southerly winds 10-12
m.p.h. 66 degrees.
Texas A&M faculty members
known for outstanding student
relationships will serve as round
table co-chairmen next week for
the 15th Student Conference on
National Affairs.
Dr. Allen R. Waters, economics
professor with seven years ex
perience in Africa; Dr. J. George
H. Thompson, mechanical engi
neering, and Dr. Charles A. Ro-
denberger, aerospace engineering
will fill the SCONA slots.
The professors will co-chair 25-
member student round - tables
which will account for the ma
jority of SCONA JV’s idea ex
change on “Black Africa—The
Challenge of Development.”
Student participants will in
clude 90 delegates from A&M,
140 from U. S. colleges and uni
versities, 10 from Mexico and
from Africa.
A specialist in monetary theory,
international finance-trade and
economic development, Waters
served with the British Adminis
tration in Kenya from 1953 to
1956, for which he was awarded
the African General Service Med
al with clasp. During 1956-60,
the two-year A&M faculty mem
ber was with Caltex (Africa) Ltd.
at Kampala, Uganda.
The University of North Calo-
lina and Rice University grad
uate speaks four languages, in
cluding French, Kiswahili and
Thompson received the Faculty
Distinguished Achievement Award
for Outstanding Student-Teacher
Relations in 1959, was named
Piper Professor of 1968 by the
Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation
and was elevated early thi,s year
to the rank of Fellow in the
American Society of Mechanical
1 Engineers. The Penn State and
A&M graduate has taught 29
of the last 30 years and has seven
years engineering experience.
Rodenberger, Halliburton Chair
professor in the College of En
gineering, received the Faculty
Distinguished Acheivement Award
in Teaching in 1962. The aero
space engineering professor who
stresses team concepts and close
student-faculty-industry relations
in teaching, heads A&M’s Hyper
velocity Laboratory, where he is
developing a new concept in ac
celerating objects to extremely
high speeds.
He has worked for the NASA
Manned Spacecraft Center in
Houston and General Dynamics
Astronautics in San Diego, Calif.
His degrees are from Oklahoma
State, SMU and the University of
Texas at Austin.
Bryan Building & Loan
Association. Your Sav
ing Center, since 1919.
Coach Shelby Metcalf, center, talks with the Aggie basketball team during the third
quarter of Thursday night’s season opener against Northwestern Louisiana State Uni
versity. The Ag cagers lost, 73-71. See story, page 4. (Photo by Mike Wright)
LeeRoy Yarbrough, left, discusses strategy with his car builder, former champion driver
Junior Johnson during qualifying runs for the Texas 500 to be held Sunday at 1 p. m.
at the Texas International Speedway. (Photo by Hans Adam)
Pole Position for 500
Occupied by Baker
By Hans Adam
Battalion Staff Writer
The prestigious pole position
for the first running of the Tex
as 500 at Texas International
Speedway was nailed down by
Buddy Baker, who pushed his
1969 “Daytona” Dodge Charger
to an average speed of 176.285
miles per hour.
Qualifying, at which 16 drivers
were competing for the top 12
starting positions, lasted all
afternoon at the 2-mile banked
oval of TIS for Sunday’s 1 p.m.
running of the first NASCAR
grand national stock car race
ever to be conducted in the state.
The first car to attempt quali
fication was David Pearson, driv
ing a Holman & Moody-prepared
1969 Ford T a 11 e d e g a, whose
175.751 mph was good enough
for the outside slot in the front
LeeRoy Yarbrough, NASCAR’s
leading money winner for the
year with $187,000, ran into bad
luck as he started his qualifying
attempt. The right front tire,
on his Junior Johnson prepared
1969 Ford Talledega, went flat
in the first 1,000 feet, causing
Yarbrough to drive at reduced
speed back to the pits.
The almost two miles of re
duced speed driving caused his
engine to overheat badly and it
was still hot when he returned
to the track within the required
five minutes to finish his quali
fying attempt. After only one
lap the engine “let go” and Yar
brough had to settle for the in
side spot on the second row be
side his team mate Cale Yar
borough who qualified fourth at
Richard Brickhouse, driving for
the injured Charlie Clotzbach,
managed to just hold on to fifth
qualifying spot ahead of hard
charging Donnie Allison. Brick-
house, who was the winner at
the inaugural Talledega 500 in
September, had a best speed of
Conspicious with his absence
from Thursday’s qualifying, was
Richard Petty. Petty had blown
an engine during the morning’s
practice laps and his crew was
unable to effect repairs in time.
To add to his troubles the “new”
engine that was finally installed
late in the afternoon only lasted
three practice laps and when last
seen the Petty crew was install
ing a third engine.
Petty is the all-time race and
money winner in NASCAR’s
grand national division. A vic
tory here would push his total to
102 career victories and his total
earnings would pass the $700,000
The top ten qualifiers yester
day and their speeds, in the order
of their position, are: Buddy
Baker, 176.285; David Pearson,
175.751; LeeRoy Yarbrough,
175.601; Cale Yarborough,
175.546; Richard Brickhouse,
174.296; Donnie Allison, 173.900;
Bobby Isaac, 173.661; Bobbie
Allison, 171.977; Ray Eldeir,
171.760, and Dave Marcis,
Ph.D. Program in History
To Be Offered This Spring
Texas A&M University will
begin implementing its recently-
approved doctor of philosophy
degree program in history start
ing with the spring semester, an
nounced Dr. J. M. Nance, His
tory Department head.
A&M’s Ph.D. program will
have special emphasis on Ameri
can history, Dr. Nance said. The
program was recently approved
by the State Coordinating Board
for Texas Colleges and Universi
“Already there has been con
siderable interest expressed in
this new degree program, a pro
gram which adds a new dimen
sion to the steadily growing
graduate programs in the Col
lege of Liberal Arts,” Nance re
A&M’s program calls for a
minimum of 48 semester hours
of course work plus completion
of an acceptable dissertation
based upon the use of original
source material.
“After completion of an ac
ceptable dissertation, the student
must pass a comprehensive oral
examination covering his disser
tation research and the field it
is a part of,” Nance explained.
Doctoral students also must
demonstrate a satisfactory read
ing knowledge of two foreign
languages, normally French and
German, unless the student’s
principal area of concentration
and research requires the use of
some other foreign language,
Nance added.
The department head noted
that one language requirement
must be completed by the end of
the first year as a doctoral stu
Nance also noted that, as he
(See Ph.D. Program, page 3)
69 Student Organizations
Receive $30,000 in Funds
Sixty-nine Texas A&M Uni
versity student organizations will
share in $30,000 proceeds from
Exchange Store profits, accord
ing to Dean of Students James
P. Hannigan.
The Texas A&M University
System Board of Directors ap
proved the distribution of profits
Nov. 26, acting on the recom
mendation of the Exchange Store
Advisory Board, headed by Han
The $30,000 was divided after
consideration of all club requests,
Hannigan said.
The club’s budget from last
year, the funds received from
the Exchange Store last year,
the amount of money per cap
ita raised by the club and the
per capita amount requested are
considered in the allocations.
“We’re able to handle an amaz
ing number of activities,” he
said. “Most of the funds are spent
on travel to national conventions
and some for speakers or films.”
The largest allocations went to
the reserve fund for national
meets, money used to host na
tional conventions on campus and
sudden trips to national conven
tions, $2,935; Band Awards and
Trips, $2,800; Singing Cadets,
$2,000; Saddle and Sirloin Club,
which has the largest budget on
campus, $2,000; Dormitory Ath
letic Equipment, $1,620; Bonfire,
Reveille, Yell Leaders Commit
tee and All University Calendar,
Also, Freshman Drill Team,
$1,500; Civilian Student Council,
$1,000; Ross Volunteers, $1,000;
and University Women, for ori
entation teas and the publications
of a female students handbook,
The Advisory Board also rec
ommended that participating stu
dent organization give the Ex
change Store an opportunity to
bid on purchases made of items
handled by the store, Hannigan
He said that the Advisory
Board also agreed that the allo
cations should not normally cover
the full costs of a club’s trip.
Approval by the Board of Di
rectors of the fund allocations
was required because the funds
are not staying within the busi
ness structure of the Exchange
Store but are being distributed
elsewhere, Hannigan said.
Other Advisory Board mem
bers are: S. S. Cox, R. C. Diebel,
A. G. Kemler, T. A. Moyes, G. T.
King, Don Stafford, George I.
Mason, Joe M. (Mac) Spears,
Marcus Hill and Larry Schilhab.
Students having questions re
garding Exchange Store opera
tions or policies are invited to
contact one of the members, Han
nigan said.
University National Bank
“On the side of Texas A&M.”