The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 12, 1969, Image 1

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    VOLUME 64 Number 83
""aAM'"’Seeking NBC Film A&M Speaker PoliCY
On Corps ’ ROTC Program i # 4 i a ^
‘ Questioned At orum
Battalion Staff Writer
Efforts are underway to secure
use the second half hour for local down here,” he added.
The dean of students said the
news,” Hannigan said.
HANNIGAN POINTED out newscast brought response from
the National Broadcasting Com- that efforts are being made to all over the country in the form
pany newsfeature on the A&M obtain the video tape from NBC of phone calls and letters.
Corps of Cadets, which has not
yet been shown on television in
this area.
Dean of Students James P.
Hannigan explained Tuesday that
the report on ROTC programs
was shown nationally on Feb. 26
as the second part of the Huntley-
Brinkley newscast. Most Texas
television stations subscribed to
only the first half hour of the
one-hour telecast.
“The Huntley-Brinkley news
usually runs a full hour outside
Texas, but here the local stations
for replay on the ^NBC station
that serves the Bryan-College
Station area, and perhaps the
NBC stations throughout the
“Jim Lindsey (director of Uni
versity Information) is trying to
find out which stations, if any,
showed the tape in Texas; and
if those stations still have the
video tape of the newsfeature,”
Hannigan commented,
“Col. Jim H. McCoy (Corps
Commandant) is trying through
the Pentagon to get the film
Marrieds Need To Cultivate
Feelings Of Communication’
Battalion Staff Writer
To resolve the many marital
problems rising from the current
trend in husband-wife role equal
ity, couples must cultivate a
“communication of feelings.”
Dr. Robert Ledbetter, Univer
sity of Texas at Austin professor
and marriage counselor, said
Tuesday at the second YMCA
Marriage Forum that love is
essential in improving poor com
munication of feelings.
“Man is a lonely creature who
wants to be accepted and under
stood. Love brings acceptance and
understanding; and understanding
wings sensitivity and affection,
Dr. Ledbetter said.
"ONLY when this foundation
s achieved does the couple have
sufficient knowledge of each
ether to be able to, and to want
;o, communicate their feelings to
one another.”
The problems which arise from
his communication failure, ac
cording to Dr. Ledbetter, are
coming to light now due to the
trend in role equality.
“Where once man was the
patriarch, the undisputed author-
ty of the family, he is now an
equal member of a partnership,”
Dr. Ledbetter said. “The woman
no longer blindly follows the
man’s orders.”
“NOT UNTIL 15 years ago did
the Victorian husband-wife roles
begin to be questioned. This was
due to the inter-racial, religious
and cultural marriages resulting
from World War II. But it was
also due to the better transporta
tion, education and time-saving
home devices available to women.
These allowed them to venture
from the home and the home
maker role.”
As a result of this, the line of
demarcation between husband and
wife roles has become ragged, Dr.
Ledbetter said. Although the
holes remain primarily the same,
the wife has become a secondary
provider and the husband a sec
ondary homemaker.
“Victorian attitudes have been
discarded,” Dr. Ledbetter said.
“The woman must now accept
both her husband’s masculinity
and her femininity. That is, she,
and her husband, too, must be a
lover in addition to a sexual part
ner; and each must like being an
equal partner in love and sex.
“Making marriage meaningful
means reaching and accepting
these equalitarian standards of
marriage, accepting these equali
tarian standards facilitates the
resolution of the many marital
problems involving sex, income,
social interests, in-laws and reli
“Don’t forget, though, that
these problems arise from and
may hide the real problem, which
has already been discussed — the
failure to communicate feelings,”
Dr. Ledbetter concluded.
“AFTER THE show, I received
many letters, most of them very
complimentary,” he remarked.
He said that only a very few
were derogatory towards ROTC
or the university. At one extreme,
he said, was a typewritten note
mailed from Fontana, Calif., and
addressed to “The Little Tin Sol
diers, Texas Asinine and Medi
ocre Institute, College Station,
Texas.” Hannigan said the Post
Office delivered the letter be
cause the correct zip code was
on the envelope.
The note read in part: “Like
the earth, simply get away and
look back. The as is back chasing
the deer out of the scrub oaks.
Surely no pride in being from the
idoit (sic) state. Take a look, you
might learn something. Doubtful.
THE LETTER was signed by
“Former Dupe.”
At the other extreme, Hanni
gan said, was a letter from an
insurance executive in Illinois.
The letter praised A&M and said
in part:
“You will never be fully aware
of the tremendous admiration
created for Texas A&M by the
recent television short showing
military activity there.”
“You, your staff and student
body are to be especially congrat
ulated. That program could not
fail to make a friend of every
adult who saw it,” the letter con
Hannigan added that in his
telephone conversations with peo
ple who saw the newscast, he
learned that the anti-ROTC tape
segment filmed in front of the
statue of Lawrence Sullivan Ross
Feb. 13 was not included in the
feature shown on the NBC na
tional telecast.
Aggies, Tessies To Swap
Ideas In Manners Panels
University National Bank
“On the side of Texas A&M.
A&M and Texas Woman’s Uni
versity students will swap dating
and mating ideas in six YMCA
“Man Your Manners” panels dur
ing the spring semester.
First of the panel presenta
tions will be Monday at 7:30
p.m., announced Logan Weston,
YMCA general secretary and re
ligious life coordinator. It will
be held in TWU’s Student Union
Kicking off the six-week ex
change program during which
Aggies will speak at TWU, and
the Tessies in Aggieland, will be
Thursday — Partly cloudy.
Wind Southerly 10 to 15 mph.
High 68, low 47.
Friday — Partly cloudy. Wind
Southerly 10 to 20 mph. High
73, low 48.
four Texas youths.
They are Ed Donnell, Free
port; Bill Mahomes, Lindale; Jim
Stephenson, Houston, and Rich
ard Hodge, Pledger.
A second team will be at TWU
March 24 and a final group on
April 10. The latter meeting
will be held in the Academic Cen
ter Building.
The girls will make their first
appearance at A&M April 16, fol
lowed by visits April 23 and 30.
Among the exchange students
from TWU are Kathy Heldman,
last year’s sweetheart, and Ann-
ella Wright, the current Aggie
“Man Your Manners” is one of
numerous YMCA programs of
fered in a Christian context.
Panelists will discuss every
thing from “getting acquainted
to wedding responsibilities,”
Weston said.
Students Ask
About Housing
For Coeds
Battalion Staff Writer
The question of why political
speakers and organizations are
not allowed on campus was raised
Tuesday night during the Stu
dent Forum, a “gripe session”
sponsored by the Civilian Stu
dent Council.
Coeducational housing, on and
off campus, also drew a fair
share of discussion from the par
ticipants in the session.
The Forum is an idea that
grew out of last fall’s Idea Ex
change Conference at A&M. It
was first mentioned in the Sen
ate, and taken to the Civilian
Student Council by Bill Holt,
Council vice-president. When the
Senate “appeared reluctant to
act,” according to Holt, the CSC
went ahead with plans of their
Panel members were Garry
Mauro, junior yell leader and
Forum Committee chairman,
speaking on student menu com
mittees; David Maddox, Senate
vice-president, student-adminis
tration relations; Andy Scott,
Walton Hall president, residence
hall programs; Ernie Godsey,
Hughes Hall president, laundry
problems; and Kirby Brown,
freshman class president, fresh
man problems.
Charles Castine, vice-president
of the off-campus Afro-Ameri
can Society, rose to ask panelist
Maddox why the Senate “didn’t
stop beating its gums and do
something about the issue of
political speakers on campus ? ”
CASTINE charged that the
university administration turned
down a Senate request on the
matter “because it was image
conscious and afraid of losing
money from the state legisla
“Why can’t the Student Senate
confront the administration now,”
he asked, “and convince them
that civilians are not equal to the
Corps; that we can foster politi
cal thought, political action, and
can have political organizations
on the campus ? ”
“I agree that the current rul
ing is wrong,” Maddox replied.
“If the Senate can do anything,
it will act. We’ve voted a change
in university regulations which,
if approved, will have a commit
tee composed of students, facul
ty, and administration decide
whether an organization or
speaker should be allowed.
“President Rudder told me two
weeks ago,” another student add
ed, “that even if a majority of
(See Students Ask, Page 3)
Hughes Hall President Ernie Godsey takes notes as David
Haddox, vice-president of the Student Senate explains a
phase of Senate activity to the estimated 50 people attend
ing the first Student Forum sponsored by the Civilian
Student Council. Listening in the audience are CSC Presi-
Mark Fairchild explains a point concerning Town Hall to one of the thousand freshmen
and sophomores attending the Memorial Student Center Directorate spring personnel
drive Tuesday. See story, page 3. (Photo by Mike Wright)
Speedway Meeting Raises
Some City Resident Dissent
Battalion Staff Writer
Advocates of the Texas Inter
national Speedway met some op
position Tuesday from Bryan-
College Station residents at a
meeting directed at informing
residents of the new speedway
to be built here by December,
C. H. Moneypenny, designer of
International Speedway, and Rid
ley Briggs, president of the
Bryan-College Station Chamber
of Commerce, spoke to about 50
people at the meeting of the So
ciety of Automotive Engineers
at the Architecture Building.
There were a few residents of
Bryan and College Station that
apparently attended the meeting
to voice their opposition to the
speedway’s construction.
A question of city progress
came up when one woman in the
audience asked if people would
“rather hear a cash register ring
ing or a bird singing.” Answers
to this question varied, one from
the audience being, “bird singing
won’t feed my kids.”
possibility of a tax increase to
help pay for improvements pro
posed for Easterwood Airport and
area highways to help accommo
date the thousands of people ex
pected to attend the four races
scheduled next year.
Moneypenny said that the
speedway will be located eight
miles south of College Station on
Route 6 and Peachcreek Road.
Peachcreek Road bridges will
have to be improved, Briggs said,
because they are too narrow to
accommodate expected traffic. He
added that the plans are under
way to turn the road into a four
lane highway to increase the
accessibility to the speedway.
Moneypenny said that the own-
HEW May Warn Demonstrators
Of Federal Aid Ineligibility
dent David Wilks and A&M President Earl Rudder. Topics
discussed in the Tuesday evening session ranged from the
university’s speaker policy to possibilities of coed dormi
tories. (Photo by Mike Wright)
randum will be sent to the na
tion’s colleges telling them some
convicted campus demonstrators
may not be eligible for federal
aid, HEW Secretary Robert Finch
told a congressional committee
Finch said, “The faculties, the
administrations and the govern
ing boards of these institutions
have to stand up.” He said his
memo might give them “back
Some 800,000 students receive
federal grants and another 750,-
000 have bank loans guaranteed
by the federal government—ap-
Gobble, Gobble
The Battalion erroneously re
ported Tuesday that Paul Ander
son, the “world’s strongest man,”
will appear on campus Friday.
Anderson, with Ray Hilde
brand, ex-pop singer and na
tional staff member of the Fel
lowship of Christian Athletes,
will perform at 7:30 p.m. Thurs
day in Guion Hall.
Tickets for the program are
free and available at the Athletic
Business Office in G. Rollie
White Coliseum and at area
banks, Jerry Campbell, president
of the A&M chapter of the FCA,
Although tickets are free, they
are necessary to be admitted,
Campbell added.
Bryan Building & Loan
Association. Your Sav
ings Center, since 1919.
BB&L —Adv.
proximately one of every five
Finch, a university regent as
lieutenant governor of California
before appointment to head the
Department of Health, Education
and Welfare, made the statement
during five hours of testimony
before the House Education and
Labor Committee.
Congi’ess passed a rider on the
1969 appropriations bill barring
federal aid to any student con
victed of crimes such as those
involved in the takeovers and
disruptions of university build
ings. Rep. Edith Green, D-Ore.,
told Finch Monday no student’s
aid had been cut off in the five
months the rule has been in force.
Rape Count Filed
On Bryan Man
Charges of rape and assault
were filed Monday in an Anderson
justice of the peace court against
Lonnie Lee, 34, of Brazos County
in connection with the Feb. 9 rape
of a 22-year-old Bryan woman.
Bond was set at $10,000 for
both offenses.
The suspect, according to
Grimes County Sheriff Dick John
son, was captured in Anderson
Sunday by Deputy W. L. Church-
well. Johnson said that the sus
pect was apprehended from in
formation supplied by the Texas
According to the victim, the
rape occurred about 8:15 p.m. on
Highway 30 about two miles west
of Roans Prairie between Hunts
ville and College Station.
ers of International Speedways
looked over five sites before
choosing Bryan as the home of
their new race track. Bryan was
chosen because of its easy ac
cessibility, its good location to
facilitate track drainage and the
general good weather of the area.
THE TRACK was not built
near a larger city because people
from only that area would come
to the races, Moneypenny said.
“The builders of the speedway
believe that there will be suffi
cient attendance here to make
the track a profitable deal.”
Briggs said six to seven million
dollars is expected to be spent
in this area during the four races
next year and, although much
of this will go to the state, a
great percentage is going to be
spent in the cities.
“The economic condition of the
Bryan-College Station area should
improve considerably,” he added.
When asked if Bryan and Col
lege Station had the facilities to
accommodate 50,000 to 60,000
people, Briggs said that it did
not, but that it did not really
need it and “it would not be
leasable to build these facilities.”
He believed that most of the
people coming to these races will
stay in the larger cities and
travel to Bryan on the day of the
“The speedway is easily ac
cessible from almost anywhere
except El Paso.”
AS FOR THE speedway itself,
“it is to be built with the safety
of the spectator in mind,” Money-
penny said. “This is to be done
through the use of walls and
fences which completely separate
the cars and track from the spec
“Blind spots, places where the
drivers cannot see what is going
on ahead of them, have been
eliminated from this track. Traf
fic lights have been installed and
flagmen who are in constant con
tact with the administration tower
are spaced all around the track.”
The track has two different
courses, Moneypenny added, a
stock car course which is two
miles long and a road course
which is two and a half miles
long. Top speed is about 175 miles
per hour.
A&M-Drake Game
The Midwest Regional bas
ketball game between A&M
and Drake will be telecast
Thursday on KBTX from the
Kansas State Field House in
Manhattan, Kansas.
A Channel 3 spokesman
Tuesday told The Battalion
that the telecast will be live
and in color starting at 7 p.m.