The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 01, 1968, Image 4
t f BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES Om 4mw U par wmrt aaak DIADLINE SPECIAL NOTICE Nona TO BIDDttS Track*, ear*, fir* fur* Hu r*. lr*~rriUn, dr*fth>» Ukla*. f***. eeairtfucaa. Uuv* *»mjr t«**. ■crew door*. *ir e—dhteaer*. fr.-in. •tw*rte teat takle*. airroc* mtmy oUmt ^ « Mi'Sto. lid fem. will to Br^ilakte eM M*J*d bids reeelaed la iW Office of the Director of PereheelM V* 4 —*», Aeharr »»»aet. Ceilaae SuUea. T ”— ^ !<•».». A avast ». 1M8 Thh propsrtjr mmy he iaeaec*^ «— •»- houra of I :*e *. a . **4 4 Uni Pridey by ceataetlac tk Inrentory Saperrieer at Ue :M p. m. Monday U* Off lee of Us Ufematloa call m-fTM.'^TW riSlTta raed to rslect aa* aad all M* aad to re aay and all teahakelltiaa. MtU faicr tiactia. dlaia a at th* Mew octal Stadeat Center. Aa a new dlala* feature. »*drJPcat a prtated bmuu. a *■«*■% •* carafally Miected and eat prepared feeds from • :M ». at. to ►- d»» «oept Saturday. Tea will bo served by yrof*..tonally trained waken " pertly at. to T:*« M4U ATTENTION I AAM Ualvenity. See year furniture and about the distinctive | !&■ N -“ tdent* of before you bur aee needs. Asb The stare of Para Ha re Coat Tatayhiai ttt- IVTtfa WORK WANTED STUDMNTIt SERVICES UNLIMITED . la ready to kelp yea with your typiny. ■seeeewraphlnv. copy work, and priatlap Jr*T "* u " work por you. Ifff 8. Col lea*. Bryan. Teaaa. »Mt4 Would like baby-aHtlay. In aiy hosn*. snack*. Cal] Fenced yard, hot meal* *M after »:M mu Typiny in my horn* T yean eeeretarial eaperteace. reasonable rates, fast aad *c- carate typist. Work yua ran teed. Call »4A- tlM after S > . IMtS Trpiny, Thesis aad Dissertation ex- erieaca. Call Mt-MM. IMtfa NOW OPEN t T -HIT-EM GOLF DRIVING RANGE Oa Hwy. to between ARM A Airport Workdays — «».aE. !«».«. Weekends — l p. at. - It p. at. TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED * EXCHANGED Cowplvtdly GsarmRtMd LOWEST PRIOR* HAMILL’S TRANSMISSION !U ■ Bryaa —Rryna— an-ttT* HOME Jk CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES Jk SERVICE KEN’S RADIO ft TV SOS W. nth a SS2-SS19 POR SALE Tiah Pkueitli deety* ctnehst >idten»i. Vita faU alas ked. Cal] Mt-ttlt after I P m. I1M. Alee. Early Aataricaa pole »»». Uttl Rtfrlyenter Available Aay avuet tu. tat-trri Mi family sale. Mt Inlow acre Friday, all ly eale. Mt Doywood Tarn nt » from Hen eel Park, t-t p. at. day Saturday aad Baaday. M4M Near Slynatura Air eeadHloatr. It,MO B.T.U. Sell for MM. WO-K Heaso! Apart- moau. C. 8. Ua foidlay •t, aeas chair*. o'/TEwtHc biayn aeparata Cash or easy teraea. Burba A. Haryrwee tdt-MtT. Mltfa •) Hair. 41t By awaer. three bedroom Ity heU. brick 1 Leer* Lane. C.S. Central iwat aad air. Paneled Dea aad KHehea. Two block, from ~'ea»eatary school. Lerye let. May eaktlay t% Hwa. Mt-MTI. tlttfn FOR RENT Preat bedtnom. tdt-tMt. Lane, corner Brooks Lanen nu. •t |U. Call SM- BMtfn VICTORIAN APARTMENTS N Id way hetaeea Bryaa A AAM Ualvenity STUDENTS I I Need A Hams 1 A t Bedroom Per. A Uafur. Peal and Private Canrtynrd I MONTHS LEASE nt-Mt| Ml Lake SC Apt. 1 SOSOLIKS TV Jk RADIO SERVICE Zdnitli - Color Jk RAW . TV AH Makoo BJkW TV Rypslra 711 S. MAIN 822-1N1 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: Goorgt Webb FsnBvrs Iiuuranre Groap tMt S. CaBeye tSt-Mtl GM Loweet Priced Cars I49.79 per bio. With Noraial Down Pay Real OPEL KADEfT Sclkttrom Pontiac • Buick mt Tens Ave. ast-UM MU A Parker tSS-IMT WE RENT TYPEWRITERS Electric, Manual, A Porta bio OTIS MCDONALD’S 4M S. Mala — Phone nt-ltta Bryaa. Tens •TMMumo aiacTMoMica aoaad -T-‘r A«rp«* Roberta nsUr Soar Scott Paaaaook Upo Rocka Hanooo-Kardoo MS Sooth Mala, Bryaa sa-isw ENGINEERING ft OFFICE SUPPLY CORP. REPRODUCTION A MEDIA — ARCH. A ENGR. SUPPLIES SURVEYING SUPPLIES A EQUIPMENT — OF FICE SUPPLIES • MULTILITH SERVICE A SUPPLIES 4M West 25tk St. Pk. 82S-A9S9 Bryaa. Texas Trinity Gardens Duplex Apartments * • Two Bod room. 1H Bath • Export Yard Main to nancy a Formal Urine and Dining Rooms • All Electric Built-in G. E. Kitchens • Cu *tom Drapes and Carpets A Carrier Central Hooting and Air Conditioning • Largo Privately Fenced Backyards • Wash er-Dryer Connection in Garage • One Block from New Elemen tary School • Attached Garage • Children and Pete Welcome. for information call: 849-1988 Trinity Place — Lawyer Street College Station AGGIES- INTERESTED IN A PART-TIME JOB? Immediate Opening For AIR CONDITIONING SERVICEMAN Part time during school year, full time in summer. Some experience, good character necessary. L. . / j CENTRAL TEXAS AIR CONDITIONING CO. 427 DeOwood i Bryan, Texas Contact: Mr. R. H. Roberts 823-0945 OFFICIAL NOTICE OffWWl aatiam may* airiaa M tha OCfts* of Stedaet Puhhratlaa* b*farv daadlla* of > th. day pracoadlay ^uS^UoT MtathjjjttW* of Studant PukllaatiMm. Mltfa _ , V*« oRaduatr coixrcb Ptaal Raamla*tk.n for tha Doctoral Dmrraa ifamo: Coulter, CarlaUm 111 Dayraa: Dormr of Phlloouyhy tu Ctvfl Ka rl Morlay DliilMaHut A Systems Analyst, of tha Camo of Rayiauars Aaproaeb to Dasiye _oad Coustraatloe Tima: Auyuat I. IMS ai 10:M *. m. Pteaai Comtoromoo R -m. TTt BWy. Way a* c. Hall Doan of Oradaote Stadim rilS ORADUATR COLLBCR Ptaal Sramlaatlo* for tho Doctor*I Dayras Nome: Wood. La Vara C bn rim gcyrCCi Pb.D. la Edusatioa nimottaiKwi: Aa Invmtlyatlon of tha Role ^,tha Vial tiny Taorhcr la tha Public School# of Tunas. Tima: Auyast » IMd at I :M p. m. Placa: Room US, Atadwrc Hidy. Waya* C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies THR CRADUATB COLLBCR Ptaal Raamlaatlou for th* DuMoral Dwraa Nam* Millar, Rohyrt Euy*n* I>mrv* Pb.D. la Oc4eecmphy D4m»rtaUoa: OaaahemMul Sledlm af Rim Oryuala MwHmarHIonlte la Syuthstie Moo Water aad Praak Water Syatems. Tk^j Auyast It. IMS at t :M p. m. Vlaoci Roma B-U. Mol Sri. Add. Ooory W. Raaa Daaa of Graduate Stadim _ ' TWI GRADUATE COIXRGR Vlaal Rnmlaotlau far the Doctoral Dwrca Nam*: Pteraa. Lawraam Jack Owy*«: Ph-D. hi Poultry Sclracn (Phya- _ loioyy p Dissnrtation t of ■ lUtloui A Study of th* th* Glyeoym Bute, ■ »W aad Strom la th* Da Blood Clamo* —— — — riammtl* Fowl. _. Auyuat I. 1PU at Mte *. m. P«te» Room Ml. Ayrlrultaiu Hite. O*ory* W. Kun** Doon of Graduate Studio* / THE CRADUATB COU-BGR Plaol Examination for th* Doaterml Dnym* Noma: Wayamon. Chart** H. D«yr*ai Doctor of Pkllmcyhy In Bdamthm Diaaartatlon Th* S*lf-C*e*«*t of -^itliil Di*od*aatyy*d Biyhlh-Grod* StadmiU and It* Relation to Currtealar Arms. Thae: Auyuat S. IMS at 1 :M-!:M Flaw: Room Mt. ArckHarter* Rid* 0»*ry« W. Kaaa* Dmn af Graduate Studim HELP WANTED Wasted, two r*yinter*d P*>ri*m ae I to 11 shift at Kmpltal. Mad Ison vi II*. Tv—. mMommmw Mlary Call aollsct. DI Mlm Gloria Mr. E. G. Clark. MMfa CHILD CARE Oeptyh did Mil. Day Nurmrp, Boyvtt, Mdtfa HUMPTT DUMPTT CHILDREN CRN- ntA^Mdd. Roatb CnUayn, State I laau*.l, . Vlrylaia D. Ja R. N. WANTED Roommate waatod-famal* around tt —— °te. Call PL t-dtM. Lonyvtew. Texas. IMtfa W# bay radtoa, T.V.V watehm. AnM Up * ■—» “P Mdtfa TYPEWRITERS RenUb-Salee-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators A Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER 00. Mt S. Main 822-SOSO • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner ft Sons Jewelers North Gate 84S-5818 AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” [lade Motor Co. Ford Denier Classic Wax Cal Custom Accessories Horst Floor Shifts Enco, Conoco, Amalie ft Havoline 85c qt. Wa stock all local major brands. Where low oil prieos originate. Quantity Right* Reserved Wheel Bearings 80% Off Parts Wholesale Too Filters, OH, Air - Fuel 10,000 Parte-We Fit 96% °f AU Cara - Save 25-40% Brake Shoe* $S-19 ex. 2 Wheels — many can Auto trana. oil 26 J AC • Champion - A atoll to plugs Starters - Generators All S Volt - f 10.26 Each Moat 12 Volt — 111.96 Each Tire*—Low price every day — Just chock our pilot with any other of equal quality. Year Friedrich Dealer Jos FBulc Auto Parts 22S E. 25th Bryaa, Texas JOE FAULK TO |11 years la Bryaa ogram Provides ural Education r , ™ e bahalion 1 * g<> 4 ( station Texas Thursday, August 1, 1 f Agricultural Aduh Educa tion Specialist Program, pereolat- quietly but effktentiy, has “od specialised training for Texans hi its 10 years of , just rale as id by tho AAM Agricultural Educa tion Department show that tho system which began in 1868 with one instructor or training spe cialist has grown to tho current llj That same year, 177 course# were held throughout tho state, and a total of 1,981 persona per- ticipoted. This year, July 1,1987- June 80, A9S8, 278 courses were conducted for 6J901 participants. THE PEAK YEAR was in 1965, when 6,698 people attended 827 course* around tho state. What is tho Agricultural Adult Education Specialist Program, and what are ita purposes? Bob Jaaka of the AAM Agri- Education Department, program coordinator and one of the first ifscialiet* back in 1968, •aid the program ia a cooperative venture between AAM University and the Texas Eduustkm Agency in Austin. * It is strictly for rural adults. Coursei are organised by local high school vocational agricul tural teachers and taught by agricultural education specialists from AAM. COURSES COVER farm are welding, oxyacetylene welding, tractor maintenance, pasture im provement, beef and a wine pro duction, farm management, farm electrification and electric motors. Training, Jaaka said, is con ducted by the specialists on a short course basis and under aus pices of the public schools. J ASK A LISTED thee# objec tives of tho program: —To enable vocational agricul ture teachers to provide improved educational services for rural peo ple by making epocialised train ing available to them. —To stimulate tho formation of adult and young farmer orga nisations for year-round educa tional programs —To help vocational agricul ture teachers carry out their ro- •ponsibilitiee in adult and young fanner education. There is one supervisor in each of the 10 designated areas of vo cational agriculture in Texaa \ t L . EDUCATIONAL menagerie Media for instructing elementary graders are designed I constructed and decorated in a Texas AAM art workshop taught by Mrs. Sue Loew, Bryan Public Schools art director. P* tu * le 'S iniffe - P 00 ^!®. turkey and penguin scrutinized! by C. P. (Peck) Vass, an assistant principal, and Andrea Raymond of Pittsburg, junior education major, are rep- resentative of various art forms class members learn to use. i!« Church..For a Fuller Life.. For You.. areal VACATION 4 They had waited for this reel vacation—this long trip—for yean. But this time it was different, this time he wouldn’t be going heck to his job. - At first, retirement seemed frightening, like being shot off from the mainstream of life. He had seen too many men age beyond their yean, after their career faded. He had no wish to be on the sidelines. He and his wife could have moved to a warmer climate and just have taken it easy. He didn’t want that So, before he left home, he had a long talk with his minister. He found that there was plenty a man his ags cooJd da Financially seeun, he could afford to volun- tsir for a job. In fact, through the Church then was work ha could do that would spread to the farthest oornen of the world. Right now, he is enjoying this vacation. H* is •Taring every moment of it Because, when he gets ham* he’s gding to leed s full and useful life, that’s the way he wants it TNI CHURCH FOR AU . . . . . . AU FOR THI CHURCH TW Church la th* gras teat {actor •a aarth (or th* batMtey ol Htarao- ter and ysaS cMtemah.p It la a •locuhouaa of ipintual valuta. Without a Krony Church, natthar democracy nor eirilixatioy chi xurviv* Th»r* art four aaoaS part th* Church. Thar art: (l)For hMoWBHk* (I) For hu children'l •aka. (S) For th* ask* of hu < CwyHytettM Kamar ASoarteta* IwH*. fa*. fVMtwft V«l And junooy Isaiah 32:9-20 Monday Luke 12:13-31 Tuesday Acti 1:6-11 WednMday Thursday Friday .Joturdoy Corrithiani Colotiiont | Thenaloniom II Timothy 12:14-31 1:9-14 1:|-9 2:20-26 T<d2> t <5& t <dz»t CALENDAR OF chuech of the naearenr frlRCH SERVICES ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL •* J»teV BWuto. Bn. SM* af Compoa A**fo-Rr*. Waotoy StelMw ■ ee A.M. A I til A.M. Sunday ARM CHURCH OP CHRIST :affciaL?- c - 1 *1} i H jeeCqite* •• - L* 4 *- mm* < :15 FJL—Wsdnaadar • Blbfo Stn UNtVRHSmr LUTHERAN CHRISTIAN SCIRNCB SOCIKTY t:M A.M.—Sunday School 11 :M A.M.—Sunday Swrite ll^M A M -* P.M -Tate. Randtay Rat. ST. MART'S CATHOLIC Suaday M**m 7 :I0. »:M aad 11 :M FAITH CHURCH UNITED CHURCH OP CHRIST • :1» A.M.—Sunday School lt:M A.M.— Morning W..r*h,p , 7:M P.M.-Bvanln* Sarvte, Tiee-»:M P.M.—W*d.. RhkHb* • te P.M —Wad. Rvoatay Worship • :*• AM—Sunday School l«:4l AM Morniay Wotehfo • PM—Traialny Union 1-MM FM—Svtelay Worship • •• PM-Chotr Practtoo A T SECOND BAPTIST TM EteihonH • tM AJ MM 43 assies. UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP m OU Risk way I. Santh dtetlate Uatfl UtoSaytotebte •Stn. Ctr. COLLBCB HBIGHT8 ASSEMBLY OP COD >:4d A.M.—Sunday School 11 :Se A.M-—Marnin* Worship ?ss^BevSr“" i AAM METHODIST ,*rtori' * M A.M.—Mornlar Worship \ * * *»•+* School P fW*d.» I M - Worahip l: *e e IM P.M.—MYP Mostlay* r nr*, < 7U ) w r - J Jf BU8 OP LATTER DAT SAINn tSU Bast aad Coalter. Bryaa ■ootiay heel * •t Moatlny OUR SAVIOUR'S LUTHERAN liM R Midi A.M. Tto Church .< • tte AJL—BM* OooaoTro^AU riRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH H«tetetead A Bute • :4S Lr— CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCR aste Ukarlta t>M AM. Mia A.Mr- • M P.M -Toath TM F.M.—Bvaaiay Worship GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH UN R. CaAaya A**.. Bryan Aa ladtetedtet Bihfo Church tlM A.M.—Sunday School IIM A-M-MteUliy Worship TM P.M.—EVanin* Worship JJiffitr Juntrmt ^JJomo BRYAN, TEXAS 502 West 26th St PHONE TA 2-1572 Campus and Circle Theatres College Station**' College Station’s Own Banking Service University National Bank noiTth GATE Sure Sign of Flavor t Smro Sigm of Flavor , SANITARY Farm Dairies Central Texas Hardware Co. BRYAN • HARDWARE • CHINA WARE • CRYSTAL • GIFTS ICE CREAM AND MILK The , Exchange Store ’Serving Texas Aggies” bb&l BRYAN BUILDING LOAN ASSOCIATION