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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1968)
Page 2 College Station, Texas Wednesday, November 20, 1968 THE B/VTT/VLI^^N I Listen Up the halt forum Editor, The Battalion: I can no longer constrain my disgust at the inconsiderate, churlish, obnoxious, obstreperous behavior of certain individuals which inhabit this bastion of en lightenment on the Brazos. I am referring to the cultural trog lodytes who deemed it necessary to leave G. Rollie White Coli seum on Friday night prior to the exit of the entertainers. I thought that the consummate level of boorish behavior had been attained at the performance of Jan Peerce a couple of years ago. On that occasion, many in dividuals expressed their dis pleasure at his style of vocaliz ing by literally stomping out after he had begun to sing. How ever, even that exhibition was eclipsed Friday night at the per formance of Sam and Dave and a fine group of musicians. In addition to the usual number of people wandering in and out dur ing the show, hordes had the un mitigated discourtesy to begin trooping out before the show had been completed. This ignorant display by a large segment of the audience could hardly have left other than bitter memories among the performers. The uni versity will be lucky if such an outstanding group consents to re turn to the campus. Would it not, therefore, be appropriate to instill in A&M students, in addition to this elu sive thing you call “Spirit”, some fundamental aspects of common courtesy and manners which are necessary to the proper function ing of a human society. This is just one more of a myriad of problems which A&M must surmount if it ever hopes to CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle Y / . I ^ “Somehow I feel history is about to repeat itself again!” attain the status of a great university. D. E. Harper, Jr., Graduate Student ★ ★ ★ Editor, The Battalion: It has been said that tradi tions at A&M are not observed as strictly now as they once were. I disagree!! It’s not that tra ditions are being ignored, but rather that new traditions are being formed. Students this year seem to be well informed about these new traditions, for they were abided by with few excep tions at the last football game. Some of these new traditions are: 1. Do not place your right arm over your heart during the National Anthem. 2. Do not sing, “Texas, Our Texas”. 3. Hump it half-way through a yell. 4. “Squeeze’ . . . your knee caps. 5. Place your hands in your pockets when The War Hymn or The Spirit (now known as the Alma Mater Song) is played. 6. Applaud when the team does well. 7. Curse the team when they don’t do well on a play. 8. Don’t wildcat if the team does not do well on a play. 9. Don’t wildcat if the team does do well on a play. 10. Don’t wildcat when the team breaks the huddle. 11. With the exception of fish, wildcatting is prohibited in Kyle Field. 12. Boo and hiss the officials whenever we are penalized. 13. Keep one eye on the game and the other on your date; ig nore the yell leaders. We have really been behind other schools who have had these traditions for years. Now that we have University status it is about time that we have some worthy traditions. So let’s go down to Austin and show those teasips that we’re just as good as they are, instead of better. Jim Vogas THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student ivriters only. The Battalion is a non-tax-suppo7'ted, non profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. Members of the Student Publications Board are: Jim Lindsey, chairman ; Dr. David Bowers, College of Liberal Arts; F. S. White, College of Engineering; Dr. Donald R. Clark, College of Veterinary Medicine ; and Hal Taylor, Col lege of Agriculture. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M is published in College Station, Texas daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, September through May, and once a week during summer school. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all new dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester; $6 per school year ; $6.50 per full year. All subscriptions subject to 3% sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77843. EDITOR JOHN W. FULLER Managing Editor Dave Mayes Sports Editor John Platzer City Editor Mike Wright News Editor Bob Palmer Staff Columnists John McCarroll, Mike Plake, Monty Stanley, Jan Moulden Staff Writers Tom Curl, Dale Foster, Tim Searson, Steve Wick, Janie Wallace, Tony Huddleston Assistant Sports Editor Richard Campbell Photographer W. R. Wright ■ms John McCarroll “tell you what Pd do” | !lr;|liii'!hli!!!ll'i!IP!il|i;;>l!^lll!li!!.llllll!HIIIII!ll!l!llllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllll!llllllllllllllll)llllllllllllllllllillHlllllllllllllllllP Tonight On KBTX 6:00 News, Weather and Sports 6:30 Here Come The Brides 7:00 Good Guys 8:00 Beverly Hillbillies 8:30 Green Acres 9:00 Jonathan Winters W IT’S A BAR, BOYS COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. i/P) — Operators of a tavern had to haul down a 35-foot sign out side the place. A state liquor inspector told them the word “saloon” is against the law in Colorado now. While rustling- through the trash cans here in the office, looking for new material, I came across a letter-to-the-editor which caught my eye. It evidently is for real as it has an Austin postmark and is handwrit ten either by a girl or a very odd male tea- sip : Editor, The Battalion: “We are two UT (t. u.) coeds. Having seen the recent letters in the Listen Up column, we decided to get in on the action. “My roommate is 6’2” tall and weighs 86 pounds. She is slightly bowlegged, has hairy legs, and has a case of halitosis (that’s bad breath for you Aggies who don’t under stand) . “I am a very well-rounded person, being 5’ tall and weighing 350 pounds. I have a slight case of acne, but am getting it cleared up. I have buck teeth, a big nose, and a flat hairy chest. “Both of us are very nice girls, just what all you Ags want. We write our mothers every day, make our own clothes, and the frat rats here at t. u. love us. “If any of you Aggies would like to chance a date for the Turkey Day game, just write: Lynn Lizard and Pattie Pig This is bad enough, but the letter I found the other night was even more intriguing. It was in the “out” basket, neatly typed on Battalion stationery and in an unsealed plain white envelope addressed to the ladies in question. ★ ★ ★ “Dear Pattie and Lynne, “For a week now, my managing editor and I have been pondering your letter of Nov. 5, searching our souls for a solution to the dilemma it presents. You see, Dave and I are only human; there comes a time when our integrity as newspapermen and our honor toward our fellow Aggies are overshadowed by deeper, more basic drives. “Such drives, Pattie and Lynne, have (alas) brought us to the point of appropriating your would-be message to our readers for our own use. “Anyway, after reading your charming self-descriptions, we decided we just couldn’t risk letting such pulchritude go to waste on the standard, run-of-the-mill, non-journalism- major, with which this campus is fairly seething. We were compelled to give you a little information about ourselves, and we think you’ll agree with our decision. Dave and I are virtually identical twins, each standing 4’3” (on planti grade feet, I might add) and each closely resembling Wal ter Matthau, except bald, and each missing three fingers from the left hand. My main interests are bear-baiting and bobsledding; Dave is a slightly less athletic type, favoring quoits and abstract jigsaw puzzles. We laugh a lot, mostly at the wrong times in the movies. To paraphrase your letter, we’re both “just what all you t. u. girls want.” “Unfortunately, we both have dates for the Turkey Day game already, but just can’t stand the thought of somebody else kissing you when the Aggies score. If we can’t have you, nobody can. ‘We hope you understand our situation. Please feel free to write to us if you’d still like to horse around some weekend. We could make beautiful music together. “Sincerely, John W. Fuller Dave Mayes” Really boys, you should be more careful, as such things could fall into the wrong hands. 10:00 News, Weather and Sports 10:30 Don Meredith Show 10:45 Wednesday Night Movie— “The Trouble with Angels” Yau’re taking the surest step to success when you enroll in McKenzie - Baldwin Business College day and evening classes starting Monday, Jan. 6. Phone 823-0152 or drop by for free brochure. For The Bonfire HATS Just Received A New Order of Campaign Hats. SWEAT PANTS loupots North Gate Call 822-1441 Allow 20 Minutes Carry Out or Eat-In THE PIZZA HUT 2610 Texas Ave. BILL REID SUITE 220 BRYAN BLDG. & LOAN BLDG. BRYAN, TEXAS TELEPHONE 823 0031 BILL REID PROVIDES MORE THAN A POLICY! Owning your College Ca reer Plan demonstrates your financial responsibil ity to your future employ er! |g^ E jflmErfcan flm/cablE ■.'T‘ '•M., v ? l/FE INSURANCE COMPANY EXECUTIVE OFFICES WACO. TEXAS 'FAITHFUL PROTECTION SINCE 1910 AGGIES! NEED A CORSAGE FOR THE t. u. GAME? Corsages Will Be Delivered In Austin $2.50 and up Contact: Miss Georgia Lepley Tom Wiley III Room 101 Room 83 Agriculture Bldg. Mitchell Hall Sponsored By A&M Agricultural Economics Club Howard Hicks Room 324 Dorm 14 "Saturday afternoon isn't nearly as tough as Saturday night!' We keep warning you to be careful how you use Hai Karate® After Shave and Cologne. We even put instructions on self-defense in every package. But your varsity sweater and best silk ties can still get torn to shreds. That’s why you’ll want to wear our nearly indestructible Hai Karate Lounging Jacket when you wear Hai Karate Regular or Oriental Lime. Just tell us your size (s,m,l) and send one empty Hai Karate carton, with $4 (check or money order), for each Hai Karate Lounging Jacket to: Hai Karate, P. O. Box 41 A, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 10056. That way, if someone gives you some Hai Karate, you can be a little less careful how you use it. Send for your practically rip-proof Hai Karate Lounging Jacket. Allow 6 weeks for delivery. Offer expires April 1, 1969. If your favorite store is temporarily out of Hal Karate, keep asking. detached, above it all, cool . . . ? never mind. DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary 100 East 27th Street Austin, Texas 78705 PEANUTS yRsEANUQpS- (NOUJ.THE UAV I UNDERSTAMP IT, VOU SEEM TO K HEARING NOISES AT NIGHT... THIS MARES 4bu AFRAID TO STAY OUTSIPE AMP FULFILL YOUR DUTIES AS A UATCHDOG U)HICH,INTURN, MAKES YOU FEEL GUILTY, RIGHT? SW AWAKE WHEN fflTMNSTOYOU" TME DOCTOR By Charles M. Schnk