DEAN HALL HONORED Dr, Wayne C. Hall (second from left), Texas A&M academic vice president and graduate dean who has been granted a leave of absence, was honored at a Monday afternoon cof fee in the Memorial Student Center. Dr. C. M. Watkins of A&M’s International Pro grams Office, representing some 380 contributing faculty and staff members, presented Dean and Mrs. Hall a silver punch bowl with tray and other accessories and a vacation check. Looking on is Dr. H. O. Hartley, director of the Graduate Institute of Statistics and one of the Wayne Hall Appreciation Committee organizers. Dean Hall has accepted an appointment by the National Research Council in Washington, D.C., effective Sept. 1. Right Of Way Seminar Began Wednesday A workshop - oriented sixth Right-of-Way Educational Semi nar convened Wednesday at Texas A&M. Principal efforts of the three- day seminar sponsored by the Texas Transportation Institute will be centered in highway, util ity, land evaluation and pipeline workshops. About 250 participants are ex pected, noted Dr. C. V. Wootan, seminar director and TTI official. Garth Linky, president of the American Right of Way Associa tion, will be among officials present. Presentations by Richard R. Darner of Wichita Falls, manager of Hammond Properties, and John H. Mcllhenny of San An tonio will highlight the sixth seminar presented by Region 2 of the American ROW Association. Mcllhenny, Urban Renewal Agency project administrator, will discuss how facilites for HemisFair were completed in a relatively short amount of time. Wayman B. Flynn of Fort Worth, Region 2 chairman, will preside at the opening session in the MSC ballroom. Thursday, August 8, 1968 College Station, Texas Page 7 The Church..For a Fuller Life..For You.. -Ks:. • <: A . •>* ¥1 C s :i> • # of heroes It’s pretty exhausting to have two big brothers that excel in everything! Of course, there are advantages. Like the time a bully beat me up—my brothers followed me to school for two weeks. They wouldn’t have fought him, but he didn’t know that. Every night they worked out with me. Finally, I took him on and won. My brothers are first-rate in everything—studies and athletics. There’s nothing wishy-washy about them —if they don’t think something’s right, they say so. When there was a “walk-out” at school, they squashed it, practically single-handed. Because our parents have always taken us to church and taught us God’s way, my brothers are strong-principled and good. I aim to be like them. Your church is a training ground for integrity! THE CHURCH FOR ALL . . . ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of character and good citizen ship. It is a storehouse of spiritual values. Without a strong Church, neither democ racy nor civilization can sur vive. There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regu larly and support the Church. They are: (1) For his own sake. (2) For his children’s sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and material support. Plan to go to church regularly and read your Bible daily. Copyright 1968 Keister Advertising Service, Inc., Strasburg, Vo. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Exodus Exodus Leviticus I Corinthians II Corinthians 32:22-32 33:1-20 26:3-13 14:1-12 3:7-18 Friday Saturday Timothy Hebrews 4:6-16 8:1-13 + + <512? + <222? + • .■.777,.