The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 19, 1968, Image 4
Pag-e 4 College Station, Texas Thursday, September 19, 1968 THE BATTALION Senate Passes Gun Law, Rejects Arms Registration GREYHOUND BUS LINES 1300 Texas — 823-8071 Inexpensive Charter Service for Student Groups or Classes. Group Accomodations Arranged. Call 822-1441 Allow 20 Minutes Carry Out or Eat-In THE PIZZA HUT 2610 Texas Ave. Decals Pocket Books Bumper Stickers Billiards Comic Signs Pin Ball Party Records Third National Bank Comic Records Aggie Theatre Popular Albums Pin-Ups Magazines Novelties We cash aggie checks AGGIE Z hi Q Open 8 a. m. till midnight 7 days weekly WASHINGTON <jP>—The Sen ate passed Wednesday a bill to ban interstate mail order sales of rifles and shotguns. It rejected proposals for fire arms registration and the licens ing of owners. The vote on passage was 70 to 17. The bill is similar to a meas ure passed by the House on July 24. A Senate-House conference committee is expected to have little difficulty in agreeing on a final draft. The legislation goes only part way to carry out President John son’s recommendations for tight ened firearms controls. The Senate rejected a series of moves to write in some form of licensing and registration of firearms. Johnson had strongly urged Congress to include such a pro vision but both the Senate and House rejected this. The measure extends to rifles and shotguns the ban on inter state mail order sales provided for handguns in the Crime Con trol and Safe Streets Act passed by Congress earlier in the year. The Senate bill not only out laws mail order sales of all fire arms but also of ammunition for shotguns, rifles, handguns and other destructive devices. It also prohibits over-the- counter sales of firearms to non residents of a state. However, a person in one state may make a purchase in an adjoining state if this is legally permissible in both states. Sales of rifles and shotguns to persons under 18 years of age would be banned. The anticrime legislation passed earlier bars sales only of handguns to per sons under 21. A&M Faculty To Sprint Away Pounds G. Rollie White Coliseum again becomes the dumping ground for excess waistline and pounds Wed nesday when the A&M faculty staff “run for lunch” program resumes. Dr. John M. Chevrette, pro gram director from the Health and Physical Education Depart ment, said an orientation session will meet at noon Tuesday in the coliseum bleachers. He said the daily physical fit ness program was enthusiastical ly received ■ last year. It will be continued and expanded. “The various types of exercise to be conducted from 12 noon to 1 p.m. weekdays will be adjusted to individual levels and needs,” the assistant professor noted. Chevrette will be present each day to supervise activity. Information about the pro gram, equipment, lockers and showers will be available at the Tuesday meeting or by phoning Chevrette, 845-6842. Arts Committee Seeks Members The Contemporary Arts Com mittee of the MSC is looking for student leaders interested in bringing to A&M a diversity of good art in the form of painting, sculpture, design, music, the per forming arts, literature and film. Persons wishing to direct their knowledge and labors to such ends should contact Tom Ellis, Box 5191, C.S., or submit an ap plication describing their inter ests, address and scholastic standings. Applications can be turned in to the Contemporary Arts Box in the Student Pro grams Office of the MSC. LUNCH SUBSTITUTE Texas A&M faculty-staff members will upstage even dining table “push-aways” when the Health and PE Department’s “run for lunch” program starts again Wednesday. Organ ization of the physical conditioning sessions Tuesday em phasized that participants will take individualized exercise adjusted to their levels and needs. Bulletin Board THURSDAY Texas A&M Sports Car Club meets in YMCA Reading Room at 7:30 p.m. to elect officers. San Angelo-West Texas Home town Club meets at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3D of the Memorial Stu dent Center. MONDAY Physics Club will meet after Yell Practice in Room 331 of the Physics Building. Ideas for first annual project will be discussed. TUESDAY American Society of Civil En gineers meets at 7:30 p.m. in Room 121 of Civil Engineering Building. SAFEWAY Peanut Butter Real Roast. Safeway Special! 18-ox. Jar 45* Enriched Flour Harvest Blossom. Safeway Big Buy! 39* 5-Lb. Bag >,.....x ' Canned Picnics Samuel's Mohawk. "Tender, Lean". —3-Lb. Can Slab Bacon Smoked. Rind-On. JM 8 to 12-Lb. Average. By the piece. ■ /Sugar-Cured Slab CQ/l ■ < \Sliced Rlndlnt. —Lb.UU'f ■■ Boneless Roast 7Qd A Chuck or -k Shoulder. M _ M USDA Choice Grade Heavy Beef. —Lb. ■ Arm Roast 7Qt Full Cut. USDA Choice Heavy Beef. —Lb. ■ Swiss Steak fijit Arm Cut. USDA Choice Heavy Beef. —Lb. FRYERS Fancy Wholn. Rnady to Cook! USDA Inspactad Grad* "A". Everyday Low Price! (Cut-Up 'f™ —Lb. 350 (Fryer Backs ££. L,? 790—Lb. 29* Shortening Velkay. Safeway Big Buy! 3-Lb. Can 49* Chuck Roast Chuck Steak Crown Roast Rib Steak Short Ribs .... Boneless Brisket Baby Boat. Fan Cat. Baby Boat. Fall Cat. Baby Baat. Baby Boat. Baby Boat. .554 Chuck 5tCdk USDA CkoUrerada Haavy BMt.-Lb.654 654 Sliced Bacon ^ 694 .694 Thick-Sliced Bacon *£ *138 . 894 Chicken Hens u»; A •. 394 .294 Ground Beef >0*.*., ><..*,0^. ifclios >794 Hamburger Steaks -u.594 Pork Roast Fratbrunucat. Wbola. —Lb.394 Pork Spareribs -u.554 Pork Chops OaortorSncadPartUla. —lb.69^ Pork Sausage *£ 894 Sliced Bologna "tBSS W 634 All Meat Franks xr 494 Cane Sugar 39* Condi Can* Safeway 5-lb. Special! Bag IWItb BS.00 or m»r« parckata aidadhf cl»arafta«/. 5 rep I CORN Large Full Ears. Sweet and Tender, for broiling or roasting. Chunk Tuna 25* Sea Trader. Light Meat Safeway fcVi-or. Special! Can Cling Peaches 29* Del Monte. -A Sliced or ★ Halves Safeway 29-or. Special! Can Kleenex Tissues 24* * Whit* or Assorted Colors Safeway 200-Ct. Special! Box _ k .|AIw.X«SAw^I Hi® —Each Ear Grapes -u.194 Bananas uf*w»yspeeuii 2 u».254 Pascal Celery lar** t^w atou*. —194 Green Onions er.* ..ei. 2for254 White Onions »*•. us h*. i. 2u».294 Jonathan Apples Fancy. Lanckbem Sha. LS 59* ★ Tomato Juice cm if Yeg-AII ★ Golden Cora 7?w ’ ,,y '* n-ai. Caa om. OardM twaat. ★ Libby Peas Sr ★ Green Beans »T c£*' ★ Sauerkraut c*.*.' ★ AppleSauco nv.T'c- ★ Diced Carrots ?£•>?•&• Mix ar Maf<b Your Choice 5.1 ★ TldO 30-aa. Bax *★ Cheer so-m. bm ★ Joy FtatHa ★ Thrill ftTriMt* Procter & Gamble Detergent. Special! Mix or Match ★ Bold SS*M. Bax ★ ivory ur Mania Your Cholco! 3.1 Crisco Oil 39* Finest Vegetable Oil. Safeway 24-ox. Special! Bottle Orange Juice 6:1 Btl-alr. From Florida. (3—12-ox. Cans $1) Safeway Special! Potatoes Russet. US No. 1 "A". Good at any meal. —10-Lb. Bag 5S JS.KX.B.H. FrlcM Iffaetlv# Tkxrf., Frl. «nd Sat., Sapt. If, 20 and 21, In V/o Reierva th. Right to Limit Quontiti.i. No Sal.t to Deal.n. SAFEWAY ©C.pyrfjSt ITM, S.ftwajr Iftcrpwrttf. Friday IS T O a ■ i at G. Rollie White SI 10 is.... Perfection! The Danish Gym Team, 1968-69, organized and di rected by Erik Flensted- Jensen, opens the TAMU "Special Attractions” for 1968-69, at 8:00 p. m., Sept. 27. Artistry The program includes a variety of Modern Rhythmical Gymnas- tics for Girls and Boys, Vaulting and Tumbling, Folk Dances in colorful native costumes etc. Precisien There is no doubt that it was the finest exhibition of itp kind which we have ever seen on out campus. The delicate artistry in the dance and flawless perform ance of precision gymnastic drills was beyond belief of any one who has not seen them .y, Francis B. McGarry, Deaf of Instruction, East Strouds burg State College, Penna. Danee By all accounts, the Danish Gym Team which visited Louisiana State University recently was about the finest group of its kind that ever came to this coun try. In addition to the usual gymnastic feats, spectators were treated to a bit of ballet, a bit of folk dancing, and quite a lot of real artistry in a performance by a handsome and talented group of young people. Morning Advocate, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. General Admission BALCONY ONLY tickets will be sold after 9:00 a. m., September 16, 1968, Student Program Ticket Office, Memorial Student Center, Col lege Station, Texas. NO RE SERVED SEATS WILL BE AVAILABLE Telephone reser vations will not be accepted — other information may be ob tained by calling 845-4671. Mail orders will be accepted if accom panied by a self - addressed stamped envelope. A&M Students $1.00 , A&M Student Date or Spouse $1.00 Faculty or Staff, A&M System $2.00 Patrons $2.00 Other Students $1.50