The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 22, 1968, Image 1

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    Che Battalion
Number 597
Board Approves New
100-Acre SeaCampus
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Students To Have
Private Phones
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As construction continues on the new lounges in the Corps area, some soil is bound to be
Texas A&M students will be
greeted with something new in
telephone service when they re
turn to the campus this fall. A
completely new telephone system
has been installed and for the
first time students will have
phones in their rooms on campus.
All telephone numbers on the
A&M campus were changed
when the new system was made
operational Monday. The new
prefix for on-campus numbers is
S45. New telephone directories
were delivered to Bryan-College
Station telephone customers with
the new numbers listed. Those
who frequently call on-campus
numbers are urged to check the
new listings.
The 1.2 million dollar system,
called Centrex, was manufactured
and installed by Automatic Elec
tric Company, the manufacturing
subsidiary of General Telephone
and Electronics Corporation. In
stallation crews have been work
ing for the past 24 months to
have the 5,500 telephones ready
for service this fall.
The Centrex is a self contained
telephone system that operates
the same as the ones serving the
cities throughout the nation, with
some added features.
With the Centrex system, cam
pus telephone users will be able
to reach other on-campus phones
by dialing only five digits. Calls
to Bryan and College Station
numbers can be made by dialing
“9” and then the number desired.
Calls from off-campus will go
directly to the called party with
out the assistance of an operator.
Other features of the Centrex
enables users to set up conference
calls with two or more other on-
campus phones and transfer calls
without the assistance of an oper
Although the system is fully
automated there will be five oper
ators to give assistance when
needed. You may reach an on-"
campus operator by dialing 845-
Other Texas schools with sys
tems similar to A&M’s include
Texas Tech with a 6,300 phone
system and the University of
Texas with a 4,500 phone system.
San Angelo State College will
have a Centrex system in 1969.
Ceremonies inaugurating the
new Centrex telephone system
were conducted Friday afternoon
with A&M President Earl Rudder
placing the first call to L. Gray
Beck, president of General Tele
phone Company of the Southwest,
in San Angelo.
Great Issues Panel Reviews
American Campus Problems
Texas A&M students have
attacked one of the problems re
lated to unrest on American
campuses with a mode of two-
way communication.
A Great Issues panel on “Revolt
on American Campuses” itself
provided an answer to a basic
problem discerned by panelists
James P. Hannigan, dean of stu
dents; Dr. William C. Gibbons,
Political Science Department head,
and students Richard L. Engel of
Elm Grove, Wis., and Griffin L.
Venator of Dallas
An overflow^ crowd approaching
250 participated in the communi
cation process wth questions and
comments. A member of Stu
dents for a Democratic Society
joined the discussion.
“We hope to schedule several
panels such as this on major
issues during the coming school
year,” commented David Maddox
of College Station, Great Issues
chairman. “Several persons sug
gested the discussion session be
longer. Since the feedback aspect
is important, we will try to work
that out on a discretionary basis.”
“Speaking as vice president of
the Student Senate, I am very
impressed with the faculty at
tendance,” Maddox continued. The
senior management major noted
A&M Final Exams
Begin Tomorrow
Final examinations for A&M
students will begin tomorrow
at 8 a.m., Registrar H. L.
Heaton has announced.
The exams will continue at
11 a.m. and at 3 p.m.
Students will be out of
school until Sept. 13 when reg
istration begins.
Faculty and staff members
will continue on the job during
the student break. Monday,
Sept. 2, will not be a holiday,
President Earl Rudder said.
Texas A&M will develop a 100-acre marine and oceano
graphic campus on Galveston’s Pelican Island, with con
struction to begin within a year.
L. F. Peterson of Fort Worth, president of the Texas
A&M University System Board of Directors which approved
the project Tuesday, said the campus will include facilities
for A&M’s Texas Maritime Academy, Marine Laboratory
and other oceanographic installations.
Peterson said the new campus
is made possible through donation ^ on an( j $500,000 provided by the
of land by George P. Mitchell of state.
Houston, a $1 million grant from Other action in the board ses-
the Moody Foundation of Galves- s j on included:
—Approval of a record $106,-
536,327 operating budget for
1968-69, with all major divisions
of the system receiving increases
over last year.
—Authorization for Texas A&M
to seek College and University
Coordinating Board approval to
establish a College of Architec
ture and Environmental Design,
replacing its current School of
—Appoinment of a new gradu
ate dean and acting geosciences
dean at Texas A&M and a new
arts and sciences dean and associ
ate agricultural dean at Prairie
View A&M College.
—Award of three contracts
totaling $980,670 for construction
projects at Texas A&M and James
Connally Technical Institute at
—A&M’s new Galveston facility
will be designated the Mitchell
Campus in honor of the Houston
businessman’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Mike Mitchell.
Mitchell, a 1940 Texas A&M
graduate, donated 40 acres indi
vidually and 60 acres through the
Mitchell-Dobbins Land Corp., of
which he is president.
The Texas Maritime Academy
and the Marine Laboratory are
currently housed in facilities at
Galveston’s Fort Crockett. Uni
versity officials said the new
campus also will figure in long-
range plans to develop a Gulf
Coast marine resources program,
for which A&M received a
$475,000 National Science Founda
tion grant in June for first-year
Texas A&M’s operating budget
for the fiscal year beginning Sept.
1 totals $50,595,167, with $10,040,-
160 allotted to Prairie View,
$3,451,676 to Tarleton State Col
lege at Stephenville, $4,833,571
for Connally Tech and $1,186,513
fort he Texas Maritime Academy.
The Texas Agricultural Experi
ment Station received $12,984,083
and Texas Agricultural Extension
Service $10,644,448. Texas Engi
neering Experiment Station (in
cluding the Texas Transportation
Institute) was budgeted for $5,-
807,294, Texas Forest Service
$2,248,365 and the Rodent and
Predatory Animal Control Service
$523,967. Systems offices and de
partments, only category showing
a decrease, received the remain
ing $2,965,369.
Dr. George W. Kunze was
named graduate dean of Texas
(See Board Meet, Page 3)
Professor Rode’s
Last Rites Held
Norman F. Rode, professor
emeritus of electrical engineering
at Texas A&M, died Tuesday in
Seattle, Wash., friends here
Services for the professor, who
was 70, were held Wednesday
afternoon in the Cummings Fun
eral Home, Seattle.
A longtime resident of College
Station, Rode served in A&M’s
Electrical Engineering Depart
ment 40 years until his retire
ment in 1962. He and his wife
recently moved to Seattle.
The Clemson College graduate
was active in numerous technical
and professional societies and in
1957 received the Former Stu
dents Association’s faculty dis
tinguished achievement award in
Rode is survived by his wife
Marguerite; a daughter, Mrs.
Courtland L. Ashley of Seattle
and two granddaughters.
that President and Mrs. Earl
Rudder, Liberal Arts Dean Frank
Hubert and Journalism Head C. J.
Leabo were present.
Panel presentations centered on
causes of student unrest and pos
sible solutions. Dr. Gibbons’ talk
summarized the theme.
“America is a permanent revo
lution,” declared Gibbons, fellow
of the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace.
“Since the nation’s early days
Americans have revolted and are
revolting “against personal, arbi
trary authority, against custom
and traditions, against control
over many by a few. Americans
wish to assert their individuality,
which is an essential character
istic of our people,” he said.
Gibbons views the revolution as
a reinterpretation of the whole
American values system and “a
wondrous thing, to see the way
in which we are questioning insti
tutions and attempting to reshape
(See Great Issues, Page 3)
Peterson Promises Continued
Advancement In Agriculture
Corps Area Lounge Work
Continues On Schedule
Construction of six new dormi
tory lounges for the Corps of
Cadets area is proceeding on
schedule, announced Dean of
Students James P. Hannigan.
Dean Hannigan said two of the
University National Bank
“On the side of Texas A&M.
lounges in the $557,150 project
should be ready by start of the
fall semester. Two more are
scheduled for completion in Octo
ber and the final two by Christ
Each of the lounges contain
approximately 3,250 square feet
of floor space and will have sep
arate rooms for television and
other activities.
The dean also noted workers
are completing the renovation
program begun last summer in
the 12-dormitory Corps area. One
of the final phases involves in
stallation of vinyl tile to cover
cement floors.
Contract for construction of the
dormitory lounges was awarded to
Vance & Thurmond Contractors
of Bryan.
L. F. Peterson, chairman of
Texas A&M’s Board of Directors,
said Wednesday that agriculture
has almost been smothered in re
cent years by its own abundance
but that the A&M Board is vitally
concerned with the continued ad
vancement of agricultural tech
Speaking to scientists at the
annual conference of the Texas
Agricultural Experiment Station,
Peterson cited the recent choice
of Dr. H. O. Kunkel as dean of
agriculture as an example of the
board’s concern over the improve
ment of agriculture’s growth. He
also reminded the staff of the
board’s intent to develop a team
approach to Texas agricultural
problems by the creation of asso
ciate dean positions, including that
of the station director and the
Extension Service director, plus
the continued development of an
outstanding staff.
He said Texas A&M’s research
salaries have risen to the point
where among 49 states surveyed,
“our assistant professors rank
third, our associate professors
rank seventh, and professors rank
Peterson said he and the board
had several concerns which he
hoped could soon be overcome so
that agricultural development
could progress more rapidly.
First, he said there is the false,
but popular tendency to equate a
declining agricultural industry
with a declining farm population.
Along with that he suggested,
come accompanying tendencies to
equate research abilities with less
qualified and capable institutions.
Second, Peterson said there are
difficulties of funding research
adequately. He predicted that the
situation was unlikely to be re
lieved until other competing ac
tivities, such as the Vietnam war,
were solved. Hence, he said Texas
must be prepared to support re
search on its own, without federal
Peterson challenged research
ers to improve Texas’ national
standing as a producer and as a
marketer and to find ways of
improving the quality of produce.
About 400 persons gathered in
the Memorial Student Center here
Wednesday morning for the open
ing session of the annual three-
day conference.
Activities through Friday will
include talks on the latest de
velopments and scope of agricul
tural research, special subject
matter sessions and symposiums
of general interest.
The Wednesday morning meet-
Bryan Building & Loan
Association, Your Sav
ings Center, since 1919.
B B & L —Adv.
ing opened with remarks by
T. C. Byerly of Washington,
D. C., the U. S. Department of
Agriculture’s administrator of the
Cooperative State Research Serv
ice, discussed “Research for Our
“The Art of Scientific Investi
gation” was the topic of Robert
L. Causey of the University of
Texas Philosophy Department, H.
O. Kunkel, dean of the College
of Agriculture and acting director
of the Experiment Station, out
lined “The Broad Base of Agri
cultural Research.” Kunkel said
the bank of available knowledge
and appliances has never been
J. D. Todd of the A&M Range
Science Department and general
chairman of the conference, noted
State Senator Jack Hightower
addressed the conference at the
banquet Wednesday night.
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