The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 16, 1969, Image 3
ledi. lary Pper I or- i 3B lid a and II be dule leet- in this r of meet ublic ilini- ither call; !775. IHE BATTALION Tuesday, September 16, 1969 College Station, Texas Page 3 BEST AT AFROTC CAMP The 1968-69 corps commander, Hector Gutierrez of Laredo, was one of 27 Aggies cited lor outstanding performance at Air Force summer training. He receives the Comman dant’s Award signifying first among 250 cadets at Hill AFB, Utah, from Maj. Gen. Lester F. Miller, deputy chief of personnel. 27 Air ROTC Cadets Take Top Summer Camp Ratings Highest ratings were taken by j" Air Force ROTC cadets at summer camp. Commandant and vice comman- lant award recipients are deter mined on a competitive basic by Air Force officers at the respec tive training sites, announced Col. i, C. Hanna, professor of aero space studies. Selection is based on leadership, military bearing, mastery of tlassroom subjects and drill com mand capabilities. The awards are tonsidered in selecting cadets to receive regular Air Force com missions. Commandant awards, made to the top cadet at each training Imse, were awarded Hector Gu tierrez of Laredo, corps comman der of 1968-69, and Roy E. Sewall of San Antonio, a Squadron 10 junior and Air Force financial issistance grant recipient. Gutierrez attended summer training at Hill AFB, Utah. He rompeted with 250 cadets for the ward. Sewall, who trained at the Air Force Academy was in com- [etition with a similar number. Vice commandant awards are made to the most outstanding ca dets in each 25-man flight. Recipients include Lawrence P. Gravis of San Antonio; Charles A. Parada, Houston; Bryan R. Thompson, Texas City, and Janies S. Wilbeck, Hungerford. They were seniors in the corps last year. This year’s seniors receiving the awards are James A. Fyock, Alexandria, Va.; John L. Grum bles, Squadron 7 commander of Bedford, Mass.; Billy J. Hall Jr., Squadron 6 CO, Sherman; Gre gory L. Hennings, Tampa, Fla.; Charles E. Holt, Center; John M. McNabb Jr., Second Group CO, Sheppard AFB; Frank Montal- bano III, Squadron 1 CO, Beau mont; Gerald F. Perryman Jr., Squadron 12 CO, Freeport; Rex E. Stewart, San Antonio, and Richard E. Taylor Jr., Fourth Group CO, Santa Fe, N. M. Financial assistance grant ca dets who are 1969-70 juniors and sophomores also were tops in their flights. They are Thomas C. Bain Jr., Dallas; John M. Conrad, Fort Worth; Jon E. Imler, Grand Prairie; Robert H. Matthews, Am arillo; Barrett J. Smith, Pearland; Gregg K. Weaver, Midland; Mich ael L. Wiebe, San Antonio; David A. Woods III, Fort Worth and Charles H. Shipman, Hurst. Colonel Hanna noted the 27 outstanding cadets were among 130 Aggies in 14 different sites for summer field training. “These achievements are quite meaningful when it is realized that Aggies constituted only four per cent of those in the training, yet they walked off with 15 per cent of all Comandant’s awards and 22 per cent of the Vice Com- mandannt’s Awards,” the officer commented. He said 83 of the 130 were rated among the top five cadets of their respective flights and 78 were similarly rated for drill and ceremony performance. Placement Service Sign-Up Open to January, May Grads PARDNER You’ll Always Win The Showdown When You Get Your Duds Done At CAMPUS CLEANERS January and May graduates are urged by Placement Director Robert Reese to sign up as soon as possible for the university’s free placement service. He said two orientations for 1970 graduates will be at 4 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday in Rooms 2 A-B, Memorial Student Center. All the free services and inter view tips will be presented during the program, Reese noted. Company recruiters will start fall interviews Oct. 1 on the cam pus. Reese explained the placement services include compiling a per sonal file with references and a copy of the student’s academic record. All a student has to do is report to the office and register. Interview schedules are avail able and impending recruiting is announced on academic depart ment bulletin boards. “There is usually no limit on the number of interviews, but we discourage shopping,” Reese said. He added that once a student schedules an interview he is ex pected to keep it, unless he noti fies the office he will not inter view that company. He estimated about one-third of the projected January and May graduates have already signed-up at the office. Coeds also are urged to use the placement service. Several female graduates have been employed through recruitment from the Placement Office and Reese de clared that their starting salaries are competitive to a male’s. The office maintains a library of company literature and place ment annuals are distributed free to graduating seniors. The place ment annuals for 1969-70 will be available at a later date. A&M also offers an active placement service for former stu dents who are in the military service or are interested in changing jobs, Reese said. He suggested that 1970 gradu ates who plan to enter the armed forces also take advantage of the recruiting service while they are in school. “It gives the student experi ence in interviewing and connec tions that can be used after leav ing the military,” he observed. The majority of the major companies recruit both seasons. If a firm is interested in the student, he usually is asked to visit the company’s facilities, Reese pointed out. “The nice thing about facilities here,” Reese said, “is the student has a choice of the top companies without leaving the campus. It’s just a few minutes walk to some great opportunities.” TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED The HILLEL CLUB B’nal B’rith Hillel Foundation Will Hold Its Regular Wed. Night Meetting 7:30 p. m. - Sept. 17th Sabbath Services, 8 p. m., Friday Yom Kippur Services Sunday 8 p. m. 800 Jersey St. We’ll pay half You pay the other. SPECIAL HALF-PRICE RATE FOR FACULTY, STUDENTS, SCHOOL LIBRARIES □ 1 year $13 □ 9mos. $9.75 □6mos. $6.50 □ Check or money order enclosed □ Bill me Address, City The Christian Science Monitor @ Box 125, Astor Station Boston, Massachusetts 02123 HAVE YOU PICKED UP YOUR RESERVE SEAT TICKETS FOR TOWN HALL YET? For Only $3.00 You: —get choice reserve seats (every other row reserved for students) that are yours alone —get comfortable seats with backs —avoid standing in long lines —have more time to wine and dine your date before the show - arrive until showtime Your date’s season ticket is only $7.00. We have your tickets at: M.S.C Ticket Office PICK THEM UP NOW no need to ORDER TOWN HALL ROTARY SEASON TICKETS NOW! Town Hall & Artist Showcase Rotary Community Series October 24, 1969 THE COWSILLS September 18, 1969 HOUSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA October 30, 1969 STEPHEN BISHOP, Pianist December 17, 1967 MAME November 5, 1969 MANTOVANI November 7, 1969 RAY PRICE & BAND February 2, 1970 SABICAS, Guitarist February 23, 1970 GOLDOVSKY GRAND OPERA THEATER - LA TRAVIATA March 17, 1970 MISHA DICHTER, Pianist March 5, 1970 GUARNERI STRING QUARTET Plus - CROSSOVER MANTOVANI March 6, 1970 THE FIRST EDITION April 23, 1970 DALLAS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA April 25, 1970 CIVILIAN STUDENT WEEKEND Plus - CROSSOVER MISHA DICHTER, Pianist From Address TOWN HALL SERIES (Please Print or Type Full Name) Order No. (For Office Use Only) ROTARY COMMUNITY SERIES Order No. Street & Number City & State Enclosed find stamped self-addressed envelope and $ Seats at $ each. Zip Code Phone for Season Reserved (For Office Use Only) Phone Ticket Price* A&M Student $ 3.00 ea. A&M Student Date or Spouse $ 7.00 ea. A&M Faculty or Staff $10.00 ea. Patron $12.00 ea. Make checks payable to-. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Mail or deliver orders to: Memorial Student Center, Student Program Office, P.O. Box 5718, College Station, Texas 77840. Ticket orders will be filled in the order received. Please indicate preference: n Main Floor f—I West Balcony From: (Please Print or Type Full Name) Address: Street & Number City & State Zip Code Enclosed find stamped self-addressed envelope and $ for Season Reserved Please check seating preference: ISee Bryan Civic Auditorium diagram) □ Area A Tickets at $16.50 each. paya Texas A&M University Mail or deliver order to: Memorial Student Center Student Program Office Box 5718 College Station, Texas 77840 □ □ n □ □ Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F i : -