Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1968)
A&M Awarded Communications Unit Texas A&M will receive the gift of a radio communications system through the efforts of a 1925 graduate. Alvis A. Ward, chairman of the board for LTV Ling Altec, Inc. of Anaheim, Calif., an nounced his company will pro vide 14 VHF 30-watt radio trans- mitters-receivers made by the Du Mont Mobile Communications Di vision. The radios will be utilized by the University Security chief, the Electronics Department of the James Connally Technical In stitute at Waco, and the Texas Engineering Extension Service. TEES officials said the radios will be used in the Texas Fire men’s Training School, the Police Training School and the Elec tronics Institute. LTV Ling Altec, Inc. is a sub sidiary of Ling-Temco-Vought of Dallas. Evangeline Cory Booth, only woman general of the Salvation Army, was born in London on Christmas Day 1865. More than 700,000 kinds of in sects—representing almost every conceivable form, function and habit—live on the earth. Industrialists Due For Confab Some 300 industrial relations leaders are expected for the 18th annual Texas Industrial Develop ment Conference here Sept. 12- 13. The annual two-day meeting is sponsored by the Industrial Economics Research Division of the Texas Engineering Experi ment Station at Texas A&M. It is co-sponsored by the Texas In dustrial Development Council. Earl Rudder, Texas A&M president, will welcome confer ence participants. Theme for the 1968 meeting is “Industrial Development in the Seventies.” Conference leaders will discuss total economic growth of the community. “We’re concerned with helping a community grow through eco nomics,” said Conference Direc tor James R. Bradley. “We try to promote all industrial facets.” Bradley, head of the sponsoring unit, pointed out the conference is usually attended by Chamber of Commerce representatives, realtors and utility personnel as well as civic-minded people “just interested in their community.” Keynote speaker is Jay C. Casey of Oklahoma City. Casey is director of the industrial de velopment division of the Okla homa Industrial Development and Park Department. Two panel discussions on trans portation and industrial relations will highlight first day sessions. A third panel program, “Stump the Experts,” will be held Fri day as a question and answer period between panelists and con ference registrants. New York is still the nation’s melting pot. Almost half the city’s residents were born abroad or are first-generation immigrants. THE BATTALION Page 4 College Station, Texas Thursday, September 6,1968 Read Battalion Classifieds Call 822-1441 Allow 20 Minutes Carry Out or Eat-In THE PIZZA HUT 2610 Texas Ave. efoneiff BIG BUYS FOR JUST A BUCK!!! WM\re VeOOiv peviu food 303 Hunts hVrJTs (uMit 4, PLtASE) DeLNAofOTS WLY 6WeH 1UMIT 5, please; \2h site ^3c3 cMs com &£T7V CPOCX&- cmm$ UTns psz PIZZAS sE.. mmi6 PtASlSL.D'* f fj ti CAKiS ft ns&r CAMS ' P'GGLY Wi&elY's SW'FT Pfto-TF/V ffffF!BEyor'D BEtiEp.' MM6HENS ROPGT.. "'rxw RCAS? 0 e Sfr ScAST E 49f STEftT,,. E0 . &AC0N | SAUSAGE IwiSS STIAK boHeless mwiol STtwmT.-.^'W fRMIHS Ani i2-ol / 6k< j # 6h i % a 5fe>^Efc.y SPINACH. 5MAU' PDTATDh:::r TAflfcf.S. 4 Mil Mail THIS COUPON WORTH |\OOfPfE ©OVD^D STAMPS HS/Zy PL//rCrfAS£ Ofpio.oc on MCfte £%CUJD/\& TOBACCO PAOOUCTS. at bbyan Piseiv weeiv oNty/ EXPIRES: tSEP? 7,/9&3 IS IS IN ADDITION TO YOUR REGULARLY EARNED SAVING STAMPS I QQQQQQ qjM! > Ul^^ o y p ^£ F -J foWW. PJptOrt ) Limit 1 With $5.00 Purchase Excluding Beer & Cigarettes. *> • # HEALTH AND BEAUTV AIDS! HWRSWft'g^aiSBfi LYSOt i Z¥£* t '1?69t | AEMSWMEKf'SSt 391! iipmsHWg 5® FL0UR:aS^^9 c LAST WEEK OF B I N G-O GAME REDEEM YOUR WINNING TICKETS NOWI -k RAiCES EFFECTIVE: THURSDAY- RRIDAY-SATURDAY SEPTEMBER ^-6-7=1668! ■k SVoPE HpUP?: &-CO A(Y\ - ©--oo P/v> Oily 1<QVAHTiTV Pi6HT$ PESEBVEPy ^ OM t)0U8LE GOP ayvPSTAMKMxy T^PAY wwfzso OftMCfts/ mmmm ''CtbOie P\661XVJ\06VC9 VUASfflMBfaMMVLF/Ti fmmm s#i 5 . ohW&W vmA* PIGGLY WIGGLY ItytS AVBNUt ^ ROSBMARV ^fBRYANJEXAS