The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 13, 1969, Image 3
11 11,11 THE BATTALION Thursday, March 13, 1969 College Station, Texas Page 3 Students Come When They’re Hungry I Ed Offers Labs ‘Cafeteria Style’ Lab in two industrial education courses is performed cafeteria style. “Students come in when they’re hungry,” explained Dr. James L. Boone. perma-crease West bury Slacks Jbm Jjtnvnco umbersitp men’s! toear 329 University Drive 713/846-2706* College Station, Texas 77840 YOU WON’T BE UP” AT ‘HELD SBISA CASH CAFETERIA Breakfast 7:00 a. m. to 9:30 a. m. BISCUITS our specialty Lunch 11:00 a. m. to 1:15 p. m. Try our char Broiled chopped steak. Monday through Friday Bonnie Jane Hejl is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennie N. Hejl of Rt. 2, Cald well, Texas. Af ter graduation from High School, she reg istered for the Accounting Course at Mc Kenzie - Baldwin Business College and received a diploma for suc cessfully com pleting this course. She is now employed in of the Bryan I <2 Circulation Daily Eagle. Dept. My Skubal, Rt. 1, Wheelock, Tex as, is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Sku bal. She enrolled at the McKinzie- Baldwin College for the Secretar ial and IBM Key Punch Courses after graduation from Stephen F. Austin High School. She re ceived a diploma and Certificate on completion of these two courses and is now working as Secretary for the Hon. W. S. Barron, Attorney. Through the Industrial Educa- t i o n Department’s electronics learning stations, lab instruction and problems are presented by tape recorders and places the re sponsibility for learning where it belongs, with the student, Boone believes. The industrial educator profes sor notes that the junior and sen ior courses utilizing the lab are concerned with learning facts. Students in the applied industrial electricity and electricity-elec tronics courses learn how to use a voltohmeter, vacuum tube volt meter, ocilloscope and electronic theory behind construction and operation of electronic devices. Industrial distribution and in dustrial technology majors of whom the courses are required usually go into industrial sales or industrial production supervision. EACH STATION in t h e lab contains a tape recorder, head phones, a voltohmeter, vacuum tube voltmeter, ocilloscope, audio and radio frequency generators, low and high voltage power sup plies and a signal tracer. Station consoles were human engineered to put instruments within ideal arm reach and meter reading distance. Graduate as sistants under Boone’s direction built the cabinets. He personally gives lectures at specified times in the two courses, but from there the student has opportunity to learn on his own. Two-hour labs are scheduled to fit the individual’s schedule and may be at any time during the week when one of the 10 stations are open an hour. In a 40-hour week, the profes sor says 200 students—100 per course—can satisfy lab require ments. Night labs would increase capacity. WHEN A STUDENT comes in for his lab session, he checks out a pair of earphones, plugs in, turns on station power, cues the tape to the week’s assignment and flips the play-back switch. A knee control enables the in dividual to rewind and play back a sentence or concept he might not have grasped the first time. He can rerun the section as many times as necessary. “We find some students spend less time here than in a controlled lab, but still get the material,” Boone remarked. “The student paces himself.” The audio tutorial system has other advantages, both for the student and professor. By a cir cuit common to all 10 booths, Boone can record a series of lab sessions at one time, requiring only one master tape. Several sets of lab instructions stay on the station tapes a num ber of weeks, so the student can refer back to previous sessions if necessary. ONLY 10 SETS of equipment are available, but each student has his turn. Under controlled lab situations, they would have to be paired on a set. One might tend to take over, denying the other student opportunity to learn equipment usage, Boone noted. “When the student dons head phones and starts the tape re corder, he becomes secluded in a world all his own,” the professor went on. “The phones cut out extraneous sound and makes it possible for better concentration.” IT ENCOURAGES individual work, cuts down on student ques tions though the professor or a graduate assistant are present at all times and enables the student to learn more on his own. J SAVE MY CHILD A Vietnamese woman runs toward the officer in charge of advancing South Vietnamese troops, crying that her child was left in her home occupied by North Vietnamese forces. Troops later found the child in the ruins of the home in the outskirts of Bien Hoa, after air strikes by U. S. helicopters supporting the Vietnamese Rangers. The child’s condi tion was not available. (AP Wirephoto) Graduate College Schedules Physics, Entomology Talks TONIGHT! At ‘The Basement’ (M.S.C.) HOOTENANNY FREE ADMISSION Refreshments Bring Your Instruments 8:00 — 12:00 Regular Shows Friday & Saturday Nite 8:00 — 12:00 Two physics colloquiums and an entomology graduate lecture are scheduled next week an nounced Graduate Dean George W. Kunze. All three presentations will be conducted in Room 146 of the Physics Building. Dr. Hans A. Schuessler, physics professor at the University of Washington, Seattle, will be the speaker for the first colloquium at 4 p.m. Monday. His lecture is entitled “Radio Frequency Spec troscopy of Stored Ions.” “Solar Wind and the Inter planetary Magnetic Field” is the subject of the 4 p.m. Wednesday colloquium presented by Dr. Alexander J. Dessler, head of Rice University’s Department of Space Science. A BOY AND A GIRL SEARCHING FOR LIFE ...a decidedly different experience in love — happening now on the London scene! <r~ WORLDWIDE _ PICTURES presents Cuff Richard IWoAPENiiy « DO ra BRYAN-AVRIL ANGERS ^ANN HOLIDWAY-.* billy graham as himself Musk by MIKE liANOER Written by STEUAUNOtNEMCutive Produce! FRANK R. JACOBSON Directed by JAMES F COLLIER EASTMAN CO LOR' Campus Theatre In College Station WEEKDAYS THE SHOWS ARE AT 2:30, 4:30, 6:30, 8:30 P. M. SATURDAY AND SUNDAYS 12:30, 2:30, 4:30, 6:30, 8:30 P. M. THE GRADUATE lecture at 3 p.m. Friday will be conducted by Dr. Gottfried S. Fraenkel, Na tional Institute of Health distin guished career professor of ento mology at the University of Illi nois. His topic is “Hormonal Control of Development During the Life History of Files.” Dr. Fraenkel joined the Uni versity of Illinois in 1948 after serving 22 years in staff posi tions with research and higher educational institutions in Italy, Israel, Germany and England. He received his Ph.D. in 1925 at the University of Munich. The internationally recognized entomologist is credited with sev eral major discoveries in his field. His scope of interest is generally considered to cover a broader area than any other contempo rary insect physiologist. DR. SCHUESSLER came to the United States in 1966 from Germany, where he taught at the University of Heidelberg and the Technological University in Ber lin. He earned his Ph.D. in 1964 at the University of Heidelberg. He joined the University of Washington faculty three years ago as a research assistant pro fessor. Dr. Dessler, who joined the Rice faculty as department head in 1963, received his Ph.D. from Duke University in 1956. He held various scientific positions with Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. from 1956 to 1962, when he ac cepted a position as professor at the Southwest Center for Ad vanced Studies in Dallas. BLACK AFFAIRS (Continued From Page 1) Society in that it is a communi cation link between the black student body and the adminis tration, while the Afro-Ameri can Society “is the organization for the black student body.” He added that he thinks the Afro-American Society should be allowed on campus because it is the voice of the Negro students and serves as the representation of the black student, “like or ganizations that represent the white student.” The Afro-American Society was denied campus representa tion last fall because the ad ministration felt that it was a politically-doctrined organization. A&M has a ruling against politi cal organizations and candidates being allowed to function on campus. BUSIER AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.H.A.—Veterans and Conventional Loans ARM & HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. S523 Texas Are. (in Ridgecrest) 846*3708 mJL PIZZA INN FREE DORM DELIVERY Open 11 a. m. to 12 p. m. Mon. Thru Thurs. 11 a. m. - 2 p. m. Fri. & Sat. 1 p. m. - 12 p. m. Sun. Call 846-6164 or 846-9984 For Orders To Go Or Eat In 413 Hwy. 6, So. Across from the Ramada Inn SENIORS In 1965, we first offered graduating Ag-gies the popular plan of 100% financing at bank rates and other unique features. Now, for the first time by any dealer, we offer car leasing at even lower monthly rates than car payments. See us about our plan now. Them no mystery about leasing a Chevrolet. Just ask the man who sells them. Why pass up a good idea, because no one’s bothered to explain it? If you’re curious about leasing, see us. As a Chevway/Chevrolet dealer, we now offer you a choice—buying or leasing. And we can afford to be objective—we just want you for a Chevy customer. So we’ll tell you if leasing is best for your life and pocket. And we’ll show you the cars. And if you decide to lease, you can wrap up a good deal on the spot. Just ask your Chevway/Chevrolet dealer! CHEVWAY CHEVROLET DEALERS LEASING /RENTAL SYSTEM Corbusier Chevrolet 500 So. Texas Ave. a i iu n E Use Your Bank Americard (jour \ BankAmericard Of ■//OHO: /ho Tickets - Reservations Instant Reservations by Com{niter Free Delivery 846- 3773 "A Complete World-Wide Travel Service” BEVERLEY BRALEY TOURS-TRAVEL MSC LOBBY