The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 29, 1968, Image 6
THE BATTALION Page 6 College Station, Texas Thursday, August 29, 1968 Maurer Attends Vet Symposium Dr. Fred Maurer, associate dean of the Texas A&M Univer sity College of Veterinary Medi cine, is participating in the In ter-American Symposium on Health Aspects of the Interna tional Movement of Animals this week in San Antonio. Dr. Maurer will moderate a session dealing with “Health As pects of International Movement of Exotic Animals” to be held on the afternoon of Aug. 30. Gosney Promoted To Lt. Colonel Texas A&M graduate Robert R. Gosney of Fort Worth has been promoted to lieutenant colo nel in the U. S. Army. An Aggie football letterman and cadet first lieutenant in “B” Athletics in 1954, Colonel Gosney is a project officer of the Army Combat Developments command Aviation Agency at Fort Rucker, Ala. The lieutenant colonel was sta tioned in Vietnam before assign ment at Rucker. He holds 23 awards of the Air Medal, includ ing one for heroism, and the Dis tinguished Flying Cross. More than 30 original papers on health problems associated with importation and exportation of animals will be read and dis cussed. Sponsors are the Pan American Health Organization and the Conference of Public Health Veterinarians. The three-day meeting is de signed to provide an interchange among participants interested in research, diagnosis, food prod ucts and zoo animals. About 350 leaders from Latin America, Can ada and the United States will gather for the meetings at the Sheraton-San Antonio Motor Inn. Among the speakers will be Dr. George L. Mehren, former assistant secretary of agriculture and now executive director, Agri business Council, Inc.; Dr. Abra ham Horwitz, director of the Pan American Health Organization; Dr. William P. Stewart, surgeon general of the U. S. Public Health Service; Dr. Rafael Mo reno Valle, Minister of Health of Mexico; and Dr. Harold T. Vagt- borg. president of the Southwest Foundation for Research and Education in San Antonio. S y m p o s ium accommodations are limited because of the Hemis- Fair in the Alamo City. AstroFacts < .^^MW***** 0 ^ ’* : YOU SURE A WALL GOES HERE? A&M construction workers seem to be somewhat puzzled about where the next wall should go in the new lounges in the Corps area. Work has been progressing on schedule and two of the student lounges should be ready by the opening of fall semester classes. It has been said that “if” is one of the biggest little words in the English language. But the way the Houston Astros have been going lately, this might be a pretty good time to combine a little forward and backward “what-iffing” where they’re con cerned. Just about every Houston fan is aware of a couple of important things: —The National League is go ing to divisional play in 1969. —The Astros have been play ing good, winning baseball un der the managing of Harry Walker. (Through last Wednes day, they were 36-31 under Har ry “The Hat.”) Combining those two items in to the major point of this “what if” session: Had the National League Split into divisions at the same time that Walker became Houston’s Manager (June 18), the Astros would be involved in a red-hot battle for the NL’s Western Di vision championship. The league’s Western Division in 1969 will include Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Atlanta, Cincinnati and expansion club San Diego. Since Walker took ovef the Astros, only Cincinnati has had a better winning percentage than Houston among the future West ern Division Clubs. And the Reds’ lead isn’t enough to make them overconfident. Cincinnati has a 35-26 recotj during the period for a winninj percentage of .574. That wotj give them first place in sucki “what if” divisional alignment, But Houston, with a 36-31 Hj, ord (.537 percentage) over ft, same span, would be only t»i games off the Reds’ pace. Anj the Giants would be in the div, sional pennant battle, too, tr»l ing by only three games. Although it’s impossible to fi ? , ure a record for the incomir.; San Diego club, only Atlanta (| games behind) and Los Angels (14(4 games off the pace) woulj be out of the running in sitt circumstances. The Astros, apparently on ft. way to their best August in % tory, completed a three-gar. sweep of the Dodgers last Wei nesday night. It gave Houston! winning streak of four games and meant that the Astros ha been victorious in seven of ft t last eight, nine of 12, and Ihf 15 since August 9. Had that divisional breakdon come on June 18, 1968, here;, the way the standings wonli look: NATIONAL LEAGUE WESTERN DIVISION Team W L Pd G8 Cincinnati 35 26 .574 - Houston 36 31 .537 2 San Francisco 32 29 .525 3 Atlanta 30 35 .462 1 Los Angeles ....20 40 .333 San Diego ? ? ? ! Read " Classifieds T ransportation Conference Set The Department of Transpor tation and Texas A&M will joint ly sponsor the Eleventh Annual Transportation Conference at the University, March 27 and 28, 1969. Secretary of Transportation Alan S. Boyd and Maj. Gen. John P. Doyle of the Texas A&M Tex as Transportation Institute met in Washington to discuss the con ference plans. The conference theme, “Emer gency Transportation,” recog nizes that in any national defense emergency, some degree of cen tralized national and regional control may be required. The conference will explore the needs, analyze proposed regulations and procedures, and recommend courses of action leading to im proved national transportation prepax-edness. —operators of the modes of transportation and traffic con trollers—university and research personnel, and representatives from DOT, Doyle said. Oren Beal, Darby (Butch) Meier, and Eddie Novosad, formerly of the MSG Barbershops, announce the opening of Villa Maria Barbers & Stylists Friday, August 16. “Our staff of home town men will continue to give you the excellent service that we have given in the past— with the addition of hair styling and razor contours.” 812 Villa Maria Road — across from the Skyway Drive - In. 823-8925 “Industry, government and the research agencies should sit down together to work out effective emergency controls,” said Secre tary Boyd. “We must insure that our regulations and procedures are as simple and practicable as we can make them; the alterna tive is chaos at a time when we could least afford it.” Doyle, MacDonald Professor of Transportation at Texas A&M, will direct the workshop, working closely with the DOT Office of Emergency Transportation. The conference will be attended by transportation industry officials Firearm Safety School Conducted Area boys and girls will begin their training in firearms and hunter safety at 10:30 a.m., Sep tember 7, according to Sidney L. Loveless, National Rifle Associ ation counselor. The school will continue through the succeeding two months at Pleasant Acres for those between the ages of 11 and 19. This year’s school marks the begining of the 36th such school conducted by the Twin City Jun ior Rifle Club under the auspices of the National Rifle Association and YOU-TOMORROW, a non profit educational corporation for the benefit of youth. Although emphasis will be placed on marksmanship and safety, the class will have an opportunity to fire the .22 shotgun on the Mo- Skeet range at miniature clay pigeons thrown by foot operated traps. This firing is in addition to .22 rifle marksmanship train ing. For the hunter there will be instruction in tenting, cooking and orienteering. Graduates of the school will receive certificates and will be eligible for selection to membership in the Twin City Junior Rifle Club Loveless said. Rifles, ranges, texts, ammuni tion and instruction will be fur nished. All the student need bring is a canteen of water and wear a long-sleeved garment. Chief instructor for the school will be Jim Durham, and he will be assisted by Jack Bowen and Jerry Mosley. For delicious hamburgers! Ground Beef 49' Safeway. Lean Beef. (2-Lb. Chub Pak 980 —Lb. in Kleenex Towels Boutique. So handy on picnicsl Safeway Special! 004 Jumbo ^ 1 Roii mm Always Fresh! t, Finest Produce, at Safeway! ' < -***^— / . Safeway guaranteed! Chuck Steak -l. 69* Rib Steaks 98* Short Ribs -. 39* Boneless Brisket99* Boneless Steak 5 1 49 New York Steak -.4" Boneless Roast 79* Pork Spareribs;-.-. -.48* Smoked Hams wrv* -» 65* Hen Turkeys . u \°£lv:"r _. 39* Armour Turkeys tsax -.59* Boneless Hamt. H .i.v:ct,^_. $ l 38 Arm Roastcxr£:tt;. u , , !t. -.79* Hamburger Steaksr...,. —.59* Cube Steaks “"•...r- sr*l Smok-Y-Links .... nr 69* Sliced Bologna v.-:.” i.r 63* Canned Ham «« J 2 98 Potato Salad or -A-Colo Slow. Lucorno. Special! —1-Lb. Carton 29* Soft Drink Mix All Stores will be CLOSED LABOR DAY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 Watermelon ["★28 to 32-Lb. Size 59<1 I * 32-Lb. Large Size 69< I L((old Melons 10< Extra) Tomatoes Bananas 24 to 27-Lb. Six*. -Each 49 Large Slicing Sis#. —Lb Golden Ripe. Everyday Low Price! 2 25' Lbs. 29< Green Onions 2<« 25< Cantaloupes..^... ^ Radishes ....2'-25< Cucumbers--z:.'- Pears cm-srx 29* Bell Peppers T ™ir- 3i«25t Grapes 29* Potatoes •r- ::, u 5$ 3s 19* white Bread ^■“'**‘2-49 Charcoal Briquets °... i“.“ 59*“iv,°' Crogmont. Auortod Flavors. Pro-Swootcnod. Safeway Big Buy! Mellorine ★ Chuck it Shoulder Naturally Aged. USDA Choice Grade Heavy Beef. -—Lb. Jeyett. Annerted Flavoro. Get plenty for the holiday! Safeway Special! Vi-Gallon Carton 4 Mr*. Wright's. -A Regular or -A Sandwich Sliced. Safeway Special! Ws/ Kraft. Salad Dressing. Wltk $1.00 er mar* pirckaM, «cfwd/ft0 clgarmtt—l. Safeway Special! Lemonade, 10* Cream Pies Scotch Treat. Regular. So refreshing! 6-oz. Big Buy! Can Bal-alr. Auortod. Soft Drinks USDA Inspected Grade “A’ 29* Fryers Highest quality available at any price! Whole. Everyday Low Price! —Lb. Cut*Up Froik or Frexcit. —Lb. Fryer Halves usda lovoeHd. —u>. Leg Quarters usda i»ip*ct*d. —Lb. Breast Quarters usda ii.s P »ct a <j. —Lb. 4-Legged Fryers usda in> P »ct*d. —Lb. Cragmaet. Asserted Flavors. Hava plenty around. Full Quart Safeway Special! Softie 10* 35ft 35ft 39ft 45ft 39* Campbell’s Soups 7 ’1 ■ Cans m* * Cream of Chicken * Chicken with Rice -A:Chicken Hoodie ArCream of Mushroom Safeway Special! 2 Zippy Pickles il~ 37* Paper Napkins a?-14* Paper Plates .s'— lv 77* X S Banquet Dinners—.=-2m strawberries Heinz Relish waar »• 31* Barbecue Sauce Pork & Beans Marshmallows Aluminum Foil Velkay Shortening Enriched Flour ipi log. Adortod. Pkg. Bol-alr. Slicod. Van Camp. Special! Fluf-Peft. Regular. Special! Kitchae Craft. Special! Big Buy! ie-oz. Bottla 25-Ft. x 12-Inch Harvest Blossom. Big Buy! B< Prices Effective fliers., Frl. and Sat., Aeg. 29. 30 and 31, We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. No Sales to Dealers. SAFEWAY ©Copyright I960, S»f«w«y Storoi, lneorpor»t»d.